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Is Glee inappropriate for a ten year old?

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I would not allow my children to watch it. From what I have seen, I think it takes a cavalier attitude about sex (heterosexual and homosexual) and I know there was an episode this year with excessive teen drinking. I wouldn't watch it with my daughters until they were teens. It really depends on what you consider objectionable.

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Very inappropriate.


It is entertaining and I watch it with dh but my oldest is about to be 13 yo and I have a hard time seeing this anywhere in our near future.


There is lots of fodder for discussion, however, and if I ever did allow my dc to watch it we would have to do alot of talking.


The bottom line for me is the cavalier attitude about teens sleeping around, teachers sleeping around, etc. Sex isn't a joke and I think the story lines on this show make it seem totally normal to have lots of partners as teenagers.

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Oh...goodness...it's OK here. We always forget about Glee, but when someone reminds us...like now!! we're all over Hulu. My youngest and I enjoy Glee. She is working on a short story currently (night owl!!) but next time we are looking for a sitcom, we'll check in! I cannot believe I forgot about this show! Now I am thinking there must be some Modern Family episodes I've missed. :auto: Fun-ness!

Edited by LibraryLover
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I let my kids watch it and use it as a discussion starter. When it comes to sex, drinking etc that they show ont eh show we discuss them and reiterate our values but in the end we all watch it and love it. THe kids think the music is great and tend to focus more on that rather than the rest of the show.

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I happened to see that episode. I liked it too. Of course I can't get over the fact the father plays in local Time Warner cable commercials, but that's another discussion. :lol:



I don't know what any of that means :lol:, but what I have seen of Glee has been poignant. I don't have any issues or worries that it would be bad for my kids, given what I have seen.

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I've must not have seen any supah- sex episodes. The episodes we saw were very tender. My dd and I cried when the theater kid told his dad he was gay and the Dad was so accepting. :grouphug: That was wonderful.


I suspect you've only seen season 1. When the worst we had to worry about was teen pregnancy and marital infidelity and coming out...

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I like the show. I just started letting dd (13.5) watch. We also have a lot of discussions about what's inappropriate. We don't watch weekly either. I think they've toned it down a little from season 1, but still very very inappropriate. No way should a 10 year old watch this show.


Really the show is probably inappropriate for me, but it's quite entertaining.

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I've must not have seen any supah- sex episodes. The episodes we saw were very tender. My dd and I cried when the theater kid told his dad he was gay and the Dad was so accepting. :grouphug: That was wonderful.


Yeah, that was season 1. season 2nd completely different and totally inappropriate. My dc will only get to watch season 1 when they are teens, not ten.

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What everyone else said. No way is it appropriate for a 10yo. There's a lot of sex.


(Personally, though, I think the drinking episode might be useful in discouraging teenage drinking - it certainly shows some of the negative consequences..)

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If you're asking the question, then yes it's probably inappropriate for your child.


For what it's worth, though, our son has been watching with us for close to a year. He was 12 when we let him catch up and start watching with us.


Yes, there is sexual content. Yes, the characters are not moral exemplars. However, we find it gives us a push to talk about things with him.


And, as a bonus, it is one of the shows/films/books that helped him decided he did NOT want to go to high school next year.


He's a little younger than most of his friends, but they all watch, too, and have since the show started.

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I have seen bits and pieces here and there and from what I saw I think it is stupid. Not judging another who may like it but I think it is dumb. My daughter saw preview she is 13 and I really thought it be another "I wanna watch that", but no she said that looks so dumb. There is not many sitcoms on that I watched with her when she was 10.

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Glee is on netflix, would it be ok for a ten year old?


We don't let her watch Adult Swim, Tosh.0 or shows that used to be cool for kids but suddenly the franchise has tons of sex (Stargate :glare:)


Is it ok? I haven't seen it before and we would like something we can watch together.


So Stargate on Netflix is bad for kids?:svengo:DS son has been watching. Should I be concerned?

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My 15 y.o thinks it's "dumb". I like it except the 2nd half of the 2nd season has the feel of jumping the shark. I'm at the point where a lot of it is just not keeping my attention and I watch it on hulu.


Why not just check out the last 5 shows on hulu and see what you think. Watch it with the headphones on and when kids aren't around.


I liked the original songs they did at regionals (loser like me), but I'm tired of the love triangle/octagon with the main characters.

grown tired of Jane Lynch and her character.

come on - when will Coach Bieste and Mr. Shu start dating?

I'm sure they'll have Kurt and Blaine break up and then what?


I don't think it's appropriate for 10 year old.


but I do still like the Time Warp song from rockyglee horror.

the teen drinking episode - mixed review on that.


it's stopping being funny, and heading for jumping the shark if it hasn't done so already.


the music has been good. still like their version of Safety Dance.



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So Stargate on Netflix is bad for kids?:svengo:DS son has been watching. Should I be concerned?



I was wondering what she's referring to. :confused: We own all of SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis. We've seen all of SG-U to date. I would watch the Children of the Gods episode in SG-1 (very first episode) as that originally aired on Showtime and has brief frontal nudity. They have since made a DVD of that episode without the nudity. I don't which is on Netflix or in the new boxed set. The original DVD set has the brief frontal nudity...we skip that part.


The only thing that I can think of is a couple of SG-U episodes are more in line with the new Battlestar Galatica. There's a closet scene in the first SG-U. Overall, SG-U has more mature themes.

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I have seen bits and pieces here and there and from what I saw I think it is stupid. Not judging another who may like it but I think it is dumb. My daughter saw preview she is 13 and I really thought it be another "I wanna watch that", but no she said that looks so dumb. There is not many sitcoms on that I watched with her when she was 10.


I noticed several comments saying the show is "stupid" or "dumb" and thought I had to chime in. I do think this show appeals to a certain kind of audience, and most of the folks I know (of all ages) who love it tend to be either performers or unapologetic nerds. (I'm in the latter category. My kids are in the former.)

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I noticed several comments saying the show is "stupid" or "dumb" and thought I had to chime in. I do think this show appeals to a certain kind of audience, and most of the folks I know (of all ages) who love it tend to be either performers or unapologetic nerds. (I'm in the latter category. My kids are in the former.)


ah, this explains why I like watching it once in a while. :lol: some of the episodes are just so over the top satire... but the last few episodes, oh well...



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I won't let my 14 year old watch it either.


Same here. I actually just pulled it up on Netflix instant view this week. I watched the first episode and about 7 minutes of the second episode. That was enough. It won't be on in our house.

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Glee is on netflix, would it be ok for a ten year old?


We don't let her watch Adult Swim, Tosh.0 or shows that used to be cool for kids but suddenly the franchise has tons of sex (Stargate :glare:)


Is it ok? I haven't seen it before and we would like something we can watch together.


Yes, it is inappropriate.

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