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Do most people have passports now?

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I only have a passport because I considered going to Europe in college, and then decided against it. Actually, it's still in my maiden name...


All the people I know who have passports are either missionaries, got the passports because of foreseen out of country trips, or got the passports because their children were going to be going out of the country on a trip. The nice thing about them is they're good for 10 years for adults. :)

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I'd like to have them for our entire family. But, at $105.00 each, it's pretty pricey for a family of six. DD is getting hers this month and so is dh. DD is going to run a six week basic first aid and CPR class for a mission doctor in a foreign local sometime this autumn. DH's employer wants him to get his just in case they have to send him to Europe or Australia. They will pay for his passport.


One by one, we'll try to get them. With the the three boys being under 18, their passports will expire in five years and I don't want to have the cost of renewal all in one month, hence the staggering.



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Well, I have always had a passport, but I grew up overseas and have travelled internationally quite often.


DH needs one for work, my youngest son was adopted from China so he has one, and we got them when we adopted him for the other two kids.


I want so much to take my kids to places I have been, but the cost is prohibitive for us right now. This is one reason I hope to buy a cheaper house and have the ability to travel more.


DH would also like to pursue a job assignment overseas in a couple of years.



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We have them. Just in case!


Dh got his in Seminary when he spent a month in Jerusalem area. I got mine when we traveled to England after Sem. Ds21 got his at 18 when he went to Ireland with his aunt. We just got one for our daughter so we can take off for sabbatical if we want.


Oh--can't remember if you need them for the Bahamas--went there about 10 years ago, and boys had them then.


We know lots of folks who have them. We are in a transient area with tons of military folks, but also just folks who like to travel.

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The kids and I got ours last year when my daughter was preparing to go to London with a school group. She needed one, and we had been meaning for several years to get them for the three of us for whom it was easy. (My husband is a Canadian citizen but has lived in the U.S. for so long that getting his is kind of a pain. So, we're still working on that.)


There has been talk for a couple of years, too, that my son's choir might go on an international tour.


My husband was adamant that neither child would leave the county unless one of us was prepared to go to the rescue, should it be necessary.


And now, I have to say, I love the peace of mind that comes with knowing it's done. Now it won't be something we would ever have to take care of in a hurry or under pressure.


ETA: I think it's become more and more common to have a passport "just in case" now that ID is required to do anything. Anyone who's gone on a cruise in the last two or three years probably has one, for example.

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We don't, but should get them. Groups from our church go down to Mexico regularly to help build homes for the poor. There's one coming up we were considering, then I realized we'd need passports to get back across the border, so we can't go. (Hasn't always been that way.)


There are some other mission trips farther afield I'd like to participate in, as well. So I really should get a passport.



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Dh is the only one here who has one. He got it last year for a business trip to Mexico.


We don't have them because they expire and I don't see a reason to buy them when we won't be needing them.


Ds16 is possibly going to Haiti in late spring/early summer, so we will get him one closer to that time.

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Families on the borders often have them.


My husband and I have them, but the kids don't. We have lots of family who live in Canada. Currently, customs requires birth certificates for kids under 16 but not passports. Adults either need a passport or an enhanced driver's license. We opted to renew our passports since it was about that time anyway (we had them from a trip my dh took to Paris in 1998 and I got mine when we went to the Bahamas in 2001 before kids) just in case we decide we want to go somewhere else later.


We'll wait to get passports for the kids until a planned trip or they turn 16.

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We all have them, including our 10 mos old. When our newest is born, they'll get a passport too. W/#3, our traveling will slow down quite a bit, but it's easier to cruise w/a passport. That and when we move, we'll be spitting distance from Canada.


To me, a passport is irrefutable proof of who you are.

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I've never had one, my kids don't have them, but my dh does because he's military and with things that have happened in the past decade/decade and a half they recommend them having it so they don't use their US Military ID when overseas.


Not sure if the kids and I will get them anytime soon, we never travel outside the US, I don't have any interest in a cruise and we've never had enough money to go visit dh on an overseas port visit. I don't know that we'd ever do that anyway because they are just too hard to plan, and can fall through at a moments notice.

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I only have a passport because I considered going to Europe in college, and then decided against it. Actually, it's still in my maiden name...


Get that changed over.

You only have a limited amount of time to change names, otherwise you have to start over with the passport process.


I waited too long.

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Get that changed over.

You only have a limited amount of time to change names, otherwise you have to start over with the passport process.


I waited too long.


Just checked the website, and I think I have to pay renewal fees any way you look at it, but as long as the passport is still valid I have to follow the change-name process instead of reapplying. I would've had to have changed my name within a year of getting the passport to avoid the fees, and I didn't get married until after I'd had the passport for over a year.

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We have them. My dh travels internationally for his job. I got one when I accompanied him to London many years ago and have renewed it once. DS has one as well, originally obtained so we could accompany dh on a trip that didn't happen and it has been renewed once.


I keep them current so that if there were to be an emergency with my dh while he is overseas, we could travel to him if needed.

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We watched the Liam Neeson film Taken a little while back.


I told my DD if she were ever to get into a situation like that she may as well go along with it because neither DH nor I have Liam's particular set of skills and no passports.


Hmmmmm....maybe that's why I have no international intrigue in my life. Would getting a passport open the doors for espionage and cloak and dagger experiences??

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I have mine and have since high school when I went to France for a month. DH has had his since he was 18 months or so, since his Dad is from India and all his Dad's family is over there, so they visited occasionally. DS has his because he went to India at 18 months to meet DH's family. DD doesn't have hers yet, but that is more because we've been lazy about getting it for her, and since she hasn't needed it yet it hasn't been a big deal. We'll probably get her and newbie theirs next January or February.


I really like having them just in case, they are nice so we can decide to visit Canada, or go on a cruise or what not. DD and newbie will need theirs by 2013 or 2014 anyways since that is when we plan to go back to India to visit and they need them for that, I just would like to get them before that just in case.


It is nice knowing I could fly off to somewhere exotic if the chance came up, even though I know it is extremely unlikely that it will.

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We all have them. We travel, but even apart from that, we have found them to be very handy. My children used theirs for the SATs, to get their CC id's, to get their driver's licenses, and all the other places where they needed a picture id but didn't have a driver's license yet, or needed two forms of identification, birth certificate and something else. They have been nice for going back and forth to Canada. And mine had to have them for college, so it was nice not to have to do that on top of all the other things they had to do before going.


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