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New bf doll causes controversy

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This article had me shaking my head. People find it "creepy" and "bizarre" that little girls imitate adult behavior with dolls. :001_huh: As if little girls don't already do this with dolls that don't make the sounds. Have they never seen a girl "feed" a doll solid food, or push it in a stroller? These (probably childless) urbanites are so sequestered and ignorant of basic human behavior.


People are weird. :rant:

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I don't know. I have nothing against breastfeeding, but I don't want any toys pointing out my little girls breasts. It's just not appropriate for that age. When she's old enough to ask what breasts are for, I'll tell her. But I don't want her whipping out a fake nursing bra in public at 7 years old.

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I don't know. I have nothing against breastfeeding, but I don't want any toys pointing out my little girls breasts. It's just not appropriate for that age. When she's old enough to ask what breasts are for, I'll tell her. But I don't want her whipping out a fake nursing bra in public at 7 years old.

:iagree:I think.

All my children, girls and boys, have used dolls to imitate nursing and I certainly don't find that 'creepy' or 'disturbing'. But why on earth would you need to buy a special doll for them? I don't care that my children are doing it, but find it strangely disturbing that somebody has invented this 'sucking doll' in order to make money essentially. Let's not pretend they've made it for the sake of altruism. It's not as if you can actually learn how to nurse a baby until you have to do it in real life.

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I didn't even bother reading the comments. *sigh*. While I did find the idea of the bib with flowers as targets a little weird, what the heck is wrong with girls wanting to do something like that? It's because we've sexualized the woman's body so much that people can't see past it :(

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Oh course the company spokesman doesn't understand the controversy, the company is in Spain. Only in the US do we offer padded bikini tops for 7 year olds and scandalize breastfeeding as lewd.


Why on earth would we want to normalize (as in standardize) bottle feeding in the role playing of young children to the exclusion of dolls that teach otherwise? (this is NOT a rant against bottle feeding. We all have the same information and make our choices based on our own needs)


I could do without the top. Not in the "fake nursing bra" way, but because I don't care for the idea of toys that only work with certain garments. (and, frankly, my hungry nurslings worked with all sort of garments. ;)


People ARE weird.

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All of my children, boys and girls, have pretended to breastfeed one of their dolls. My dd started asking about breasts when she was 2 or 3 (she's only 4 now) and we just tell her that mommies have them to feed babies.


My kids, boys and girls, did too. And they all talked about breasts, as breasts were a normal part of their daily life at that age. They don't anymore, though because they've all weaned. Shocking!

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All my children, including the boys, pretended to breastfeed dolls when they were little. usually while I was breastfeeding their younger sibling.


My son tried to nurse off his sister's Barbie dolls. :lol: I really need to find that picture and scan it in. :tongue_smilie:

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When he was 2 and 3, my DS used to nurse his Hot Wheels cars. It was really funny.


:iagree:I think.

All my children, girls and boys, have used dolls to imitate nursing and I certainly don't find that 'creepy' or 'disturbing'. But why on earth would you need to buy a special doll for them? I don't care that my children are doing it, but find it strangely disturbing that somebody has invented this 'sucking doll' in order to make money essentially.


Is it any more disturbing than the many, many baby dolls that are designed to "drink" from toy bottles? I think the idea of it "teaching" girls how to breastfeed is silly, but I don't think it's any more troubling than any of the other baby dolls out there designed to do realistic things.

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So we should continue to let little girls pretend to bottle feed without ever giving them the chance to pretend to breast feed? I'm not against bottle feeding, but why not let them also pretend to feed their babies in the natural manner? Oh, I know. Because breast aren't for feeding babies! Sheesh.

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I think it's weird because little girls don't have breasts. Let's not grow up our children long before their time. Feeding a bottle is one thing, my 2 year old can offer a real baby a bottle right now. She can not offer a real baby a breast. She's not equipped yet. When she is married and pregnant I will advocate that she breastfeed. But as a little girl, no, I don't want my child breastfeeding a suckling doll in public with flower nipples. It's just not appropriate.

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My husband said his issue with our toddler breastfeeding her dolls is that she hasn't gone through puberty yet, lol. I explained that if she is pretending she has her own child, she's probably also pretending she is old enough to breastfeed. I guess he thought little girls were pretending to babysit???

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My husband said his issue with our toddler breastfeeding her dolls is that she hasn't gone through puberty yet, lol. I explained that if she is pretending she has her own child, she's probably also pretending she is old enough to breastfeed. I guess he thought little girls were pretending to babysit???


My thought exactly. Everything we do in play is "practicing" for life as a grownup. We simply practice on a different level. My boys have various vehicles that come apart, have gear drives for the axles, etc. It would be entirely inappropriate for them to take the wheels (or any other parts) off MY car, though.


And Quinn was sorely disappointed to learn he will not have b00ks when he's a grownup. He evidently had plans for them.

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My DD breastfed a lot of stuffed animals. I think my favorite was the stuffed snake :) . I didn't get to breastfeed her (she was a preemie and had low oral tone, and by the time she was capable of nursing, she had no desire to do so. I pumped for 2 years so she could have breastmilk, though, and she had exclusively breastmilk until she was ready for solids), but she saw other mothers breastfeeding from early on.


If anything, my objection is that by having the special "nursing bra", they're making breastfeeding seem more complicated than it is. My DD favored the "push up the shirt and latch on" method that she saw so commonly used at playgroups and music class :).

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Is it any more disturbing than the many, many baby dolls that are designed to "drink" from toy bottles? I think the idea of it "teaching" girls how to breastfeed is silly, but I don't think it's any more troubling than any of the other baby dolls out there designed to do realistic things.


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My kids pretending to nurse their babies. I never thought it was a big deal. I don't think it's forcing kids to grow up, they are playing mom. Is it forcing them to grow up to have a baby doll in the first place?


I think the halter top with flower targets is a bit weird, and I don't think you need a *special* doll intended for breastfeeding.

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Both my kids (my son and daughter) nursed their babies or stuffed animals. I thought it was the sweetest thing in the world. I wouldn't have bought a specific doll for that, but I think it's fine to have a doll that represents such a beautiful thing! Breastfed kiddos are going to nurse their "babies". It's just natural. It's no different than taking those babies around in their play strollers, or feeding them in high chairs, or changing their diapers, or putting them to bed, etc.


My son was really sad to find out that he wouldn't be able to nurse his real babies someday. He was so worried they wouldn't get their milk!!!

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My kids have nursed their baby dolls... which is slightly odd, since I primarily bottle feed. ;) But, I encourage them. I'd buy the doll, if it weren't way overpriced, IMO. (I read last night it was going to be going for about $90... way too much for a doll like that for us.)


I could live without the flower tipped halter top, though. Still, not that big of a deal to me, considering some of the clothes I've seen for little girls at WalMart recently.

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I think it's weird because little girls don't have breasts. Let's not grow up our children long before their time. Feeding a bottle is one thing, my 2 year old can offer a real baby a bottle right now. She can not offer a real baby a breast. She's not equipped yet. When she is married and pregnant I will advocate that she breastfeed. But as a little girl, no, I don't want my child breastfeeding a suckling doll in public with flower nipples. It's just not appropriate.


Um, but little girls don't give birth either, but they still pretend to be the mommy. And they pretend to do the wash, and cook, and drive a car, and be a doctor, etc. They can't do any of that right now, but they pretend they can. What is different about pretending to nurse the baby? They are already playing mommy, despite not being old enough.

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I find nothing odd about a child pretending to breastfeed. All of mine did, and I find nothing wrong with a doll that is somehow themed toward that. But I think a top with fake nipples on it is a little strange.

:iagree: My girls have all nursed their dolls. The flower nipple thing seems strange, but I don't have a problem with this toy as a concept.


Breastfeeding is normal and I'm glad my girls have imitated it. I've been known to toss out bottles that come with dolls. ;)

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All my children, including the boys, pretended to breastfeed dolls when they were little. usually while I was breastfeeding their younger sibling.


Yep - my older son used an Elmo beanie baby. It was adorable.

People need to get a grip.

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I find nothing odd about a child pretending to breastfeed. All of mine did, and I find nothing wrong with a doll that is somehow themed toward that. But I think a top with fake nipples on it is a little strange.

:iagree: I just don't like battery operated mechanical toys like this in general. How about just using a regular baby doll that you can use your own imagination with? I have no problem with kids pretending to BF. My kids did.

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but find it strangely disturbing that somebody has invented this 'sucking doll' in order to make money essentially. Let's not pretend they've made it for the sake of altruism.




They don't need a sucking doll, a doll that cries, poops, wets, eats solid food, drinks from a bottle, etc.


It's just another attempt to take money from babies (and their parents.) :glare:

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They don't need a sucking doll, a doll that cries, poops, wets, eats solid food, drinks from a bottle, etc.


It's just another attempt to take money from babies (and their parents.) :glare:


Yep. I do find it weird that someone would buy a special doll for this, but I also find it exceedingly weird that people would buy a doll that poops, lol.

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My girls have never had a battery operated doll, but they have "nursed" all their baby dolls, stuffed animals, and on occasion, my oldest tried to nurse her baby sister. :lol:


My girls don't even own baby bottles. They know babies get their milk from mommies.

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I think it's weird because little girls don't have breasts. Let's not grow up our children long before their time. Feeding a bottle is one thing, my 2 year old can offer a real baby a bottle right now. She can not offer a real baby a breast. She's not equipped yet. When she is married and pregnant I will advocate that she breastfeed. But as a little girl, no, I don't want my child breastfeeding a suckling doll in public with flower nipples. It's just not appropriate.

:iagree: I find this to be more over sexualization of children.

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All of my dd's baby dolls were 'breastfed'. They were just regular old baby dolls though. Nothing gimicky. I don't see the act itself as trying to force little girls to grow up or sexualizing them. Breastfeeding isn't sexual. Little girls have been playing mommy forever, and they're certainly not old enough to be mommies. They're just in training. And I certainly hope my girls breastfeed their children.


Since their mom breastfed for over 12 years, it seemed a pretty normal activity to copy. However, I wouldn't buy that doll for them.

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Oh course the company spokesman doesn't understand the controversy, the company is in Spain. Only in the US do we offer padded bikini tops for 7 year olds and scandalize breastfeeding as lewd.


Why on earth would we want to normalize (as in standardize) bottle feeding in the role playing of young children to the exclusion of dolls that teach otherwise? (this is NOT a rant against bottle feeding. We all have the same information and make our choices based on our own needs)


I could do without the top. Not in the "fake nursing bra" way, but because I don't care for the idea of toys that only work with certain garments. (and, frankly, my hungry nurslings worked with all sort of garments. ;)


People ARE weird.


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All my boys have nursed their toys. You name it, they have nursed it: cars, stuffed animals, schleich toys, dump truck, rubber snake, etc.


Children imitate adults. It's normal. That's how they learn. Pretending to breastfeed is no different than all the other pretending kids do. It's the adults that find something wrong with it that have sexualized breastfeeding that have problems with it.


A breastfeeding doll is NOT sexualization of children. Breastfeeding is NOT sexual.

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I find this to be more over sexualization of children.


Leaving the halter top aside, how is a child breastfeeding a doll any more "sexualizing" than a child pretending that their doll is their baby? My sister and I used to pretend to be mommies to our baby dolls all the time when we were little. In fact, I think we would sometimes keep the baby dolls under our shirts for a while, and then pretend to give birth to them. It wasn't about sex, it was about role-playing adult things, like all kids do. I don't see kids playing at breastfeeding as any different. If they've been breastfed and have seen their siblings breastfed, then of course when they play mommy that's how they're going to feed their baby. I just don't see it as any different than pretending to change a baby's diaper or pretending to rock a baby doll to sleep.

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I would feel uncomfortable with this doll. Nothing against breastfeeding, of course! I breastfed all of my children, and they, in turn, breastfed all of their stuffed animals (my son breastfed his Tweety Bird). But to have a doll which specifically points to their breasts -- I just think it's weird. Maybe because I'm a modest person.

Edited by jjhat7
I needed to add the word "against" -- sorry!
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It doesn't sound like a great fit for my family, mainly because I'm in a "no more toys" phase, but I'm not horrified either.


My children pretend to nurse their dolls and stuffed animals, although my two year old thinks that you're supposed to use your belly button to get the job done. I think she will figure that one out on her own by the time she has children.

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I don't know. I have nothing against breastfeeding, but I don't want any toys pointing out my little girls breasts. It's just not appropriate for that age. When she's old enough to ask what breasts are for, I'll tell her. But I don't want her whipping out a fake nursing bra in public at 7 years old.



Really? Inappropriate to point out she has breasts? But she does have breasts.... It would be a bit like not wanting her to know she has arms until she's ten. They are a body part. Isee your point a bit... Of course, I don't whip up my shirt in public and flaunt mine around either even though I do breastfeed, so I think *that* behaviour isn't entirely appropriate in an adult or a child as I'm not a big fan of flashing people. ;)


I think it's weird because little girls don't have breasts. Let's not grow up our children long before their time. Feeding a bottle is one thing, my 2 year old can offer a real baby a bottle right now. She can not offer a real baby a breast. She's not equipped yet. It's just not appropriate.


I actually find it strange that someone would find allowing a little girl to nurse her doll "inappropriate." That's so incredibly odd to me. Little girls mimic their mama's behaviour with their dolls. This is normal and natural. My girls wear their babies, change their babies, dress their babies, why in the world would they give their babies a bottle if that's NOT how we feed our babies? Why would I advocate that method of parenting if that's not what we do in our own home? (I understand completely if you bottlefeed because then it would be proper mimic behaviour as would a stroller if you don't baby wear. But that is a good parallel actually - we don't own a baby stroller so we don't own a doll stroller. I wear my babies so all my girls have mei tais or slings or wraps. Wouldn't it be odd for me to wear my baby and then tell them NOT to wear their dolls? To push them in stroller instead?)


I think it's a cute idea, but I don't like the doll. It's too techno honestly. It's not very natural but I'm not a fan of dolls that "do" things or make noises, so it's possible I'm biased.


I wonder what the world would say if they knew that my 18 month old whipped up her shirt to nurse her little sister the last few days because she just knows that's how we respond to the baby crying?!?! It's possible I'm causing mental abuse to my daughter allowing her to put the baby sister to her chest and then telling her she's nice!?!?!? :glare::lol: GASP! Oh the horror of nurturing a baby in the way we were made.

Edited by BlsdMama
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This article had me shaking my head. People find it "creepy" and "bizarre" that little girls imitate adult behavior with dolls. :001_huh: As if little girls don't already do this with dolls that don't make the sounds. Have they never seen a girl "feed" a doll solid food, or push it in a stroller? These (probably childless) urbanites are so sequestered and ignorant of basic human behavior.


People are weird. :rant:

The controversy for me (and this doll is only new in the US -- its been sold overseas for a while) is not the breastfeeding aspect but, rather, how they implemented it


I don't want little flowers worn on my DD where they draw attention to that part of her anatomy. I have no problem if she pretends to breastfeed her dolls herself.

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Breastfeeding is not sexual and a child imitating breastfeeding is not sexual. I don't get that.


My little boys have all pretended to nurse their stuffed animals. It's not sexualization. They are pretending to feed a baby. That is all.


Saying you don't like the doll doesn't make you more modest than someone who doesn't mind the doll.

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Leaving the halter top aside, how is a child breastfeeding a doll any more "sexualizing" than a child pretending that their doll is their baby? My sister and I used to pretend to be mommies to our baby dolls all the time when we were little. In fact, I think we would sometimes keep the baby dolls under our shirts for a while, and then pretend to give birth to them.

:iagree:Is it over-sexualizing to pretend to be pregnant?

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This article had me shaking my head. People find it "creepy" and "bizarre" that little girls imitate adult behavior with dolls. :001_huh: As if little girls don't already do this with dolls that don't make the sounds. Have they never seen a girl "feed" a doll solid food, or push it in a stroller? These (probably childless) urbanites are so sequestered and ignorant of basic human behavior.


People are weird. :rant:


I think the doll sounds creepy. I have no problem with a little girl holding a doll up to her chest and pretending it's nursing. The problem I have is the simulated nipples and slupy noises. It's all too real and I'm afraid, in some troubled girls, it might lead to teen pregnancy. These girls want to be loved so badly and that's why they have babies young, having a baby doll play a part in acting out that fantasy may be just the thing needed to push that fantasy further to reality. I was still playing with baby dolls at 12.

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My kids pretending to nurse their babies. I never thought it was a big deal. I don't think it's forcing kids to grow up, they are playing mom. Is it forcing them to grow up to have a baby doll in the first place?


I think the halter top with flower targets is a bit weird, and I don't think you need a *special* doll intended for breastfeeding.


Yep. They just need their regular doll or stuffed animal. I don't think little kids pretending to breastfeed is weird, and I agree a special doll is not needed.

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Well, the world is full of dolls that cry, wet, and crawl, and no child needs one of those. They make some with binky-sucking noises, too.


Plus, think of the upgrades! Pretend lanolin jars, pretend nursing pads, LLL Barbie! :-D

Oh, a breastfeeding Barbie and a baby scale! Cool! I am drafting up the proto-types now. Imagine the sales! We can go into business together!:tongue_smilie:
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Oh, a breastfeeding Barbie and a baby scale! Cool! I am drafting up the proto-types now. Imagine the sales! We can go into business together!:tongue_smilie:


Didn't they have a pregnant Barbie that gave birth or something? People didn't like that either.

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Oh course the company spokesman doesn't understand the controversy, the company is in Spain. Only in the US do we offer padded bikini tops for 7 year olds and scandalize breastfeeding as lewd.


Why on earth would we want to normalize (as in standardize) bottle feeding in the role playing of young children to the exclusion of dolls that teach otherwise? (this is NOT a rant against bottle feeding. We all have the same information and make our choices based on our own needs)


I could do without the top. Not in the "fake nursing bra" way, but because I don't care for the idea of toys that only work with certain garments. (and, frankly, my hungry nurslings worked with all sort of garments. ;)


People ARE weird.



:iagree::iagree: Exactly.

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