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So I'm 42 today

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:party: Just wanted to put that out there.


In my 30s I tried ignoring my advancing birthdays, treating them like just another day so I wasn't disappointed that no one else really did much for it, but I missed the excitement and anticipation. So this year I'm determined to celebrate like I'm 10 again. I've been skimming the budget since Christmas in anticipation of celebrating my birthday in style. I'm going out *all by myself* and having my hair done, getting a pedicure, and a massage and facial. I'm also taking myself to lunch. I'm going to Barnes and Noble to read. I'm going to listen to my own thoughts.




By the way, my eyesight is just shot! The past week or so my eyes seem like they've decided to give up. I've been wearing reading glasses for a couple of years but suddenly I can't see my phone or the computer or anything at all close up without them. Bleh. I need to get one of those little granny chains because hiding pairs all around the house isn't really working so well.



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Happy Birthday I am 42 this July (but I had to stop & count to make sure) I never even remember my age since before I was 30. I like you age spread on kids...

Mine are 20(this year)16,14,11,7,5,2....then 1 and due in August



:lurk5: Happy Birthday!



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Happy Birthday I am 42 this July (but I had to stop & count to make sure) I never even remember my age since before I was 30. I like you age spread on kids...

Mine are 20(this year)16' date='14,11,7,5,2....then 1 and due in August



:lurk5: Happy Birthday!




Oh wow! How cool is that?! Too bad you don't live nearby. A built in friend for each of us :D

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I will be 41 end of this month. i feel your pain. I had my first eye exam in 10 years this week. Ugh.


Yeah, it's like they just expire don't they? I was doing fine holding things at arms length when I didn't have my glasses on me. But now I just really can't see at all. What a huge pain in the butt.

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Barb, in which part of the desert in AZ are you? I'm in AZ, too, and, get this, I'm 42, also! Newly minted, actually! ( A couple of weeks ago. ) :D


I'm in the West Valley. PM me!


Thanks everyone :grouphug:


I'm off to have my day :D

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Happy Birthday


I will be 42 next Thursday and the same type of day planned.


I am going to pamper me.


Oh and to all of you starting to need bifocals reading glasses it isn't so bad. I have worn glasses since I was 10. You don't have to go through being called 4 eyes. You don't have to feel ugly and nerdy during middle school.


embrace your wisdom cause you know glasses make you look smart;)

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Happy birthday, Barb! :party:


And now I know yet another thing the two of us have in common. ;)


Have a marvelous, pampering kind of day!!




(ps - My daughter is doing her orientation this Saturday; she is there now.)


Hugs, Lynn! Now Jenna is 90% sure she's going to U of A :lol:



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Hugs, Lynn! Now Jenna is 90% sure she's going to U of A :lol:





We are both going to have to get the House Divided t-shirts!! Love it! :)


You know, they are both excellent schools, just with a different vibe and different specialties. I know all four of our daughters will get a fabulous education. :D


And we still HAVE to meet one of these days. Probably August, when I move DD2 in? (I didn't accompany her to AZ this weekend.)

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Wow, I think I'm going to make this a tradition. Just put aside everything, all my responsibility for one day and just indulge myself. I still feel groovy :D


Rich is working out of state so he asked me to go buy myself a Nook Color (squeal!!!) and case at the B&N yesterday morning. He wanted me to have the excitement of picking it out. Jenna and I went out to a nice breakfast at a local place that serves amazing lemon ricotta pancakes; we sat in the AZ sun and played with my new gadget. I dropped her at the CC and had my hair done. A new girl did it and I came out looking a little like a high schooler, so even though it's a good cut I dunno...maybe once I wash it and style it the way I like it. Regardless everyone in the salon was so nice and made me laugh.


I had to run to Costco for fruit and I decided to treat myself to two new fluffy matching bath towels to replace the ratty ones in my bathroom. Picked Jenna up and ran her home to feed the little kids. I was going to perhaps get a massage or mani-pedi but really there's only so much pampering a girl can take. Instead, I spent that money on some cookware at Costco we sorely needed and I'd been putting off since we moved here (in 2006, LOL). After my facial, we had cake and coffee at home and the kids gave me their presents and a big bouquet of flowers. They'd all spent their allowance money on candy from CVS to wrap up for me. Collin made me a card that said:







with his only dollar taped inside :D


All in all it was a smashing day.


Oh, and I recommend reading glasses from Costco. Distortion-free lenses and 3 pairs for $18. I can hide them all over the house and can put off the granny chain for a while.



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