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Just for fun...10 random facts about you?

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1. I'm madly in love with Colin Firth.

2. I don't wear antiperspirant, just deodorant.

3. I could scrapbook for days on end without getting tired of it.

4. I speak French with almost no accent at all. French people are amazed that I learned French as an adult.

5. I would like to spend my life traveling.

6. I never thought I'd be the motherly type, but I love being a mother more than anything on the planet.

7. I think about the Harry Potter world more than I think is normal for someone my age.

8. I'm extremely crabby when I don't get enough sleep.

9. I wish I did more to help other people.

10. I'm already trying to figure out a way to get out of being a Cub Scout leader for next year. I just don't want to do it anymore.

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1. I was always horrible in gym class, until the very last unit of the very last year of gym: archery. Turns out I'm really good at archery.


2. I'm a cheap date. Take me to some yard sales and I'm a happy camper. I don't even need to buy anything.


3. My mother is very funny. As a kid, I used to wish I was funny, too. Now that I'm 38, I just realized that I'm funny like she was--it just took me awhile to grow into it.


4. Before Flylady, I rarely cleaned the house. For example, I dusted about twice a year. Now, my house isn't spotless, but it's presentable and clean.


5. I love roller coasters. I can't WAIT for my kids to both be tall enough to ride them with me.


6. I love tomatoes. My personal best was 12 tomatoes eaten in one sitting on the way home from Harper's Ferry when I was about 14 years old.


7. My newest challenge for myself personally is to be more open and vulnerable with people IRL. I tend to hide my true feelings behind humor (see #3). It's hard to have close, loving relationships with friends if you hide your true self.


8. One of the best things I ever did for myself was to get Lasik surgery. I was blind as a bat before and worried that if we ever had an apocalypse, what would I do if my glasses broke? Now I don't have to worry.


9. I love 50's rock, but don't tell people IRL because I would be embarrassed. But I'm thinking I need to tell people IRL because of #7.


10. I don't know why but every time I see a picture of Pierce Brosnan, I get all weak-kneed. I can't pinpoint why. He's the only actor that does that to me.

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1) When I was born, I was the only white baby in the nursery, and I had red hair.


2) Most of my Netflix queue is documentaries or old movies (as in, pre-1960's).


3) To Kill a Mockingbird is my favorite book of all time. I even like the movie.


4) I never wanted a daughter until I had one. Now I can't imagine not having her.


5) If I had the money, I'd move to Chicago and live in a high-rise condo on Lake Michigan.


6) My dream vacation is a Mediterranean cruise.


7) I think when my dd is grown and on her own, I want to teach adults to read.


8) I love cats.


9) I have 10 Words With Friends games going at one time, and 6 Scrabble games.


10) My favorite color is aqua. I wear it almost every day.

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I have absolutely loved reading these!! You are all so interesting. Me, well, ...


1. I've gone to the same church for 25 1/2 years.


2. I've been married 25 years (6/21).


3. I've lived in the same house for 20 years.


4. When I was in 5th grade I played the part of Brigitta in a high school production of The Sound of Music.


5. I was a semi-finalist in a singing contest sponsored by Kentucky Fried Chicken in Washington, D.C. I was one of only a few white contestants at my particular semi-final and a friend who had come to watch me overheard the lady in front him remark to the lady next to her, "For a white girl, she sure can sing.":lol:


6. I played the flute in my high school marching band but became a varsity cheerleader because it was uncool for band members to yell at football games:glare: and I LOVE to yell at football games.


7. I totaled my first car by falling asleep at the wheel on my way home from college for the weekend.


8. I used to write a monthly column for a local freebie newspaper.


9. I forget to eat and have to be reminded to make lunch and dinner.


10. My father has lived in Hawaii since 1970 and the last time I visited him was in 1979 because I cannot stand to be in an airplane that long.

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1. I'd love to live overseas for 6 months and travel around the world


2. I resemble Mrs. Weasley in many ways and I think I could manage some pretty good howlers


3. I hate the beaver teeth on American Girl dolls


4. When it comes to major projects (homeschooling) or family trips, I'm an obsessive planner


5. Jane Austin is not my favorite author


6. I generally can't listen to pop music, but I really enjoy Burlap to Cashmere and Nickel Creek


7. I love the mushroom swiss burgers from McDonalds


8. I can't get green beans to grow in my garden


9. I went downhill skiing once - never again. absolutely terrifying


10. My oldest daughter has such a wonderful way with people that I sometimes wonder if she was switched with my "real" baby at the hospital. I can't figure out how she came from dh and I - two of the most socially awkward people you'll ever meet.

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1) I am a spy in the employ of an international agency.

2) I once won a silver medal in gymnastics.

3) I speak Russian, Mandarin Chinese, Cantonese, Arabic, and Esperanto.

4) I am 6'8" tall.

5) I like to ride a unicycle and once rode one on wires in a circus for money.

6) I was born on a pirate ship to a pirate captain and his cook.

7) I love whales. Also, ferrets.

8) In my off time from spying I design comforters for a department store brand.

9) Black olives are my favorite food.

10) None of those are true, but they're a lot more interesting than the ten things that would be.

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This has been so cool to read and get to know you all better. Here's mine:


1) I am a female Peter Pan - I don't ever want to grow up! I've always said that I'll be the grandma speeding around in a Mustang convertible!


2) I tend to be an "all or nothing" kind of person. If something has my interest then it also has my passion and devotion. I may spend hours at a time on it. If it is something I do not like to do, or I don't value as much - I'll stink at it! For example, my house (embarrassing to admit) could probably qualify for a "Clean House" episode. I'm a messy! But my homeschooling - I spend hours, for example, just to find the "perfect" curriculum.


3) I LOVE TV and movies! My favorite TV shows all seem to start with a dead body. (Hmmm...should I worry?) I like crime dramas. I love classic musicals too - like My Fair Lady. (I just made the kids watch this recently and I called it "Art Appreciation Class" :D)


4) I have 2 books that I started to write and I've never finished.


5) I have 3 kids, a very old cat, and a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. (I LOVE that breed!). We adopted my youngest dd from China.


6) I love Nakia's way of saying it - I'm also crazy in love with Jesus! All the best parts of my life come from this love.


7) I LOVE my hubby! He is soooo good to me!


8) I used to have a hard time making friends with women. I tried so hard to be what I thought I "should" be. Around 40 I started being myself and not caring what anyone thought.....weird thing is - now I have lots of women friends!


9) I LOVE to laugh.....but I'm not good at being funny. Actually, I get the most laughs when I'm not trying to be funny! I think I have a funny way of wording my more serious thoughts! :D


10) I have always loved reading. I used to walk down my highschool halls with a book to my nose and a friend to lead me so I didn't bump in to anyone.

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1. I'm a soprano, but have no place to sing.


2. I stay up way too late most nights...and feel guilty for not being more disciplined.


3. I'm a recovering clutter-bug. My childhood home could have been on Hoarders, and my blood pressure raises if my current home begins to even approach that status.


4. I am afraid of dogs. Serious phobia.


5. I'm a major VSL, just like my 8yo (If I can't visualize it, it all sounds like the teacher in the peanuts cartoons - "wah wah wah wah" - driving directions must contain a picture or I will be lost.)...I'm pretty sure I have undiagnosed ADD too, self-medicated with coffee.


6. I drink a pot of coffee daily...sometimes more.


7. I can sew fairly well, but can't follow a pattern to save my sweet little life. I cut up old unused clothes, visualize, measure and have at it...and it's all mostly wearable.:lol: I got really good at sewing cloth diapers, and was kind of sad when my youngest potty-trained b/c I had to kick the CD sewing habit or actually make money selling them.


8. I wear a polo shirt almost every day. I buy capri pants for tall people and wear them as jeans.



9.I buy my tennis shoes from the little girl section. It's cheaper, and they velcro.


10. I don't like other people knowing what I'm reading. I want the book to be in my head a long while before you go asking me questions about it...so please don't look over my shoulder.tyvm

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This thread has been so fun to read. Here's 10 things about me.


1. I have a certificate in Unit Clerical Coordinating

2. Since getting married the longest I've ever lived in the same house is 3 years 9 months (and counting as it's our current house but we'll be moving in a year)

3. I had spinal fusion surgery in 1996 and they doctor told me I'd be on bedrest after the first 4 months of my first pregnancy. I was never put on bedrest for any of my 3 pregnancies, and I was usually out mowing the lawn the day before I went into labor

4. I had a dream when I was pregnant with my first that my dog looked at me and said "Mommy you forgot to take your socks off" and a little while later I woke up and sure enough I still had my socks on.

5. The dog in #4 had to be put to sleep in Feb 2010 and I still find myself looking around for her during the day and will sometimes look at my oldest son and we'll both start sobbing because we miss her (this just happened tonight)

6. I have always hated boats but recently during our family vacation decided I'd like to get a Pontoon or small speed boat when dh retires from the Navy

7. I used to believe I'd always want to be within 20 minutes of a large city, but in the last couple of years I've decided I want to live out in the country with neighbors no closer than a mile away.

8. Despite what my dh says I truly believe that my MIL dislikes me most of her 4 daughter in laws and wishes I would just disappear.

9. I never thought my dd would like hanging out with me, she's always been a total "Daddy's Girl" but she's starting to want to hang out with me just the two of us and I love it.

10. I wish the world of Harry Potter was real even if I would only ever be a Muggle.

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1. A horse lover since age 3, I read all of Walter Farley's Black Stallion series over the course of third and fourth grade, and wanted to be a jockey when I grew up.


2. The color purple is my favorite.


3. I'm partial to medieval dress styles (like in LOTR), and wish it was fashionable to wear clothes like that.


4. My first car was a 5-speed, black '84 Mustang GT, with a t-top and silver racing stripe, tinted windows, and broken speedometer.


5. I love modern, city condos, but also really like country cottages and wood cabins.


6. I sang (alto) for 3 years in an all-women's choir in high school.


7. I really want to learn Kung Fu!


8. I'm a firstborn, married to another firstborn, and have one ds who is also a firstborn/ only child (we'd have been screwed in Pharaoh's Egypt).


9. I have AB+ blood, so I get called a lot to donate platelets.


10. I have long feet for my height (5'3" and size 9), so I attempted to actually ski bare foot once, thanks to all the joking I got growing up. It didn't end well.

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1. I am an extreme extrovert and love hanging out with people.

2. I often feel closed in while homeschooling, even though I am not.

3. I really love the West Coast and would take any opportunity to move back.

4. I have two MAs, one in TESOL and one in School Counseling and have used them both.

5. I grew up in Kenya, where my parents are missionaries.

6. I have traveled to 5 continents, only inhabitable one I haven't been to is Australia.

7. I hate humidity.

8. I wish I could adopt a girl

9. I am an only child

10. I was adopted at birth

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9. We purchased the church building that I was baptized in, my parents and paternal aunts and uncles were married in, etc. and turned it into our home after the aging church family could no longer keep it. It was built in 1898.



^ I remember the process of all that (from the old boards), and have always thought I would love to see how it turned out. I'm so glad that your family made it through all those renovations & challenges, and are happily living in the house now. :)


My contribution:

-I LOVE candy. I *like* chocolate, but just about any kind of candy suits me (no nuts, please!)

-We vacation in the mountains of NC every fall, and I'd love to live there year-round.

-I taught myself to sew, and now I'm learning to quilt.

-I love living in my jammies.

-I like all different kinds of music, but right now country music appeals to me most.

-I can't keep up with everything on these boards, but think I still spend too much time here trying. :)

-My favorite drink is Dr. Pepper.

-I only have 3 more years of homeschooling until my youngest graduates.

-Someday, I want to smoke a cigar.

-I require a lot of sleep! (Good night, y'all!)

Edited by serene
apparently, I can't count-had more than 10! =)
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1. I had 6 children before I turned 30. I always said it would happen and it did.


2. I only have one daughter, my littlest one born in April.


3. I wanted to be an archaeologist when I grew up. I still want to go to college for it, oh and accounting too.


4. I love animals.


5. I like my MIL more than my own mother. (Lots and lots more)


6. My daughter has the exact facial expressions of my MIL. We call it "grandma face".


7. I dislike Iowa. Really, truly, I do. Give me the mountains over this cornfield state anyday. And ya know, it's creepy to think that pigs outnumber people here.


8. I used to love to read. The library was my second home growing up. I walked to it everyday, starting roughly when I was 5 or 6.


9. I wanted to join the Marines. That didn't happen. It makes me sad.


10. My life is utterly boring. I blame Iowa. Seriously, pigs and corn are all that are in this state. Oh and sprinkle a bit of people around. I kinda want to move near a big city (within a half hour) so I can be close to people, lots of people. I miss people. And this makes me sound creepy. But I'm not, I swear. Just bored. Really bored. And tonight, I'm missing being close to people. We have people here, sure, but the sun goes down and the city closes up. My evil plan is to move my sister here and make her miserable with me. :tongue_smilie: I'll at least have one people all for myself.

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1. I am considered to be a "people person" but frankly I do better with one on ones, and not one person after another. It simply exhausts me!


2. Whenever I hear about tragedy, such as the famine in Africa right now, my heart longs to help these people anyway I can, but the only thing I really want to do is rescue them and take them into my own home. Not that I have the room or any money to offer, just my family's company, food to eat, and a warm place to sleep(on the floor, or heck, take my bed!)


3. I grew up loving and torturing a half tabby half siamese cat that my mom named Kutsir (Katze in German) from the time I was 3 until she finally passed away when I was 21, and by that time we called her "Krusty."


4. I love meeting new people and inviting them to do things with us like Six Flags and waterparks, stuff that maybe they dont get to do that often.


5. A year ago today, I would have never imagined that I would be home schooling my three children. Now I wonder why I didnt think of it sooner. (Or why my husband didnt think of it sooner, since it was his idea:)


6. My dad has never been to Florida and I'm trying to break him of his 25 plus years of working two jobs, at least for a few weeks to go enjoy himself (with us of course).


7. My parents divorced when I was 19 after 20 years of marriage, and its still hard sometimes. And it has been 10 years already!


8. I love spicy foods so much that my mom swears that I dont have tastebuds. She came over the other day and looked in the fridge at my spicy mustard, jalapenos, buffulo wing sauce, spicy chicken sausage, and spicy red pepper hummus, and asked me what I plan on feeding the kids, if anything.


9. I have been going to college for the past 3 years and am only 12 credits from graduating with my 2 yr degree, and now that my husband is going back to school, and I am home schooling, it looks as though my schooling might have to take the back burner for awhile. :(


10. I love kids, especially babies. But I've learned that those babies all get bigger one day, so I try to refrain from wanting more :) I just borrow other people's and then give them back...

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i'm addicted to diet coke. has to be cold over ice.

i love anything personalized.

i like writing thank you notes.

i enjoy decorating, looking at houses and houseplans.

i hate clutter.

i prefer chicken over steak.

i would enjoy having a few farm animals like chickens , goats and sheep.

i wanted to have a daughter, but after having my 2 boys, i am quite content.

i sure do love my husband!!

i don't like getting old!

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1. lived in Venezuela when I was age 5 and 6

2. was stranded in Cuba (on our way back from Venezuela) with mom and brother age 4 (I was 6) during the Castro revolution and finally were able to leave for the U.S. Yes, I am that old lol


3. met Ringo Starr in a bar in Hollywood (he and his friends were at the table next to me and my friends and we all started talking)


4. worked in movies in my 20's and knew Harrison Ford before he was famous

5. went down the Amazon River in a dug out log

6. ran away from home at age 16 and hitched across the state of Texas

7. had 4 stepfathers

8. as an adult have always made sure that I lived less than 2 or 3 miles from a library

9. had several infertility surgeries , now have 2 adopted children

10 have 8 cats

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1. My thumbs don't match. They're not the same shape or size.


2. I'm the youngest of 4 daughters.


3. I don't like milk.


4. No one has ever used my legal first name. Except the day I was married and then people were like, "Huh? Who'd they say he was marrying!"


5. I love taking naps.


6. My fav. color is green


7. When I grow up I want to be just like my mom. She's so cool!


8. I love to read historical fiction and watch historical fiction movies.


9. I'm deathly afraid of mice.


10. I love traveling.

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-If I don't eat beans (Mexican) at least every other day I start to feel mental.

-I like to buy as many things as I can 2nd hand (especially if it's vintage).

-I'm from a family of Montessori teachers.

-I worked in a bead shop off and on for.. sheesh I don't know, 15 years.

-I'm madly, passionately in love with my husband.

-My girls and I play a game where we turn the radio dial to one side and dance to one song from each station all the way across the dial.

-I love to do bulletin boards in my classroom, and I often wonder if any other homeschoolers do them too.

-When I was in jr. high I cheated on a test naming the bones in the body, in high school I cheated on a language arts test. It has never stopped bothering me.

-I'm addicted to disaster flix.

-I buried my placentas in our yard (our old house).

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1. I think helicopters are really cool & flying in them is fun.


2. My mom & sister have always accused me of having 'dog' hearing (meaning I hear too well). I do dislike noise as most things sound too loud to me. (I still contend that's part of the reason that music lessons -- piano & clarinet -- were torture to me as a kid. :tongue_smilie:) I prefer silence to music.


3. I've been on a couple of (snow) ski trips as an adult & *love* it. I'm still terrible at skiing, but I totally love getting out there & trying.


4. I love surrealist books & art.


5. I love seeing movies in the movie theater. I don't like tv or even watching dvds on a tv. (So, if I don't see a movie in the theater, it's likely that I'll never see it.)


6. Dh has taught me that chocolate is a staple food & is even an acceptable sandwich filling. :lol: (When I first knew him, I thought the idea of a chocolate sandwich was gross. :tongue_smilie: I'm reformed now.)


7. I would love to travel the world.


8. I wish I could speak many languages.


9. I'm a cat person.


10. I always play as Toad on Mario Kart.

Edited by Stacia
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1. My favorite part of having a baby is the subsequent hospital stay. It's like the best and most deserved vacation in the world.


2. I used to imagine that I would have 2 or 3 children. I have 5. (Still can't figure out how that happened...)


3. I love to run. It's amazing stress relief for me.


4. I married my husband after only knowing him for 4 months. We've been married for 12 years.


5. I've had the same best friend since I was 6 years old.


6. I've always been a bookworm, but I don't get a lot of time to read anymore. I miss it.


7. I love sushi. I mean, LOVE. I would eat it daily, if possible.


8. I have a giant German Shepherd puppy. She's smart and beautiful but it's like having a 6th child and I can't wait for her to grow up.


9. I don't like the taste of beer.


10. I am ridiculously OCD about my house. I even drive myself insane.

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Oooooo this is so cool.


1) I recently diagnosed myself as having ADD. So many things make more sense now. Trying to cope.


2) I used to be really good at psychoanalyzing people. I just knew what made them tick.


3) When I was in 3rd grade, my spelling teacher told us to visualize the words on a chalkboard in our head. Ever since, I was an amazing speller. Well, until computers with spell check came along and I could rely on that and not my own brain. When I was in 10th grade, my English teacher told us to imagine words written on a chalkboard in our brain and we could read the letters out back words. Ever since, I've been really good at backwords spelling. This has only come in handy while playing Cranium.


4) I have an irrational fear of going down stairs. I am always afraid of falling and always hold on to the rail.


5) My (not so) secret celebrity crush is Nathan Fillion, the guy who played Captain Malcolm Reynolds in Firefly and Rick Castle in...wait for it, Castle.


6) I sometimes think I am hilarious. This is usually only with people who "get" my humor or when I'm online or after 11 pm. Although, sometimes after 11, I turn into a major witch....I mean, not nice person (sorry Audrey ;). See, there I go being funny again, but only to myself and Audrey if she remembers)


7) I don't know what I want to be when I grow up. At various times I've wanted to be a nurse, a photographer, a makeup artist, a pastry chef, a middle school history teacher, a movie director, a writer, an audiobook reader, an artist, a clothing designer. The only problem is I'm not very good at anything and I haven't found something I love enough to put in all the work to be good at it.


8) DH and I spend WAAAAY too much time analyzing movies and TV shows.


9) I hate my father and haven't talked to him since the day Digby was born.


10) I met DH was I was 18 and was madly in love with him. He didn't like me like that, but to his credit, still stayed my friend. He was the nicest person I had ever known and still to this day wonder how I got such a nice and patient person to love me. Sure he drives me bonkers sometimes, but he's always nice.


11) (this was supposed to be my #10, but I forgot and put another and when I remembered, didn't think I should go back and change it). I talk a lot. Obviously. And I often write like I talk, so my writings on here often don't make sense.


Oooo I forgot

12) I've wanted to learn how to drive a stick shift since I was about 9. Still haven't learned. :-(

Edited by meggie
because I think people care more about knowing these silly thinkgs of mine than they really do
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1) I LOVE going out after dark and playing a game we as a family made up that combines tag, hide and seek and dodge ball. I am a kid when it comes to having fun!!! Dh is like an old man when it comes to having fun :lol:


2) Dh and I got married 2 days after dd13 was born when I was 17 (I am 30 and have been married 13 years :D)


3) When I was a teenager- I was that kid you did NOT want your kids near. If my kids had a friend like I was when I was a teenager, I would IMMEDIATELY end that friendship. People that know me now and know about my past don't believe it. VERY few people know about my past and NOBODY from my past is in my life now except family.


4) Dh says I have people radar- I can tell when something is not right almost immediately


5) We have lizards (a bearded dragon, a double crested green basilisk, 2 water dragons and we had a 3ft iguana til he died. He was MEAN and tried whipping us with his tail every time we fed him- he was our only mean lizard)


6) My 2 all time favorite types of food is Mexican and Chinese. I could live on those for the rest of my life and be VERY happy!


7) I strive to raise my kids the exact opposite of how I was raised


8) For some reason I love movies/books about mysterious illness epidemics (real or fictional)


9) I have the best inlaws in the world!!! I am so blessed to have them! (mother in law, father in law, sister in law, aunt in law, brother in law (sister in laws husband so he is a double inlaw :lol:)- everybody!!) My goal is to be that mother in law- so that my son/daughter in laws will be able to honestly say that about me.


10) I worried (and still do) about having a good relationship with my daughters and being the mom they deserve because of how poor my relationship was with my mother (she had many addictions when I was a child/teenager and she acted like she hated me- she is recovering now and has been for about 6 years- I would not let her around my kids until she completed rehab it was that bad)

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1. At one point in my life, I was an accomplished bareback horseback rider.


2. I cannot knit or crochet.


3. I must have the sheet and the comforter lined up just so in order to sleep well.


4. I eat gluten free by choice.


5. My youngest child was born with bilateral clubfoot.


6. I alway polish my toenails. ALWAYS.


7. I can tie a cherry stem in a knot in my mouth.


8. One of my life goals was to attend an Oprah Winfrey show...and now it is too late!


9. I really love being a Texan.:D


10. I am a huge closet curser. I will only curse around people with whom I feel completely accepted. I don't care if it is "wrong". I have given up a lot of things to live a decent life and cursing is not one of them.;)

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What a fun thread! I've really enjoyed reading these... :)




1) German was my first language (born in U.S. but my mom and I moved to Germany, her homeland, when I was 4 months old). I've always wanted to teach our kids but we haven't had much success with that so far.


2) I love karaoke. :D If I was younger (MUCH younger!) I'd probably try out for American Idol.


3) I've always been fascinated by psychology, but I majored in business in college because I thought I'd be more employable (both my B.S. and Master's are in business). Now I'm contemplating going back for that psychology degree when the kids are older.


4) As an intermediate step to the psychology degree in #3, I completed training and certification to become a Life Coach last year and started up a part-time coaching practice.


5) Up until 3 years ago, I was convinced that I would never be a stay-at-home mom. Just didn't think I was cut out for it. Homeschooling was completely out of the question. Funny how your child's needs can turn your life upside down. ;)


6) I enjoy most types of music (my only major dislikes are super-twangy country and really hardcore metal).


7) I'm very much into politics and enjoy a good political debate with others who are very passionate about their views (whether they agree with me or not). Political debate doesn't translate as well on internet forums though, so I've decided to stay out of political threads on this board. ;)


8) I flunked my first driver's test by hitting a parked car in the DMV parking lot while trying to park at the end of the test. Despite that, I still turned to the instructor and said "Did I pass?" :D


9) I love to read and usually have 2-3 books going at one time (exclusively non-fiction).


10) My favorite place to be is at an ocean beach (the sound of waves soothes me like nothing else). The northern Oregon coast is my favorite so far, but there are still many beaches I hope to explore. :)

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1. I'm a UU (feels good to "out" it somewhere)


2. I "was" a writer. I had a deal for a set of works, but my computer (my mainstay for writing) got an error, even the computer shop couldn't save the documents. I never backed them up. I'm slowly getting back into writing, but simply don't have the time. I'll never re-write the book that was nearly finished, as it would open too many wounds.


3. I spend far too much time attached to this laptop.


4. I have a variety of illnesses/conditions that make it hard on me to do the things I would like to do (CFS, Anaemia, Knee problem, Migraines etc)


5. My mother-in-law stresses me to the point of no return. No matter what she says, theres always a subtle jibe. If I had to live any closer to her, I would literally be in a mental insitution.


6. I haven't had a shower for quite a number of days. Now our just back from surgery puppy is hogging the bathroom.


7. My house is a mess, literally. Tornados have nothing on my house.


8. I have a beauty spot on my right hand (crawford worthy) my parents still check it to make sure I'm "me".


9. I have stretchmarks and a bloated belly. Just adding for true honesty, ya know. :D


10. I am a trekkie. (Voyager series only).


Random enough? :tongue_smilie:

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1. I love creepy crawly things - lizards, spiders, snakes; anything but cockroaches.


2. I love, love, love to read. I can only allow myself to read non-fiction b/c when I read fiction I tend to neglect everything and everyone until the book is finished.


3. I am divorced and remarried (no, not to the same guy!)


4. I was a foster parent for 6 years.


5. I failed P.E. in middle school b/c I refused to dress in front of everyone.


6. Ice cream is my all time favorite food. I could eat it, and nothing else, for the rest of my life!


7. I have lived in 15 different homes since birth. Only 1 of them was in a different state.


8. I can't stand bell peppers. The smell of them makes me gag.


9. I used to be scared to drive. It took me over 10 years to lose that fear.


10. I started smoking when I was 13. I've been quit for over 13 years.



Wow! That was hard.

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Oooooo this is so cool.


I used to be really good at psychoanalyzing people. I just knew what made them tick.


Me too! :D


Everyone always thinks I'm psychic, I try to explain, but they never understand.


I told DH a set of events that would happen between 3 seperate people to cause one final event. He looked at me like I was crazy (I even explained in full detail what the people would say, how they would react/what they'd do and what the final conclusion would be)


And then it happened exactly as I said. Its not magic, and I don't see the future, I just can "read" people from the way they look/stand/move. I can spend 1-2 minutes with a person then know how they are going to react to almost any situation. Its pattern foresight. People always follow a designated set of parameters, so I 'spose in laymans terms, people are predictable LOL, at least to me. I have only met one person who surprises me, and I would suggest its because he has the same type of brain, so logical calculates, then steps out of the parameters LOL.


That probably made no sense, but anyway *ahem* as you were :D

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1. I am an introvert although most people would not think so and I am exhausted at the end of every day from having to be "on" all the time.


2. I've been engaged 4 times. I had major commitment issues when I was younger. I actually called off one wedding a month before it happened. But I have been happily married now for almost 15 years.


3. People tell me all the time that they are intimidated by me which is SO WEIRD to me since I am a lot more shy and thin-skinned than I appear to be.


4. I love 70's and 80's rock. Aerosmith, Van Halen, AC/DC, Motley Crue, etc.


5. I hate cherries and cherry-flavored anything.


6. I had a chance to have a "fling" with someone famous when I was 19 years old and I turned him down.


7. I am not nearly as "conservative" as some think I am and a lot more "conservative" than others think I am.


8. I am obsessed with crime shows like CSI and Bones and Criminal Minds.


9. I have a paralyzing, irrational fear of stinging insects like bees, wasps, hornets.


10. I hate it when people drink our of their soup or cereal bowls. It grosses me out and there is no rational explanation for it.

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2. I love Hot Tamales (the candies) and can eat them by the bucket load.


3. I'm tone deaf and regularly embarrass my family and myself by singing in public.


4. I don't have a degree but have earned enough credits at various universities to have paid for one 3 times over.


5. I've been an orphan since the age of 17.


6. I've spent the last 4 weeks painting the interior of our new (to us) home and have a toxic combination of Spackle, caulk and primer currently congealing underneath my finger nails.


7. For the past year or so I've been reading Science Fiction whose target audience is teen boys.


8. When I get angry I swear like a really vulgar truck driver.


9. I'm not on Facebook and don't plan to be either.


10. I'm a fairly gifted horse person but haven't ridden in several years.

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What's the title and can we find in on amazon for pre-order? You need to work the connection you've got, for goodness sake!


Don't worry about me. I'm living an authentic author's life. My first book comes out in Nov, & I've got even better ones sitting on my computer. I'm going to be wealthy, I think, & live my dream life as a recluse on a cold, stony cliff overlooking an ocean (probably the Atlantic) where tourists would never want to go. And I think I'll wear white flannel trousers when I go for my sunrise walks. And see if I can hear the mermaids.


My address will have to be unlisted, but I'll give it to you. :001_smile:

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1) I have a phobia of the Muppets. I know it sounds funny but I'm serious. Of all the Muppet's Gonzo terrifies me the most. :O


2) What was supposed to be just a Summer job turned out to be a 7 yr live-in nanny position. I never planned or wanted to be a nanny but I loved the family and became a part of it. The reason I was needed was because the Mother had cancer. After almost 4 years she died a very sad death that broke my heart - she was as close as a sister. She was at peace and she knew the Lord:) I stayed with her sweet little boy for about three more years until I got married and the Father remarried soon after. That time remains to be one of my largest blessings and sorrows.


3) Going from small private school into public completely on my own had a sad but now funny start for me. I was so terrified of eating alone at lunch that I ate in the bathroom...for a week.


4)The scariest thing in Germany was the gynecologist chairs. I think they may have scarred me for life.


5) My second phobia is cave/camelback crickets - horrors!!! They look like giant mutant shrimp with legs and like to hang upside down in the basement

like bats. Thankfully I haven't seen any since we moved here.


6) I would trade amazing places to live, riches, you name it, to live near my

sisters instead.


7) I am the oldest (36) of 11 brothers and sisters (8 girls & 3 boys) and I Love it:) My Mom had 5, went through a sad divorce, met her soul mate 7 yrs

later, he had 3 children he had custody of and then they had three children

together. The youngest just turned 13 and my stepfather, who has been more

like my real Father, and my Mom are still madly in love. Between myself and

the siblings who have children wehave a group of 17, all mostly under the age

of 6, so we create a Cousin Camp for them every year on my Mom's farm. I

miss my sisters so much.


8) My parents started to realize that there were many things wrong with the school they had me in for first grade when I called up to some neighbors who

were mounting a Santa Claus on there roof, "You're all going to Hell!"


9) For my first child I wanted a homebirth in our funky bright orange loft in Colorado. With a perfect pregnancy I could not have imagined being in very

painful labor for 2 days with no rest and finally having to transfer to the

hospital on the edge of the pushing stage. My husband said those two days

were harder than a year in Iraq. :D


10) I used to pretend I was having issues with asthma during PE in junior high to get out of it. I didn't like sports but wished I were better at them without

the work. The most athletically stretching thing I have ever accomplished was taking up rowing while my husband was in Iraq. By rowing I mean crew but in

a one man boat (scull) and sometimes two man. Usually I raced for fun under

the bridges in a scull but sometimes joined in just-for-fun regattas. I was very

proud of myself. Everyone in my class had a rowers body - I was the only

hobbit. It was the only time I ever got a break from worrying about my

husband. I had to completely concentrate on rowing and it was exhilarating.

One day I will take it up again.

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1. I stay up until 3 or 4 every morning and sleep only 3 or 4 hours. Naps are a requirement but I can't break this habit.


2. I haven't slept in a bed in over 4 years since my back surgery in May of 2007


3. I never wanted to get married or have children because of my family and how I grew up. Meeting my dh changed all of that.


4. I grew up in a very large Satanic cult and then married a preachers kid---who knew?!


5. I haven't had any contact with my side of the family since the summer of 2005. Since then I have found out that the people who raised me are not my biological parents.


6. I enlisted in the Army right out of highschool and went through basic training and AIT. I was stationed in Germany when I tried to commit suicide and was given a trainee discharge. (I am embarrassed by this and wish I could change it)


7. I do not like to drink water, it makes me gag. My counselor thinks it is due to how I was abused by being made to drink tons of water and then not being allowed to go to the bathroom.


8. I have been told that I should have been a singer, but I am pretty low key about that talent cuz I don't like to be out in front of a lot of people.


9. I have very few "real" friends because other parts of me have run off people. My real friends know about my DID and actually love all parts of me. My parts will only come out with certain people and one friend will even color with a very small part of me, that makes me cry just typing that.


10. I didn't marry my husband because I loved him but I did so I could get away from my family; within a year I feel madly in love with him and it hasn't changed since. He is the most kind, gracious, loving, and caring person I know. He could have left me when he found out about my family and my DID but he said he was in it "for better or worse."

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hmmm, I have a feeling this is going to be hard.


1. I have always been the black sheep of my family.

2. I have always loved to read, and always have shelves and shelves of books waiting to be read

3. I have been engaged multiple times. I seem to have no trouble getting a guy to fall in love with me, it's keeping them after that that is a problem

4. I love to scrapbook and cross stitch but have not had time for either since my youngest was born

5. I was on the college rowing team until I got pg with #1. I plan to one day join the community rowing team as I still miss it 13 years later.

6. I have never been physically active aside from rowing, I was exempt from nearly all PE classes from grade 3 through grade 10 when I could finally stop taking PE.

7. I have had 10 pregnancies, ending in 6 miscarriages, 3 preemies and 1 just past the due date. Dr's don't know why, genetics tests revealed nothing.

8. I was involved with Girl Guides of Canada for 9 years and earned my all round cord, and my Canada cord by the time I finished up pathfinders.

9. I met my ex at the bar, partied for a couple nights with him and then he went across the country for 3 weeks. He came home on new years and I got pg. I moved in with him when I was 5.5 weeks pg. So we never dated. We went from having "fun" to living together and expecting a baby. when ds was 10 weeks old we found out we were expecting again (I was already 4.5 weeks along by then).

10. I have been single now for 10 years and SO ready to meet someone special. I am tired of being alone.

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10) I used to pretend I was having issues with asthma during PE in junior high to get out of it. I didn't like sports but wished I were better at them without

the work. The most athletically stretching thing I have ever accomplished was taking up rowing while my husband was in Iraq. By rowing I mean crew but in

a one man boat (scull) and sometimes two man. Usually I raced for fun under

the bridges in a scull but sometimes joined in just-for-fun regattas. I was very

proud of myself. Everyone in my class had a rowers body - I was the only

hobbit. It was the only time I ever got a break from worrying about my

husband. I had to completely concentrate on rowing and it was exhilarating.

One day I will take it up again.


Hey funny we had that in common. I had and still have no athletic ability but I LOVED being on my rowing team and hope to take it up again one day.

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9. I have very few "real" friends because other parts of me have run off people. My real friends know about my DID and actually love all parts of me. My parts will only come out with certain people and one friend will even color with a very small part of me, that makes me cry just typing that.




May I ask what you mean by the bolded?

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1. I was very shy as a kid and teased a lot and I hated it. So around junior high, I decided to be outgoing. And I was very involved in jr and high school and well known and my personality changed a lot. As a young adult, I worked in retail for many years and then in management and my outgoing self served me well. As I've gotten older, I revert more and more to my natural introverted self. But most people know me as an extrovert and would laugh if I tried to tell them differently.


2. My high school yearbook has a picture of me dressed as a hippy for a pep rally, with a quote of me predicting I would be the Ambassador to France in ten years. I was well known for my plans to spend the following decade in colleges, marry late, and probably never have children. Then, I met my husband in my first week away at college, we were engaged six weeks later, and married a few weeks after I finished my freshman year.

We did wait 10 years to have children though. :D Now, I don't think I am ever going to feel 'done' having babies.


3. I often feel detached from normal activities and emotions. I often think about how I should feel about something and have a hard time identifying how I really do feel. Even on very emotional and exciting days, I have a hard time being thoroughly immersed in the event. Like my wedding day. I am always analyzing how I should appear to be feeling or reacting. For this reason, the births of each of my children were VERY special to me, because the rush of emotion I felt after they were born was completely overwhelming and instinctive.


4. I am always late. ALWAYS. Unless someone else is determining the time schedule, and then I am often resentful about it. I really hate this about myself, and despise inconveniencing other people, and I read the 'tardiness threads' and feel shamed, but I've never been able to fix this.


5. I have a hard time filling out questionnaires about my personal likes. Open ended lists like this are OK. But questions like 'What is your favorite color?' are inordinately hard for me to answer. I think: Favorite color to wear? Eye color? Color of grass? The answer is different depending on what subject we're talking about. Same with questions about favorite food or vacation spot. Are we talking dessert? appetizer? meal I don't have to cook? Or favorite beach? Country? Camping spot? Generalized 'favorites' questions just don't compute for me.


6. I would much, much, MUCH rather read a book than watch TV. By far.

I have a hard time watching TV without doing something else at the same time, like folding laundry.


7. I love to bargain shop. Thrift stores thrill me, as do clearance racks. I can hardly ever bring myself to buy something at full price. It really pains me, knowing it is out there, somewhere, for less. :lol:


8. I have colored my hair red since college. My mom has red hair, two of my siblings do, and my dad has a red mustache. So my coloring totally fits a redhead, but I have naturally mousy brown hair. I always hated it, so as soon as I was on my own I started coloring it red. People are always shocked if they find out somehow that my hair is not naturally red. Like when my first baby was born and friends asked my mom if the baby's hair was red like mine. She told them my hair is not really red, I color it. They were all shocked! Mom thinks I'm nuts, because she has always hated having red hair. We're all crazy!


9. I love to scrapbook. Really, really love it. But I haven't had the time or made the time to do it consistently for several years now. I hope to change that soon.


10. I am a crunchy mama- natural birthing, extended breastfeeding, hypnobirthing, cloth diapering, selective vax'ing, bohemian skirt wearing, baby wearing mama. But I'm also pretty conservative religiously, socially and politically. So I don't really fit in with my crunchy friends, and I am a wackadoodle to my church friends.


Bonus #11. I am obviously horrible at summarizing. This was ten random paragraphs, right? :D

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So 10 things huh? Hmmmm . . .


1. My birth made the local newspaper b/c it was the first time the 'stork' came to our house. My older ds was born on Easter and older db & ds were born on Thanksgiving. I and my brother were born on a regular ole day. :D


2. In reference to #1, I am a twin.


3. Also in reference to #1, my mom had two sets and b/c a lifetime member of her local twin club.


4. In reference to #2, my twin died when we were 14.


5. I was arrested for stealing a car when I was 14.


6. I was a member of CAP as a teen and was the CAC queen. :tongue_smilie:


7. I went my first college on a music scholarship and flunked out within 6 months. [Well, Dad withdrew me before I flunked out and for that I am eternally grateful]


8. At 19, I thought my life was in a rut and so I moved across the country to be a nanny in New York.


9. I met my dh playing volleyball and we set up a net on our wedding day and took pics.


10. Since moving back to Oregon, I have gone to the dark side as in Reformed theology and am loving the freedom, intellectualism, and ale that has been involved. :D

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overheard the lady in front him remark to the lady next to her, "For a white girl, she sure can sing.":lol:



10. My father has lived in Hawaii since 1970 and the last time I visited him was in 1979 because I cannot stand to be in an airplane that long.


:lol: and

take a boat.

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1. I originally joined the WTM Forum in August 2008 and enjoyed my time here...a little too much.


2. I asked for my membership to be cancelled in October 2010 as a self-imposed punishment for not being able to resist the board's magnetic pull. Per the recent thread about giving up punishment, I'm back! :D Kidding! I e-mailed the WTM webmaster a few days ago asking if I could be reinstated. I can't. :willy_nilly: But they did say I could rejoin with my old user name, which I thought was nice...until I realized I would be a larva again. :crying: :blushing: Poor, poor me! I was a queen. A queen, I tell you! Humility is hard. :nopity:


3. After trying to give up the habit too many times to count, I give up. I'm back on the sauce. coffee


4. DH and I met on a blind date. I was accidentally rude to him (probably due to undiagnosed ADD...see below :tongue_smilie:), but he still liked me enough to see me again. Agreeing to go on that blind date was, hands-down, the best decision I've ever made.


5. I'm on my 4th deployment as an Army wife. It's getting old. Really old.


6. I'm doing a garage makeover for DH as a surprise when he comes home for R&R. I am embarrassed that it wasn't until the very last shelf that I registered the concept of finger tightening as a means of preventing cursing in later stages of assembly.


7. Unusual for an Army wife, I have lived in my current home for 6 years and we may very well be able to stay another 3, until DH retires. I have never lived in one house for this long. I get a little stir-crazy, so I rearrange the furniture a lot.


8. My favorite place in the world is Splash Mountain at Disney World. I could ride all day long in a continuous loop. It manages to be peaceful and exciting all at the same time.


9. I am secretly worried no one will remember me. But I'm even more worried that someone will think I'm a troll. I've imagined the pathetic need to ask a moderator to vouch for my e-mail and IP address. Just to be on the safe side, I will probably recommend Nurturing Inquiry once a week until I feel accepted as Alte Veste Academy. :D (Gasp! She knows how to do imbedded links with only one post. TROLL!) :tongue_smilie:


10. I have debated about hitting "Submit Reply" for quite a few minutes. But I can't help it. I just miss the forums too much. I've been reading the boards for 10 months without being able to post! Discovered that I have ADD. (Thanks for that one, folks! The day that thread ran, I ordered three books about ADD from Amazon and took several online tests in an impressive episode of hyperfocus. When they arrived, I read parts of two, then was distracted by a butterfly and moved on to the garage makeover.) Wanted to make book recommendations about a zillion times. (Do you even realize how much self-control it takes not to recommend your favorite books for (fill-in-the-blank) for the 100th time?!) Wanted to participate in the polls. Wanted to see people's pictures, especially the school rooms. Wanted the schedules that everyone says to PM for a copy to be sent.


Resistance is futile!

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1. I have an irrational fear of being upside down.

2. I type for a living (12+years) but am horrible at it.....maybe 35wpm LOL I am good at problem solving, so I am good at my job, despite my typing skills.

3. My worst subject is spelling (maybe that should be typing :D), most hated are history and writing (sorry, SWB LOL !)

4. In the past 17 years I have only had 2 different cars, both Honda Accords.

5. Dh and I have been together 22years, over half of our lives.

6. There is a major mistake I made in my life, that I regret to my core. Even thought it would radically change major parts of my life, I would change it and let the chips fall, given the chance.

7. I am artistic and can draw. I don't allow myself to do so, because I have to be an introvert to draw. I like myself better as an extrovert, thus I don't draw.

8. I am opinionated, and like other opinionated people. My favorite people are ones who will state their opinions, openly and honestly.

9. I got my flu shot today, because I was bored at work. (it is mid-August and ridiculously early, for anyone reading this at a later time)

10. I love a good hard summer storm, lighting and rain shower as much as a sunny day. I will stay up late with all the lights off to watch it storm.

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Bonus Fact: Kenny G asked me to sing Rocky Top to him so he could learn it just before he went on stage. He listened to me sing it once and then entered the stage playing it. His audience cheered. He's lucky I can sing.


1. I love the mountains.


2. I hate hot, humid summers.


3. Animals and I seem to have a connection.


4. I adore all shades of purple.


5. I dreamed of living in NYC and being on Broadway. I got married instead.


6. Books are my friends. I'm running out of room for friends.


7. When I became a mom, I discovered a whole new level of love. This was a defining moment for me in so many ways.


8. I feel like I was born a decade too late. I should really have been one of the Haight-Ashbury hippies. Except then I stop and think I was probably born when I was to save me from myself.


9. Sometimes I stop and look out at the world around me and visualize what it must have looked like in another century.


10. My grandmother is my hero.

Edited by kimmie38017
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1. There is no way that I can come up with 10 facts off the top of my head, and even if I did, I don't believe anyone could possibly be interested in me or care :lol: :tongue_smilie:




2. However, and here I'm contradicting myself, I love reading responses from others and would absolutely love to reply to each and every one. I find these posts very interesting and fun. :) I would love to have the time to go through every single post. :D


3. That's it. :D :tongue_smilie:

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1. I love Tom Jones' "The Lead and How to Swing It" cd.


2. My Call of Duty gamer tag is "MrsDiesel009" and you will find me on Xbox live early in the morning....


3. Even though I'm a vegan, I cannot resist a liverwurst sandwich.


4. I only saw my bio-dad two or three times in my life. I thought he was a long lost uncle when I was very young.


5. I was very into church until my pastor refused to marry my dh and I.


6. I've worn a pair of skinny, ripped, low-rider jeans in public.


7. I've worn my vintage (1983) purple Chuck Tyler's in public as well.


8. I like Steampunk style.


9. I've lost or broken every ring that I've owned and thus, I currently don't wear one.


10. I have been known to tell outrageous lies and stories to strangers whom I'm sure I will never meet again...

Edited by NicksMama-Zack's Mama Too
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1. I'm near-sighted and have an astigmatism, and have worn glasses since I was three. I don't ever remember a time without them.

2. I've been with my boyfriend for almost 4 years (in October)

3. My mother thought I had hearing loss, but it turned out I had selective hearing. She told me it was like bringing a broken car into the shop; the problem stops when they're put on the spot :lol:

4. Sometimes I'm glad I got this unknown illness. Without it, I was considered obese and probably would have continued gaining and while I wanted to look good, didn't care. Now, I'm 148 lbs. because I have to eat so selectively and am very happy with my body.

5. In relation to #4, I hate when it is time to eat. I fear that whatever I eat will make me feel sick or in pain and that just stresses me out more when choosing food.

6. When I was growing up, I was obsessed with babies and young children. I always watched A Baby Story, Adoption Stories, & Bringing Home Baby. Too bad I was the baby of the family so never got real-life experience.

7. In relation to #5, I wanted to own my own Adoption Agency like some of the moms on Adoption Stories but then I realized I would need a Social Work or Law degree and that is not for me.

8. I also wanted to be a Historian, Geneticist, Genetic Counselor, Occupational Therapist, and Lab Scientist. For now, I'm settled on Biotechnology and I figure I'll figure out what Master's level work I want to do by the time I graduate college. Even now, I want to change my mind but have no idea to what.

9. It's taken me 6 times to come up with 10 things about me. Since I'm using this, I only really came up with nine.

10. I wish I was born in a different time period. I would have loved to be a settler on the prairie or even an English settler in the colonies. Then I remember the sicknesses they couldn't cure and wish I was born in the future, instead. Maybe humans will be beyond their barbaric ways in the year 3000 :tongue_smilie:

Edited by BeatleMania
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1. I am the oldest of 8 children


2. I got married at 18 to my DH, he was 32


3. I have 5 children


4. both DH and I try to live a self sufficient life


5. I am studying in the evenings for a bachelor if education.


6. I referee basketball most afternoons, I hate sport, never have played and cannot even catch a ball. the things you do for your kids!


7. I have very long hair, I can almost sit on it. I wear it french braided every day.


8. I make patchwork quilts, and hand quilt them.


9. I love reading, but don't have time to read something new ( I just cannot put a new book down) so for the last few years I have limited myself to only reading books off my own shelves. I have read most of the books in my house ( and there are thousands) several times each.


10. I live in a very rural area, very close to the town I grew up in.

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1. Today, I am the parent of a teenager.

2. I will be parenting teenagers for the next 19 years and 4 months.

3. Even when I can't stand my husband, I am madly in love with him.

4. I'm also in love with the vice president of an outlaw motorcycle club, and dh is okay with that. ;)

5. I could be considered a bit of an intellectual snob. The sad part is, my bar is set fairly low. So that I can make my own cut!

6. I'm afraid of the dentist.

7. I still love both 80s hair metal and 90s grunge.

8. I want to throw up after realizing I need to figure out how to cover TEN subjects/day between my 3 oldest kids this year, and I'm regretting how hands-on I set things up for myself.

9. I try to be environmentally considerate, but my family burns through a ridiculous amount of disposable batteries, despite our two sets of rechargables.

10. I have two aspiring chefs, but I hate having kids in my kitchen!

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I'll share. :)


  1. I got married to my dh at 19, he was 31.
  2. I was 6 months pregnant with dd1 when we married in our first home together. YES we married in our house!
  3. My best friend is my younger sister.
  4. I love reality tv.
  5. I'm addicted to my laptop. I have it nearly EVERYWHERE I go in the house.
  6. I'm a blog addict. I love cooking blogs! frugal blogs! homeschooling blogs! crafting blogs!
  7. I love to write/type/talk.
  8. I never thought about my dc and staying home for school until I had children. It wasn't a dream or anything I just knew I'd want to do. It was laid upon my heart once I had children of the school-age.
  9. I would love to live in an Earth Home, underground.
  10. I enjoy being a 50's kitchen wife/mom.


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1. I got married on May 13 of this year...Friday the 13th. We both had the time off work, and we figured, why not--we got our marriage license on April Fools' Day.


2. I am a Trekkie, and now that Next Generation is available on Netflix I hardly see the light of day.


3. I have a container garden on my 10x10 porch...I live in a condo, and the HOA won't let me dig up the yard.


4. I am allergic to corn, wheat, rye, barley, oats, soy, and mushrooms. I wasn't allergic to anything until I was 30.


5. I am one of the million people who got early access to Pottermore, but I haven't received my welcome letter yet. I keep checking my email, several times a day. :w00t:


6. We have 2 dogs, Plott/Retriever mixes, and 2 cats in our little condo, as well as a Tall Bald Guy and my 16-year-old. My house will never be clean again.


7. I work in a hospital, in the psych unit. Every weekend I work with all kinds of people from all walks of life, with conditions ranging from anxiety disorders and depression to dementia, mental retardation, and schizophrenia. It's like solving a different puzzle every day, and if it's not fun some days, it's certainly never boring.


8. I love my Knifty Knitter and have been making legwarmers for the last couple of years...my classmates in grad school called them "funky" and "retro" and "so 80's!" which makes me feel my age (40) because I was a teenager of the 80's.


9. My first job was at Kids R Us, where I wore a Pound Puppy suit for the Grand Opening. It was fun except for when the kids would step on my paws and pull my tail.


10. My son got my husband and me hooked on a game called Battlefield 1943. My son says that "none of the other moms at school play that stuff" and when I mentioned playing the game during an addictions group at the hospital, a few of the 20-year-olds thought I was kidding. My "handle" is MajorMonkeytoes (after a nickname my husband has for me) because GeneralMonkeytoes had too many letters. I can often be heard shouting, "Fear the Toes!" while playing.

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