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Do you have a close or best friend to open up to?

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about personal things? About cruddy days and difficult times? About marriage difficulties?


I've seen many people say their husbands are their best friends. But, what if your husband isn't your best friend? What if you and your husband barely communicate? Or, what if you need to talk about your marriage?


I remember in college, I always had several really close friends -- some more than others. We could talk about anything. Since graduating, I would have to say I have never had that sort of relationship again. I always planned to marry my best friend, but that didn't happen.


So, I'm wondering how common this is for adult females. Do you think the fact that you homeschool makes a difference?

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Yes, but it's been a little harder in the past year because she left her husband and he got primary custody of their daughter-so I hate to complain about DD knowing that she'd do anything to have the annoyance factor of living with a 6 yr old on a daily basis.

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Guest momk2000

I haven't for many years, and forget what it was even like to have a close friend that I could confide in. My husband is a great guy, but not much of a talker, and we really don't communicate nearly as much as we need to about important life issues. I do get very lonely for a close friend, but don't think hsing has anything to do with it in my case. I struggled with this years before we even thought about hsing.

Let me add, I am very shy by nature and don't make friends too easily. When I was younger, I always had just 1-2 good friends and was content with that. I really miss it though.

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Yes, I have several and I am so thankful for them. Seriously, they have kept me sane during this awful year of dealing with the loss of my son. I have two very close friends from childhood that live out of state. I talk to one of them once a week for about a 3 hour phone call. We chat while we run errands or do chores. She listens to everything I have to talk about and knows EVERYTHING there is to know about me or what is going on with me. Then I have 3 really amazing friends right here in SC. We hang out together all the time. If they see the grief getting me to a dark, dark place - one of them will pop over to hang out or suggest we go get dessert, etc. Then I have very dear friends in FL - they miss my son too. They knew him - nobody in SC or IL really knew him. They hold that part of my life together. They go to his grave on holidays, his birthday, etc. They do what I cannot do. I am so blessed with friends and very thankful. My husband is my friend too - just different. I tell him EVERYTHING, but we just share it in a different way.

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I used to have a few IRL, then I realized they weren't quite as confidential as I was. I'm still harboring a lot of ill will toward one because she turned my vents around and used them as judgments that nearly drove my family apart.


I do have one person I confide everything in at this point. She has done the same with me. I can't just call her up for coffee as she lives hundreds of miles away, but she always there if I need her via phone, e-mail, or facebook.

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Sorta. Although, I really don't vent about dh to anyone. But, I like having people to chat about mundane things to. Everyday life stuff. Or quick advice on the kids or a recipe that's flopping.


Yes. I think homeschooling has affected my female relationships.


I have recently had a sibling to talk to. However, her work schedule just changed and we have already had much less time to chat. So, I think homeschooling and their work/school schedules do make a difference.


Through the DINK years, everyone had evenings free.


Through the baby/toddler years, we did lots of playdates and daytime get togethers. During these times, I loved having a female support system.


As my friends' kids went to school, many went back to work. They are even busier than I am and our schedules are just out of sync.


Honestly.... My older dd is going to private school next year and younger is ,maybe, the year after. As far as my personal friendships go.... I'm looking forward to getting involved in school committees and finding some volunteer opportunities or a part-time job. I have cherished the time with my kids, but have found the homeschooling years to be personally isolating.

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I'm kinda like Kari, having several very close friends, some right here and some farther away, and also having a close (but different) relationship with my husband.


I feel God has always provided close friends for me, in every place we've lived--some closer than others, but always a friend or two. One way I developed those friendships was thru doing a Cursillo Reunion group format with them. I'd call it "intentional, spiritually-infused friendship building." :001_smile: I meet with two (sometimes 3) women about once a week (varies) and we share our acts of piety, our closest moment to Christ, our study, and our action. (You can google if interested.) Sharing from the heart about things of the heart is a fantastic way of experiencing closeness in friendship. It leads me to be more authentic as I'm more vulnerable, and I get to see God's hand working in someone other than just me and my little world. I highly recommend it. It's not all I do with these wonderful women, but it adds immeasurably to our friendship.

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It was hard to maintain my close friendships with my 2 closest gfs while homeschooling. I made other friends while homeschooling- lots of chats and some deep stuff- but we were never on the same wavelength about lots of things- homeschooling was what kept us all bonded mainly- and that has been fine, I still love my homeschooling women friends dearly. However now that I am no longer homeschooling I have found it easier to nurture my other friendships and it's wonderful to have them back in a more central place in my life.

Dh is probably my best friend, but we are very, very different and although I can share many things with him, there are also many things I cannot easily share with him in a way that nurtures me. I think thats what girlfriends are for.

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Yes, I talk to my sister when I need to really pour out my heart and want someone to commiserate. I have 3 other friends, from our school days, with whom I still feel that close, even though we only see each other every few years.


Locally, I have several friends through church whom I would trust with confidentiality and to give me honest, biblical, unbiased advice - even when it's advice I don't necessarily want to hear. :)

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it was hard to maintain my close friendships with my 2 closest gfs while homeschooling. I made other friends while homeschooling- lots of chats and some deep stuff- but we were never on the same wavelength about lots of things- homeschooling was what kept us all bonded mainly- and that has been fine, i still love my homeschooling women friends dearly. However now that i am no longer homeschooling i have found it easier to nurture my other friendships and it's wonderful to have them back in a more central place in my life.

Dh is probably my best friend, but we are very, very different and although i can share many things with him, there are also many things i cannot easily share with him in a way that nurtures me. I think thats what girlfriends are for.



yes! Yes! Yes!

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I am still best friends with my best friend from high school. Further, I am blessed to have a number of female friends. Sometimes friendships take cultivation which can be challenging when one has small children or is occupied by homeschooling.


What has totally surprised me are the virtual friendships that I have cultivated from this board. I have phone calls with some, write long emails to others. The common ground of homeschooling was the starting point for creating greater bonds.

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My best friend in the world is/was my sister. She has been living in Africa for the last 4 or 5 years. We still keep in touch by email 3 or 4 times a week, but it is not the same. I really miss her.


So other than her and my DH, no. Although I do have a lot of casual friends.

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Yes, I do, and I'm grateful. Not to knock women whose husbands are their best friends, but I think a woman needs another woman to talk to. There are things I just don't want to discuss with my dh, kwim? Not to mention, sometimes I need to kvetch about him. :D


I have two friends I've been friends with forever, but my closest current friend I met through ds's theater group. I take my friends where I can get them. :)

Edited by Mejane
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Yes, I do, and I'm grateful. Not to knock women whose husbands are their best friends, but I think a woman needs another woman to talk to. There are things I just don't want to discuss with my dh, kwim? Not to mention, sometimes I need to kvetch about him.



And my dh just doesn't talk like a woman. :). He listens to the short version. Gives me a suggestion to fix it. Moves on. I want to TALK about it.:D

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I have three best friends that I can go to about anything and a cadre of women I can talk with about some things.


One friend lives about 2 miles from me and we homeschool our kids together a few times a week. We do speak daily and both of us gets anxious if we don't. We're like the "crazy check-in" person for each other. And both of us have spouses who are gone for giant swaths of time so in many ways, this friend feels like my spouse. It's one of those friendships where her kids feel like my kids.


One friend now lives 100 miles from me but our friendship formed from LLL and never really wavered. We had an adjustment period after I moved because we were so used to seeing each other almost daily, but we made it and we talk every day or every other day if I'm out an about. She makes me laugh and I can tell her anything and our friendship will take it and vice versa.


And other friend lives in Wisconsin and we talk about the same as my second friend. She's 5 year younger than I but we've been friends for over 10 years now. She does everything I do marriage and child-wise, just 5 years later. She and I discuss marriage a lot because she's in the phase of adjusting to life as a new mom (baby is a year now) and pondering how/when to add the second. She is also in the healthcare field and so is my DH so I go to her when I need help understanding something about DH.

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No, I don't have any IRL friends like that. I do have one friend who I used to confide in, until I discovered she was talking behind my back. We're still "friends" but I don't feel like I can be open with her. I have a few WTM friends that I feel like I could talk to about anything.


There are many people here who care about you and I'm sure would be happy to talk to you privately. It sounds like you are really having a hard time with your dh, and while friendships are great for venting, I think professional guidance might be a good idea.



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I don't because I don't seem to need one. When I am truly troubled over something, I trust my sister 100%, and there are people at work who have been very kind and understanding to me, even when I didn't need it.


If I "needed" something, I know I have people who care, but I so rarely need something, I don't have a main go-to person. OTOH, I listen to a lot of burdens at work, both patient and staff, and I take it as a high compliment when staff comes to me to unburden themselves. I feel trusted.


Last night, as I was falling asleep, after my nightly confab with my dead mother, I wondered, if something terrible happened, who I would tell first. I actually think I would turn to my boss, who is a lovely Belgian gentleman a bit older than me who is wise, wise, wise. If I were distraught, I would trust him to be perfectly honest, discreet, and helpful. I would ask him what to do next, if my thinking were clouded by surprise.

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I have wonderful girl friends that I can talk deeply about anything - except for major issues with my husband. Minor issues - like his inability to tell garbage from recycling and his inability to replace a roll of toilet paper - no problem. But major problems need to stay between dh and I, in my opinion. For one thing, it's hard to communicate everything that draws you to your husband to another person so they don't have that to mitigate the negative you might share. I've struggled with having my own attitudes towards friend's husbands affected by what has been shared, long after my friend and her husband has kissed and made up.


I have given "general advice" to friends esp. on issues that touch on abuse - "If abc is the case, you need to seek help in this way" sort of advice. And we did help one friend leave her abusive husband by loaning her money that allowed her to make her own way.

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And my dh just doesn't talk like a woman. :). He listens to the short version. Gives me a suggestion to fix it. Moves on. I want to TALK about it.:D


What she said!!! :001_smile:


I have a best bud who lives 20min away. I have a best bud whose on the other side of the country who is a mirror for my deepest thoughts. We met online when we were both on bedrest w/out oldest, over 11yrs ago. And I have one a few states away. She is my talk through the mundane parts of the day via Yahoo Chat which is always open.


I've had this conversation several times over the past few months about husbands being best friends. Actually, one of the DH's brought it up...that he wanted to fill that role. But I think the roles are different. Also, where I struggle is this image that I think DH has of me - always together, taking care of everything - that I don't want to shatter that image by sharing the day to day struggles.


My DH is not a big talker...actually that's an understatement. So I wouldn't get my talking out needs met. That's where my girlfriend's come in. Then I just fill DH in on the result. :001_smile:

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about personal things? About cruddy days and difficult times? About marriage difficulties?


I've seen many people say their husbands are their best friends. But, what if your husband isn't your best friend? What if you and your husband barely communicate? Or, what if you need to talk about your marriage?


I remember in college, I always had several really close friends -- some more than others. We could talk about anything. Since graduating, I would have to say I have never had that sort of relationship again. I always planned to marry my best friend, but that didn't happen.


So, I'm wondering how common this is for adult females. Do you think the fact that you homeschool makes a difference?


I have one. But we lead very different lives, and she is hard to get it touch with. If I need her I know she would be there - once she gets to smoke signal. But other then that we usually only see each other every other month or so.

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I'm a very private person, so although I do have close friends that I could share with, I rarely do share. I'm a better listener than talker. I've been that way my whole life, so I don't think it's related to homeschooling.


I am extremely close to my mom, she is an amazing person and I can tell her anything. I have two close friends, probably what you'd call best friends. And then I have my dear husband, who is my perfect match because he is the one who loves to share, and I am the one who loves to listen. :001_wub:

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I've gone through a real dry spell for friendships. My first girl friend since my best friend moved away in 02' is from here. Now, I have a few very good friends I can rely on that are here.


My besty called me out of the clear blue sky in January and we've reconnected, but she has so much on her plate (her daughter is the one I posted a prayer request for) that I can't unload my burdens. That's okay though, she needs me to lean on.


I have found friends at church recently. We have a new pastor who is young, his wife is my age (and she's the sweetest lady ever) and she started planning 'Girls' Nights.' I can't believe how much fun they are or how many ladies my age I've met and become friends with. It an incredible friendship, because we all share each other's burdens, but we hardly know each other. Going to church together means that our prayer requests are common knowledge and there's something to be said for women that already know about Jo's health issues and Mom's cancer and Dad's problem and blah and blah and blah. No one is scared to ask, everyone already prays for everyone else, now we know who we've been praying for. Oh, and we already know each other's children. It's a relief. A bunch of friendships where all the hard stuff was dealt with before we even met.

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I have found friends at church recently. We have a new pastor who is young, his wife is my age (and she's the sweetest lady ever) and she started planning 'Girls' Nights.' I can't believe how much fun they are or how many ladies my age I've met and become friends with. It an incredible friendship, because we all share each other's burdens, but we hardly know each other. Going to church together means that our prayer requests are common knowledge and there's something to be said for women that already know about Jo's health issues and Mom's cancer and Dad's problem and blah and blah and blah. No one is scared to ask, everyone already prays for everyone else, now we know who we've been praying for. Oh, and we already know each other's children. It's a relief. A bunch of friendships where all the hard stuff was dealt with before we even met.


Lion, that group sounds really nice. I'm so glad you have them.

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I must be overly emotional today because this post made me cry. No, I don't have a best friend. I grew up with a very tight knit circle of friends. I adore each of them. However, they are all in CA and we are in TN. I miss them like crazy. I have friends here, but it's not the same:( I miss having close friends that I can tell anything to without feeling judged. I miss being able to laugh with them about all the crazy things we did growing up. I miss being able to totally be myself. This has been a real struggle for me lately. I don't think I'll ever connect with other women the way I did with them. We are still in contact, of course, but email and phone calls aren't the same as sitting on a couch with a glass of wine laughing uncontrollably for hours. Ugh....I really miss that.

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I feel God has always provided close friends for me, in every place we've lived--some closer than others, but always a friend or two.


This is how I feel, too. DH is my best friend and I can talk to him about anything. He is a good listener. But it really helps to have friends who are in the trenches like me everyday to commiserate with. Some homeschool, some do not. I feel very blessed to have the friends I have.

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We are still in contact, of course, but email and phone calls aren't the same as sitting on a couch with a glass of wine laughing uncontrollably for hours. Ugh....I really miss that.


awww... can you skype? It's the next best thing to being there.

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about personal things? About cruddy days and difficult times? About marriage difficulties?


I've seen many people say their husbands are their best friends. But, what if your husband isn't your best friend? What if you and your husband barely communicate? Or, what if you need to talk about your marriage?


I remember in college, I always had several really close friends -- some more than others. We could talk about anything. Since graduating, I would have to say I have never had that sort of relationship again. I always planned to marry my best friend, but that didn't happen.


So, I'm wondering how common this is for adult females. Do you think the fact that you homeschool makes a difference?


I think that there are times in adult life when it is easy to make new, close friends. Those are when you're in college, start your first job (and sometimes when you start others), and have your first child (and when they start school or preschool). I think maybe it also happens when you move, or when you or your spouse retires and starts finding new interests. In between, it's hard. Everyone is so busy and they seem to have their friends already (which often is not actually true, though.)


I don't find it easy to open up about marital difficulties, and I'm not even sure that it's a good idea to do so. I'm always embarrassed when someone tells me something like that. I have a colleague who has told me some very intimate complaints about her DH, and it has made it a bit awkward to be around them together. So I'm reluctant to put someone else in the same position. It seems unkind to them and to your dh. Still we all do need outlets. Not sure what the solution is, except prayer and maybe reading.

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I must be overly emotional today because this post made me cry. No, I don't have a best friend. I grew up with a very tight knit circle of friends. I adore each of them. However, they are all in CA and we are in TN. I miss them like crazy. I have friends here, but it's not the same:( I miss having close friends that I can tell anything to without feeling judged. I miss being able to laugh with them about all the crazy things we did growing up. I miss being able to totally be myself. This has been a real struggle for me lately. I don't think I'll ever connect with other women the way I did with them. We are still in contact, of course, but email and phone calls aren't the same as sitting on a couch with a glass of wine laughing uncontrollably for hours. Ugh....I really miss that.


Yes, this. I miss those friendships because they seemed so constant -- so "there for you whenever you need them." I remember impromptu visits to Taco Bell. Life is so scheduled and people seem so much more guarded in general. I am a very real and open person, but perhaps that makes people uncomfortable? I get in these slumps where I really miss those things. I had a very close friendship with a guy once (five years worth), and I even miss that. It's hard to be at a place where every nonfrivolous conversation turns into an argument or ends with a "I don't want to talk about it."


I give to my boys all day, and I miss meaningful adult friendships.

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I think that there are times in adult life when it is easy to make new, close friends. Those are when you're in college, start your first job (and sometimes when you start others), and have your first child (and when they start school or preschool). I think maybe it also happens when you move, or when you or your spouse retires and starts finding new interests. In between, it's hard. Everyone is so busy and they seem to have their friends already (which often is not actually true, though.)


I don't find it easy to open up about marital difficulties, and I'm not even sure that it's a good idea to do so. I'm always embarrassed when someone tells me something like that. I have a colleague who has told me some very intimate complaints about her DH, and it has made it a bit awkward to be around them together. So I'm reluctant to put someone else in the same position. It seems unkind to them and to your dh. Still we all do need outlets. Not sure what the solution is, except prayer and maybe reading.


Yeah, I'm sure you are right. I wouldn't want to make someone uncomfortable. I had never thought about it like that because it doesn't affect me when people confide in me. In fact, it almost seems like everyone is so perfectly blissful these days. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm a very private person, so although I do have close friends that I could share with, I rarely do share. I'm a better listener than talker. I've been that way my whole life, so I don't think it's related to homeschooling.


I am extremely close to my mom, she is an amazing person and I can tell her anything. I have two close friends, probably what you'd call best friends. And then I have my dear husband, who is my perfect match because he is the one who loves to share, and I am the one who loves to listen. :001_wub:


Wow! My mom talks only of shallow daily things. I often look at my parents and feel like I was switched at birth. :lol:

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No, I don't have any IRL friends like that. I do have one friend who I used to confide in, until I discovered she was talking behind my back. We're still "friends" but I don't feel like I can be open with her. I have a few WTM friends that I feel like I could talk to about anything.


There are many people here who care about you and I'm sure would be happy to talk to you privately. It sounds like you are really having a hard time with your dh, and while friendships are great for venting, I think professional guidance might be a good idea.




Thank you.

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Yes. I have a best friend who has been my best friend for 8 years. My daughter is named for her, and her and her husband are my daughter's Godparents and biological aunt and uncle (through DD's father).


We live a couple hours away from each other. Multiple times a week we spend a couple hours on the phone. I tell her everything.


I'm very blessed to have someone like this in my life. She's really kept me sane sometimes. :D

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Wow! My mom talks only of shallow daily things. I often look at my parents and feel like I was switched at birth. :lol:


Too bad we don't live closer, we could hang out at Starbucks and you could vent/share/brag/whatever, and I could listen and offer support/encouragement. :grouphug:

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No sisters. No close friends. I won't talk about my marriage with my mom. I don't want to give her anymore reasons to dislike him, especially since I may emotional and slightly less than rational, and the damage that would be done by that conversation wouldn't be fair to him later when I'm no longer angry with him.


It's rough. It really is.

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