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We had a home invasion last night

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My heart is still beating fast, all these hours later, to think someone was in our house as we slept.


We woke up about 5am to the dark furiously barking and dh ran downstairs to see what was going on. He found nothing suspicious (at the time) other than the back door being unlocked, so after looking around for a few minutes came back to bed. At the time we just figured we must have forgotten to lock the door, although I was puzzled b/c I'm pretty crazed about checking all the doors and windows before bed. The lock wasn't picked or broken so we think the door was either left open or that someone has one of our keys.


When we got up for church this morning my dd said her money was missing, about $60-70, out of a small jewelry box that she had sitting on the dining room table. I noticed ds's bb gun and ammo sitting accross a dining room chair, that I know wasn't there the night before, b/c it was sitting on the chair I sit at while on the computer, and I was on here last night until 1am, long after everyone else went to bed. Dh & ds said they didn't take it out this morning, so the only conclusion we could come to was that the person who broke in planned on taking it, but ran off when the dog started barking without taking it. They also got over a $100 out of my purse and about $20 out of ds's wallet, which was in the living room.


The police believe that it must be a neighborhood kid who's been in our house before, maybe an older sibling of one of the kids' friends or possibly a friend. :confused: Based on the fact that they seem to know where to look for money and the bb gun, which is not in plain sight, and that they seemed intent on taking the bb gun. They didn't touch either mine or dh's laptop, which were sitting right there and would've been easy to take.


I feel so freaked out to think that someone, even if it was someone we know, was walking around in my house while we slept. The kids are also scared and wondering if they will come back again. If it hadn't been for the dog barking and scaring them off, who knows what might have happened. Scary, and now the anger is starting to set in as well.

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:grouphug: Scary.


It happened to a cousin of mine once. She lived alone with her ds. Middle of the night, she's in her bed and hears someone in the apartment. She gets up, gets her shotgun and (loudly) gets it ready to shoot. Whoever it was left in a hurry.



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We just moved in our house a week ago and the house next door was robbed. We bought an alarm system and alarm service. We've been really happy with the service/price so far. Can you get an alarm system? They're really sophisticated these days. Ours has a remote and you can get an app on your phone to turn it on/off.

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The police believe that it must be a neighborhood kid who's been in our house before, maybe an older sibling of one of the kids' friends or possibly a friend. :confused: Based on the fact that they seem to know where to look for money and the bb gun, which is not in plain sight, and that they seemed intent on taking the bb gun. They didn't touch either mine or dh's laptop, which were sitting right there and would've been easy to take.

I wonder a little about this. Presumably if they knew the house well enough to know where things were kept, they would also have been aware that you had a dog and not surprised by it.


If the BB gun looks realistic (especially given that it was dark), they may have left it when they realized that it was just a BB gun.


Not that I'm an expert. That explanation just feels a little off to me.

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Thank you for all the prayers and hugs. We are so thankful that they only got money and that all of us are safe!


Dh now suspects they may have hidden in the basement initially and crept out after we'd gone back to bed, based on some things that we found moved around. We don't know for sure though. I think we're starting to feel a bit paranoid.


About bb gun, I initially thought that someone may have mistakenly thought the bb gun was real, but it's so much smaller than a real rifle and the fact that they were also going to take the container of bb's leads us to believe that they knew it wasn't a real gun.

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But praise God that none of you were harmed!!!




Change your locks. :grouphug: I would take the dog on a walk through of the house before bedtime too.


:iagree: It can't hurt.


My apartment was robbed years ago (prior to having children). I remember coming in from work one evening, and noticing that it was too quiet.


*I have always been technologically challenged, and couldn't set the VCR. So, I'd leave it on "record" and the tv going all day to tape "The Young and the Restless." (Don't judge me!) Disclaimer: I no longer watch. :D


Anyway, my first thought was maybe the power had surged...but nope, the tv, vcr, and nintendo were taken along with several wrapped Christmas presents from under the tree. The cost was substantial to me, because I did replace them. However, I would have loved to see the look on their faces when they finally got home and unwrapped those gifts. My friends and I have eclectic taste, so the gifts were things like the Bee Gees Greatest Hits, paisley pajamas, etc. Hmm...probably not what they were looking for.


There was a bottle of wine on my couch, that looked like they had forgotten on the way out. It made me wonder if they were in the apartment and heard my key in the lock, and dropped it in their hurry to leave. Scary.


I could tell they had been through my drawers, etc. I felt so violated and it was hard to sleep there for a few nights.


Just wanted you to know that you'll start feeling safe again, it just takes a little bit. And, I'm sure it'll be easier with a dh in the house, which I didn't have at the time. You're in my thoughts.


Oh, and of course...some virtual hugs! :grouphug:

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Oh my goodness, how terrifying. I'm glad you are all ok. My childhood home was robbed when I was a child and it took quite a long time for us all to feel comfortable in there again.


I'm anything but an expert on the criminal mind, but the fact that they didn't take the laptops does seem to suggest that it was a kid or someone who wouldn't know where/how to sell them.



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Out of curiosity, did the police dust for fingerprints?


We had a burglary long ago, a couple years after we'd gotten married. They weren't in the house for long, because our neighbor spotten them going over the fence and called the police.


The police dusted for prints and recorded the serial numbers of the items taken (several rifles, mostly of WWI vintage). Alas, they didn't recover any of the weapons. Nor did they have anything more than suspicions of who'd been in the house.


I was wondering if the police still looked for prints on crimes like this or if that was a victim of budget cuts unless the value of what was stolen was higher.

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:grouphug: How scary! My roommates and I were robbed years ago in my single days, while we were all at work. They were never caught, and the police suspected teens based on some of the stupid things they stole (wine, for example).


It's such an awful feeling of being violated. I can't even imagine how it would feel knowing I was in the house while it happened. Thankfully you are all safe. I agree with changing the locks ASAP.

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I think I'd have an inconspicuous conversation with my kids about which acquaintance had most recently been admiring the gun, or if any other kids had asked your kids' friends about it, or about where you live. If anything curious sounding comes up, I might see if I could find out if any seemingly interested party had recently acquired a new bb gun...


But that's just me... Miss Marple out of time and place. I just think it's odd, what was taken and how the thief may have gotten in.


Oh, and of course I am so glad that none of you were hurt. Many home "invasions" are confrontational, even violent.

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:iagree: It can't hurt.


My apartment was robbed years ago (prior to having children). I remember coming in from work one evening, and noticing that it was too quiet.


*I have always been technologically challenged, and couldn't set the VCR. So, I'd leave it on "record" and the tv going all day to tape "The Young and the Restless." (Don't judge me!) Disclaimer: I no longer watch. :D


Anyway, my first thought was maybe the power had surged...but nope, the tv, vcr, and nintendo were taken along with several wrapped Christmas presents from under the tree. The cost was substantial to me, because I did replace them. However, I would have loved to see the look on their faces when they finally got home and unwrapped those gifts. My friends and I have eclectic taste, so the gifts were things like the Bee Gees Greatest Hits, paisley pajamas, etc. Hmm...probably not what they were looking for.


There was a bottle of wine on my couch, that looked like they had forgotten on the way out. It made me wonder if they were in the apartment and heard my key in the lock, and dropped it in their hurry to leave. Scary.


I could tell they had been through my drawers, etc. I felt so violated and it was hard to sleep there for a few nights.


Just wanted you to know that you'll start feeling safe again, it just takes a little bit. And, I'm sure it'll be easier with a dh in the house, which I didn't have at the time. You're in my thoughts.


Oh, and of course...some virtual hugs! :grouphug:


We're getting the locks changed and probably will add a chain to the doors as an extra procaution. We're also going to add a motion sensor to light to the light on the porch.


Thanks for sharing your story and telling me we'll feel better soon. We seem to be feeling worse as the day goes on instead of better.

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Out of curiosity, did the police dust for fingerprints?


We had a burglary long ago, a couple years after we'd gotten married. They weren't in the house for long, because our neighbor spotten them going over the fence and called the police.


The police dusted for prints and recorded the serial numbers of the items taken (several rifles, mostly of WWI vintage). Alas, they didn't recover any of the weapons. Nor did they have anything more than suspicions of who'd been in the house.


I was wondering if the police still looked for prints on crimes like this or if that was a victim of budget cuts unless the value of what was stolen was higher.


The police said since we had touched the door handles and the bb gun (because we hadn't yet realized what was happening) he said there was no point in dusting for prints. I felt a bit dismissed by the policeman, and wondered if he wasn't just going through the motions. Seems like since money was all they took, and it can't be traced, that he wasn't interested in doing more than filing a report.

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I think I'd have an inconspicuous conversation with my kids about which acquaintance had most recently been admiring the gun, or if any other kids had asked your kids' friends about it, or about where you live. If anything curious sounding comes up, I might see if I could find out if any seemingly interested party had recently acquired a new bb gun...


But that's just me... Miss Marple out of time and place. I just think it's odd, what was taken and how the thief may have gotten in.


Oh, and of course I am so glad that none of you were hurt. Many home "invasions" are confrontational, even violent.


Dh went up and down the block and canvased all the neighbors, asking if anyone had been up early and saw anything. Nothing. We do have one family we're suspicious of, who are very familiar with our house and used to spend a lot of time here, but when dh went to knock on their door, they wouldn't answer, even though he said they were home.


We talked to the police again about them later today and he said that since one of the kids has had some run-ins with the truancy officer and some other issues he wouldn't give the details about, he'd try to talk to them and see if he could put a little pressure on them. Who knows though, if anything will come of it.

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How did they get past your dogs? That is what surprises me.


Sorry this happened.





My dog (a fairly friendly cockapoo) sleeps upstairs in our room. He didn't hear them come in apparently, but at some point heard them and alerted us at the top of the stairs. That's when dh jumped up and ran downstairs.

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Are you sure they didn't get in through a basement window? That's fairly common in our suburb (also in Chicago area).


Definitely take steps to make your home safer.


Yes, all the basement windows are secure. And in a old house like ours, they'd have to be really small to fit through them.

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If there is a door to the basement that leads into the house then put a lock on the basement door.


I saw a security expert on Oprah who said to do this. I have an alarm on every window/door on my house but never thought of this.


I finished watching the show and called the locksmith asap. I feel so much safer knowing if someone managed to get into my basement that they could not get into the rest of the house.

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It is scary, I know. When ds was 1 year old and sleeping with me, I woke to someone with a flashlight in my bedroom. He grabbed my wallet from next to my bed and ran to dh's room at the other end of the hallway, where he asked dh something. Dh woke up and thought it was a friend coming to take him to golf, mumbled something, and the guy just ran out of the house.

All he got was $20 from my wallet- I had taken out $100 the night before.

He had got in through an open window. I couldn't be alone in the house for weeks and was truly frightened. However, we are very careful about security ever since then.


Just take precautions- it is a wake up call- and support each other to get over the fear. Dont let them undermine the sanctity of your own home- just protect yourself a bit more.

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