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Disappointed. :(

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Just got my, er... "friend."


So our third month of trying didn't work either. I turn 38 in eight days. And then I guess I'm going into month 4 of trying for that one last little one, but I keep worrying that the longer it takes the more chance there could be of various problems and so on. Plus I don't want to wait.


I just wish it would happen already.


Waiting and being disappointed each month really stinks.

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Ooooh, ya it stinks to be ready for it to happen and then it doesn't. Even though 3 months is hardly 'long', it feels like eternity when you want it NOW!!! Hang in there... Another couple of weeks to eat healthy and get ready for another round :)

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That is so hard.


Are you tracking your cycle? Taking Charge of Your Fertility really helped me understand what was happening in my system. I didn't realize that you could tell if things were not functioning correctly just by watching your monthly signs.


Also, low thyroid can interfere with fertility.

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That is so hard.


Are you tracking your cycle? Taking Charge of Your Fertility really helped me understand what was happening in my system. I didn't realize that you could tell if things were not functioning correctly just by watching your monthly signs.


Also, low thyroid can interfere with fertility.





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That is so hard.


Are you tracking your cycle? Taking Charge of Your Fertility really helped me understand what was happening in my system. I didn't realize that you could tell if things were not functioning correctly just by watching your monthly signs.


Also, low thyroid can interfere with fertility.

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I know this pain as well, in addition to miscarriage. So, this is my advice. Go to http://www.pregnancyloss.info and follow the "sperm meets egg plan." We lost a baby after dd #1 and conceived in two months. (I was 37, nearly 38). Now we have conceived again (40 this month) using the same plan. I bought and flipped through TCOYF, but it was too much for me with a then-four-yo and toddler. Baby dust!!

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I'm right there with you. We decided LAST December to try for one more little one. I will be 36 in July, and don't want to wait too much longer. We've never even really tried to get pregnant, the babies just showed up. It's been 16 months of trying. I wish you the best.

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:grouphug: Been there, too. It took us a year to conceive our last baby, after having no trouble conceiving our others.TCOYF is a great book. But I did end up going to a fertility doc. I don't know if the round of Chlomid was what did the trick or not--I didn't conceive the month I was on it--but the next month I was pg.


I know Chlomid is tricky, and it was so much more uncomfortable and crazy-making than I expected. But still...


I thought you needed to ttc for a year before seeing a specialist. Turns out at my age (over 40) I could have gone at 6 months.


Good luck!

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DD1 days before I turned 30 first try

DS took 6 months and one m/c and I was 32

DD 2 first month at 34.10

I'm 38.3 so next month when we ttc I'm charting and temping since i know this could take a while, but when I finally got it with ds it was within 36 hrs of that egg dropping.


Good luck mama!

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Celebrate Aunt Flo's visit! Since she's here, that means conceiving can still happen!!!


A few months before I turned 38, we began trying. After 9 months I gave up, gave away all the baby stuff I had from my dd and then the very next month was shocked to be pregnant. I'll be 39 when this LO is born.


Taking Charge of Your Fertility is good, but these are the books that helped increase my potential to conceive:

Making Babies - they also have an awesome website with a survey to help diagnose and clear up any potential fertility obstacles


The Infertility Cure - this one actually helped me conceive dd. We had tried for 10 years to conceive without success. After reading this book, I became pregnant with dd within 6 months.

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Thank you all for the commiseration, book and website recommendations, hugs and so on. I appreciate it. :)


are you charting? I swear by Fertility Friend.


Are you tracking your temp? Dipping your test kits?


I did use the OPK test strips in March and April. Both times seemed to give me a positive around the same day so at least I do know when I ovulate, which seems to be around the 12th of the month. (Our first cycle of trying, in February, I had no idea). But I don't track my temp.




We've been trying for #3 for almost 3 years now so I feel your pain. That's one 'friend' I could do without for awhile.....


I'm right there with you. We decided LAST December to try for one more little one. I will be 36 in July, and don't want to wait too much longer. We've never even really tried to get pregnant, the babies just showed up. It's been 16 months of trying. I wish you the best.


Thank you both for not saying "Listen, jerk, we've been trying for a long time, three months is nothing, so don't complain okay?"




(I do know three months is really not a long time. It just feels like it is to me. You know what I mean, I'm sure. And especially because I'm about to turn 38 and the clock is ticking so to speak).


And yeah this is sort of a new experience for me, too. I was only 18 when I got pregnant with my oldest and it just happened, unplanned. I did TTC my now 10 y/o and got pregnant very quickly with what resulted in a "blighted ovum," tried again as soon as I got the go-ahead and again got pregnant very quickly with my now 10 y/o. Like probably within a month or two of trying each time. My 5 y/o son just happened, he was unexpected. And now here I am about to turn 38 and for once actually trying and I guess I had hoped it would happen right away. So much for that. But I know this is nothing compared to trying for a year, two years, three years... you guys will be in my thoughts and I hope that it happens for you, too.



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We started trying again when ds was six (he was a surprise). After months of trying, went to fertility specialists, nothing wrong with either of us. :confused:


Tried six months of Clomid. Again, nothing. Took us five years to conceive dd#1. I remember crying every month, too. Combined with a m/c between our dd's....well, I am grateful for every blessing God gives us!

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Wolf and I got pregnant just before our wedding.


Turned out to be ectopic.


Then, 2 days before our wedding, in 03, we were told either we'd gotten pregnant again and it wasn't viable, or they'd missed something...either way, I had to have a chemo drug to remove whatever the problem was.


When we were finally cleared, we started trying. A year went by.


Tazzie was born in 05, Princess in 06.



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