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I had my last baby at age____ and wouldn't want to have one after age____.

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I will have my last baby at age 33 and wouldn't want to have one after that.


We are 100%, completely, totally done after this one.


However, I'm the child of "older" parents - my mom was 38 and my father was 42 - and I wouldn't want to have children that late. Growing up, people always confused my parents for my grandparents. There were lots of things they couldn't do with me because of their age (or so they told me that's why). It made me REALLY sad to see my friends with their parents and know what parents COULD be like. My sister, who is 8 years older than me says that they were active with her and she had a much different childhood than mine.


As an adult, I'm the youngest of all of my friends who have children my children's ages. Most of them are "older" parents and, while I can't speak for their experience(s), I've had every one of their children tell me at various times that they wish that DH and I were their parents because we're younger and more active than their own parents.

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I'm 42, will be 43 in Oct. and I'm pregnant and due Aug. 16. After having 9 pregnancies with no complications, I now am dealing with gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, possible cholestasis, and I'm on bedrest. I'm also getting weekly progesterone shots to prevent preterm labor because my last baby was born a month early. If anything else goes wrong with this pregnancy, I think I will definitely be done. But who knows? I don't think I'd want to be pregnant after 50 though.


Susan in TX

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I had my first at 20 and my last at 35.

My last ones were twins and a suprise, i didnt think id have more kids after just having triplets 3 years before, but we're glad they're here :D


Now at 38, with an 18yod,16yod,15yos,14yod,11yos,9yod,7yos, 6 year old boy triplets, and 3 year old twin girls,We are done :D


If we didnt have so many kids, i would've probably had kids until i was about 38

Edited by Katherine A.
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I had my last kid at age 34 and I didn't want to have any other after 42. I am 48 now and we made sure we wouldn't have anymore when I was 43 and even more sure when this year - I am on medications that would cause birth defects and a pregnancy would have been extremely unwise at this point.


As I said on the other thread, I personally cringe when I see older (43 and up) pregnant women. I never say anything to anyone but having lost both parents prior to my turning 23, and knowing so many families where either the mom has a serious health issue or the baby is born with serious health issues where the mom is older, I just think it is unwise. I really, really miss having any parents when I was a grown up and tried and am keep trying not to do that to my kids.

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I am going to have #4 at 37, and this will be our last. I've been pregnant and/or nursing for 9.5 years now (and it will be 13-14 years by the time this little one weans) and that's long enough for me! But I'm pretty sure I'd feel the same way if I had started 10 years younger.

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We aren't done yet and we haven't decided when we will be done. I would not want a baby at or after 47. The idea of still having a minor dependent at 65 makes me cringe.


We did start late though so we aren't going to have 30 kids by then. I think 5 is the biological max we could end up with at this point.

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I had my last child at 29 and I'm pretty sure that we are done. The biggest factor in our being done is that I had severe postpartum anxiety after my third child was born and I do not want to relive that experience again. I also don't want to put my other children, husband or family through it again. We probably would have had 1 or 2 more children, but it is what it is!


Without any other factors at play, I think my cutoff age would have been 35.

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I had dd at age 20, which is very young. But, I would not change it. I always wanted to be a young mom and have a child under 25 at least.


I am 35 now (today is my birthday!) and would not have wanted a child after age 28. I never wanted more than one child anyways though so I was done at 20!

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I had my first at 19 an my last at 37 and wouldn't have wanted to have one after 45. The last was born 7 weeks early. After that I had two miscarriages and stopped ovulating so it was out of our hands. Enjoying the grand babies now!

Edited by Cindy in FL.
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I had my last baby at age 36 and I wouldn't want to have one after age 36. I found I was much more tired after my third.


Although I was 36 when I had my last baby, I was 40 when our last baby was born by another woman, and 41 when we brought her home to live with us. She's from China.

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I had my last at 40 and he is our last. So I guess 40. BUT, for US even 40 has felt borderline, a lot of times I find myself thinking "what were we thinking!!":tongue_smilie:I am going to be a Grandma this fall and my baby is 4. For us though it might just be the amount of children and the variety of craziness on any given day.

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I had my last at 33. Our family is probably complete biologically but not due to age. We reserve the right to change our minds :D. I used to think that I didn't want to be pg again after 35 but with my 34th birthday this week, 35 seems young. Maybe 42? I figure I'll know when I get there.

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I had my last at 33, and we decided just before my fortieth birthday that we were done.


I won't go into all the problems we had. I really wanted one more. However, it just didn't happen. I finally found peace on the issue just before I turned 40. So, 40 was the stopping age for me.

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I had my last baby at age 23 and

wouldn't want to have one after age 30.


I've always wanted to be "done" having all my kids by the time I was 30. I wanted to be a young mom with enough energy to keep up with them. However, I wasn't expecting to have my last kid before I was 25! We would like one more, but with almost dying both times, and ds#2 having to be born at 32 weeks, we're not sure if it is wise to try again. I was putting away all our baby toys and things a few weeks ago, and I was misserable at the thought that I could be "done." We're praying about it.

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I had my last at 21 and I would be willing to have another baby at any time, though I am often doubtful that I will ever have another one. If I did have another baby, I would make sure to have two more so they can be friends instead of being all alone since their sisters would be a good bit older than them. We have been thinking of maybe adopting at some point. :-)

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I had my last at 32 and I am done having children barring any surprises. I will be 40 this year and the thought of being pregnant again makes me want to drink heavily. I hated almost every second of pregnancy and could not imagine it would be any easier now that I am older.

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My plan was to have 3 by 30 and be done. But God's plans were different.


I had my first at 26 and my second at 31. After the second, we decided not to pursue fertility treatment anymore and gradually became comfortable with the fact that we were probably done. Then we found out about a relative in foster care, so we are now adopting a one year old. I just turned 40.


I would not like to be pregnant again, and I think this is the last time I'd like to go through toddlerhood. I'm not opposed to adopting an older child in a few years, though. So I guess 40 is the magic number for me.


I got my three kids after all...a decade later than I thought.

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Had my first at 30, and my last at 37. I was ready to be done at 37. I wish I had started earlier and had more children, but hindsight is 20/20!! I have friends who are still birthing babies in their 40's and sometimes I am a wee bit jealous, but it's not for me anymore. Extended breastfeeding and attachment parenting are things I would definitely want to do again if I had another child, but it is a lot of hard (albeit very enjoyable) work and I am just too tired now! :tongue_smilie:

Edited by Monkey Island Academy
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I had my last at 32 and I am done having children barring any surprises. I will be 40 this year and the thought of being pregnant again makes me want to drink heavily. I hated almost every second of pregnancy and could not imagine it would be any easier now that I am older.



Oh yes. And this part. How could I forget how much I "disliked" actually being pregnant!

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I had my last baby at age___28_ and

wouldn't want to have one after age___still want more....my belief is that God is in control of family size so if I get pregnant I will count it as a blessing no matter the age._.


Then, if you'd like, please add your experiences/thoughts on the subject.


Holly who is 38

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I had my last baby at age__46__ and

wouldn't want to have one after age__40:)__.


Then, if you'd like, please add your experiences/thoughts on the subject.


Glad I had #7&8 in my 40's.. I was in good health but I was tired alot.

Didn't plan it, but all worked out ok. My husband and I kid that we had our own grandchildren:D

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I had my last at 35. I always thought I 'd have 4, but after my last, we just felt we couldn't have another. Youngest has developmental disabilities, oldest has some very serious hidden disabilities. It's really all we can handle trying to parent these two and there's one in the middle that I desperately try to give attention to because I know it's hard to be in the middle of two who automatically get so much parenting energy.


When youngest was born, we were just learning of oldest's problems. We had no idea the road we were going to travel. Honestly, if we had known when oldest was an infant or toddler, we may have stopped right there. I'm glad we didn't.


If my parenting energy weren't completely spent I would say 38 is the latest I'd want to have a baby. I'm well past that now.

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Had my last at 45 . . . would welcome any others we were blessed with. Had my last pregnancy last year at 49, but miscarried.


When I was having babies in my 30's, and so many thought that was "so old", I assumed that how tired I felt (middle children, toddlers, pregnancies) would exponentially increase as I aged and if I had imagined having a baby at 45 I would have imagined myself uber-exhausted.


But that's kind of not how it works. I'm about as tired now as I was then :D.

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Had my two babies at 30 and 33. I certainly don't see myself as an older mother, I am the same age give or take a few years of every other woman I know with 5 & 2 year old children. When I'm done having children it will have a lot more to do with DH's age than mine (he is 8 years older).

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I had my first baby at 28, second a week before my 30th birthday. Both boys were cesareans, for different reasons, (the first was crashing after three days of labor, the second one tried to "Superman" out of the womb, arm first) ... so when the nurse said that this meant we could only have 3 children, my husband took that as his sign. He knows that it's not true, we have two friends who have each had 4 Cs, one who has had 5 and another who has had 6!


Nevertheless, it looks like #3, coming along shortly we hope, will be the last, so I'll be ... 32?



Seems like a great age to be done if I have to be done. Still I have to admit I'm hoping for twins... since I have to have the C-section anyways. ;)

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I had my 2nd child at 36, first one at 30. I had great pregnancies both times (never threw up one time!). I thought then that I wouldn't want to have been older, but I think I could have been. Probably 39-40 would have been my cut off. That has long since come and gone!

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Last of 6 at age 41. With an 8-year spread from oldest to youngest, I am done. If I weren't done, I'd consider it up until age 45, but egg quality really nosedives even before that, and at 43 it would probably be a miracle if I conceived (even though our last one was a surprise ;), so now there is contraception involved).

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I had my last at 33 and I would say early 40's would be my cut off. I love being pregnant and nursing and ideally I would like to have 2 or 3 more. I have always wanted a large family. However, my DH was done before our 2 girls and he is 7 years older than me. He has agreed to one more, eventually, when we are more secure financially.

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