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Workout poll

How much do you work out each week?  

  1. 1. How much do you work out each week?

    • 4 or more hours a week of medium/high-intensity training
    • 4 or more hours of medium/high-intensity training
    • 3 hrs medium/high-intensity training
    • 3 hrs low/medium training
    • 2 hrs med/high
    • 2 hrs low/med
    • less than 2 med/high
    • less than 2 low/med
    • not regularly, but frim time to time
    • never

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I voted for the second one (I think it was supposed to be low/medium intensity, right?) I walk at least once a day for an hour or so, and I do strength training and flexibility three times a week with my "personal trainer" (dh.) My only high intensity workouts are tennis, basketball, or bike riding with the kiddos, and that's just once or twice a week.

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I walk and then use the machines at the Y daily throughout the week. Usually we get another day on the weekend in, too. The whole thing lasts about an hour.


I didn't vote, though, because I think the first two are too similar. Did you mean for the second option to be med/low intensity? If so, that's me.


Okay, editing again: I did vote for the second option. While I'm there (okay, fine. The reason I'm there is because...) the kids like to play racquetball. So, they play for an hour every day, and I have to fill my time listening to books on my mp3 player and walking for about 45 of those minutes and then using the machines for the last 15 minutes.

Edited by LauraGB
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Intense is what you think it is. Tough workouts, by your estimate. I usually do two 90 minute hard core boot-camp style workouts a week, and 3 not so hard but still energizing 40 minute rides on my lifecycle. Want to hit the running trails again but need to get myself a 13 year old first.

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I do 5 hours of Judo a week. 2 hours of that is low intensity (I'm coaching then), the other 3 are medium or high intensity, depending on the drill. My boys are in the class I help coach, and they play in the waiting area with their friends during my class.


I also walk 3 miles every day on my treadmill. The treadmill incline is set anywhere from a 1%-6% grade, and I either walk 15 minute miles or I alternate walking & jogging. I'm hoping as my live issues get under control I'll finally be able to run the entire thing. Anyway, my boys are sleeping during this time (I get up at 5, and try to hit the treadmill by 6).


Sometimes I replace a treadmill workout with Jillian Michael's Last Chance workout.

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I work out an hour a day 6x/week. I'm currently using Insanity and plan to add Brazillian Butt Lift to it. I also run. So, this spring, I'll be doing INTENSE cardio 2 hours/day 5 − 6 days/week. I LOVE it.


The kids? I get up before they do (5:30 or so). And when I have a second workout, I do it when dh gets home. It takes planning for dinner and all, but it works!!!

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I get up early and run and/or do pilates (depending on the day, run & pilates 2x/week, run only 2x/week, pilates only 2x/week) while everyone is still sleeping. Every once in a while something happens and I need to run while they're all awake. My oldest is 14 and the next one is 12, they get to be in charge. I love the endorphins and the "me" time.:D

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I run 3x's a week, do yoga 2 to 3x's a week (right now more) and kettlebell 2x's a week (right now that's done to 1, because I'm getting close to a half marathon race). After the half marathon I want to add swimming once a week to the schedule.


I do these things early before the kids are up, while the kids are at swimming, or after I get them settled or done with school work. I have no babies or toddlers, so that is a huge advantage. I used to try and run (on a treadmill) when I had babies/toddlers, but it was hard to be consistent. I still tried to do it, but it just wasn't that many hours a week.


I work out 6 days a week, and often on Sunday I do another, lighter yoga routine.


It is hard to get started, but once you get in the habit you actually enjoy it (well, I do. :001_smile:).

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Dh and I do karate and kickboxing. Ds does too, but his class is on a different night than ours. He hangs out at the dojo while we work out. There are usually several kids whose parents are in the class so they play together.


I try to work out at home on the days I don't have class - I usually wait til ds is asleep for that.

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I usually exercise at least an hour a day of yoga, dance, jogging, biking, and strength training. However, I strained an intercostal rib muscle so I haven't been able to exercise for almost a month. :(


I bike/jog with the kids, do yoga with my girls (my son also loves the Kid Yoga DVD), belly dance with my little girls, hula hoop anytime I have free and as a family, and do exercise videos like 30DS during Quiet Time.

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I'm just getting into a workout routine. Lately I've been walking on the treadmill (about 3mph which is pretty brisk for my short legs) for 40-60 minutes 3 times a week.


Usually when I do this, my kids are watching a netflix streaming show in the other room or playing.

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I do medium/high intensity I guess for 6 days of the week. I'm doing P90X a second time after a week break after my 1st round. I also do doubles so for 4 days of the week, I also do another hour in the afternoon of cardio.


For my AM workout, I do it from 7:30-8-30am. My 10yr old is usually awake by then, making his breakfast and watching TV. My 7yr old and 4yr old are asleep. For my afternoon workout, the kids are playing. That workout is usually about 4:30pm-5:30pm and then I start cooking dinner.

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I run 3-4x/wk and my kids stay home. My 12yo is very capable of taking care of the two younger dds. If I'm on the treadmill, they play or do school work. At times, my 6yo has been seen pretend running next to me. :)

In winter, I'm on the treadmill. My six yo runs by me too. :)

They play or watch a movie while I run.


When the weather is nice, they ride bikes and I run behind them. Trying to keep up with your kids is a great reason to keep running.

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I'm doing P90x for the third time so 6x/week...(considering moving on to Insanity or other Beachbody workout) and before moving here last summer I had a Y membership and went 5x a week. When I was at the Y, the boys were the perfect age for their childcare (3.5-4yrs old) and now that I do my workouts at home I do it first thing in the a.m. after fixing their breakfast. They just play in their playroom while I do it. They get time to wake up and I get time for myself...works great :)

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I have always walked most days. I live in a beautiful area near a river.

I also do yoga, chi king, sometimes weights at home.

I call that low/medium intensity, and most weeks its half an hour walk a day plus a couple of hours a week of yoga/other things.


Ever since the kids were little (4 or 5) I would put on a video (back then it was videos :) ) and go for my walks. Dh also has worked from home a lot so I have been able to leave thme with him, too.

Also, I tend to walk early in the morning, often before everyone else is up.

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I workout at home so they can be in the home as well and do something else. I have walked some afternoons with my neighbor at 2pm, but my boys are old enough to stay home alone for 45 min-1 hour and I just walk the neighborhood.



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My children are with me at the dojo also working out or practicing karate while I do cardio kickboxing, it depends on there moods. Sometimes my daughter will choose to do some school work or read during kickboxing but that is already after 2-5 hours of karate so no arguments there.

Most often my 6 year old son does cardio kickboxing with me.

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I workout 7 days a week, 4 days of strength training and the rest cardio. I workout fairly late at night after the kids are in bed, though if I survive this three-room swap we're doing (see the thread about spring cleaning your school room), it means we'll get our bedroom back, the den will no longer be occupied, and I can get up to workout crazy early in the morning instead.


(Up until I lose my 68 pounds, that is, at which point I can quit working out and go back to eating donuts, right?)

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Six months ago I would have made a very different selection. At the first of the year, dh and I started doing P90X, so that's about 6 hrs/week. Well, it's our versions of P90X, since neither of us, mostly me, can do every bit of every DVD. But it's definitely very intense.


My dc are old enough that they don't factor in to my exercise time.

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I work out 4-5 times a week at moderate to high intensity. I do DVDs, but I favor the circuit-training/bootcamp style ones. Or straight-up weight-lifting. And then cardio dance oness for off days, when I'm sore from the weight-lifting. :)


I either do them early in the morning, when the kids are still asleep, or are just waking up, or I do them during nap time/quiet time.

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I do a variety of workouts through the Netflix instant watch streaming at home, so the kids are doing whatever at home. We also belong to a fitness club and I either work out there while the kids are doing their tae kwon do class (also at the club), on my husband's day off so he's at home with the kids, or use the "kid club" babysitting service that's on site. My oldest is now old enough to use the cardio room, so sometimes she comes with me.


Erica in OR

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I mostly do brisk walking on the treadmill. I knock a lot of it out before they wake up. But I'll also hop on and do a quick mile at lunch or in the evening. I keep a log, so I can add up my daily miles. If it's pretty out, I take them ( and a picnic lunch) to the park and walk laps around the play area as an extended mid-day break.


My goal is 2-4 miles a day and the best way to get that is to be willing to break it up and grab a mile when I can.

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7-10 hardworking workout hours per week. it's my sanity... ;)


:iagree: If you would have asked me six months ago, that would most definitely not have been my answer. But since we started going regularly, I actually look forward to it. Yesterday afternoon I was feeling...I don't know...restless and heavy (not physically, more mentally than anything), like I needed something...and then dh pointed out that we hadn't gone to the Y all weekend. And that was quite what the problem was - no real movement or, I don't know, stress release, I think. It's nice that dh has finally started coming with lately. He's noticing the mental difference, too. We go in feeling one way and come out feeling much, much different (better). I never would have believed it at any other point in my rather lazy life, but it's true. And I don't even do anything that makes me break a sweat - just walking and some low impact machines (like the ab crunch thing and the hip and thigh abductors and those sorts of things).

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So it completely depends with the kids. In an average week, I:



  • run 30-40 miles (on my own, dh watches, or if he's on the road, some of that will be on a treadmill)
  • walk 3 miles (kids come with me)
  • a 30 minute yoga session at home (kids participate)
  • a 30 minute slide board session (kids mimic me, or watch whatever ski or surf movie I've popped into the dvd player to entertain me while I "skate")
  • swim 2 one-hour coached sessions (Kids stay home with Dad or if he's on the road, they come to the pool and watch a DVD on deck while I'm swimming. They are members of the pool, so as the pool manager, lifeguard and my coach have decided, they are simply "digesting" before going in the pool, which they do after my practice is done. ;) )

I do manage to do about 2 hours of seatwork with my dd M-F (6:30 - 8:30 a.m.) and my running is usually done in the afternoons during my dd's swim practice and on the weekends when not teaching. This gives me time to clean, read, etc. The yoga, slideboarding and walking break up some otherwise monotonous afternoons. :)

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I do 4 or more hours of med/high intensity. When my children were younger, I had to be out of the shower before dh went to work so that meant exercising from 5:30 am to 6:30 am. Now that my kids are older, I can leave the house at 6:15 and be home by the time my kids are getting up. They are 17, 14, and 10, so they can be home for an hour alone. I also rock climb when my daughter is working out with her climbing team and I also belong to a women-over-35 rock climbing group that meets early on Sunday mornings. That gets me about 8 - 10 hours a week, at least four of those hours are at high intensity.

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I love to workout. When I run on the treadmill, that is in my bedroom and I shut the door and turn up my music really loud. I don't have any "babies" anymore so it's easy to do, plus my husband is usually home. Occasionally I get to run outside and I leave the kids home with my husband or my 13 year old in charge.


I have also done DVD workouts, and my kids love working out right next to me! I haven't worked out in a couple of weeks because I've been very sick and my 6 year old son asked me last night, "Will we ever work out again?"

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  • 2 months later...

I never work out and it shows *sigh*. :blush: I'm thinking about doing karate since my kids are enrolling in karate school in the fall, and I've thought about doing a beach body program here at home. I used to walk religiously with my DH, but I stopped when he stopped due to his work schedule.

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I do about an hour a day Monday through Friday of low/medium intensity using Wii Fit and Gold's Gym Dance Workout. For me, at my current level of fitness, it actually gets my pulse rate to a high intensity level but I don't anyone else would consider it high. :tongue_smilie:


On weekends I don't do much of anything - maybe a little walking, swimming now that its getting warmer. I can't do Wii on the weekends since it's in the living room, there is no where else for dh and the kids to hang out and there just isn't enough space.


When I do my Wii workouts, my younger dd is usually "helping" - grabbing my arms while I'm balancing, ducking between my legs when I'm stretching, trying to dance along with me. She's been conked in the head by a nunchuk more than once after coming up behind me. One of these days I'm going to step on her or trip and one of us is going to get hurt.


My son I can let play on the computer and he will mostly stay out of my way.

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Since starting WW a couple months ago I've gotten religious about exercise - and I love it! I walk four miles daily at a medium intensity and then one day a week I do a longer walk - right now between 6 and 7 miles. I'm building up to walk a half marathon in October. I also add in swimming, tennis, and general outdoor fun but I don't count those as exercise. I go early in the mornings and take a nap later if I have to!

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I didn't have a clue how to vote. I do run for about 15 to 30 minutes 2 to 4 times a week.


But I lead a active lifestyle. Yesterday we went for a family bike ride, to a play structure, splash pad, waterfalls, and the grocery store to get a free kids cookie. We went about 12K total.


Between all the errands to library, grocery store, ... and our fun outings to the beach, play structures, science club I would say the kids and I go about 40K+ a week on average. I usually am carting about on average 40 pounds on my bike for all these places.


Then add in the walking to parks, store (pulling a wagon load up hill with groceries) and you have about 15K covered on foot just getting from A to B.


So I don't exercise much without the kids. I just get from A to B under my own power whenever possible.

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