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Why do people shower every morning?

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Is everyone doing this to just wake up or am I missing something when it comes to dirt or germs? I tried it for a few weeks in college because everyone else in the dorm was doing it, but I developed dry skin and really preferred to sleep in. I shower when I'm dirty, female time of the month or when I have worked out and am sweaty, but otherwise I just shower twice a week. Clean panties every day, clean clothes, clean sheets. What am I missing?

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I have very overactive oil glands- my hair and skin NEED to be washed daily. My hair seriously looks wet from oil if I don't wash it. And no, it's not from overwashing. My 3 y/o dd has only taken a bath 2-3 times a week up until recently and I can see that she's going to be the same way as me: she is suddenly very oily looking all the time. Her every 2-3 day baths just aren't cutting it anymore.

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Because I like to feel clean.


:iagree: I need a puking smiley to show how I feel about *not* showering daily. Even when I don't excercise (like today-my three to five miles walking/running daily this week has gotten to me) I still want to be clean.


It seriously makes me want to gag when I hear of people not showering or bathing daily. Now if you are physically sick and can't shower, that is a different story. For the typical person however, showering or bathing daily is a must IMHO.

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I can't go more than 2 days or my hair will be greasy, limp and ick. I have gone longer, but it doesn't feel good.


Like you said, OP, in college I showered every day, since that was what everyone else did (and I didn't want them to think I had bad hygiene). Once I started doing that, if I missed a day, then my hair felt awful. Now that I'm back to every other day, my hair feels fine on the "day off."

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It seriously makes me want to gag when I hear of people not showering or bathing daily. Now if you are physically sick and can't shower, that is a different story. For the typical person however, showering or bathing daily is a must IMHO.


Out of curiosity, why? I mean, assuming the person isn't dirty or greasy or whatever. And let's assume that "tops and tails" (is that the old saying?) are taken care of properly. What's grossing about not washing something that's already clean? Is it just a matter of taste? (No venom - just trying to see something from someone else's perspective.)


fwiw, I shower regularly, but not daily. I like being clean, but I don't find a daily shower necessary to that end, and I'd rather have the extra time in the morning for coffee and reading instead using it for extraneous bathing (no foul if you like the morning ritual of water rather than coffee though! to each her own!).

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I actually never got why people shower in the morning rather then before they go to bed. Sweat and dirt on the sheets :confused: I can't do it :001_smile:


I actually take 2 showers a day - one before I go to bed to wash off the sweat and dirt of the day and one in the morning because I have health problems and it wakes me up and unstiffens my muscles.


My kids bathe EVERY night. I don't see how they could not. They are all so covered by dirt and food and craft play and none of them wipe their butts properly yet either :ack2: My baby gets a rash on his butt if he doesn't get a bath to wash away the urine from wearing diapers - even though I wash him with wet wipes at evey change -it just isn't enough.


I guess we live in Aus though -we are outside more and sweat more I guess.

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I shower every other day, sometimes twice a week if I'm not overly active. Any more than that and my skin is so dry it keeps me awake at night, lotion or not.


For those that shower daily because of greasy hair, having oily hair can actually be *caused* by showering daily. The daily washing dries out the hair, and the oil glands overcompensate. People with this problem who switch to showering less have actually had the problem resolve itself. Yes, your hair is oily for a few weeks, but after that your oil glands readjust and your hair is much, much healthier.

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Tops and tails are the most important thing to me-that is the part that seriously makes me gag if you do not do it daily. I honestly just can't imagine anyone being clean after a day of housework and taking care of children. Then again, I may be extra messy :tongue_smilie:


And I do feel dirty if I do not shower daily. We have a Lab whom thinks he is a lap dog, all 80lbs of him, do I need to say more, lol.


Out of curiosity, why? I mean, assuming the person isn't dirty or greasy or whatever. And let's assume that "tops and tails" (is that the old saying?) are taken care of properly. What's grossing about not washing something that's already clean? Is it just a matter of taste? (No venom - just trying to see something from someone else's perspective.)



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I take a shower on the days I go to work. If I don't, my hair looks awful. I have thin, fair hair. Also, showers help wake me up. If I am at home and don't have to go anywhere then it might be 2-3 days. I like to take bubble baths. I read while I bathe and it helps me unwind.

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I wash the unmentionables every day, but it's a quick affair. Hair? I wash my hair twice a week, usually. (curly......it has a mind of it's own) If my feet are dirty, I wash them. If my pits are dirty, I wash THEM, but I don't scrub my entire body daily. I think it's an odd American ritual and it's overkill. (and I have REALLY dry skin that wouldn't be able to handle it)

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I thought the post read "why would people shower in the morning rather then the evening?'


I can NOT understand how people can go to bed without showering. I like to feel clean when I crawl in. Why get the sheets all sweaty?


That's what I would like to know!:tongue_smilie:

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I don't shower every morning.

I take a 1 minute rinse off in the shower before bed every night. 3 times a week I extend the shower time enough to wash my hair & shave.


Taking a quick shower & then sliding between crisp, clean sheets is one of the very most enjoyable experiences of life, imo, and I cannot sleep nearly as peacefully if I don't rinse off the sweat & dirt of the day. :ack2: I also find that I'm much more romantically inclined if I'm clean & good-smelling. :blush::leaving:

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People *think* they don't smell. But they do. They really, really do.


I don't mind a little bit of good old stink. We're way too oversensitive to body odor in our culture, thanks to the marketing efforts of soap and shampoo companies. We've gotten to the point where the slightest whiff sends people running with their hands over their noses. It's unnatural.

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I thought the post read "why would people shower in the morning rather then the evening?'


I can NOT understand how people can go to bed without showering. I like to feel clean when I crawl in. Why get the sheets all sweaty?


That's what I would like to know!:tongue_smilie:




Taking a quick shower & then sliding between crisp, clean sheets is one of the very most enjoyable experiences of life, imo, and I cannot sleep nearly as peacefully if I don't rinse off the sweat & dirt of the day. :ack2: I also find that I'm much more romantically inclined if I'm clean & good-smelling. :blush::leaving:


Yep, can't imagine getting into bed with DH and not showering :blush:

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Because I think it is gross if you do not shower after sleeping all night and sweating. EEEEWWWW. I absolutely cannot go anywhere unless I take a shower every single morning.


When I was in the hospital. I didn't care how sick I was. I made them get me up and let me shower.


I also shower before bed.


It just makes you feel good.:001_smile:

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I shower every morning but I wish I didn't need to. It helps me wake up, it gets my thick, wavy hair under control and it keeps me from stinking. I like to cuddle up in my blankets and I tend to sweat when I sleep. It's even worse now that I'm probably in perimenopause. When I get up in the morning I feel sweaty and stinky and I don't feel ready to face the world without showering.

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I like a hot shower in the morning to loosen up my aching back...there I admitted it. I ache in the morning. Maybe because I sleep with two little people.


I have sinus problems and it also helps clear that up.


It also helps wake me up.


I don't always get a shower every morning. It's mass pandemonium in my house in the morning and sometimes I can't sneak away safely. :glare:


I don't wash my hair every day. It dries it out. I was my hair every 2nd or 3rd day unless I've done something where I got sweaty or dirty.


When I lived in Florida I did not shower in the morning. I showered before bed. Hopefully by then it wasn't so hot that I would be sweating again in 5 minutes. I only showered in the morning if I had someplace to be.

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It seriously makes me want to gag when I hear of people not showering or bathing daily. Now if you are physically sick and can't shower, that is a different story. For the typical person however, showering or bathing daily is a must IMHO.



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I thought the post read "why would people shower in the morning rather then the evening?'


I can NOT understand how people can go to bed without showering. I like to feel clean when I crawl in. Why get the sheets all sweaty?


That's what I would like to know!:tongue_smilie:


How can you stand going to bed with wet hair and sleeping on a sopping wet pillow? (My hair takes about two hours to dry naturally and at least 15 minutes to blow dry.)

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I shower every day because if I don't, I smell before the day is out. Even if I didn't mind a little smell (which I do, I'll admit), I would not want to offend others. So while our culture may be oversensitive to body odor, I don't want to be the one that sends people running with their hands over their noses!:tongue_smilie:

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I don't. I shower about every other day or every time I exercise (whichever is more frequent).


BTW, I have very dry hair and skin. Showering more than that is really hard on both of them. I suppose if I had greasy hair, I would feel quite differently.

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So my fine wavy hair will look nice at work. So I can shake the sleep out of my eyes when I get up early for work. So I can stretch my middleaged back and hip joints in the steamy heat while giving my teeth a very good scrubbing. So I can blow my nose completely, gargle without making a mess, think quietly for a few moments about everything I have to do, and perhaps sing a few notes to start my day.


I also don't use strong stuff on my pits, so they need a wipe down in the least. Before my bladder got stapled back into place, there was that to take care of, too.


Wait until you are older, honey.

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How can you stand going to bed with wet hair and sleeping on a sopping wet pillow? (My hair takes about two hours to dry naturally and at least 15 minutes to blow dry.)


Actually I never got on to shower caps. I put my hair up with a large clasp so it doesn't get wet unless I wash it, which I don't every day. On the hair washing days, I like to shower early enough that I avoid a soppy pillow.


It's drying right now.:D


Dh used to thinks I'm strange. I cannot sleep well unless I've showered. Now he showers most nights too.

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It seriously makes me want to gag when I hear of people not showering or bathing daily. Now if you are physically sick and can't shower, that is a different story. For the typical person however, showering or bathing daily is a must IMHO.


Gag away then, because the only person in this house who showers "daily" is dh - because it wakes him up before going off to work.


Other people's shower routines don't matter to me. :)

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I'm a shower-at-night/unwind / as necessary person. Even w/ wet hair [loosely wrapped in towels]. baby powder/lavender smells great. :-)


How many people sweat at night in their beds? I guess I could understand the *need* to shower if that's the case, but i don't sweat in my bed. :-)

**edited to acknowledge that sometimes...under some circumstances...i might work up a sweat....but that's generally before a shower, lol;)


Now my 16yods..... he has to wash the gel gunk out of his hair [and life off the rest of his body] at night, then take another shower in the morning cuz he's sleeping with his DOG - a GSD, lol. i'm not gonna argue with either of those reasons.....

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