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Movies that stress you out?

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LOL. We are watching Apollo 13 right now. It doesn't matter how many times I watch that movie, it still causes my blood pressure to go up every single time!


The kids are holding on to me for dear life and they already KNOW how it ends. :lol:

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I just finished watching Remember Me for the 2nd time. The first time I watched I thought it was decent laid back movie, sort of overly dramatic, but detached. Then the twist brought into a reality I wasn't expecting. It was on cable and I wanted to see if I'd still have the same reaction. Yup, still the same. Can't decide whether I really like the movie, but life kind of twists us the same way. So I don't know. It's not a movie you want to watch if you want totally detached entertainment.

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The Deer Hunter. I don't know why I've watched it so many times over the years. It's soooo depressing. I keep hoping for a different ending. :001_huh:


I just saw that!!! All those punches turned my stomach. I can't watch people throwing punches! I have watched movies about boxers but turn my head or cover my eyes while the blows are being thrown!:boxing_smiley:

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Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.


I don't know why. It's supposed to be a comedy. I don't think it's funny. Just ditch the weirdo already. The whole scenario drives me nuts and makes me want to explode. :cursing:


My dd is seriously freaked by Apollo 13


ETA: I may be the only person stressed out by a comedy. I probably shouldn't have admitted that. :glare:

Edited by silliness7
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LOL. We are watching Apollo 13 right now. It doesn't matter how many times I watch that movie, it still causes my blood pressure to go up every single time!


The kids are holding on to me for dear life and they already KNOW how it ends. :lol:


That one does it for me too.


I loved watching it with my kids recently though. It definitely demonstrates the need for problem solving skills (and how having a roll of duct tape can save your life!).


There's also an alien movie where they have to swim underwater for an impossibly long time. I hate underwater scenes. I find myself trying to hold my breath.

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ANY movie whose title begins with "Saw." :glare: My husband LOVES those movies. He talked me into watching the first one and I hated. every. minute. of. it. Had to close my eyes for many, many scenes. He's never been able to sucker me into watching any of the sequels.

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The Perfect Storm. TJust thinking about that big wall of water freaks me out!


I watched it during my pregnancy on the tv at home.


Had to watch it over two days because the ocean footage made me seasick. :glare:


(TV was only 20 - 25", so it wasn't huge.)

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I don't know if it is stressful or disturbing, but I felt awful after watching cold mountain, mystic river too. Anything realistic involving brutality towards people, especially children I have a hard time with...what makes it even worse is when there is no hope in the end either. This may be different than what you are getting at though.

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A lot of movies stress me out - really, A LOT. :blush: I have to be very careful about what I watch (if I actually want to enjoy myself). It drives my husband crazy.


Someone mentioned comedies - any of those comedies that have one 'instigator' absolutely make me crazy. :tongue_smilie:

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The latest Batman movie with the Joker. I almost got up and walked out of the theater a couple of times. The rest of the time, I was just thinking, "what am I doing here?!"


I used to be able to handle just about anything, but that's changed as I've gotten older.

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White Oleander, I think it was called. That gave me such a nervous tummy I had to run out of the cinema!




I was so... blah with that movie. I love, love, love the book. (Which was a stressful read...) The movie was quite the letdown.



But the movie that does it for me... like, I LOVE it, but I can't watch it, is Hardball. Those poor kids!


ETA: And The Blind Side. I know it's a happy ending, but it still... Yeah.

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Legends of the Fall. I was constantly waiting to see who was going to get killed next, which brother the girl was going to sleep with next, and whose heart was going to be cut out and eaten next (I think that only ended up happening once in the movie but I kept expecting it to happen again).

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Ummm...pretty much all movies, except Julie and Julia. That one didn't even really have a climax or any kind of "trouble". It was just kinda...there.


My husband was watching The Prestige on the computer a few weeks ago. While I was getting ready for bed I saw all the drowning scenes and was seriously creeped out. He tried explaining it to me and it makes no sense and he says it's awesome, but I can't bring myself to watch it. People dying really stresses me out. That's why I hate action movies, all those explosions and car crashes and nobody (but me) thinks about the actual lives that are affected. Well, the lives that would be affected if it were a true story and not a movie.


Any movie with children suffering stresses me out majorly. I was a mess in Tangled because that witch kidnapped her. Titanic used to make me cry because Leo died, but now I just can't bear the thought of the children dying. We watched The Invisible once (a lame suspense movie), but the only thing that stuck with me was the girl's little brother who was neglected.

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The original Jurassic Park. The scene with the raptors in the kitchen freaks me out.


I agree with the whole drowning thing. The Abyss was seriously scary.


I went to see Jurassic Park in the theater, creepy. I worked on the 5th floor of an office complex set in a park like setting. That year it stormed almost everyday. We could see the clouds rolling in and the thunder would vibrate through the building. I was creeped out all season because the thunder sounded like dinosaurs stomping around. I was quite sure I'd turn and see a T-Rex staring at me in the window. :lol: Thankfully there were 3 desks between me and the window, they would have been eaten first.


Aliens! I saw it when I was 16 and it still scares me! :) Prince of Persia had me sitting on the edge of my seat.


Aliens did me in too. I had weird dreams for at least a week. Prince of Persia keeps me on the edge of my seat, but in a good way. :D

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My husband was watching The Prestige on the computer a few weeks ago. While I was getting ready for bed I saw all the drowning scenes and was seriously creeped out. He tried explaining it to me and it makes no sense and he says it's awesome, but I can't bring myself to watch it. People dying really stresses me out.


Aw, we love that movie! And actually, your statement is quite ironic. I could see how people might be creeped out by it, though. ;)


Movies that stress me out are ones where bad things happen that could happen IRL. I don't know the names of any b/c I don't watch them. :tongue_smilie:

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Any movie with children suffering stresses me out majorly. I was a mess in Tangled because that witch kidnapped her. Titanic used to make me cry because Leo died, but now I just can't bear the thought of the children dying. We watched The Invisible once (a lame suspense movie), but the only thing that stuck with me was the girl's little brother who was neglected.


What bothers me with this is the parents who let their young children act in roles that are seriously scary/creepy/etc. I wouldn't want that in my kid's mind, especially wouldn't want them pretending to live it out! Not for any amount of money!

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I can not watch Eight Below. I can't breathe and I cry. I hate the scene in Homeward Bound where the old Golden is saying to himself "Stay, stay" in order to keep from running after his boy. I cry.


And I love Legends of the Fall, but again, I sob through the whole thing.


I like those non stressfull movies like............The Village, Sleepy Hollow, The Others.


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What bothers me with this is the parents who let their young children act in roles that are seriously scary/creepy/etc. I wouldn't want that in my kid's mind, especially wouldn't want them pretending to live it out! Not for any amount of money!

:iagree: Movies like Paranormal Activity or the horror movie Kristen Stewart did before she did Twilight, there was a little toddler in there. Or the one about that boy who was the devil or something. WTH?!?!?!


The TV/film industry is AWFUL for children anyway (doing things to make them cry, no sleep, etc), I would never let my children do that anyway. But horror movies?!?! Some parents are really brainless.

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I went to see Jurassic Park in the theater, creepy. I worked on the 5th floor of an office complex set in a park like setting. That year it stormed almost everyday. We could see the clouds rolling in and the thunder would vibrate through the building. I was creeped out all season because the thunder sounded like dinosaurs stomping around. I was quite sure I'd turn and see a T-Rex staring at me in the window. :lol: Thankfully there were 3 desks between me and the window, they would have been eaten first.




Aliens did me in too. I had weird dreams for at least a week. Prince of Persia keeps me on the edge of my seat, but in a good way. :D

Just remember to FREEZE if you catch a t rex staring at you!!!:001_huh:


I blocked out Aliens. I saw that movie as a young teen (what was my mom thinking:confused:). We had mice in our walls. I lay awake for hours that night hearing them scratch around and being convinced it was aliens incubating in my walls just waiting to hatch out and eat me.:glare:

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I love watching movies when I have no idea what they are about. I can't stand watching previews.


But Seven.:svengo:


And I was pregnant when we saw it. :svengo:


15 years later and it still stresses me out even though I only watched it that one time.

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Ummm...pretty much all movies, except Julie and Julia. That one didn't even really have a climax or any kind of "trouble". It was just kinda...there.


My husband was watching The Prestige on the computer a few weeks ago. While I was getting ready for bed I saw all the drowning scenes and was seriously creeped out. He tried explaining it to me and it makes no sense and he says it's awesome, but I can't bring myself to watch it. People dying really stresses me out. That's why I hate action movies, all those explosions and car crashes and nobody (but me) thinks about the actual lives that are affected. Well, the lives that would be affected if it were a true story and not a movie.


Any movie with children suffering stresses me out majorly. I was a mess in Tangled because that witch kidnapped her. Titanic used to make me cry because Leo died, but now I just can't bear the thought of the children dying. We watched The Invisible once (a lame suspense movie), but the only thing that stuck with me was the girl's little brother who was neglected.


LOL. This is so me! I sobbed during the part in Heidi where she gets taken away from her grandfather. That was when I was about eight and it's not gotten any better since then. DH will tell me about icky parts of movies that he's seen and it'll disturb me for days.


I stick to a lot of known happy movies like 1776, Ghostbusters, Christmas Vacation.

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Someone mentioned AI and Remember Me. Those are movies I won't watch again. Same with Children of Men and I am Sam.


When The Shield was on TV, it was DH's favorite show, and I hated it. I would get stressed starting the day before because I wanted to know what happened, but I couldn't bear to watch it. I can't look at poor Michael Chiklis in anything without getting nauseated.

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