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Why do people shower every morning?

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Quote from Sewingmama:Like I said before I don't see how people can get away with not bathing little kids daily - my kids just must be unusually messy.


Nope my kids are 3, 9, and 12 they shower daily as well. They go outside everyday...and between sweat and dirt....they are getting a bath each night. So my kids must be as messy as yours!!



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I don't mind a little bit of good old stink. We're way too oversensitive to body odor in our culture, thanks to the marketing efforts of soap and shampoo companies. We've gotten to the point where the slightest whiff sends people running with their hands over their noses. It's unnatural.


I don't mind people who smell like people. Now if it's seriously old sweat, then that gets nasty. I shower every one to two days, but I exercise a fair bit (walking and gardening). I don't wash my hair every time.



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We rotate showers here so the kids have one every other day.

I shower about 3 times a week, more if I work out.

I do wash my hair in the sink almost daily, my moisturizer makes my bangs oily and I hate that.

When I do shower, it is late morning or afternoon when I am done working with the younger one and often depends on if I have to leave the house.

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Second, I would way rather smell a little BO on another person than some of crapnastic fake floral or "warm vanilla sugar" revolting scents people use. Seriously ... I work in a store and it's not the BO people who gag me out. It's the unnaturally scented people who do (and the weed-aroma-ed people who give me a contact high, but that's another story ;) ).




:iagree: except for maybe the weed aroma. :lol::lol:


I can't stand overly perfumed or scented people. Bath and Body works gives me a headache and makes me sneeze.


Now, too much Polo or Chaps on a man will send me down memory lane. :D

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I shower daily because I have to. Otherwise, my hair looks dirty and I just feel grungy.


It was a surprise to me when I had my kids that they didn't need to bathe very often (unless they'd been out runny on a hot day). Their hair would stay clean and beautiful for a week. Then, my son hit puberty and now his hair looks filthy if he doesn't wash it daily. I was actually kind of dense about it and couldn't figure out what was going on with his hair because it had always been so beautiful. It took me awhile to realize it just needed to be washed! To me, this negates the argument that we train our bodies to need to shower. He wasn't showering daily and then he suddenly needed to. I guess if he lived in Europe, he'd just look grimy half the time?


My mom always showered and washed her hair daily. In the last few years, her body has changed and she no longer needs to. She can go days without washing her hair and I suspect at least a couple without showering. She always smells sweet and looks clean. I hope that happens to me when I get older. A small thing to look forward to!



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Nothing. Americans have a weird obsession with showering.


I usually only shower twice a week as well.


And since my hair is super short, I usually only wash it *gasp* once a week.


Oh, and I only use soap on my pits and lady area. The rest just gets water.




The last thing I want is another heated thread here. but a daily shower is NOT a weird obsession. Just *maybe* the clean feeling would grow on you if you showered daily. I don't want to get into TMI, but seriously HOW can you be clean without washing face,underpits and lady parts daily? If you do this with a wash cloth, you might as well jump in the shower.


This is kind of a sore spot for me because we have extended family members who smell strong of BO. The whole room would smell. This is uncalled for in a society that has plenty of water, soap and deodorant available. I have felt so terrible and sensitive about it for them. Seriously, how do you tell someone that? And I am SURE they don't realize it, very clean, neat appearance. You get used to it and you don't notice it, but other people do!


We have an office that is open to the public. I would MUCH rather have someone leave a perfumy smell, then a BO smell.


All this to say, maybe you should ask someone outside your family if they ever smell you. Unless you don't mind being smelly. Each to his own.


Edited to add: I'm sorry if I'm being offensive. I want to charitable about it. But this situation with family leaves me wondering if you should ever tell someone if they smell.

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I don't mind a little bit of good old stink. We're way too oversensitive to body odor in our culture, thanks to the marketing efforts of soap and shampoo companies. We've gotten to the point where the slightest whiff sends people running with their hands over their noses. It's unnatural.


I love a clean sweaty smell.


My theory: sweat on a clean body smells good. Sweat dried on sweat dried on sweat starts to smell bad.

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If I'm not doing anything but hanging out in the house, I will shower every other day and, no, I don't smell thank you very much. I have dry skin and dry hair as well.


I shower after a workout and lately just to get warm. When I worked outside the home I did shower every day, mostly because of my hair.


My DH does this! He'll shower before he goes to a really cold hockey rink or before he goes outside to shovel/snowblow.


he has a crewcut, tho so he never has wet hair.

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I shower every morning. I like to feel clean. I also don't drink coffee so it is a nice wake up. I don't stand in there for a year and a day. I get clean and get out.

My kids shower every evening because they are quite rank at the end of the day. In the winter when they are not as active (and if there was no swim practice that day) they will skip a day.

Dh showers daily (sometimes 2x a day) because he gets quite ripe.

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Those of you who shower twice a day how do you afford the water bill? I try to take showers as quickly and efficiently as I can because I see dollar signs instead of water drops. :lol:


I'm a every morning shower reformer. Now that my older boys both work there are 3 people vying for bathroom time during already busy mornings so the youngest and I just do our thing at night. And if the two of us have stayed home all day quietly doing school work, we might skip that. Deodorants have come so far that the teen boy doesn't even smell after a skipped shower.


I had an aquaintance whose husband showered 3 times a day. Morning, after work, and at night. He wore AT LEAST 3 sets of clothes a day (all had to be washed.) Towels were only used once and sheets were washed every day PJs washed everyday.


The husband also power-washed the outside of the house once a week 3 seasons a year.


She still INSISTED that there had to be a mistake in her water bill. :lol:


(They also didn't have a garbage can in the house. They kept a grocery bag in the sink and changed it a couple times a day. Anything that didn't fit in that bag was immediately thrown in the outside garbage. And the kitchen sink bag HAD to be thrown out before bed.)

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I don't shower in the morning but I do take a shower every night. I can't stand the thought of waiting to bathe until morning after I've cleaned my house, played with the dog, exercised, been outside, etc all day. It would be like sleeping in filth to me. I usually go to bed fairly late so my hair is already dry so no soggy pillows (lol).

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I'm gobsmacked that so many people don't shower every day. I shower every morning. Sometimes (summer) I shower 2-3 times in a day. I haven't lived in a house with A/C in 7 years.


After reading the entire thread it seems that most people wash every day, they just don't do it in the shower.


It takes me longer to sponge bathe and wash my hair in the sink than it does to shower. That takes me a good 10 minutes with water everywhere when I'm through. During a shower I'm in and out in roughly 3 minutes water contained to the shower unit.


I suppose I've showering down pat where others have sponge bathing down.

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I was bored at work last night and read this entire thread. Truly fascinating. I don't shower if we aren't leaving the house at all. That is usually 2 days a week or so. I don't see the point in showering if I'm not going anywhere. I certainly don't wash my hair every day. I'm a curly girl, and my hair is on the dry side, so washing it once or twice a week is plenty! I don't have a problem with stinking because I just don't sweat a lot. I do always shower after exercising and the morning after Tea. ;)


My little girls only bath every other day in the winter, but my oldest showers daily. In the summer all of the girls bathe daily because they are dirty!!


DH showers every evening after work. That man NEVER stinks. Even if he works outside sweating all day, he still doesn't stink. He smells very sexy all the time. :)


I so agree with Tara about the horrid perfumes people use. BLECH! I do like a little vanilla or citrus lotion, but nothing overpowering. It's like when people spray air freshener in the bathroom after having a bm. Seriously? Who wants to smell rose scented crap? YUCK!


And lastly, why in the world have people gotten so worked up in this thread about how often others shower? It seems like a silly thing to care so much about. I don't care how often people shower as long as their scent doesn't knock me down. :D

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I shower every other day - the non-shower days I do wash up at the sink (like in the olden days!) Since I am only doing my face and armpits (el stinkos) it goes fast.


If I wash my hair daily it looks oily faster, so it is only shower days that that happens (blond here - go more than two days and it looks GROSS).

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Oh my word! Their bills must have been through the roof! Here, water is part of our taxes and we don't have individual meters. So one could more easily get away with it, but still there is the electric or gas bill for heating the water and running the wash machine!


No kidding! IIRC, it was about 3x or 4x higher than mine.

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I wonder how much of this has to do with climate? I bet if I lived in Montana instead of Florida I'd need to shower less often. Here I get sweaty walking to the mailbox!



:lol::lol: And the mailbox is at the end of a short driveway! Hair dripping sweaty happens almost the instant you step out the door.


As to the OP, I prefer evening showers even when the weather isn't hot (like this time of year). And in the cooler weather I wash my hair about every 2-3 days. In summer, which runs from mid-May to October, sometimes I have to take 2 showers a day. There's just no getting around the sticky feeling unless you stay indoors in the A/C ALL day.

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I take a bath almost every night, but not usually to get clean. It's my relaxing time. DH comes home and I lock myself in the bathroom for about 30 minutes.


I wash my hair about every 3 days and every Saturday so that it's clean for church the next day. Whether I get a shower or have to wash it in the sink just depends on circumstances for that day.


I would much rather smell just BO than BO mixed with fake scents. Bleck!

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Just *maybe* the clean feeling would grow on you if you showered daily.


Wow, snark much?


I'm not dirty just because I don't shower daily. Seriously, I spend 80% of my time at home with my kids, doing school or cooking or reading or whatnot. How dirt-covered can I possibly get doing that? Really!


Maybe I am blessed to be one of those people who doesn't have oily skin, but I am not dirty. Believe me or not, it's up to you, but the idea that if you don't shower 7-14 times a week means you're a dirty, stinky mess is really incorrect.


And when I lived in Europe, the people over there really did think Americans had a weird obsession with showering. Living in Europe is what broke me of my daily showering habit. And the people in Europe DON'T STINK (all BO jokes about the French aside).


According to most of the rest of the planet, a daily shower is unnecessary and wasteful. Just because we CAN do it here doesn't mean it's necessary or that you're gross if you don't.



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I remember staying a summer at my grandmother's when I was 12. Out of habit, at the end of the day, I'd tell her that I was going to take a shower. She stopped me several times and asked, "Did you get dirty today?"


Climate has a lot to do with it. How we are raised has a lot to do with it.


I had a friend whose entire family just cringed at the thought of using a towel more than once. In my home, we hung out towels up and they were laundered once a week! But, my friend was a terrific person and so was I!


So, I think you are terrific if you shower every day. And I think I am pretty terrific if I shower 4-5 times a week. And for the record... I have never had a bit of sweat when I slept, unless I had a fever that was breaking... I have lived in a dry climate just about my entire life... I have dry skin and curly hair... I would never hop into bed without washing up a bit (that does not mean a shower)... and I am married to the CLEANEST man on the planet (just about), who showers every day NO MATTER WHAT and occasionally takes two a day... He was raised that way and it paranoid over germs (thanks, MIL...)

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I was bored at work last night and read this entire thread. Truly fascinating. I don't shower if we aren't leaving the house at all. That is usually 2 days a week or so. I don't see the point in showering if I'm not going anywhere. I certainly don't wash my hair every day. I'm a curly girl, and my hair is on the dry side, so washing it once or twice a week is plenty! I don't have a problem with stinking because I just don't sweat a lot. I do always shower after exercising and the morning after Tea. ;)


My little girls only bath every other day in the winter, but my oldest showers daily. In the summer all of the girls bathe daily because they are dirty!!


DH showers every evening after work. That man NEVER stinks. Even if he works outside sweating all day, he still doesn't stink. He smells very sexy all the time. :)


I so agree with Tara about the horrid perfumes people use. BLECH! I do like a little vanilla or citrus lotion, but nothing overpowering. It's like when people spray air freshener in the bathroom after having a bm. Seriously? Who wants to smell rose scented crap? YUCK! :lol::lol::lol: We have "clean linen" scent.


And lastly, why in the world have people gotten so worked up in this thread about how often others shower? It seems like a silly thing to care so much about. I don't care how often people shower as long as their scent doesn't knock me down. :D


:iagree: If we lived closer, I'd bring my grungy, not showered, bushy-haired self over to your house and share a cup of coffee. I do promise to brush my teeth though. :tongue_smilie:<--- see, that's me, brushing my minty fresh tongue over my bright shiny smile.

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Those of you who shower twice a day how do you afford the water bill? I try to take showers as quickly and efficiently as I can because I see dollar signs instead of water drops. :lol:




We have never had one water bill in our lives- we have always had a well.



Just as an aside- the local town's water here comes from a river that starts behind a nearby village- their drainage pipes from the village's sewer plant hang out over this river and dump the flow-out. In this area there is an murky, oil, foam scum floating in the water. (We drive our atv's back in this area). This is hidden far back in a woods where almost no one would ever see. The river travels a mile or two, to behind the town's reservoir- there the river water is collected and processed to become the town's water.

I always wanted to tell someone, and this seemed as good a place as any.


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:iagree: I need a puking smiley to show how I feel about *not* showering daily. Even when I don't excercise (like today-my three to five miles walking/running daily this week has gotten to me) I still want to be clean.


It seriously makes me want to gag when I hear of people not showering or bathing daily. Now if you are physically sick and can't shower, that is a different story. For the typical person however, showering or bathing daily is a must IMHO.


I find this rude and judgemental.

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I feel filthy when I don't. And when I miss one shower my hair gets oily and I'll break out in the following few days. The stuff you are washing off isn't just stuff you gather elsewhere. It's oil from your own skin, bacteria and yeast growing on your own skin, and dead skin cells from your own skin.

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Last time my FIL visited, he AIRED his undies every evening in the bush outside the house. I had never heard of that custom before. I have been told by my Canadian husband that that is not a Canadian custom though.

:lol: That's the best! I so needed a laugh today.

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I don't shower in the morning....mainly because I can't stand to be cold! To leave my nice warm bed and climb into the shower ... I don't like it one bit!


So I shower every evening after dinner. Sometimes, I'll go back downstairs and watch TV for awhile. Sometimes, I just climb into bed and read a book or do some crossword puzzles.


I enjoy climbing into bed with a clean body .. and it saves on time in the morning, too.

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I shower atleast twice most days... but not for the same reason other people do....


I work in a nursing and rehab home and I have a kid... I shower after work because well I work in a nursing hob and just feel icky at the end of the day (love my residents)...


I generally shower before I go because I have a kid and we are active and I dont want to carry germs from and my son and the other people we are around to work ( I mean I work with old people their immune systems arent all that great)

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I shower atleast twice most days... but not for the same reason other people do....


I work in a nursing and rehab home and I have a kid... I shower after work because well I work in a nursing hob and just feel icky at the end of the day (love my residents)...


I generally shower before I go because I have a kid and we are active and I dont want to carry germs from and my son and the other people we are around to work ( I mean I work with old people their immune systems arent all that great)


:iagree: I counsel at a nursing home 2x a week. The odor permeates my clothes, handbag, briefcase, etc.

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Crazy thread!


Twice a week here, adding extra for weather and activity. I live in Colorado where it is both cool and dry, so I am thankful for that.


I do think it's a bit rude for the showering-every-day folks to criticize others as disgusting. If someone developes an odor that is offensive in public, then you have a right to complain. I'm fine if people want to shower every day - I don't criticize for them being "wasteful" or "obsessive". To each his own!

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:iagree: If we lived closer, I'd bring my grungy, not showered, bushy-haired self over to your house and share a cup of coffee. I do promise to brush my teeth though. :tongue_smilie:<--- see, that's me, brushing my minty fresh tongue over my bright shiny smile.


That would be awesome! I would love to meet you IRL. And I would promise to brush my teeth too. That is one thing I do multiple times per day. :)

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I do think it's a bit rude for the showering-every-day folks to criticize others as disgusting. If someone developes an odor that is offensive in public, then you have a right to complain. I'm fine if people want to shower every day - I don't criticize for them being "wasteful" or "obsessive". To each his own!


It's at least illogical. I know a FEW people who don't shower daily and smell does not equate to: Therefore ALL people who don't shower daily smell. According to Art of Argument it would be a hasty generalization "This fallacy occurs when one jumps to a conclusion concerning the general tendencies of all the individuals in a certain category without compiling sufficient evidence."


I try not to sweat it (no pun) because I'm sure I've posted many illogical statements before. I've learned a lot from AoA;)


That would be awesome! I would love to meet you IRL. And I would promise to brush my teeth too. That is one thing I do multiple times per day. :)


That would be cool. :D I suspect we could find some way to have fun and stir up a little trouble at the same time. :lol:

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For the people who shower 2X a day...aren't you concerned about wasting water? How long are you staying in the shower?


That seems...kind of excessive. Do you do that when there is a drought? Have you tried to reduce your showers or at least the amount of time in the shower? Maybe you could get some sort of timer?




It really depends on what I have been doing. If it is winter and I am too traumatized by the weather to even leave my house I shower every other day before bed. My skin gets really dry in the winter and everyday would be too much. If it is summer and I am outside in the mud with the kids all day I shower everyday before bed. I just prefer to go to bed clean.


I have long curly hair and it takes forever to dry. If I shower in the AM but have somewhere to go my hair would still be wet. I just take a shower then muck about online or play computer games until my hair is dry then I go to bed.

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