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I am afraid to say that it may be necessary to bomb the Bronx!

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I am very sorry for you if you live in New York City and especially in the Bronx. Please understand that I mean no offense to your people, the New Yorkers of the Bronx. I am sure you are all a very fine people.


But, alas, the Bronx Zoo has lost, according to CNN, a viciously dangerous Egyptian Nile Cobra. Now, all snakes are evil. This one is beyond evil and wicked...there just aren't words to describe.


So, please evacuate because frankly, if they have to drop a Nuke over the zoo in order to save mankind, I am for it!


Faith, the rabid, neurotic snake hater of the world.

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I am very sorry for you if you live in New York City and especially in the Bronx. Please understand that I mean no offense to your people, the New Yorkers of the Bronx. I am sure you are all a very fine people.


But, alas, the Bronx Zoo has lost, according to CNN, a viciously dangerous Egyptian Nile Cobra. Now, all snakes are evil. This one is beyond evil and wicked...there just aren't words to describe.


So, please evacuate because frankly, if they have to drop a Nuke over the zoo in order to save mankind, I am for it!


Faith, the rabid, neurotic snake hater of the world.



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I hate snakes!


Bombs away!


Also, I'm warning you. Don't google to see what this snake looks like. Very disturbing. Maybe even worse than the trailer for "The Human Centipede" movie.


PS I would be evacuating based on the snake information regardless of the threat of bombing.

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I hate snakes!


Bombs away!


Also, I'm warning you. Don't google to see what this snake looks like. Very disturbing. Maybe even worse than the trailer for "The Human Centipede" movie.


PS I would be evacuating based on the snake information regardless of the threat of bombing.


You know I had to Google that, right? And I now agree with the bombing idea.

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I feel all :svengo:just thinking about that garter snake thread a while back, so I have no words or "smilies" at the moment for this bit of news.




I couldn't even click on the 'garter snake' thread.... :confused: Seriously, I have a bona fide phobia of snakes. I have worked hard w/ de-sensitization to get to the point where I don't have a panic attack...I can now look at pictures in a book if mentally prepared. So yeah- the thought of a snake like that loose anyway near me...



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Can I just say that I believe "snake houses" at zoos should be illegal as coming into contact with a snake causes me post traumatic stress disorder. I literally have nightmares for a week if I happen to see one, and I get jittery and jumpy...don't ask about the time, after my parents forced me to go into the snake house at a zoo, that I collasped shaking and screaming in fright from the sound of my own shoelace dragging through the grass. I was nine and had to sleep with my parents that night. I woke up eight times screaming from midnight - 5 a.m. This was not a mistake my parents ever made again.


They did make me mow the lawn ONCE, just once, and when a snake came darting out of the grass, surprised by the lawn mower, I screamed and ran across the street. The lawnmower, on automatic-selfpropelling mode - continued across the yard and slammed into the neighbor's oak tree. Dad had to replace the mower blades due to it's brief period as a wood chipper before the neighbor rescued it. Never mowed again either. Still don't mow. Still hate snakes.


I seriously cannot handle snakes and there should be something in the Bill of Rights about this...something to the effect, "The rights of snake-o-phobes shall not be infringed through the circulation of pictures of snakes, print media about snakes, nor shall any zoo in America house snakes thus sayeth the founding fathers. Amen and Amen. This amendment is eternally binding and can never be altered by any vote of congress or act of president." Additionally, it should be backed by some sort of NATO promise to bomb America should any underground snake railroad be found to exist!


Life in prison without the possibility of parole to the zoo people if they do not find that creature ASAP!



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Hungry??? HUNGRY??????????????????? Are you kidding me? What the #$%^&* does it want to eat? Manhatten?


Seriously, it's time to call out the National Guard!




YOU ARE KILLING ME!!!!! I am in hysterics!!!!!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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My workout partner (who is deathly afraid of snakes) kept saying, "Please let it not be the Detroit Zoo!" :tongue_smilie:



Ah, memories. I have a soft spot for the Detroit Zoo. We used to live roughly halfway between Detroit and Toledo. All our friends thought we were nuts, but as a family we much preferred Detroit's zoo to Toledo's.

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JFS, now if it meant that Harrison Ford might pick me up in his manly, debonairre, I'll rescue you sweetheart, manner, and carry me away from the snake, then just that once, I'd swallow my phobia, don an evening gown (I'm pretty certain that something frilly would be required for the occasion) and swoon for him! LOL


Tiffany's? Wait, is there some loophole in the law that I haven't heard of that makes it legal to loot and pillage Tiffany's???? Seriously, I'll be there...I may have a shoulder launch bazooka in case of snake sighting, but I'll be there!



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JFS, now if it meant that Harrison Ford might pick me up in his manly, debonairre, I'll rescue you sweetheart, manner, and carry me away from the snake, then just that once, I'd swallow my phobia, don an evening gown (I'm pretty certain that something frilly would be required for the occasion) and swoon for him! LOL


Tiffany's? Wait, is there some loophole in the law that I haven't heard of that makes it legal to loot and pillage Tiffany's???? Seriously, I'll be there...I may have a shoulder launch bazooka in case of snake sighting, but I'll be there!




There are always loopholes...especially when it comes to "bling." And did you learn nothing from Harrison Ford?? Snakes hate fire so a flame thrower would be more more effective!

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so, a few weeks ago, we were at the local zoo here in uae and they were trying to transport a lion cub, about the size of a huge dog, from the zoo to somewhere. the guy that was handling the lion had a leash around it. the lion was not cooperating...at that point, all the kids in our group saw it and they pointed it out to the adults. we stood to the side and seconds later, the guy lost his grip on the lion and it ran to the other end of the zoo. we all ran and got inside the building and started yelling at the workers. it was also at the same point that we saw that some of the snake cages were open.....we continued to freak out, but were told that the snakes had been transported safely and were contained....i, of course, made it a point to mention that this sort of thing would never happen in the us! oh me oh my!! i would hate to be anwhere on the east coast right now....lol..



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if they have to drop a Nuke over the zoo in order to save mankind, I am for it!




Yup. I started calculating the distance in miles from my place to the zoo, and how fast/far a snake can slither...a bomb is a much better option!


Snakes. Why did it have to be ... snakes?


:lol: Indy is my hero!

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That news picture of the snake...that should have come with some sort of graphic content, YOU MIGHT BE SCARRED FOR LIFE, warning.


I think I'm in favor of censorship now! Really, do people in Michigan HAVE to know that New York is going to be exterminated by a lethal reptile. I mean, you'd think that congress could have just declared war on the malicious beast, ordered in the marines, took care of it with stealth fighters, and buried the evidence under National Security Secrecy. HELLO, NEWSPEOPLE, have you ever heard of "NEED TO KNOW BASIS". I might not have needed to know this and will now be spending the rest of my live long days with my feet firmly planted two feet off the ground! Seriously, how is it going to look when I'm seen sitting cross-legged on a church pew in a skirt???? HUH???? Ever think of that....you, you irresponsible journalists!



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It wasn't a Cobra, but it was some sort of nasty super-potent rattlesnake guaranteed to kill or make you lose some portion of a limb. A worker just left the cage open. (An aside: If you're working in the snake house, should not Rule No. 1 be: DO NOT LEAVE THE CAGES OPEN? Geez.) Anyway, after days of zoo officials insisting that the snake was probably, we think, almost certainly still in the reptile house, or maybe right beside it, but certainly not anywhere that would endanger any civilians, it was found on the front porch of a home near the zoo. Yeah, a front porch with children in the yard next door.


The moral of this little tale is: do not trust zoo officials who insist the snake is no threat.



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I think I just had some sort of mental break down.


What is the criteria for this job? I mean, I think it needs to involve some sort of Green Beret/Navy Seal boot camp in which the drill sergeant beats the phrase, "DO NOT LEAVE THE DOOR OPEN" into the recruits brains so that just like, "we never leave a man behind", "we don't let lethal animals roam the neighborhood" becomes a part of their soul!


See, this needs to be some sort of NASA engineer level job. The kind of thing where we will pay you scads of money because you are completely brilliant and are loathe to get people killed. The dude that closes the door to the snake cages should have a PH.D. in Logic, plus some search and destroy training that rivals Rambo and Terminator. Then we should pay him or her a half million dollars a year to see to it, that the door is always closed!


"The snake is no real threat." Sure, and the Titanic will never sink.



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Reason number 1,129,593 I don't live in New York. DH kept trying to talk me into moving there early in our marriage. I would've evacuated by now, I think. ((((shudder)))


To be fair, the other 1,129,592 reasons have more to do with inlaws...

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They can capture him very easily. Turn the air conditioning to the coldest temperature and set out one heat lamp over a nice small snuggly box complete with a small snack. With the a/c on he'd be likely to get out of any vents if he happened in there. Didn't they mention he's 20 inches long??? Poor baby. And don't even think about bombing anywhere near Arthur Avenue!!!!! :svengo: Best Italian bread in the world. Italy would be hard pressed to compete. Hey! Maybe we have found the motive for the snake's escape. :lol:

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I couldn't even click on the 'garter snake' thread.... :confused: Seriously, I have a bona fide phobia of snakes. I have worked hard w/ de-sensitization to get to the point where I don't have a panic attack...I can now look at pictures in a book if mentally prepared. So yeah- the thought of a snake like that loose anyway near me...




If I lived in NYC I'd be... gone, gone, gone. The closest I can get to a snake is reading the word, and even that gives me the shivers.

When I was pregnant I had seen one on TV and had nightmares so horrible that night my aunt woke me up and thought something was wrong with the baby.

Not even interested in de-sensitization. Nope, no way, no how.

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I trained down the street from this zoo (and if you want to see scary, look at the victim of a gorilla mauling), and knew the "snake bite specialist" for the city. Most snake bites took place in the men's room at JFK.


Okay, rather than tell you why, let me see if a few of you can guess about why that was so.


P.s. nothing "dirty" involved.

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