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@ ER again!

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It's official; I hate life right now.


I took him to a different hospital this time, hoping for more responsiveness.


I can tell you what is going to happen. We are going to have to separate - at least on paper. I will need to find a way for him to live in Harris County.


My lease is not up until January. With this decline - even while compliant with meds - he won't make January.


This is absurd beyond belief.

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It's official; I hate life right now.


I took him to a different hospital this time, hoping for more responsiveness.


I can tell you what is going to happen. We are going to have to separate - at least on paper. I will need to find a way for him to live in Harris County.


My lease is not up until January. With this decline - even while compliant with meds - he won't make January.


This is absurd beyond belief.



Joanne, :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


I wish I could do something. I can't except pray. But, dh and I, would like to join with you in saying @#$%^&&@#$%^&*! The absurdity is beyond imagination.



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Good gracious!!!!! I am so sorry! You know I actually considered an on paper seperation with dh and all our house stuff too. It is a horrible place to be. I have never lived in a city that makes things so difficult for you if you are middle class.

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I'm so sorry. I hope this hospital can give you some answers.


Why do you need an "paper" separation? Is it for income limits? or because he needs to be in Harris County?


Unless your job requires that you reside in the county, I'd consider breaking the lease. You are going to need proof of residency to get aid from Harris County and it isn't likely the two of you can afford two leases.


Does your Dh have a job? If so, would he qualify for aid as a single person? What impact might a legal separation have on your abilility to make medical decisions for him?


I am praying for peace and healing,



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Ok - every time I've said something about the US health care system and how it doesn't seem right that people could be refused care if they couldn't pay, I always get told "oh no, they HAVE to treat you" … if he's actually sick enough that you're saying things like "won't make it until___" doesn't that mean that they HAVE to treat him? Can they honestly say "Nope, go home and die unless you have money?" ??? That's so, so wrong.

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Ok - every time I've said something about the US health care system and how it doesn't seem right that people could be refused care if they couldn't pay, I always get told "oh no, they HAVE to treat you" … if he's actually sick enough that you're saying things like "won't make it until___" doesn't that mean that they HAVE to treat him? Can they honestly say "Nope, go home and die unless you have money?" ??? That's so, so wrong.


The ER *has* to treat you.


No one HAS to pay for meds, or regular care with a physician. Yes, people die due to lack of affordable care.


If you are doing poorly one can always go to the ER and be treated but that is the only place that HAS to treat you.

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Ok - every time I've said something about the US health care system and how it doesn't seem right that people could be refused care if they couldn't pay, I always get told "oh no, they HAVE to treat you" … if he's actually sick enough that you're saying things like "won't make it until___" doesn't that mean that they HAVE to treat him? Can they honestly say "Nope, go home and die unless you have money?" ??? That's so, so wrong.


Hospitals, through the ER, have to treat and stabilize you. In fact, that is what they are doing again). They are admitting him.


The problem is when you need specialized care for the underlying condition. We can't pay a specialist, and Liver Centers won't take us without a self pay contract.


I literally can't get him into see a specialist. He's seen 3 liver Drs @ 2 hospitals - and none of them have offered outside care or ideas.


Today's Dr. Talked a lot about transplant - but that requires medical care and the system; both of which are not accessible to us.

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If you separate, and the worse happens, will you lose his SS survivor benefits?


I agree with breaking the lease if it's because you need to move to get him the care he needs.


ETA: I just saw the other thread about the SS Disability application. Is there some sort of medical advocacy center that could help you find the care he needs/help with the follow-through on the paperwork?

Edited by Amy in NH
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Ok - every time I've said something about the US health care system and how it doesn't seem right that people could be refused care if they couldn't pay, I always get told "oh no, they HAVE to treat you" … if he's actually sick enough that you're saying things like "won't make it until___" doesn't that mean that they HAVE to treat him? Can they honestly say "Nope, go home and die unless you have money?" ??? That's so, so wrong.


Hospitals, through the ER, have to treat and stabilize you. In fact, that is what they are doing again). They are admitting him.


The problem is when you need specialized care for the underlying condition. We can't pay a specialist, and Liver Centers won't take us without a self pay contract.


I literally can't get him into see a specialist. He's seen 3 liver Drs @ 2 hospitals - and none of them have offered outside care or ideas.


Today's Dr. Talked a lot about transplant - but that requires medical care and the system; both of which are not accessible to us.


What does that *mean* … (the bolded) ?


If a person has, say, cancer and the required treatment (to save them) is chemotherapy… can the hospital refuse to treat you with that if you don't have money?


If your husband needs a transplant to live - do they not have to do it?


Don't doctors take some kind of oath to "do no harm"??



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What does that *mean* … (the bolded) ?


If a person has, say, cancer and the required treatment (to save them) is chemotherapy… can the hospital refuse to treat you with that if you don't have money?


If your husband needs a transplant to live - do they not have to do it?


Don't doctors take some kind of oath to "do no harm"??




They have to stabilize you, as in give you fluids, pain meds, or other short term treatments. They do not have to do chemo and they do not have to perform a transplant.


If you walk in with an injury they would treat it, but with long term illnesses, that's different. :(

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"First do no harm" does not mean treat everybody. It means do not DO any that will do more damage than good. The operative word is DO.


Stabilize means get the person to the point that they do not need immediate care at the moment.


ETA: Joanne, I am so sorry you and your family are going through this. You are in my prayers!

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What does that *mean* … (the bolded) ?


If a person has, say, cancer and the required treatment (to save them) is chemotherapy… can the hospital refuse to treat you with that if you don't have money?


If your husband needs a transplant to live - do they not have to do it?


Don't doctors take some kind of oath to "do no harm"??





They have to stabilize you, as in give you fluids, pain meds, or other short term treatments. They do not have to do chemo and they do not have to perform a transplant.


If you walk in with an injury they would treat it, but with long term illnesses, that's different. :(


You aren't "stable" if you're still dying. :confused:


Man, no wonder you guys need a health care overhaul down there!

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I'm so, so sorry you're having to go through this. :grouphug: I'll continue to keep you in my thoughts.


I haven't been able to get online much, and I'm not sure exactly what your insurance situation is, but could you just pick up and move to a completely different state that will give you some kind of coverage for your dh's condition? I know here in Minnesota, you can get MA or MinnesotaCare even if you make a decent amount of money, and it covers quite a bit. We've been on it for awhile now, and they've covered one hundred percent of all my dd's stuff for her genetic disorder, all my epilepsy stuff, all my dh's mental illness stuff.... And we've got some amazing medical facilities here in MN.


If you guys could move here and get some kind of help, you're welcome to stay in my tiny little apartment.

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Guest Dulcimeramy

Joanne, I hope it helps a little to know that so many of us care and are praying for miracles. I'm so sorry it has come to this for your DH and kids and you.



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What does that *mean* … (the bolded) ?


If a person has, say, cancer and the required treatment (to save them) is chemotherapy… can the hospital refuse to treat you with that if you don't have money?


If your husband needs a transplant to live - do they not have to do it?


Don't doctors take some kind of oath to "do no harm"??




Yes you can be refused chemo, radiation and even surgery for cancer. These are not considered emergency treatment as well as a host of other treatments. My mom was told if she could not pay her bill for chemo and radiation then no treatment:(. There are documented stories of many, many people not able to get needed care due to a lack of health insurance. This is reason one million and one we need medicare for all IMHO.

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Yes you can be refused chemo, radiation and even surgery for cancer. These are not considered emergency treatment as well as a host of other treatments. My mom was told if she could not pay her bill for chemo and radiation then no treatment:(. There are documented stories of many, many people not able to get needed care due to a lack of health insurance. This is reason one million and one we need medicare for all IMHO.


That's just aweful. I don't understand that. I personally know someone who is not a legal resident of the US who not only got all her chemo and radiation 100% free, but also a double mastectomy AND reconstruction. 100% on the taxpayers. I love her to pieces, but it upsets me to know that this is happening in this country and others are suffering so terribly. It's just wrong.


ETA: the situation I'm referring to is not in the past, but is a current situation that has been happening over the past 2 years.

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If you get a quickie divorce and a quickie remarriage, your marriage gives you a special enrollment right under HIPAA, and you could enroll your husband under the plan where you work immediately upon your remarriage. Of course the plan may have a pre-existing condition exclusion, but many, many plans do not any more.


I don't know what the divorce laws are in your state, but in many states, you can get a divorce in 30 days and remarry the next.



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That's just aweful. I don't understand that. I personally know someone who is not a legal resident of the US who not only got all her chemo and radiation 100% free, but also a double mastectomy AND reconstruction. 100% on the taxpayers. I love her to pieces, but it upsets me to know that this is happening in this country and others are suffering so terribly. It's just wrong.


ETA: the situation I'm referring to is not in the past, but is a current situation that has been happening over the past 2 years.


So I surmise from your post that in order to "deserve" (my word) medical care and life-saving treatments, one must:

1. be able to foot the bill for hundreds of thousands of medical bills or have great health insurance.

2. be a legal resident


Good to know.


Again, Joanne-- I"m so sorry. This just makes me so angry. So incredibly angry. And so utterly disgusted with our health care system.



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