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Friends, I desperately need your prayers

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I am a mess. I am struggling as a mom, a wife, a friend, a Christian. I feel like I'm failing at it all. My faith is very strong, but it's hard to hold on to it when I'm feeling hopeless every single day. I just need prayers. Thank you.


praying, sweetie.

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Nakia you have a beautiful heart... it shows in everyone of the photos you take. You have a gift. Have you considered branching out and expressing your feelings through photographs? Some people journal, you could make beautiful photography as an outlet. I can only imagine the stunning art you could produce.



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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: to you, Nakia!


Just a few weeks ago, I was right where you are. I sat down one night (alone), and I fell apart. I prayed fervently, asking God to guide me & carry me because I couldn't do it anymore. Since then, I have felt his presence. I'm not 100%, but I'm feeling stronger. Take it minute-by-minute if you have to, and keep praying. You are not alone.


We're here for you, and I've lifted you up. :grouphug:

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Oh, sweetheart....it is a battle. But HE has already won it.



Beatifully and succinctly put! :iagree:


John 14:27--"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you. Not as the world gives, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."


I'm so sorry you're feeling so down. When you find yourself so low that you fall to your knees, you're in a good position to pray and let God lift you up!


Praying for you! :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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:grouphug:Precious!:grouphug: It is okay to give yourself some grace too! You are valuable, lovely, and precious just for being and not for anything you can do!



Oh, sweetheart....it is a battle. But HE has already won it.





I could have written your post. I keep reminding myself of what Faithe said here!!


Your posts have always been an inspiration to me.

Praying for you.....:grouphug:

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Sending you and your family prayers.....Just wanted to tell you that many of us struggle in the spring for it is the last push towards summer which for many is a break from school. Know that hardly anybody gets "all" the curriculum for the year that they hoped to have done or that their children meet grade requirements. I heard SWB once say that we really need to focus our teaching efforts on who our children will be as college students rather than year to year. That bit of advice really helps me when my thinking gets to narrow i.e. subject or year. Spring is also a time of renewal in our family life, relationships, and our spiritual goals. It may just be your time to take a little break, to renew your spirit. My thoughts are with you and I hope you find a little peace.

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I have been finding myself in a similar place a lot lately. I'll being praying for you.



Me three. I've found my spirits lifted and my perspective changed when I started reading (and thoughtfully answering the questions in) the book Dancing With My Father by Sally Clarkson.


Many hugs and much love heading your way...:grouphug::grouphug:

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I am overwhelmed by all the posts. It means so much to know I have so many praying for and thinking of me. "Thank you" doesn't seem like enough to say. But none the less, thank you. A million times, thank you. I feel so blessed.

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Nakia, all the sweet words have been said so I will just add my hugs and prayers. And any mom who has home schooled for a while who denies having such struggles...well, she's just in denial.


I hope this season passes quickly for you.

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Nakia, all the sweet words have been said so I will just add my hugs and prayers. And any mom who has home schooled for a while who denies having such struggles...well, she's just in denial.


I hope this season passes quickly for you.


AuntieM said it all. :grouphug: Praying for you. :grouphug:

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I am a mess. I am struggling as a mom, a wife, a friend, a Christian. I feel like I'm failing at it all. My faith is very strong, but it's hard to hold on to it when I'm feeling hopeless every single day. I just need prayers. Thank you.


Sometimes I feel the same way. Give yourself some grace and mercy. Prayers!

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I am a mess. I am struggling as a mom, a wife, a friend, a Christian. I feel like I'm failing at it all. My faith is very strong, but it's hard to hold on to it when I'm feeling hopeless every single day. I just need prayers. Thank you.


Oh, Nakia, I'm SO SORRY!!!!:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: Would you like me to call you? I'd love to be a shoulder for you to lean on!


Please don't feel like a failure. We all fail at times but we also try our hardest. We do the best we can with the hand we have been dealt. And at times we don't try, we fail, we recognize it, only to try again harder.:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:


If you want to PM me your number, I will call you. I have something I wanted to share with you, too..... something that was put on my heart over a month ago.

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Put your armor on, girl. Then stand, and let him fight for you.


Right now, In the Name of Jesus, I, as a child of God, fully endowed with all rights and privileges from God Almighty, call you out, Satan, and command you, in the power of the Holy Spirit, to leave my sister Nakia alone.

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Praying for you, dear lady. Just know that this seems to be an intense time for many people, so you are not alone in the struggles. Remember that God promises to be our strength when we call on Him.






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Remember, when you don't feel as though you can hold on, Jesus is still holding on to you! And he always will be. Nothing can snatch you out of his hand. Nothing that happens surprises him.

Sometimes I think all of life comes down to what we teach in 2 yo SS. Especially when things are difficult and our worlds seem to be unraveling.

Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.



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Nakia you have a beautiful heart... it shows in everyone of the photos you take.


I don't even know you IRL and I can see this in your avatar photo and in many of your posts.


I'm in this place, too, right now. You have my prayers and:grouphug:.



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