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With all this convention talk, anyone else not feel the need to attend one?

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I've been to 2 conventions years ago and only used the vendor hall. I really haven't needed to listen to lectures on homeschooling. I've read just about every book about homeschooling and I don't adhere to one method - we're eclectic. I've taken what we needed and left the rest. I do have some audio tapes from back in the day I enjoyed. I'm beginning my 14th year of homeschooling in June. I've had ups and downs in it, but I've survived without a single convention lecture. :001_smile:

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I feel like I need to attend to get the "pat on the back and keep doing what you are doing". :) I also like to go so I can speak to the authors if I have a question.


For ex: I am considering Anylitical Grammar for my son next year (fall 2011/2012). AG will be in Cincy this year so I will be spending time in their booth to talk to them.


I go for renewal and education on my part to be a better teacher. Also to spend time with my high school kids who are with me for the weekend. :D

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I had only attended vendor halls until last year, before dd started high school. So, I attended our very small conference in Hawaii. I just attended the conference in Greenville. Some of the lectures were incredibly helpful. There are some speakers where I had to apply LLL'd philosophy of "take what you can use and leave the rest." :001_smile:


eta: Susan's talk on how to homeschool the real (etc) child was wonderful. She offered several ideas on how to help with various problems. For example, she suggested some whining/struggling may be due to a child working above or below their level. I think this hit right on the head with some of the stuff I was using with eldest. I am in the process of switching some of that and it's working better.

Edited by Mrs Mungo
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I've been to 2 conventions years ago and only used the vendor hall. I really haven't needed to listen to lectures on homeschooling. I've read just about every book about homeschooling and I don't adhere to one method - we're eclectic. I've taken what we needed and left the rest. I do have some audio tapes from back in the day I enjoyed. I'm beginning my 14th year of homeschooling in June. I've had ups and downs in it, but I've survived without a single convention lecture. :001_smile:


I don't think I've ever heard a lecture where I wanted to go out and fully implement everything the speaker said. However, I love listening to homeschool workshops and I find that even with the methods that are really far from my comfort zone I nearly always learn at least one valuable thing. I'm very good at taking what will work for me and leaving the rest. We've been homeschooling for 11 years and I can honestly say that my homeschool is richer because of the ideas and suggestions I've encountered at homeschool conventions.


I also read a lot of homeschool books and learn from friends who homeschool. The more I learn about how others homeschool, the better teacher I become to my own kids.

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Ooh, me, me!!!








I certainly would not want to put up with all the stuff that you do. Thanks for doing it though.


I have no desire to go to the conventions except maybe to shop. That, however, would certainly get my curriculum junkie self into too much debt.

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;) lol!! I wish you were in your booth when I come by. I try to stay away from main speakers as I know they need their quiet time. :001_smile: Also I can always ask you a question here on this board. :D


Perhaps I will stop and say hi to you if you are there.

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Ooh, me, me!!!






This literally made me spit my coffee out in laughter, causing the preteen child sitting at the table with me to look at me with the face that says, "Mom you are so weird."


Thanks for the laugh, and I so appreciate the grace and sense of humor you have exhibited during all of this madness.

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I have not been homeschooling nearly as long as the OP, but I have no interest in attending any convention. With all the info online, boards like this one, and hs'ing folks I know IRL, I don't see the need. I have had friends look at me like I have two heads when I express this view, though. :confused:

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Ooh, me, me!!!








This will actually only be my second convention. The last one was tiny, and there was only one speaker. I'm really looking forward to Cincy, with lots more to choose from. Oh, and the shopping. Really digging the shopping. :D

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I've not ever been to a convention (not for lack of opportunity) and can't say that I feel like I've missed out. While I know some people love them, I have very little interest in going.


Why do you think that is? I know that I am one of those that likes efficiency. I'd rather read a book or listen to an audio in my free time, or post on a message board. :001_smile:

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I had only attended vendor halls until last year, before dd started high school. So, I attended our very small conference in Hawaii. I just attended the conference in Greenville. Some of the lectures were incredibly helpful. There are some speakers where I had to apply LLL'd philosophy of "take what you can use and leave the rest." :001_smile:


eta: Susan's talk on how to homeschool the real (etc) child was wonderful. She offered several ideas on how to help with various problems. For example, she suggested some whining/struggling may be due to a child working above or below their level. I think this hit right on the head with some of the stuff I was using with eldest. I am in the process of switching some of that and it's working better.


Starting to homeschool high school is scary - at least it was for me the first time. Do most of the speakers have books or websites? I am a huge researcher, so if I am having a problem I will search out the answer. Maybe I don't know what I'm missing, but the thought of a whole day or weekend at a conference makes me shudder. I'm an introvert that appears extroverted so that may be why.

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I don't feel the "need" to attend, but I enjoy attending! I love seeing all the other homeschooling families, meeting some of my favorite curriculum developers, supporting the vendors and seeing all the materials first hand, as well as the day or two of Mom time :) And the speakers usually add an element of encouragement that helps me maintain my vision for homeschooling. So, with exception to the garbage currently going on, I find them relatively fun!

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Are you kidding?! I love conferences and workshops! I'm always picking up tidbits of info. there that are interesting/useful. I love the energy and the people and just soaking up all kinds of info. The MN (MACHE) conference is coming up soon and I won't be able to attend; I would so love to go. But I get that conferences aren't for everyone. :)

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I don't think I've ever heard a lecture where I wanted to go out and fully implement everything the speaker said. However, I love listening to homeschool workshops and I find that even with the methods that are really far from my comfort zone I nearly always learn at least one valuable thing. I'm very good at taking what will work for me and leaving the rest. We've been homeschooling for 11 years and I can honestly say that my homeschool is richer because of the ideas and suggestions I've encountered at homeschool conventions.


I also read a lot of homeschool books and learn from friends who homeschool. The more I learn about how others homeschool, the better teacher I become to my own kids.


Very true. I love learning about how others homeschool, less so now that I've been doing it so long. I still love learning from others. Maybe because I have access to books, websites, forums, and other real live homeschoolers I don't feel the need as much (I'm picky about which hsers I listen too though).

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I also was thinking... DH has noticed I'm snippy with the kids lately. He asked me if I was burnt out. I'm not, but I could use a weekend away. A conference is the absolute perfect thing for that. I'm not one to go veg on a beach somewhere, go to a spa, anything like that. And I would feel HORRIBLY guilty to take a vacation alone and leave him here with the kids. (We have no sitters we can trust, so that's how it would be.) But... a conference, I can justify in my mind. ;) So, it's also an excuse for me to get away and get refreshed.


Next year, I'm considering working a booth at some more local conventions for a publisher, too. This will help me get feel for if this is something I'd be good at, or a waste of my time.

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No way!

I can't wait until convention season hits Georgia.

The faith based talks are just as encouraging to me as the education focused ones.

And the books everywhere ...:party:...getting giddy just thinking about it!;)


Yeah, book everywhere was my favorite part. I did spend way too much money my first visit. :lol:

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I don't feel the need to go for myself. I use forums, groups & am always ready to buy a book on something. :)

I'm going because I want to support a convention that offers more choices in vendors & speakers! It has been lacking in the homeschool world for too long.

I have to also say the Valley Forge convention is a few miles from my hometown, so I can have a weekend away with my VBFF, stay free & have a dinner partner! It is also less than a 2 hour drive from my home.The end of June makes it a good get away time too!


Hearing SWB will be a nice bonus!



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Starting to homeschool high school is scary - at least it was for me the first time. Do most of the speakers have books or websites? I am a huge researcher, so if I am having a problem I will search out the answer. Maybe I don't know what I'm missing, but the thought of a whole day or weekend at a conference makes me shudder. I'm an introvert that appears extroverted so that may be why.


I'm a research queen too. But, I honestly felt like I got a lot out of attending talks. Sure, they have websites. SWB has this website (but what she shared at the conference was different than the other content on the site). Analytical Grammar has a website, but listening to Erin's talk/talking to her mom at the booth was different.


This is my tenth year of homeschooling, only the second conference I attended and I felt it was enormously helpful. BUT, you don't have to attend a conference to see what I mean, you could start by downloading the talks from the PHP website or even watching the PHP videos. It's a different type of information than you get from reading.


For example, I mentioned in another thread that one of the videos has Susan's dd doing a worksheet in CRAYON! This was revolutionary for me. I realized I had been too strict with a lot of things. It helped me loosen up a lot.

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I think it is great they are available! But, I live at the shore, and most of the (somewhat) local conventions are at times when, sorry, I'm more interested in fair weather, non-school activities with my children than being in a convention hall. Perhaps it is also that for 20 years of my professional life, too many hours were clocked in such facilities. ;)


If I were doing this pre-internet, I imagine I would have a very different answer. :D

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Why do you think that is? I know that I am one of those that likes efficiency. I'd rather read a book or listen to an audio in my free time, or post on a message board. :001_smile:


Yes, this is part of it. Another part is I tend to come away from informational conferences like this with a boatload of ideas/convictions -- ones that I will never implement, and I don't like the ensuing guilt. Plus I'm content with what we're doing and how we're doing it, and if something new comes up, I know where/how to find the information I need to get it going. The vendor hall would be a nightmare. I would want to spend hundreds of dollars, and then I'd probably not ever use half of what I purchased. It's better in our situation for me to research from home, and buy the few things we'll really use.

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Oh no! You are one of the main reasons I was excited to go to the Valley Forge convention. With all that has been going on, I am slowly losing that excitement. I guess it is good that I haven't made all of the plans yet....I am sort of reconsidering.


I was most excited to browse through the vendor hall. :drool5: That seems worth the trouble to me. :D

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I have never been to one. I would LOVE to go to one. They never have them in the area I live. everything is at least 4+ hour drive. The drive/hotel + the cost of the conference and everything I would likely want to buy is just not a possibility right now. If they had one in my city (which is a big city) I would go knowing I could save $$ on hotel and travel.

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SWB's lectures are worth their weight in gold. I have them on my iPod and listen them regularly to keep myself educated/on track/motivated. And I would love to hear her resistant child lecture. Other than that, I'm content to skip the conventions simply because I have already been there and done that with all 3 stages. While I love to mix things up with materials (more to keep me from getting bored than anything else), I feel fairly secure in our methods.


On the other hand, if the Festivus ever happens, I am all over it. To be able to glean from other homeschooling moms is a strong draw for me. And if SWB or any other of my favorite homeschool icons are in attendance, then I will be over the top thrilled. The little tidbits of wisdom they could drop would be huge rejuvenators to me making Festivus a wonderful deterrent to burnout.

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One thing is me being such an introvert, the noise, lights, people are just exhausting.


Another thing is the timing isn't right for us as we finish materials in February/March and already have our "next thing" by then. So we're good.


I do scan the vendor listing and do kind of a "home convention" just to see if there is anything that might fit my kids. I prefer catalogs over conventions or searching online though. I can take a catalog to look at while the kids have their activities or are playing out back. That's where I get the most ideas.


We also prefer secular materials.


It would be complete sensory overload for me. The local support

Group provides enough speakers & curriculum shopping for me. I also enjoy on line expos.

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I've been to 2 conventions years ago and only used the vendor hall. I really haven't needed to listen to lectures on homeschooling. I've read just about every book about homeschooling and I don't adhere to one method - we're eclectic. I've taken what we needed and left the rest. I do have some audio tapes from back in the day I enjoyed. I'm beginning my 14th year of homeschooling in June. I've had ups and downs in it, but I've survived without a single convention lecture. :001_smile:



This year will be the first time that I attend a convention. I am not interested in looking at the vendors (though I probably will since they'll just be sitting there!).


The ONLY reason that I will be going is to hear SWB. That's it. If she weren't going to be in Philly, then I wouldn't even consider going.


Books are nice, but I want to hear SWB.


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I have been to a couple of conventions...years ago, back in GA. I never went to any of the lectures but was thinking about it. BUT! Not anymore!!! LOL Coming here for the past few days and seeing soooo much about this guy or that guy and all the brouhaha about stuff that doesn't mean diddly-squat to me.... nope, not going to any conventions anytime soon.....and certainly won't listen to anyone talk about homeschooling. :lol:

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I have been to four conferences throughout my eleven years of homeschooling. I went last year with a friend for moral support. I'm kinda done. Not a lot of new ideas---lots of new stuff of course. I do like looking at the vendor hall, but this last one I went to didn't have any really cool vendors--so not too exciting.


I would suggest going to new homeschoolers.

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I LOVE to go and listen to the speakers. I enjoy perusing the curriculum. I have a child who has some relatively mild special needs, but the stress and difficulty are still there, so the encouragement is great.


For Cincinnati, the time of year is right too; I've got my plans for next year sketched out and I can SEE the stuff before I purchase it. It also helps that I live close enough to drive (but still not sure about that 8:30 seminar, SWB!)


One person mentioned maybe not going because of the ruckus. I can understand how that might influence some people, but I wouldn't NOT go becuase it of it. I'm going to get encouragement and to study curricula. So I won't let that get in the way.


I also enjoy being around other HS families and sharing and encouraging each other...without the kids :D


Also, I can understand not wanting to go if you've been homeschooling for many years. My oldest is starting 5th grade, so every year I'm venturing into new territory, so to speak.

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I always enjoy going, but I don't feel I can justify the expense this year since I already am very firm on what I am going to use for next year. I don't find as many of the lectures helpful to me at this point either, because I've already attended some variation of most of them.


I used to walk into the HEAV exhibit hall completely overwhelmed, and now I just try to find a couple of things I've never seen before. So, for this year, I'm fine with skipping it. Now, in another couple of years, I'm going to want to look more closely at the high school materials!:001_smile:



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:lol::lol: Susan, I would like you to know that I have only been to one homeschool conference, because I didn't particularly feel the need to attend conferences even before this debacle. However, the year I did go to a conference, I chose to go the HEAV conference rather than my state conference because I didn't see any point in going to a conference where you weren't speaking.

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I went to one when ds was in K. I haven't been to one since. I just haven't felt the need.


Me either. Every year I think about going and then I realize that most of the local conventions are too close to the end of the school year when I would rather be going away with my husband for the weekend, gardening, horseback riding, reading for my own pleasure, etc.....not discussing or thinking about homeshooling. I have normally decided on most of my curriculum for the upcoming year by then and I don't do well looking at curriculum with lots of other people around. I listen to conference lectures on CD while I'm on the treadmill.



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I'd go to a secular one. After reading about all the drama at the religious ones I'm rather afraid.



I'd like to go to a secular one, too. But, I fully admit that, having no dog in that fight, I think it would be fun to watch the fireworks if the religious ones are like "that" one -- sanctimony showdowns -- now that's entertainment. :lol:

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