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Said to the mother of 5 children by a cousin at a family reunion...

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"WHAT were you thinking?"


So sweet!! That's exactly the comment moms of many like to hear, that maybe we had a day where something was off in our brain, somewhere in one of our incoherent and babbling moments we just had another child. :glare::001_rolleyes:


BTW, her mother came up to me and said, "Five, girl? I can't believe you have five. Don't you know what causes that?" So creative!! :lol:


I wonder which of my children they think I shouldn't have had!! My aunt really didn't mean anything by it...she just sometimes says stuff she shouldn't say. I told them both that if I was younger, I would have more because I adore them so much and they're a blessing!! I don't even consider questioning the lifestyle choices of family members when they are just different from mine and not bad choices. Why is a mother of more than 3 children considered fair game? Another very precious aunt of mine was there and said, "I'm one of 6, and we had such fun growing up." :001_smile:

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I got a "Oh, you're crazy," yesterday. From a woman with 6 siblings. :001_huh:



Yes, see, that fits in with the "What were you thinking?" line. They both imply something wrong with the brain!! :lol: The next time I see a mom with several children, I'm going to tell her how blessed she is!!!

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Isn't it amazing how insensitive folks can be? We've had the same kinds of comments- we also have 5.


After you've put them in their place a few times, they'll finally get the message to NOT mess with you. That's been our experience. Try to forgive their short-sightedness and ignorance. You know better. :)


It especially irks me when CHRISTIANS pull this....don't they know their Bible?

Psalm 127- Children are a REWARD and a HERITAGE

Genesis 33:5 - Children are a GIFT

John 16:21 - Children are a JOY


Where does it say that circumstances or the number of children cancel out these promises?

Edited by JVA
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"Yes, and he's good at it." :D Shuts 'em up every time.


:lol::lol::lol: I love it!


When I had #3, my neighbor said, "I hope you're done!" As if having 3 children is horribly uncommon and surprising. He was even more obnoxious when I started showing with #4...

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I only have 3 (so far) and I get comments. Just yesterday at church someone told me, when I mentioned wanting more that I need to "enjoy" the children I havbe! The worst is from my ILs who each have double digit siblings! :001_huh: (my mil has 14, my fil has 17!)

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Five in my family would be a small army. Nobody has that many. In fact, my poor kids don't have any cousins at all.


That's a really weird comment, but it probably just slipped out without much thought beforehand.


My kids don't have any cousins, either; I'm an only and my husband's siblings aren't producing any children.


I've had perfect strangers block my way in the market to ask all sorts of inappropriate personal questions about the boys (twins in an orange jogging stroller, not the best choice for stealth) then, upon learning we have four, declare "you are DONE then!" (I started responding -after being told that by multiple people- "whew! I'll let my husband know! We couldn't tell on our own!")


I never thought four was remarkable. My parents are each one of five...

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It's terrible that in our society children are looked at as a burden instead of a blessing. I would have liked to have a dozen if I could.



:iagree: I have a friend who's got 5 kids. It is good to have someone with experience and I can't tell how many times I've asked her for advice on potty training, fussy eaters and God knows what else.

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When mine were younger I got that quite often especially when I was pregnant with the twins and 40 yrs old. Holy cow! I lost count of the people that had the nerve to say to my face something about my 'oops'. Nothing ticks me off faster than calling one of my precious children an oops. Even family members from dh's side (and there were 14 children in their family!) had comments. Go figure.


I have several friends who have at least 8+ children, and they all say this has rarely, if ever, happened to them. Maybe with that many children people are afraid to approach them?

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You can choose your friends, but you can't choose your family!


When I was pregnant with #4, we didn't tell anyone in our family ... we showed up for Thanksgiving dinner and let them figure it out for themselves -- she was born the following January ;) -- because we didn't want to deal with the comments (which had been bad enough when I had #3).


One of my cousins works for Planned Parenthood and she asked if I wanted some brochures. :glare:

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One of my friends has 7 kids and she's gotten so tired of this that we have a little schtick routine. When someone inevitably comes up to her and says something idiotic, she replies that her gene pool and her exceptional children dictate that she continue reproducing such marvelous people.


I'll look at my two and shake my head that I get how the other person feels because we're stuck with just average people and we should only have 1-2 kids because we're so average. :D


Or, she and I will pretend to be lesbians who get pregnant frequently and we have no idea where all these kids come from. Toilet seats?

We've threatened each other with sticking our tongues in each other's mouths for the full effect but I'm afraid I'll bite her lip or something when I bust out laughing.

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"WHAT were you thinking?"


So sweet!! That's exactly the comment moms of many like to hear, that maybe we had a day where something was off in our brain, somewhere in one of our incoherent and babbling moments we just had another child. :glare::001_rolleyes:


BTW, her mother came up to me and said, "Five, girl? I can't believe you have five. Don't you know what causes that?" So creative!! :lol:




I think that people who say such things are generally just joking in a tongue and cheek kind of way. Maybe a lame, overused joke, but nevertheless it's generally meant in good humor.


I got a "Oh, you're crazy," yesterday. From a woman with 6 siblings. :001_huh:


You might get the same response from me *BECAUSE* I'm the oldest of eight, LOL.


"Yes, and he's good at it." :D Shuts 'em up every time.


Hilarious! I love it. Glad that you have a sense of humor about it.

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"Yes, and he's good at it." :D Shuts 'em up every time.


We have three girls, but I absolutely LOVE this line! :lol:


When we are out with our three beautiful daughters, the line we get from complete strangers is, "Aren't you going to try for a boy? Don't you want a boy?" They say this in front of the girls, too. :glare:


(We say) No, we are delighted with our three girls, and can't imagine being happier. (Girls become very well-behaved and smiley).


(We think) And how is that your business?


Rich with Kids -- Can you think of a zinger for us? :D :bigear: I would love to have a zinger in my pocket for the really obnoxious strangers. :tongue_smilie:

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I used to run a dayhome. The little one I minded was only wks apart in age from Tazzie, and frankly, they looked like twins in the double stroller.


I went into a Tim Horton's, noticiably pg w/Princess, pushing the double stroller. A table of 3 older women started commenting very loudly, "Twins! And pregnant AGAIN!" "It must be a religious thing!" etc.


Just as we were passing by their table to leave, one said, "Well, I hope at least its not TWINS again!" I turned, gave her my sweetest, most innocent smile (the one that has Wolf running out of the room) and said, "Actually, the Dr says triplets this time!" :D


I left with the memory of coffee spraying out her nose.

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Yes, see, that fits in with the "What were you thinking?" line. They both imply something wrong with the brain!! :lol: The next time I see a mom with several children, I'm going to tell her how blessed she is!!!


I make it a point to do this. I also make it a point to pour on the delight when friends announce their 5th+ pregnancy. I know they will get a ton of horror-responses and I want to cancel it out. I was shocked by friends and family responses when I told them my sister was pregnant with her fifth. The same people who had pleasant congrats for the first three said the most bizarre things about the fifth.

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One of my friends posted this link on Facebook yesterday, and I thought of it when I was reading this post (link contains CC): Motherhood is a Calling


I have several friends with four or more children... it's never occurred to me at all to wonder why they had so many. Whenever I see my OB, she always asks if I'm really sure I'm done! (Yes... yes, I am.)

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From the viewpoint of someone with two-


When my DH and I talk about this (his sister has 6 children), and are amazed at how someone could have that many - we are not implying that the kids are a problem - the more the merrier. We are saying that we, as parents, cannot imagine being able to parent that many. Kids aren't a burden, but some of us truly may not be capable of parenting that many children well. It could also be a financial issue - many people cannot afford to raise five kids.

The assumption here (in this thread) seems to be that people who have less than 3 or 4 think kids are a burden. That really isn't the case.

So - perhaps when you hear this, come at it from the "They are in awe of your parenting skills" point of view. Don't assume the worst.

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My MIL keeps implying that we have an " obligation" to be done, as "the worst mistake I ever made was having a third. After all, you only have two arms. Therefore, you are only intended to have two kids."


My husband is her third child.

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My MIL keeps implying that we have an " obligation" to be done, as "the worst mistake I ever made was having a third. After all, you only have two arms. Therefore, you are only intended to have two kids."


My husband is her third child.


ohhh that's sweeeet. :glare: Nice one, mom.

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I make it a point to do this. I also make it a point to pour on the delight when friends announce their 5th+ pregnancy. I know they will get a ton of horror-responses and I want to cancel it out. I was shocked by friends and family responses when I told them my sister was pregnant with her fifth. The same people who had pleasant congrats for the first three said the most bizarre things about the fifth.


And this is why your friends will call YOU three months before they tell their families. :) God bless you... You probably have NO idea how much of a blessing you are to your friends.


I read the nicest response to the "hands full" comment the other day -


"You sure have your hands full."

"Yes, full of GOOD things." Smile.


I liked it. Mental note to self for future use!





"WHAT were you thinking?"


So sweet!! That's exactly the comment moms of many like to hear, that maybe we had a day where something was off in our brain, somewhere in one of our incoherent and babbling moments we just had another child. :glare::001_rolleyes:


BTW, her mother came up to me and said, "Five, girl? I can't believe you have five. Don't you know what causes that?" So creative!! :lol:


I wonder which of my children they think I shouldn't have had!! My aunt really didn't mean anything by it...she just sometimes says stuff she shouldn't say. I told them both that if I was younger, I would have more because I adore them so much and they're a blessing!! I don't even consider questioning the lifestyle choices of family members when they are just different from mine and not bad choices. Why is a mother of more than 3 children considered fair game? Another very precious aunt of mine was there and said, "I'm one of 6, and we had such fun growing up." :001_smile:


Costco, Friday:


"I hope you appreciate your oldest. I was the oldest and my mom never appreciated ME. I did a lot for her. She still doesn't."


I think she was trying to be encouraging, really I do. :confused:


I only had Rebecca, Abigail, Sarah, and Olivia with me on Friday and couldn't believe I heard "You have your hands full" about five times. They were PERFECTLY behaved. I was left confused. For goodness' sakes I had four with me??????




Yes, it's true. You've crossed that line.

You no longer have the freedom to go to any grocery store, the post office, the book store, any store of any kind really, without comments. Learn to extend grace as people say incredibly stupid things they think are amusing. And once in a great while you will come across that wonderful old lady who says, "God bless you, they are beautiful." Oh, I love them. :)


I humbly suggest you have about 4-5 more. That seems to at least render a few speechless. :D

Edited by BlsdMama
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It's terrible that in our society children are looked at as a burden instead of a blessing. I would have liked to have a dozen if I could.


I don't think it's that, so much as people having very rigid ideas about how many kids it's appropriate to have, in most cases that number being two, no more, no less.


I got a lot of rude comments when I just had my DS (who was an only until he was 6). And, I've had a couple since I've been visibly pregnant with #3. Apparently, having more or less than 2 children opens you up to all sorts of thoughtless comments about how small or large your family is.

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I have three (five with my miscarried twins), and sometimes people ask me if I am going to have more. When I tell them, "Yes!" they look at me like I'm nuts... especially when I tell them I want 5-7 children or more. It's the weirdest thing to me.


To all of you who get negative responses... just ignore them and count your blessings! Children are wonderful!

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My friend was expecting #7 and called me to tell me before ANYONE else (other than her DH) because she said I was the only person that would squeal with delight and be happy for her. :confused: Her family and church would only criticize her so she wasn't going to tell them - she'd let her tummy do the talking when she started to show. But she was dying to tell someone and share her joy with someone. Thankfully I was that person for her. (She did the same when she found out #8 was on her way... due in November!!!)


So I too make a point to give moms of many a smile and encouraging word.

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I still find my self in amazement that people think they have the right to comment on my life, especially when it's perfect strangers in a store/post office/library.


I have 3 kids, which many think is a large family. Now in most military circles (dh is in the Navy) we have a small family.


I've had a relative say to me when pregnant with my third, "Oh, you're popping out another one huh" I didn't even know how to respond.


I've had another relative say "You already had a boy and a girl, what did you need to have him for" right in front of my youngest, luckily he was only a year old so had no idea.


I really wonder why so many seem to have a disconnect between their brain and mouth. Like others have said, when they make comments like that do they actually have an idea in mind of which child I shouldn't have had.


Luckily in my dh's family it's not uncommon to have 3 or more so we really don't get comments from anyone on his side of the family.

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I just tell them there's not one I would give back. And when they say, "God bless you," snidely, I respond, "He sure did."


Yes, and when people look at our beautiful twins and say, "Oh, there's Double Trouble," I politely and calmly say, "No, there's a Double Blessing."


I try not to let that Double Trouble comment get under my skin, but I do love these children!

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My MIL keeps implying that we have an " obligation" to be done, as "the worst mistake I ever made was having a third. After all, you only have two arms. Therefore, you are only intended to have two kids."


My husband is her third child.


:grouphug: Your poor husband. Please give him a hug from the Hive. :D (Sure you won't mind, LOL).

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I also dislike when that's said in front of the children....let's encourage our children to think they are unwanted, unworthy creatures :(


I love and adore it when people attempt to give me sympathy for the fact that all 3 of my children ended up being boys. Isn't that just the greatest? In front of my boys telling me how sad it is that I have them. Lovely, just lovely.


They should all be very, very glad I'm a very peaceful person because inside I really and truly and seriously want to punch them in the face. It's only slightly less severe than that when they say it when my boys aren't around.


Can you tell I get really sick and tired of this one??


I can't imagine how annoying the "so many" comments must get to you. :001_rolleyes:

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I never have had any discourteous relatives comment about our small family of four children. (I consider us the "upper boundary" of "small.") I did, however, have lame-brained OBs throughout my fourth pregnancy. at every single visit, I was asked whether I wanted my tubes tied, even though it went straight onto the chart at the first visit that such was flatly forbidden. At the hospital, when I arrived to give birth, I was asked about having a tubal, three times. At the first post-partum check-up, the doctor made some crack about large families. . . . I never set foot in that office again.


On the other hand, when I miscarried #5, everybody was extremely loving and supportive, and shared our grief.




"WHAT were you thinking?"


So sweet!! That's exactly the comment moms of many like to hear, that maybe we had a day where something was off in our brain, somewhere in one of our incoherent and babbling moments we just had another child. :glare::001_rolleyes:


BTW, her mother came up to me and said, "Five, girl? I can't believe you have five. Don't you know what causes that?" So creative!! :lol:


I wonder which of my children they think I shouldn't have had!! My aunt really didn't mean anything by it...she just sometimes says stuff she shouldn't say. I told them both that if I was younger, I would have more because I adore them so much and they're a blessing!! I don't even consider questioning the lifestyle choices of family members when they are just different from mine and not bad choices. Why is a mother of more than 3 children considered fair game? Another very precious aunt of mine was there and said, "I'm one of 6, and we had such fun growing up." :001_smile:

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I have a boy and a girl and I found the comments on gender when they were babies to be oddly funny. (My kids were 14 month apart so once DS turned 1, they did look like twins if you were slightly stupid).


But so many people commented that I had a "million dollar family" (I guess because there was one of each gender?). It made me wonder how much TWO daughters would be worth? $375,000? Would TWO sons be worth $575,000?


I don't get why anyone makes comments about kids/families beyond, "You're kids are so cute!" ever. It's none of their businss and most people have nothing to do with the gender of their babies and well, the NUMBER of children is tied to intimately to the sex act that I just don't get why people aren't creeped out to be asking those kinds of questions more.


I'll be officially TTCing in the fall. I wonder how many people will comment about that and my age... (knocking on 40)

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my favourite comment came from a blogger I like to follow (who is IRL friends with a number of my friends but I haven't had the pleasure of meeting her IRL). When asked why she homeschools and has soooooo many kids (5) she responds, "because I can never be anywhere on time and I am sexually irresponsible." She says it shuts them up every time.

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Five in my family would be a small army. Nobody has that many. In fact, my poor kids don't have any cousins at all.




My kids don't, and will not ever, have cousins either.


From the viewpoint of someone with two-


When my DH and I talk about this (his sister has 6 children), and are amazed at how someone could have that many - we are not implying that the kids are a problem - the more the merrier. We are saying that we, as parents, cannot imagine being able to parent that many. Kids aren't a burden, but some of us truly may not be capable of parenting that many children well. It could also be a financial issue - many people cannot afford to raise five kids.

The assumption here (in this thread) seems to be that people who have less than 3 or 4 think kids are a burden. That really isn't the case.

So - perhaps when you hear this, come at it from the "They are in awe of your parenting skills" point of view. Don't assume the worst.


And let me tell you - it really is a lot of work. A lot of cooking/laundry/driving/paying for things/problem-solving/etc. Only by the grace of God do I somehow manage to give my dc what they need.

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my favourite comment came from a blogger I like to follow (who is IRL friends with a number of my friends but I haven't had the pleasure of meeting her IRL). When asked why she homeschools and has soooooo many kids (5) she responds, "because I can never be anywhere on time and I am sexually irresponsible." She says it shuts them up every time.

Love it!

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"WHAT were you thinking?"


So sweet!! That's exactly the comment moms of many like to hear, that maybe we had a day where something was off in our brain, somewhere in one of our incoherent and babbling moments we just had another child. :glare::001_rolleyes:


BTW, her mother came up to me and said, "Five, girl? I can't believe you have five. Don't you know what causes that?" So creative!! :lol:


I'm going to implant this line in my head, so I can use it if I hear such a comment to a mom like you (to the other person, in your defense): "Where have you been? There's lots of families with 5 or more kids!"


Even though I just have 2, I see nothing wrong or unusual about having 5 or more.

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I never thought four was remarkable. My parents are each one of five...

I'm one of 4, my dad is one of 2, and my mom is one of 9. Six of her siblings were adopted, but I think however you get them, a big family is great (I love having all those aunts and uncles, and quite a few cousins). My grandparents were also foster parents for 50 years, so there were always kids around, even into my early 20's.

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My mother said an older relative made a comment to her about a younger relative having so many kids (three). My mother pointed out to this relative that she (the older woman) also had three!


Sometimes you really need to just look at someone and say, "Do you realize what you just said?"

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I'm sorry that happened to you! We have one, and that's not a choice, but that's the way it is.


My cousin has 6.


Maybe the one was a little jealous????? I don't know. Were they trying to get a rise out of you? Or, is this typical speech from this person?

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When mine were younger I got that quite often especially when I was pregnant with the twins and 40 yrs old. Holy cow! I lost count of the people that had the nerve to say to my face something about my 'oops'. Nothing ticks me off faster than calling one of my precious children an oops. Even family members from dh's side (and there were 14 children in their family!) had comments. Go figure.


I have several friends who have at least 8+ children, and they all say this has rarely, if ever, happened to them. Maybe with that many children people are afraid to approach them?


You know what? That very well could be. I only get comments when I'm out with half my brood, generally the youngest 4.

Since it looks like I had 3 girls and was hanging on for a boy I get comments in that vein. "Oh you finally got your boy"

Ummmm...They've got 3 older brothers at home.


And when I'm out with 4 I love responding to the question "Are those all yours?" as if I misunderstood and say innocently "What? No this isn't ALL of them. I left half at home." That really leaves 'em :confused::confused:




But I don't get comments when we're all out. We are a force to be reckoned with especially with a handful of teen/pre-teen boys leading the pack.

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I would never say "OMG you only have 1 child!!" I just don't get why people feel the need to comment on someone else's family size at all.


When I had my fourth, several nurses on the floor came by to exclaim and state I had the biggest family they had seen in quite a while. :001_huh:

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I would never say "OMG you only have 1 child!!" I just don't get why people feel the need to comment on someone else's family size at all.


When I had my fourth, several nurses on the floor came by to exclaim and state I had the biggest family they had seen in quite a while. :001_huh:



Oh, trust me... people LOVE to comment and lecture you on that just as much. :001_rolleyes:

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