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Dishwashing Hand or Machine

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Our dishwasher has died, again and as I was washing up the dishes that were in it I got to thinking, do any of you wash dishes by hand instead of having a dishwasher? If so why? If not why?

I have always thought that I needed a dishwasher as we have had one since shortly after we were married but I had a lot of dishes to do and really, it didn't take that long to do them by hand.


If I knew how to do a pole I would but......:001_smile:


I really do not want to put money into a new one right now and I also don't want to put money into this one.:001_huh:

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We have hard water and the non-phosphate dw soap does not work well at getting the dishes clean. I practically wash them already before I put them in the dw and run it. I wash a lot of things by hand already, large knives, most cookware, and anything that won't fit in the dw.


While we were getting our dw issues straightened out, I washed all of the dishes by hand. I thought it was time consuming, but as it is now, I put almost as much time into it with the pre-washing.


On the plus side, the dw makes a great drying rack. I'd go crazy if all of those dishes had to dry on my countertop. That's the one advantage of a ds that doesn't work!

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I wash everything by hand as we have no dishwasher and no room to put one here. We had a dishwasher for a few years before we moved here and I miss it. I hate doing dishes anyway and having to do them by hand makes me dread it more. :tongue_smilie: If you don't mind dishes, it may not be so bad. Dishes are the chore that I least like to do.

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We have a 3 year old dishwasher. We use it for a drying rack. I got tired of having to rewash dishes. We bought a good model but we live in an area that has very hard water. What's a dishwasher to do? So, I do dishes after lunch and again after dinner. It isn't a big deal. They dry in the dishwasher so they aren't cluttering up my counters.


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I have a dishwasher but often do dishes by hand.


Reasons why:


1. many pots & pans that don't fit or don't come clean in the dishwasher

2. little plastic dishes that don't fit and will flip over & fill with water in the dishwasher (we have several small kid/baby-size bowls that are very handy for snacks, but there's no compartment that will hold them in the dishwasher. I'm not ready to give them up yet)

3. stoneware pans that can't go in dishwasher anyway

4. I get more done if I just stand there and wash for a few minutes, especially those pesky non-dishwasher items that would pile up otherwise

5. since our water pressure valve was fixed, we get less water pressure to all our appliances/faucets, which is ok, except the dishwasher doesn't clean nearly as well anymore.

Edited by gardening momma
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We have a 3 year old dishwasher. We use it for a drying rack. I got tired of having to rewash dishes. We bought a good model but we live in an area that has very hard water. What's a dishwasher to do? So, I do dishes after lunch and again after dinner. It isn't a big deal. They dry in the dishwasher so they aren't cluttering up my counters.



This is what happens at my house. We have always had diswashers but for some reason, I always just wash them by hand anyway and set them in the dishwasher to dry. then dh comes along and runs it before he goes to bed - so we have really clean dishes here!

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I love my dishwasher. :)


I rarely have to clean anything off dishes that have been through a dw cycle; I don't know if it's my dishwasher detergent (Amway) or if I'm just lucky. :D I put dishes in the dishwasher all day and run it when it's full, then empty it; makes keeping the kitchen clean a breeze because there are never dirty dishes sitting in the sink, or clean dishes stacked up on the side waiting to be put away. And there have been things that came out much cleaner in the dw (such as my Princess House salad bowl, which I thought was clean until it went through the dw).

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When I first moved into my house 14 years ago, there was a dishwasher, but it didn't clean the dishes good enough so I never used it. I would wash all of the dishes by hand and use the racks in the dishwasher to let them drip dry before putting them away. I did that for years. If I cooked a big meal with lots of pots and pans, I could be in the kitchen washing dishes for hours. My husband finally got me a good dishwasher over summer and it is wonderful. I told him that unless it cleaned the dishes as well or better than I do I know I won't use it. We got a really nice Maytag and it is wonderful. It has really simplified my life and cut my time down in the kitchen. It cleans everything really well and believe me I inspected carefully and it sanitizes the dishes too which I really like. I really love my dishwasher. If I had to be without it, I would miss it, but I always washed dishes by hand before so I could do it again.

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We have hard water and the non-phosphate dw soap does not work well at getting the dishes clean. I practically wash them already before I put them in the dw and run it. I wash a lot of things by hand already, large knives, most cookware, and anything that won't fit in the dw.


While we were getting our dw issues straightened out, I washed all of the dishes by hand. I thought it was time consuming, but as it is now, I put almost as much time into it with the pre-washing.


On the plus side, the dw makes a great drying rack. I'd go crazy if all of those dishes had to dry on my countertop. That's the one advantage of a ds that doesn't work!


This is me/dh. I realized it was stupid to wash them, and then put them in the dw to wash some more. Now we only use the dw when we get behind and have a LOT. I'm glad I'm not the only one who uses the dw as a drying rack!

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I love a dishwasher. Ours has been on the fritz and I just hate doing them by hand. It is a pain for me. The kids can do them but they don't get clean. The kids don't do a very good job because they hate it too.

If I can have a dishwasher I will use it.

To be honest, I don't mind doing a few by hand but when every. single. dish. in the cupboards is used I don't want to do them by hand!

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Our dishwasher died back in August, and we just got around to replacing it this past week (yesterday in fact!). I didn't mind doing dishes by hand when it was just me and my dh. However, now with 3 kiddos, I find myself constantly doing dishes. UGH!


I honestly think our dishwasher (old and new) get dishes cleaner than hand washing. We don't pre-rinse unless there are large bits of food left on the dishes. (We just use our napkins to wipe leftover food into the trashcan after meals.) We specifically bought a model with a food grinder for this reason. They aren't as quiet, but I like the convenience of not pre-rinsing everything. After all, if I have to pre-rinse it, why not just hand wash it!


I don't mind doing dishes by hand occasionally, but I love my dishwasher!

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On the plus side, the dw makes a great drying rack. I'd go crazy if all of those dishes had to dry on my countertop. That's the one advantage of a ds that doesn't work!


I saw you post this before, and it was such a light bulb moment for me. I as going crazy with drying dishes on my counter all the time. Thank you for pointing out an obviously easy solution. :001_smile:

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Our dishwasher died last spring and we havn't replaced it for various reasons. I don't mind washing by hands. I do them twice a day. I do it by myself once and the kids help me the other time. This is my time to think. Washing dishes is cathartic for me. When the kids help me, we have great discussions. I enjoy that time together.

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We have had a portable dishwasher for the past few years. (living a parsonage, just thank to have a dishwasher at all.) It did not do a good job cleaning dishes, especially with environmentally friendly detergents. Our faucet started leaking a few months back. After replacing it, the dishwasher leaks. So we do dishes by hand. It is aggravating. However, for the present time, it works.

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All dishes are handwashed and mostly by me.


A few years after we married I bought a portable dishwasher from a friend of mine. She had just purchased it a couple months before then moved to a house that had a built in one. She sold it to me really cheap.


Several years ago the dishwasher died and we didn't have the money to replace it. I used it as a big drying rack for a while then in a decluttering spree I ditched the dishwasher.


I would like one but for now I just keep handwashing.

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Oh, definitely a dishwasher! No "pre-washing" here; the only thing we have to watch out for is pasta (pasta on plate put into the dishwasher doesn't go anywhere, it just becomes very clean pasta).


The only way I would even consider doing dishes by hand is if I had an oversized dual sink, large enough for big pots to be immersed, etc. and three sinks would be preferable (what? it makes sense: one for dirty dishes, one for rinsing, one for using).

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I currently don't have a dishwasher. I would like one. I wash dishes and put them in a drying rack on the counter. I don't bother drying dishes. They are dry in a couple hours. I have other stuff to get done. I hope to have a new dish washer within a year. Our dishwasher had a slow leak. By the time we discovered it the dishwasher was irreparable and the leak had caused considerable problems with the surrounding floor and cabinet, plus mold in the walls. We discovered the problem in August. Dh said, we'll get everything fixed by Thanksgiving. .... So here I am. Very little has actually been done. Oh well.

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When we moved to a beach house 5 years ago, I left a house with a dishwasher. So for 4 years, I washed everything by hand and didn't mind it too much. :glare:

Except holiday and fancy meals were a pain...


Now that I'm going on a year with a dishwasher, we won't go without one again.


I LOVE going to bed at night with my dishwasher and washer/dryer working in the background. It makes me giggle to think that my house is cleaning while I'm sleeping.


And I do use a lot less water when I load the dishwasher full everytime - which I do 99% of the time.

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We've pretty much always had a dishwasher all of our married life. In the past I usually never used it because it didn't work well. Then we got a nice dishwasher with the disposal and all built in. It was wonderful!! We moved and the dishwasher wasn't so great so I was back to handwashing and using the dishwasher as a drying rack. We've moved yet again and I use the dishwasher everyday. Although we only run it once a day. I still handwash the pots and pans, wooden cooking utensils and knives since it's not good for them to put them in the dishwasher. I don't mind this though as I usually do it while I'm cooking so clean-up is a breeze.

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We don't have a dishwasher because our kitchen is tiny. I could fit a small one in, but it would mean the items in that space would need a new home, probably the basement. However, this year we might be putting on an addition, and if so, I will probably redo the kitchen and add a dishwasher. I don't mind hand washing, though.

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I love my dishwasher. Saves me alot of time and energy. I have way to much going on to spend all of my time doing dishes and cooking. I always have a load going at bedtime as well as a load of laundry washing and drying. In the morning all I have to do is grab a load of clothes to fold and put another in the dryer. Start another to wash. Unload dishwasher quickly. Fill it as the day progresses. Turn on when full. Usually by lunch time. Which is a great time to change the laundry as well.

Edited by ClassicCole
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Well, there's an easy way to find out how you'd really feel about it. Don't replace your dishwasher right away! Wash dishes by hand for a few weeks/months and see how tedious it gets for you. Then you can make an informed decision based on how you know you feel about handwashing.


For the first five years we lived in this house, we had an ancient, ancient clunker of a dishwasher. Then we had a piece of junk new dishwasher. When that started dying after just a year, I decided I really didn't mind handwashing and we'd just wait on the new dishwasher. Turned out that, for me, handwashing didn't seem so bad until I had to do it all day, every day! We had a new dishwasher within a few months. I know I could go without one if I absolutely had to, but I feel like it makes a huge difference in my quality of life. After dinner I can drop in the dishes and go spend time with my family rather than stand there for 45 minutes washing dishes, and I don't have to wake up to a miserable kitchen in the morning because I ran out of steam the night before. If I CAN have a dishwasher, I'll always choose to. If not, well, then I handwash and train my DDs to do the same:D

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We have a dishwasher and I use it, sort of, but I don't trust it with much - everything is pretty well clean before it even goes into it because of my soak/scrub routine. To me it's just a big rinser. And I'm irritated that it requires a very delicate balance of detergent and citric acid to keep the dishes from coming out of it funky. I am just not a fan of dishwashers. I can wash dishes by hand without using a ton of water. When our detergent runs out, I am not going to replace it - I will just start using the dishwasher for a final rinser and drying rack. If we were redoing the cabinets, I would be just as happy to leave the dishwasher out and have more cabinet space...but DH would never agree as it would affect the saleability of our house.

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We have a dishwasher, but I don't use it. I think I've used it 3 or 4 times total in all the years we've lived here.


I prefer to wash them by hand. They really do seem cleaner to me that way. Also, I love listening to books on my ipod. When I clean the kitchen, which includes washing dishes, sanitizing counter tops, and sweeping and mopping the floor, no one bothers me. ;) It's the hour or so every day that I get all to myself. It may sound silly, but I actually look forward to it some days, LOL.

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We have a dishwasher and I use it, sort of, but I don't trust it with much - everything is pretty well clean before it even goes into it because of my soak/scrub routine. To me it's just a big rinser. And I'm irritated that it requires a very delicate balance of detergent and citric acid to keep the dishes from coming out of it funky. I am just not a fan of dishwashers. I can wash dishes by hand without using a ton of water. When our detergent runs out, I am not going to replace it - I will just start using the dishwasher for a final rinser and drying rack. If we were redoing the cabinets, I would be just as happy to leave the dishwasher out and have more cabinet space...but DH would never agree as it would affect the saleability of our house.


Have you ever tried using white vinegar in the rinse aid cup? I'd never done this before a month or so ago, but I was getting increasingly frustrated by how my dishes were coming out compared to when the machine was new. I'd never used any kind of rinse aid before ever, but decided to give this a last-ditch attempt, and now my dishes come out better than ever, even when I have big bowls and pans in there that block a lot of the water. In fact, I was started to get annoyed again just a few days ago when it occurred to me to check the level, and sure enough, it was empty. I reloaded, and my dishwasher's happy again :D If you haven't tried it, maybe it will help?

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The vinegar wasn't strong enough, so I switched to LemiShine, and now just use a tsp of citric acid.


When I wash them by hand, I need only drops of Sal Suds to soak and scrub. Then they get a dunk in some diluted Clorox Cleanup...and they are all perfect, so easily. I'll still use the dishwasher for the quick rinse cycle though. And it does make a great drying rack ! ;)

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The vinegar wasn't strong enough, so I switched to LemiShine, and now just use a tsp of citric acid.


When I wash them by hand, I need only drops of Sal Suds to soak and scrub. Then they get a dunk in some diluted Clorox Cleanup...and they are all perfect, so easily. I'll still use the dishwasher for the quick rinse cycle though. And it does make a great drying rack ! ;)


Ah, gotcha :D Yes, we had an old clunker that, at the end, was used a nice, roomy drying rack for a few months. It was nice to not have to wash in shifts :lol:

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Everyone has a different opinion about this!


The time in my life when I didn't have a dishwasher, I was very unorganized about housecleaning and it was a disaster.


I could probably live w/o a dishwasher now, but I really wouldn't want to.


But my mother, who has a dishwasher, prefers to wash by hand. It's her "alone" time and makes her feel like she's accomplished something at the end of the day.

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Guest khorlith
The vinegar wasn't strong enough, so I switched to LemiShine, and now just use a tsp of citric acid.


When I wash them by hand, I need only drops of Sal Suds to soak and scrub. Then they get a dunk in some diluted Clorox Cleanup...and they are all perfect, so easily. I'll still use the dishwasher for the quick rinse cycle though. And it does make a great drying rack ! ;)


The dishwasher that came with our house is a POS. If we don't rinse by hand (and I'm talking about small stuff like a few grains of rice), it ends up welded to the dish (or cutlery) and you need a chisel to get it off. :tongue_smilie:


Even without the chunks, there always seems to be a film of soap on stuff afterwards.


I'll check out LemiShine. We already tried using Vinegar and it didn't help too much.


Until then, or until I break down and look into getting a new dishwasher, we're doing it by hand.


Thanks for posting that.

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We've lived in this house 5 years without a dishwasher (no place in the kitchen to really put one). While there are days that I really wish that we had one, it's not that bad for now. It does really force me to keep up with them, since there's no nice place to stash them out of sight. And it won't be too many more years until the kids can take over the job sometimes. :)

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I wash everything by hand as we have no dishwasher and no room to put one here. We had a dishwasher for a few years before we moved here and I miss it. I hate doing dishes anyway and having to do them by hand makes me dread it more. :tongue_smilie: If you don't mind dishes, it may not be so bad. Dishes are the chore that I least like to do.


:iagree: This exactly for me as well. Couldn't have said it better myself.

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