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My ds is in the hospital very sick.

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We have been in the hospital since early Sunday morning. My son is 4 and he has sickle cell disease. Sunday he woke with a temp of 104.5 and was having difficulty breathing. I rushed to the ER and we have been at the children's hospital since. He has acute chest syndrome which is a serious compication of sickle cell. He has had two blood transfusions in the past two days and is on a few IV antibiotics and regular breathing treatments. He spiked another high fever late last night so they did more labs at 2 this morning to see if he has a blood infection. Basically he keeps seeming to get a little better and then takes a turn for the worse.


The hemetologist thinks it may be time to start him on monthly blood transfusions and/or hydroxyurea {an oral chemotherapy}. She is concerned because he has a high potential for stroke and has had several episodes with the sickle cell that have been life threatening. the treatments could help him, but they come with their own set of risks and side effects. It's a big decision to make. I am essentially choosing which risk factors we would most like to live with.


I have no idea when we will get out of here. Thankfully it is an excellent hospital and my girls are being well cared for with friends from church. But a hospital can never feel like home.

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Everytime you post about your son and the struggles with his illness, I am struck by how bravely you move through life, and so too, your little son. I understand that "it's just what you do", but it impresses me deeply and reminds me to think before I whine, and to reach out in my heart to people like you who are dealing with so much.


While I know that your choices are laden with difficulty and risk, I hope you will find peace with one. Strength to you and your whole family.




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We have been in the hospital since early Sunday morning. My son is 4 and he has sickle cell disease. Sunday he woke with a temp of 104.5 and was having difficulty breathing. I rushed to the ER and we have been at the children's hospital since. He has acute chest syndrome which is a serious compication of sickle cell. He has had two blood transfusions in the past two days and is on a few IV antibiotics and regular breathing treatments. He spiked another high fever late last night so they did more labs at 2 this morning to see if he has a blood infection. Basically he keeps seeming to get a little better and then takes a turn for the worse.


The hemetologist thinks it may be time to start him on monthly blood transfusions and/or hydroxyurea {an oral chemotherapy}. She is concerned because he has a high potential for stroke and has had several episodes with the sickle cell that have been life threatening. the treatments could help him, but they come with their own set of risks and side effects. It's a big decision to make. I am essentially choosing which risk factors we would most like to live with.


I have no idea when we will get out of here. Thankfully it is an excellent hospital and my girls are being well cared for with friends from church. But a hospital can never feel like home.

praying for your son, Cathy, and for you for strength & wisdom. :grouphug:

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Thanks for the prayers and the encouragement. It has been a very long week, but we are going home today! I must admit I am a little nervous to be leaving here. He is not 100% well yet, but the doctors think he is well enough to be home. He will continue on oral antibiotics and the breathing treatments. We have an appointment with his hematologist on Tuesday.


I researched a lot. I even read medical textbooks at the University of Chicago bookstore. ultimately I think I read more than I should have maybe, I don't know. I read hard cold medical research, not the books that are softened for the parents. I am not fully letting myself feel anything about what I have read. I am just overwhelmed.


I think we will start with hydroxyurea, the chemo, in a week or two. Hopefully it will cause enough positive change for us to hold off on monthly transfusions for at least a little while longer.


I am tired and not quite as relieved as I usually am when he goes home, but I am looking forward to seeing my girls.

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Thanks for the prayers and the encouragement. It has been a very long week, but we are going home today! I must admit I am a little nervous to be leaving here. He is not 100% well yet, but the doctors think he is well enough to be home. He will continue on oral antibiotics and the breathing treatments. We have an appointment with his hematologist on Tuesday.


I researched a lot. I even read medical textbooks at the University of Chicago bookstore. ultimately I think I read more than I should have maybe, I don't know. I read hard cold medical research, not the books that are softened for the parents. I am not fully letting myself feel anything about what I have read. I am just overwhelmed.


I think we will start with hydroxyurea, the chemo, in a week or two. Hopefully it will cause enough positive change for us to hold off on monthly transfusions for at least a little while longer.


I am tired and not quite as relieved as I usually am when he goes home, but I am looking forward to seeing my girls.


((Cathy)) How exhausted (physically, mentally, emotionally) you must be!


I'll keep you and your precious son in my prayers.


I know your girls will be glad to see both of you, too.

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