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As if it wasn't revolting enough....

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Can we just ship these people to the biodome in Antartica and let them pick each other off??? Seriously, I'm thinking it's time to find a nice mental hospital for them.


This kind of thing just makes me sick. I hope this turns out to be a false alarm and they stay away. But, given there history, it would not be surprising if they did it.



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As to why: because it will get them attention. They've been carrying on in this manner at funerals for over fifteen years. I first heard of them when they were picketing the funerals of gay men who'd died of AIDS. Then it was veterans and war dead, because somehow in their convoluted reasoning we're at war because of how sinful we are, and now...


I have little doubt that the counter-protest organizers that keep them from harassing the families of fallen soldiers (mostly veterans' organizations but many others who will turn out to shield a funeral when they hear of it) will muster to keep them away from these.

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NO way! You've gotta be kidding. I am SOOOOO conservative.... But really, this has absolutely NOTHING to do with political views. They have GOT to have something better to do. Doesn't freedom stop, when you are STOMPING on someone elses toes? If I was there, I'd partake in one of those lines.... where you block the view... what are they called?

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Astrid, tsk, tsk, tsk...the ice floe is too quick. They'd succomb to hypothermia quickly. We need the biodome so they'll have to put up with each other sooo much longer, decide as their supplies run out who is righteous enough to eat and who isn't, and embrace their new reality.


Yeah, oh Yeah, I've got a bad attitude about these people.


Just out of curiosity, if this is a "church" - using that term in the loosest sense possible - has anyone protested funerals of their "beloved"?



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This "church" is so insane that they've made themselves irrelevent. I'm a flaming liberal who has several conservative friends and family members but none of them think this group is pertinent. Just like I'm not a big fan of "eco-terrorists."


Will they be protesting the 9 year old's funeral? (It hurts to type that!!)


It's just depraved...

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Their actions are disturbing and troubling to say the least. Why is it the media always seems to find these way-out-there "Christians" and broadcast them to the whole world, like this is what Christianity is all about? This group of fanatics (because I refuse to call them Christ's church) give Christ a bad name; these people should be ministering to the grieving, just as Jesus would have done.

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Astrid, tsk, tsk, tsk...the ice floe is too quick. They'd succomb to hypothermia quickly. We need the biodome so they'll have to put up with each other sooo much longer, decide as their supplies run out who is righteous enough to eat and who isn't, and embrace their new reality.


Yeah, oh Yeah, I've got a bad attitude about these people.


Just out of curiosity, if this is a "church" - using that term in the loosest sense possible - has anyone protested funerals of their "beloved"?




YES, Faith! What was I thinking?! Thanks for clearing my head on that....:001_smile:


And yeah..."Church" indeed. Not my use of quotes in the OP.



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They are a lot of talk. They threatened to picket a soldier's funeral in my town this past summer. Perhaps they realized the true rednecks we might become when and if they showed up here. Some of these mountain folk aren't real concerned with "going to jail"...heck, they'd just get to hang out with family members again! LOL


I agree, the whole thing is repulsive and horrific and it makes me sick that they call themselves Christians!

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All I can say is heaven help the person who would disrupt the funeral of someone I love. Seriously. I'd go to prison with a smile on my face.


Which is exactly what they want. They make a living that way. Such sick, twisted people. If they do show up, I hope those groups that keep people sheltered from them are also there.

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As to why: because it will get them attention.



Yes. This.


They'll use any tragedy as an opportunity to announce a picket. It keeps them in the public eye, and being in the public eye is where the money is. Sure, we're all disgusted by them, but somewhere out there others of their ilk are writing out cheques to support the latest picket.


If the media would just ignore them, they'd dry up and blow away.

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All I can say is heaven help the person who would disrupt the funeral of someone I love. Seriously. I'd go to prison with a smile on my face.


That's just what they want. Apparently, from what I read, it is an extended family of attorneys. They are scrupulously careful to avoid breaking the law in their protests, but are quick to file suit against anyone who (understandably) reacts in a way which breaks the law, whether overtly or on a technicality. They win. That is apparently how they earn a living.



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A lot of groups have gotten really good at counter "gatherings." In some communities, the rest of the community will turn out to provide a barrier between this extended family (that's the bulk of their "church" from what I've read) and the grieving families. Some groups get creative in their protests so that the media focuses on them. Since the gross family holds gross signs, the counter-protesters hold funny signs. Instead of "God hates____" held by the gross family, counter-protesters will hold signs like "God hates kittens" or something random like, "Do you like MY sign?" The more engaging the signs of the protective protesters, the more media attention THEY get. That's the best way to defeat this lowlife group: shut out their media/lawsuit oxygen. Overcome evil with good, funny, etc.

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See, I never quite got that this was spearheaded by a family of lawyers as a money making scheme. This makes sense now.


So, the best way to get them to go away is to blow their access to funds which means getting people to unite in such a way that not only can these fiends not get the level of media attention that they appear to be addicted to, but also to convince the public and the families enduring the protests, to not react in a way that gives Westboro any fodder for lawsuits.


Once they can't get their fix to satisfy their media addiction and they also can't make enough money at it to be worth the effort, they will hopefully slink off into the fogs of history.


It would help if the media would stop feeding their addiction and report other things, largely ignoring these craven beasts.


I still like my biodome idea.



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That's just what they want. Apparently, from what I read, it is an extended family of attorneys. They are scrupulously careful to avoid breaking the law in their protests, but are quick to file suit against anyone who (understandably) reacts in a way which breaks the law, whether overtly or on a technicality. They win. That is apparently how they earn a living.




So are they actually rich as a result?


I always thought they were nut jobs. I had no idea they were actually making a living this way. What a messed-up bunch of people.

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That's just what they want. Apparently, from what I read, it is an extended family of attorneys. They are scrupulously careful to avoid breaking the law in their protests, but are quick to file suit against anyone who (understandably) reacts in a way which breaks the law, whether overtly or on a technicality. They win. That is apparently how they earn a living.




What I'm talking about has little to do with the law. They are going to mess with the wrong people some day and find that out. 'nuff said.

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Mejane, I get what you are saying. Right or wrong, they had better be careful. There are those willing to do jail time wtihout remorse.


I am not at all in favor of vigilante justice. But, I believe in "you reap what you sow" and unfortunately, these people are sowing some pretty serious seeds and appear to be oblivious to how it could end. They count on the goodwill of everyone else to not react with force. I think that they are naive and at some point, goodwill is going to run out.



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With all the military bases around us, and all of those the communities have lost - no one here as any patience for these folks. Thankfully the civilian police and military police block off entire streets and only allow those with passes to the funeral on them. Those nuts would have to protest MILES away and have no idea which direction the mourners were coming from. It seems to have worked as a deterent so far.

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I'm unclear about posting links to news places - is it just political stuff?


Well, go to Foxnews.com and it's the lead article, bold upfront, can't miss it!


This is my favorite quote:


"Nothing says stand back and be silent like a Hells Angels presence," he said.


The biker group leader involved in the counter protest has invited the Hell's Angels to come.


I'm just happy that groups out there are doing something supportive. The AZ legislature is trying to fast track a bill to keep protesters 300 ft away. I hope the bill makes it through!

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I find this group just sickening. They were supposed to picket a funeral here recently for a soldier but fortunately, they didn't show up. The Patriot Guard bikers did and several other local groups got together to shield the church from the picketers but none actually showed up. The AZ funerals are probably too tempting to pass up from a publicity prospective though.

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I find this group just sickening. They were supposed to picket a funeral here recently for a soldier but fortunately, they didn't show up. The Patriot Guard bikers did and several other local groups got together to shield the church from the picketers but none actually showed up. The AZ funerals are probably too tempting to pass up from a publicity prospective though.



I LOVE LOVE LOVE that Patriot Guard!

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I'm unclear about posting links to news places - is it just political stuff?


Well, go to Foxnews.com and it's the lead article, bold upfront, can't miss it!


This is my favorite quote:




The biker group leader involved in the counter protest has invited the Hell's Angels to come.


I'm just happy that groups out there are doing something supportive. The AZ legislature is trying to fast track a bill to keep protesters 300 ft away. I hope the bill makes it through!



I have been involved in some charitable activities in which Hell's Angels and other biker groups were involved and I can tell you it is one of the most moving things I have ever seen. I would love to see them involved (if invited of course).

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I am all for freedom of speech and freedom to assemble but seriously... am I an awful person for wishing God would just strike them all dead for besmirching His glorious name?


just kidding.


sort of.


Those kinds of wishes were good enough for David. He was pretty clear in asking for God to smite those against him. I'm pretty sure God understands.

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I think the message they are trying to get across is not so much the death of the people but the death of their agenda. I'm sure though they could find a much better choice of action to get their points across. Honestly!!:tongue_smilie: And this is not appropriate at all to say the least. Where on earth are their restraints. After all, one should only go so far to express their emotion.

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I have been involved in some charitable activities in which Hell's Angels and other biker groups were involved and I can tell you it is one of the most moing things I have ever seen. I would love to them involved.


The Hell's Angeles are a criminal gang that make their money distributing methamphetamine, a drug that destroys lives. They should be no more near the funeral that Fred Phelps It is a desecration of memory.


We are very sad here. The mother of the little girl who was killed is a person we know. She is a very close friend of my wife's best friend. She and my wife were both bridesmaids at that friends wedding, and I recall fondly sitting next to Roxanna at that wedding. While I do not know her well (my wife does), I can tell you she is a very impressive, kind, and good humored person. The thought of her girls funeral being used by hate mongers or criminals for their own ends is deeply saddening to me.


The whole thing is madness.



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We are very sad here. The mother of the little girl who was killed is a person we know. She is a very close friend of my wife's best friend. She and my wife were both bridesmaids at that friends wedding, and I recall fondly sitting next to Roxanna at that wedding. While I do not know her well (my wife does), I can tell you she is a very impressive, kind, and good humored person. The thought of her girls funeral being used by hate mongers or criminals for their own ends is deeply saddening to me.


The whole thing is madness.




Such a sad situation. I can't believe these people would be allowed near the funeral. If I were living near Tuscon, I would see about organizing a human shield far enough away from where the funeral will be held to keep them at bay. So tragic that this is one more thing for the family to deal with.

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Such a sad situation. I can't believe these people would be allowed near the funeral. If I were living near Tuscon, I would see about organizing a human shield far enough away from where the funeral will be held to keep them at bay. So tragic that this is one more thing for the family to deal with.


Phelps and company were supposed to show up to a funeral we attended. It just so happened that a couple of beer trucks broke down and blocked the road so that their bus couldn't get through.

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