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Poll: Staying at a hotel that's "haunted" - Would you?

How would the alleged presence of ghosts affect your choice of hotel/B&B?  

  1. 1. How would the alleged presence of ghosts affect your choice of hotel/B&B?

    • I believe in ghosts, and I'd be more likely to stay at a haunted place.
    • I believe in ghosts, and I wouldn't want to stay at a place advertised as haunted.
    • I believe in ghosts, but that wouldn't affect my hotel choice.
    • I don't believe in ghosts, and I'd be more likely to stay at a haunted place.
    • I don't believe in ghosts, but I wouldn't want to stay at a place that claims to be haunted.
    • I don't believe in ghosts, and it wouldn't affect my decision at all.
    • Other!

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I'm currently researching bed and breakfasts and little historic inns for a romantic getaway with dh. Shhh!


A number of the promising spots mention something on their website about being haunted. Yes, with ghosts. Which got me wondering. . .


Does this make the place more or less desirable to the average hotel/B&B guest? I won't say how I feel. I want to know what everyone else thinks.


What say you?



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We live near Gettysburg. In the past few years the number of "haunted" houses and Bed and Breakfasts and "haunted ghost tours" has grown at a ridiculous rate. Every other building is suddenly "haunted."


Anyhoo...I'm Christian and I don't believe in ghosts. However, I do believe in people making up stories, and (on a creepier note) I do believe in some demonic activity. So, if it's not a made up story (most likely), I'd wonder if it was demonic (slim chance, but possible).

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The chiro office I used to work in claimed to have a ghost. The practice was in an old, historic house and I do know a previous owner's dh had died in the house (of natural causes). I don't know if it actually had a "ghost" or not, but I do know that on days I worked, there would be weird noises. Once, I even went upstairs to see if someone was up there as I'd heard distinct foot steps overhead. I was actually more afraid of finding a person up there than I was in finding a "ghost". No one was there and the noises stopped for a bit, then started up again. I never let it bother me; I never felt unsafe or afraid, more annoyed at the noise!


The chiro and his family had lived in the upstairs of the house for a long time and they heard things but never felt threatened. So, I don't think I'd be bothered by a "haunted" house.

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No how, no way.


I've inadvertently been in places that were haunted and they have disturbed me for *days* . I can't shake the feelings of ultimate despair and only after much praying and having people pray for me have I been able to get it gone. I've been in houses that the energy was so frantic that they've affected me the same way.


I stay far, far away. I could not ever sleep in a place like that. And I would never let my children be in a place like that-they are more sensitive than I am.

Edited by justamouse
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Wow. I'm the first to vote "other". :001_smile:


I don't necessarily believe in ghosts, nor do I disbelieve in them, so for the most part I *would* stay in a 'haunted' hotel. That said, however, I would be less likely to stay there if the 'hauntings' were of an evil sort.

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I lived in what I believe was a haunted house as a child. It was weird and sometimes kind of scary but never threatening. But believe me, if someone had said, "Get Out!" we would have been gone. I wouldn't activiely go searching for a ghost because you never know what you might find.

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My employer contracts our hotel stays by city. We have one hotel/city pair that is definitely haunted, as confirmed by staff, my personal colleagues, and the ever-reliable internet LOL. I didn't actively avoid the city, but I didn't seek it out either. I didn't give a whit either way.


I don't consider myself a genuine, hardcore believer in ghosts, but I did grow up Buddhist so spirits aren't something I totally dismiss, either. I don't give it much passing thought, to be honest. I'm not easily spooked, but I've never sat through an entire viewing of The Shining, either! I stayed at our contracted haunted hotel once, and refuse to return. Consider me a convert; I'm now officially a believin' big chicken!


There was a murder there, a honeymooning couple back in the '20s. One of them killed the other, and today the ghosts roam the third floor. And only the third floor. I lost my freaking mind that night, acted like a complete idiot in ways I'd never imagine myself doing so. The flickering the lights on/off wasn't a big deal, and the channel flipping was annoying but no different than watching with my kids, but when I got out from my shower and saw my suitcase had been partially unpacked? I called my mommy. (No lie; I also called everyone and anyone I could think of because I felt less "alone"). My kids' dad was a champ and talked to me for a record five hours through the wee hours of the morning. I kept all lights on, the window open (like I was going to jump to safety??! Irrational, I know, but at the time it seemed smart LOL). I went downstairs three hours early just to get out of that room; that's where I learned it was only the third floor. Had I known that the night prior, I'd have just asked for a new room :tongue_smilie:. I also learned that our contract states we're not to be given a room on the third floor. Live and learn, I'm still not going back!


My kids' dad, however, thinks it sounds cool. He's not a huge believer either, but he found my experience extremely amusing and has considered a weekend trip to that city. More power to him, and to any of you other crazy, brave folks!

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Yes I certainly do believe in ghosts and no way would I stay in a haunted place.


Ask any nurse who works in a nursing home (epecially those who work the night shift) and you'll get a whole array of spooky and not so spooky ghost stories.


However if I had to choose to stay in a motel with human ghosts or one with animal ghosts I'd choose the human ghosts for sure. Animal ghosts freak me out more then human ghosts.

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Other. I believe in ghosts. I also believe that stories are often overblown for attention. Whether or not I would stay in a particular hotel would probably depend upon its history. I would probably not stay in the Stanley, for example. Does that make me silly and/or a chicken?

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Wouldn't bother me one way or another. Having lived on campus at Gettysburg for 4 years and hearing the ghost stories about most, if not ALL of the buildings there...it just doesn't bother me much. :) Not sure if I really believe in ghosts anyway...cept the Holy Ghost. ;)

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My daughter really wants to stay at The Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, AR.


We have visited and had lunch at The Crescent. It's a gorgeous, historical building (built in 1886) and it's purported to be haunted. In fact, that's one of the reasons my teen wants to stay there :001_smile:


Me? I don't really believe in ghosts. I would probably stay there. The Crescent seems to be a favorite of many and is highly rated. And it has spectacular views.

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I voted "other" as well... I do believe in ghosts, and I would say that it depends on the ghosts :tongue_smilie:. I'd want to "feel" the place before I went.


I once worked in an old convent building that had a ghost... we called her "Sister" and my husband and I didn't talk to each other about her until one day we came back to my office after Christmas. I remember coming right back out to the car where my husband was waiting and simply said "Sister is really, really angry" and he knew exactly who I was talking about. At some point a year or so later, Sister "moved on (?)". All in all, she was fine to have around.


My husband's uncle, though, bought a house a couple years ago that I found to have a lot of pain and several ghosts. I'll visit there, but I wouldn't want to stay there, especially on the second floor.


So, like I said, I'd want to "feel" the place. Probably not all that helpful of an answer, but honest.



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I voted Other.


I am not sure whether I believe in ghosts. I don't believe in them in the traditional sense, but I've not ruled out the possibility entirely.


Whether I'd be more or less likely to stay in a "haunted" B&B would have a lot more to do with the purpose of my trip. Romantic getaway? Maybe not. Want to meet interesting people who do believe in ghosts? Well, there'd surely be something to talk about, lol!



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I think the prevailing theory about ghosts is that they are souls that linger on when they are separated from the body in a sudden or violent way and don't realize they've passed or that they have unfinished business that keeps them from moving on. If that were the case I would think the entire country would be populated by ghosts that we wouldn't even know about. Think of the Civil War for example, and how many Americans lost their lives in a sudden and violent way. How many of them had lives left to live and had unfinished business that would cause them to linger on once the body can no longer support them? How about the Native Americans that were here even before and how many battles were fought amongst warring tribes? What about the Spanish flu or other illnesses that have blown through and claimed many? Not to mention how many people have died who didn't die violently, but who maybe weren't ready to go? I would think that would make for a lot of ghosts and we would be inhabiting space with them all the time without even knowing it.


I have a neighbor who shot himself last October and died in his bed. About a month ago a family moved in there with a young child. They are renters and I don't know if the owner of the house even told them about the suicide or not. Maybe they know and don't care or maybe they don't know at all? I don't know, but they are happily living in that house now and have all moved in and set it up as their home. I walked past their house today (they live next door to me and I have to pass their house to get to mine) and I saw that she had a new decoration up in the kitchen. It was a big L-O-V-E in the kitchen hanging over the stove. I don't think she's worrying about ghosts.


I personally don't believe in them, but I know a lot of people here in Florida, being that this is a tourism state, love to capitalize on ghost stories and have haunted ghost tours and such. It's gimmicky but apparently it works. Nicolas Cage, for that very reason, bought the La Laurie mansion in New Orleans that was supposed to be haunted.

Edited by Ibbygirl
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Not. A. Chance.


I have a hard enough time not freaking out over every single little noise at night in every single house I've lived in. There's no way I would be able to tolerate an entire night or weekend in a place that's rumored to be haunted. It might be all in my head but I would still not sleep a wink.

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Yes I certainly do believe in ghosts and no way would I stay in a haunted place.


Ask any nurse who works in a nursing home (epecially those who work the night shift) and you'll get a whole array of spooky and not so spooky ghost stories.

Yep, totally. I did a year working at a geriatric hospital and it changed me from an unbeliever to a believer. Oh boy, oh boy, the things that happened at night there :eek:


And that wasn't my first experience, but the others I'd tried to dismiss as figments of my imagination.


There was a murder there, a honeymooning couple back in the '20s. One of them killed the other, and today the ghosts roam the third floor. And only the third floor. I lost my freaking mind that night, acted like a complete idiot in ways I'd never imagine myself doing so. The flickering the lights on/off wasn't a big deal, and the channel flipping was annoying but no different than watching with my kids, but when I got out from my shower and saw my suitcase had been partially unpacked? I called my mommy. (No lie; I also called everyone and anyone I could think of because I felt less "alone"). My kids' dad was a champ and talked to me for a record five hours through the wee hours of the morning. I kept all lights on, the window open (like I was going to jump to safety??! Irrational, I know, but at the time it seemed smart LOL). I went downstairs three hours early just to get out of that room; that's where I learned it was only the third floor. Had I known that the night prior, I'd have just asked for a new room :tongue_smilie:. I also learned that our contract states we're not to be given a room on the third floor. Live and learn, I'm still not going back!

I stayed at an old house once that housed large groups. I came back that night to find all my clothes for the next day laid out on my bed :eek: No one else had access to do it.


I voted no, but that is not quite honest. I would stay in the hotel but not in the room/floor.

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I would be bothered that they *advertise* that they're haunted. If someone just said, "oh, that place is haunted", it wouldn't impact my decision a whit. But a place that advertises that it's haunted? Where they think that's something cool to play up? It would irk me, so I'd look somewhere else. Where they advertise good service and nice rooms. ;)

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One other thing, and maybe this will sound crazy to some people, I watch a lot of Ghost Hunters. It never scares me, and they mostly do a lot of debunking. My sisters all watch it too. There was *one* time though where the GHs said "oh, we think this place is showing signs of being haunted but it isn't harmful," and I disagreed. I really felt like it was a demon in the house. When I talked to my sisters (separately) they thought the same thing. *That* is what would make me hesitate.

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While I do believe that there are things that are hard to explain and I don't completely disbelieve that ghosts could exist, I think that many hotels and some b & b's these days are finding that having a ghost is profitable. If I was to open and B & B, I'd find a ghost too! ;)

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Not a chance.


When I was a kid I stayed in a house near a lifesaving station on the Outer Banks. During our stay we found out the house was haunted from all the shipwreck victims brought to the house as overflow from the station building. I knew it from the moment I first went in the house - it felt wrong.


I've been in other houses too that were "wrong". Whether or not they were haunted was up for debate, but there was something not right in those houses.

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I have changed my opinion on this over the years from non-believer to "I absolutely believe there is something out there" (whatever one wants to call it). DH worked at the medical clinic on Ford Island in Pearl Harbor,HI. He is not one to exaggerate, and he has way too many unexplained stories for me to dismiss...


So, no, I would not purposely put myself in contact; however, I do not believe they are all "bad" either.

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I don't know if there are ghosts, but I have had a weird experience that made me wonder.


When my oldest was three we stopped to stay the night at a cabin by a lake. I had a hard time getting to sleep, I kept waking up feeling like I was being watched, but I ignored it and went back to sleep.


Then, my three year old started crying from the other room. I went to get him and he was burning up with fever and was talking about a man on fire that was crawling on the walls. :confused: I brought him back to our bed, and he pointed at the spot I felt was watching me and told me about the man floating outside the window. (second story window no trees around)


I know it was probably his fever that made him talk that way, but he had never seen images like that. It was just odd. The fever disappeared the moment we left the cabin that morning to get breakfast/medicine from town.


We high tailed it out of that place and didn't stay a second night.

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Do not believe in ghosts. It would not affect my decision, unless the "marketing" of superstitious nonsense was so over the top that it got under my skin.




:iagree: and I put down that I don't believe and wouldn't mind staying there but really I have the above proviso in mind.

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Anyhoo...I'm Christian and I don't believe in ghosts. However, I do believe in people making up stories, and (on a creepier note) I do believe in some demonic activity. So, if it's not a made up story (most likely), I'd wonder if it was demonic (slim chance, but possible).



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Not a chance.


When I was a kid I stayed in a house near a lifesaving station on the Outer Banks. During our stay we found out the house was haunted from all the shipwreck victims brought to the house as overflow from the station building. I knew it from the moment I first went in the house - it felt wrong.


I've been in other houses too that were "wrong". Whether or not they were haunted was up for debate, but there was something not right in those houses.


Yup. When we were looking for houses to buy, I came across a few of them. that was exactly what I was talking about.


The house we live in how is from the 1880s and there was a hospital in the attic (huge attic). I actually enjoy going up there, though. I think everyone was cared for well there.


Dh's office and the company building are haunted. From the old owner. He was a pistol (you could google his name-he was an eccentric, billionaire). He and Dh always got along very well, and Dh says he plays tricks on everyone there. And they all know it, too. I'm talking about scientists and really serious people. People you would never ever expect to tell you that yes, they believe in ghosts.

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One other thing, and maybe this will sound crazy to some people, I watch a lot of Ghost Hunters. It never scares me, and they mostly do a lot of debunking. My sisters all watch it too. There was *one* time though where the GHs said "oh, we think this place is showing signs of being haunted but it isn't harmful," and I disagreed. I really felt like it was a demon in the house. When I talked to my sisters (separately) they thought the same thing. *That* is what would make me hesitate.


Oh, I haven't seen that show! We watch Ghost Adventures. (And no, I don't believe in ghosts.)


We stayed at a hotel that was purported to be haunted. Didn't bother me a lick. We're protected :001_smile:

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Oh, I haven't seen that show! We watch Ghost Adventures. (And no, I don't believe in ghosts.)


I only watched the first episode of that show, where they are in the old mining town. I laughed so hard I almost wet my pants. I think a live person or two was messing with them.

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My daughter really wants to stay at The Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, AR.


We have visited and had lunch at The Crescent. It's a gorgeous, historical building (built in 1886) and it's purported to be haunted. In fact, that's one of the reasons my teen wants to stay there :001_smile:


Me? I don't really believe in ghosts. I would probably stay there. The Crescent seems to be a favorite of many and is highly rated. And it has spectacular views.



My husband and I spent one night of our honeymoon in the Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs. We were in the penthouse suite, which I found out later was supposed to be the most haunted part of the hotel. It had not been updated in years, and was a bit of a wreck. I remember the bathroom was on one level, the living area a couple of steps up and you had to climb a flight of steep stairs to reach the bedroom. My husband fell right to sleep but I was up half the night. Nothing weird happened, and like I said, I didn't know it was "haunted" so I was not scared.

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This has been interesting to discuss with y'all. Some of the places offer special "ghost hunting" weekends, and/or are part of "ghost walk" tours of the town.


One of the towns I was looking into is a former ghost town, which had been a sterotypical Wild West mining town: gambling, drinking, prostitution, gunfights. Now it's a quirky, artsy place that supposedly has a number of haunted places.


Another town doesn't have the "wild" past, but apparently has a couple of places said to be haunted.


As the quieter town is a bit closer, I'm leaning toward that one for this trip, since it'll just be overnight.



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This has been interesting to discuss with y'all. Some of the places offer special "ghost hunting" weekends, and/or are part of "ghost walk" tours of the town.


We have done ghost walks, they were fun and included some history (okay, maybe some of the local history was a bit dubious). They were not at all scary.

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I would never.


The Queen Mary is said to be haunted in the first several rooms closest to the boiler room/front area and you could not pay me to stay there overnight.




I've stayed in the Queen Mary. There were no problems whatsoever. Although, I can't tell you where the room was in relation to the allegedly haunted ones, but the room I was in was fine. Nothing paranormal happened at all.

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One other thing, and maybe this will sound crazy to some people, I watch a lot of Ghost Hunters. It never scares me, and they mostly do a lot of debunking. My sisters all watch it too. There was *one* time though where the GHs said "oh, we think this place is showing signs of being haunted but it isn't harmful," and I disagreed. I really felt like it was a demon in the house. When I talked to my sisters (separately) they thought the same thing. *That* is what would make me hesitate.


We (I) watch Ghost Hunters, GHI and Destination Truth. Although ironically I'm not certain whether or not I believe in ghosts or walking spirits. I find the shows fascinating. However, the new girl on GHI makes it hard to watch at all. She's got to go. I've tolerated Barry but Susan is too much. The reason I even watch the show is because I don't believe they sensationalize much but she's over the top.

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We (I) watch Ghost Hunters, GHI and Destination Truth. Although ironically I'm not certain whether or not I believe in ghosts or walking spirits. I find the shows fascinating. However, the new girl on GHI makes it hard to watch at all. She's got to go. I've tolerated Barry but Susan is too much. The reason I even watch the show is because I don't believe they sensationalize much but she's over the top.


I can't watch GHI, I can't even watch Barry. :tongue_smilie: The first season of GHI dh asked "why did all the annoying people get to go overseas?" I just looked at him until he said, "ooooh."

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I don't know if there are ghosts, but I have had a weird experience that made me wonder.


When my oldest was three we stopped to stay the night at a cabin by a lake. I had a hard time getting to sleep, I kept waking up feeling like I was being watched, but I ignored it and went back to sleep.


Then, my three year old started crying from the other room. I went to get him and he was burning up with fever and was talking about a man on fire that was crawling on the walls. :confused: I brought him back to our bed, and he pointed at the spot I felt was watching me and told me about the man floating outside the window. (second story window no trees around)


I know it was probably his fever that made him talk that way, but he had never seen images like that. It was just odd. The fever disappeared the moment we left the cabin that morning to get breakfast/medicine from town.


We high tailed it out of that place and didn't stay a second night.

This made my skin crawl!

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