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With all this convention talk, anyone else not feel the need to attend one?

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I haven't attended one in years. However, the first eight or so years of home schooling I used to attend like clock work. Because I have chronic fatigue, the large conventions were always exhausting and overwhelming, (that didn't stop me though) but our smaller winter conferences worked wonderfully. During the elementary years, DH and my main interest was in the speakers. By 6th grade our focus seemed to gravitate toward finding that perfect curriculum, and by 9th we just stopped attending all together.

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But, I fully admit that, having no dog in that fight, I think it would be fun to watch the fireworks if the religious ones are like "that" one -- sanctimony showdowns -- now that's entertainment. :lol:

:lurk5: Oh dear... I'm afraid I too would be a lookie-loo in the corner of that room watching the religious spirits create mayhem. And after a few minutes, then get a headache from the madness and leave. Aiiiyeeee.


I'm a former schoolteacher since the late 80's and hated having to go to conferences (i.e. "Snoozefests") for professional development hours. After 7 years of homeschooling, perhaps this is one good reason I've never attended a homeschool conference due to this factor with Christians. My fellow brothers and sisters. But then, I stopped attending church -- also with being disillusioned. After the Ken Ham venomous blog aftermath, I really now DO NOT want to attend a Christian Homeschool Conference. Sad.


Off-topic: At a 4-H Homeschooling meeting years ago, I was in a group of parents who were discussing if they wanted new homeschoolers to be members. I was shocked to hear the veteran hs'ers say how disappointed they were with the new "crop" of hs'ers in the last decade. How wonderful it was in the old days of hsing with everyone being fundamental Christian, ATI, etc. And how they are reluctant to expose their kids to new hs'ers as they may not have the same worldview. Whoa. :blink: I quit the 4-H group shortly after that episode.


But this whole Ken Ham thing really reminded me of how prejudiced or stubborn some folks can be with their worldviews. Why can't we all get along? :confused:

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I went to a couple of them. Not too impressed with our local convention. I used to go to teacher's conventions when I was teaching school. Now those were fun. But that's just because all my teacher friends and I hung out, ditched the seminars and went shopping. Oh.... did I really say that? I hope my former admin. isn't reading this.:D

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I used to go to teacher's conventions when I was teaching school. Now those were fun. But that's just because all my teacher friends and I hung out, ditched the seminars and went shopping. Oh.... did I really say that? I hope my former admin. isn't reading this.:D

You too? ;)

I thought I was the only one who did that. LOL Eeeeek.

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I haven't yet attended one (been hsing 6 or so years). We are non-Christian and, having gone to *one* "hs group leadership training" put on by the state hs association that turned out to be a prolonged Protestant pep rally and worship service (and none of that aspect was advertised in advance that I saw), I've always been extremely leery of bigger events they do. I also have had the luxury of a homeschool store and local sources of used curricula, so that I could usually find a copy of most curricula I found potentially interesting. I've also been very fortunate to have a great hs support group both IRL and in the resources I can find online.


I was sorely tempted to make an exception and go to the one in Greenville because I was interested in hearing SWB and MCT, and now I'm rather sorry I didn't ;). In the end, I couldn't justify the time and money for the few speakers I wanted to hear when I felt I had a pretty good handle on them from the internet and had been using their materials for a while. If the ones I wanted to hear were concentrated on one day or I knew I wouldn't feel like I was walking through a minefield, it would have been a different matter, but I couldn't justify hotel room, asking my husband to arrange to work from home, etc.

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I only go to the convention every 2 or 3 years. Part of the reason is that our state convention is held so late in the year (late July!!) that I have to make up my mind and buy most of what I need before the convention even happens. Also, I don't always feel like I need the workshops and encouragement, and it's too much $$ to spend just to attend the vendor hall.


I did go last year, and I enjoyed hearing Andrew Pudewa. I won't go this year, though; I have my curriculum decisions pretty much made, and I'd rather spend the $$ on curriculum than the convention.



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I'm not big on going to the talks, and don't like conventions that require I pay a fee for them up-front. But I am interested in finding a good local convention where I can look at what's new, and review some books I am interested in for next year.


Concentions are also good places to see what's new, and find items I might never even considered. I find them refreshing! :)

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I'm looking forward to a convention where I can hear SWB, drink some whisky (with no "e"), make some home-brew with Martha's husband, go fishing with the men, and then have my toe-nails done :D




Count me in!!! (well maybe not for the fishing part) Although, the women in my family are great fisherwomen! Something dh is not super fond of.:D

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I haven't ever gone to the one in my state nor have I had the desire. It's way too religious for me. I'm very comfortable with my religion (Conservative Christian but not YCE) and have plenty of "support" on that front being that all the support groups are Christian only. I already do a book group on being an "excellent wife" and do all the Christian ooh-rah we're blessing our kids simply by homeschooling them/it's all about character and doing what you're called to do parent meetings. Don't get me wrong, I do feel called by God and I love my husband and kids and we do include religion in our studies. I just don't need to pay $70 to get the same rah rah speech I get every week at Co-op, CHurch, Bible Study, etc! Also our state convention doesn't carry any curriculum that I am remotely interested in


I'm going to my first convention this year. Mainly because Capt Uhura is going and she is my bestest dearest buddy in the world and the convention is a halfway point for us! Also this convention has actual speakers and curriculum vendors that I am interested in -SWB, MCT, IEW, and LTOW! I hope to leave knowing how to teach writing!!!!

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I'm looking forward to a convention where I can hear SWB, drink some whisky (with no "e"), make some home-brew with Martha's husband, go fishing with the men, and then have my toe-nails done :D





A WTM Camp!! :D Anyone else picturing something along the lines of the camp in Parent Trap where the PARENTS get to spends weeks away at camp?


*sigh* that would be so much fun!

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My oldest is in 7th grade. I attended one before he started Kindergarden....that was my last one!


However, I may go to a local small one this year. I will NOT go to the state one as I would have to travel and pay for a hotel, etc....


The local one is a small scale and I can attend only one or two talks I find interesting and go home.


Still haven't decided. I really don't like them. They remind me of conferences I used to have to attend for work and I didn't like them then!



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I'm looking forward to a convention where I can hear SWB, drink some whisky (with no "e"), make some home-brew with Martha's husband, go fishing with the men, and then have my toe-nails done :D




Oh, if there's fishing involved, my dh will come!


I would like to be a fly on the water when the two of you start discussing religion and politics. :D

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I really haven't needed to listen to lectures on homeschooling. I've read just about every book about homeschooling and I don't adhere to one method - we're eclectic. I've taken what we needed and left the rest. :001_smile:


This is exactly how I feel. I've never been to a convention and don't feel the need to attend one. I really don't even feel the need to go and visit vendor tables either. I research curriculum enough to know what I want or don't want. We're in our 8th year of homeschooling.

Edited by floridamom
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