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I don't get this.

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I found this while looking at rubik cube tutorials??? What kind of mother thinks this behavior is cute enough to film and put on youtube? This would be waaaaaaaaay at the bottom of behaviors I'd want to encourage in a little girl. Gah.




I'm going back to Rubiks cube.

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Well, that explains something I wondered about. I was in Walmart picking up some shirts for dd 3 and saw Justin Bieber shirts in her size (4). I even commented to DH when I got home - What 3 year old wants a Justin Bieber shirt or even knows who he is? :confused:

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I couldn't get past the first 45 seconds. Ridiculous. My oldest thinks Justin Bieber is way over rated, and my 5 and 7 year olds don't know he exists.


:iagree: On our Christmas vacation a Bieber song came on at a restaurant and my 8 yr dd said, "Bieber stinks!". :tongue_smilie:

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My ds truly thought Justin Beiber was a girl. He thought she sang really well for a little kid. He thought I was pulling a fast one on him when I told him Beiber is a teenage boy. It took some convincing to get him to believe me. "Oh," he said, "well, he still sounds great for a little girl." :D

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My ds truly thought Justin Beiber was a girl. He thought she sang really well for a little kid. He thought I was pulling a fast one on him when I told him Beiber is a teenage boy. It took some convincing to get him to believe me. "Oh," he said, "well, he still sounds great for a little girl." :D



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I don't get it either.


If my 3 year old or my 10 year old did that, I'd tell them if he causes to them to act like that, he is banned from the house. Of course, no one in my house knows who he is either.


Why, oh why do parents think that kind of drama is cute and encourage it is beyond me.


It's right up there with kids being brats because they didn't get what they wanted and throwing a screaming Mimi being taped as cute. Um. No, it isn't.

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Here is what happened when Jimmy Kimmel saw the video



I may be the only one, but I thought that was awesome! You have to remember that this little girl has teen sisters. My 8 yr old DD has a 17 year old sister and looks up to her and wants to be like her and do the things she does too. It's hard when you have that big of an age difference in your children.

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Disgusting. My 8yo says Justin Bieber "sucks and is ugly."


I may be one of the only ones that thinks that its aweome what Kimmel did for this little girl, but I would never let my 8 yr old use a word like "sucks". That word alone is banned in my house.


I do agree though that the crying she did over Bieber is ridiculous. For the record, my 8 year old doesn't even know who Bieber is. :)

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I may be one of the only ones that thinks that its aweome what Kimmel did for this little girl, but I would never let my 8 yr old use a word like "sucks". That word alone is banned in my house.


I do agree though that the crying she did over Bieber is ridiculous. For the record, my 8 year old doesn't even know who Bieber is. :)


Or call someone ugly. That's unacceptable in my house.

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My ds truly thought Justin Beiber was a girl. He thought she sang really well for a little kid. He thought I was pulling a fast one on him when I told him Beiber is a teenage boy. It took some convincing to get him to believe me. "Oh," he said, "well, he still sounds great for a little girl." :D


LOL. I think he's in great company. I read an interview where Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) heard JB singing & thought it was a girl.

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We are not fans here, but I did think it was pretty sweet how he picked her up and loved on her. It reminded me of something my 12 yo would do if one of his siblings was hurt or needed attention. I wonder if he has any younger siblings. He looks like he's had experience with little ones...

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I may be one of the only ones that thinks that its aweome what Kimmel did for this little girl, but I would never let my 8 yr old use a word like "sucks". That word alone is banned in my house.


I do agree though that the crying she did over Bieber is ridiculous. For the record, my 8 year old doesn't even know who Bieber is. :)



Sigh. I came back and edited that part out because I knew I was going to get flamed for it. For what it's worth, I do talk to her about the inappropriateness of calling someone ugly. It's not very nice.

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Sigh. I came back and edited that part out because I knew I was going to get flamed for it. For what it's worth, I do talk to her about the inappropriateness of calling someone ugly. It's not very nice.


Don't bother. Not everyone is that up tight. *I* say stuff sucks too. :D


Because life isn't all roses, sometimes the truth isn't nice. And 8 year olds tend to be more blunt, especially with parents.


I suppose saying Justine Beiber sings like a girl and is unattractive sounds better. But it amounts to the same thing. Especially coming from an 8 year old.;)

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Don't bother. Not everyone is that up tight. *I* say stuff sucks too. :D


Because life isn't all roses, sometimes the truth isn't nice. And 8 year olds tend to be more blunt, especially with parents.


I suppose saying Justine Beiber sings like a girl and is unattractive sounds better. But it amounts to the same thing. Especially coming from an 8 year old.;)



Typo or sly humour? :D

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So, I couldn't make it through the Jimmy Kimmel video b/c I just couldn't stand one more second of that girl's crying and carrying on, but am I to understand that this Beaver person WALKED UP AND PICKED UP SOMEBODY'S 3 YEAR OLD/4 YEAR OLD GIRL and people think it's CUTE?!?!?!



UHMMMM, HELLO, HE IS A STRANGER!!! He is someone unknown to this family, I'm assuming. He is just a guy off the street. Okay, he is some famous singer with a girly haircut. That doesn't make him safe for kids!!!**


Unbelievable!! :confused:



**FTR, I'm also not saying that he is UNsafe for kids, but, geeze, common sense, mom, common sense! "This guy would like to pick up your kid and give her a hug, would that be okay?" ...."well, is he a famous singer? Because if he is then it's fine!"




And, no, I'm not saying that a kid would have been molested right on the show. It's just not the way to keep your kids' boundries as sacred. Teach her about her Hula Hoop, mom!

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You have to remember that this little girl has teen sisters.


Bingo. That's what was going on. The younger one heard the older ones talk about how much they like JB, so she was just following along, but being immature (as 3 yos are) about it.


And I almost taped my ds5 sobbing today because I was making him eat 2 forkfulls of taco salad. He wanted me to feed it to him, and I told him he had to pick up his own fork. He decided to bawl instead. I was going to tape it and then embarrass him with the tape when he turns 15, but I didn't do it after all. (FTR: after he bawled for a few minutes, I whisked his bowl away and told him that he'll have to eat the taco salad for breakfast since he was too upset to eat it for dinner.)


Perhaps the family thought it was ridiculous/silly that their 3 yo was getting upset over JB and were taping it to show it to her future dates :D.

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We are not fans here, but I did think it was pretty sweet how he picked her up and loved on her. It reminded me of something my 12 yo would do if one of his siblings was hurt or needed attention. I wonder if he has any younger siblings. He looks like he's had experience with little ones...


Yes! :iagree:He was so sweet.


I have a 15 year old nephew, Kyle. He is adorable. One of my four year old twins has a CRUSH on her own cousin, LOL. She just goes ga-ga and all squishy whenever Kyle comes on the scene.


And he picks her up, just like Justin picked up that little girl. So sweet.


I agree, she's got older sisters, she has to have been affected by that. The comment on the Youtube said she had never carried on like that before. It was just the day, maybe?

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Don't bother. Not everyone is that up tight. *I* say stuff sucks too. :D


Because life isn't all roses, sometimes the truth isn't nice. And 8 year olds tend to be more blunt, especially with parents.


I suppose saying Justine Beiber sings like a girl and is unattractive sounds better. But it amounts to the same thing. Especially coming from an 8 year old.;)



Thank you for this.

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My dh thought JB was a girl the first time he heard him sing. I have to admit, I did too. Boys just should not have a voice that hi pitched!


And the Jimmy Kimmel bit - that was over the top of Kimmel but I think that JB did it was very sweet.


For the record, my two girls don't like him either.

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I think my dh's response was, "where's the steel chair?" :D


I clicked on this link in our second-floor classroom, which is across the hall from dd's room. About three minutes in, DH came flying downstairs from our bedroom because he heard the commotion and thought dd was crying. When he saw the video he couldn't stop saying how disgusting it was.


Then a minute later, our big dog came flying down from our room and immediately went into dd's room because she thought Molly was crying. She's such a good dog. :001_smile:


Wow. That kid needs some new hobbies.



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Well, ftr, if my teenaged dds taught their little sister to act in such an asinine way, they'd 1) be in huge trouble with me and 2) be in imminent danger of having their heads examined or maybe 3) sent to a convent.


They aren't teaching this behavior though. She just sees her teen sisters gaa gaa over a particular person as teens will do. She is just handling it in a 3 year old way.

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I'm no fan of JB but I don't see how he can be called UGLY by any stretch of the word. :confused:


He seems like a nice, humble, respectful kid (unlike Miley Cyrus :ack2:) but not my type of music.


Don't even get me started on Miley Cyrus! It's such a shame!

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My 50 cents:


The big mistake here was to put the video on YT for the world to see, analyze and rip to shreds.


We've tried to protect our kids from fixations and obsessions but they still develop little attachments here and there. My 13 year old in particular has gone through phases of Justin Bieber, Twilight, Harry Potter, and others whose names or movie/book titles I don't recall. I remember when she was 3 or 4, she was in love with Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen--her grandparents had the collection of movies--and insisted that we call her by the name "Mary Kate & Ashley." She wouldn't respond unless we used that full phrase, and we couldn't even get her to choose one twin or the other. LOL!


I'm quite sure that there would be excited screaming if Justin Bieber called this house, even though both my dd15 and my dd13 have snottily outgrown such immature crushes. :tongue_smilie: My dd15 LOVES Josh Turner, and would probably cry or pass out if he made a house call. In fact, I think I would turn into a blushing, stammering puddle of brainless goo if Edward Norton knocked on my door. I'm blushing just thinking about it. :D


Kids will be kids and will overreact and act silly and immature as they learn how to handle their emotions. Hence hysterical crying over something that should be happy or pleasant. The mother reacted calmly, (as did her sister who was holding her), and the video will make FANTASTIC blackmail or comic relief later.


Those who didn't watch the video all the way through should do so. You will see the depth of her emotional disturbance in the last few seconds of the video.


While I'm not a fan of people posting videos of their kids' most embarrassing moments on YT for the world to see, I don't see any children being abused or truly traumatized here. Only the indulgent recording and unfortunate public sharing of overly dramatic childish upheaval. Not all that cute, but the overdone emotion can be wryly comical to parents who have seen their drama queens go through similar meltdowns more than once. Pragmatism is the proper response; I don't see how it would be helpful to remove all things celebrity from her life or to blame the older girls for being normal teenagers with musical favorites and [no doubt] crushes. Her mother didn't seem to be encouraging her emotional breakdown; just letting it play out.


Not my favorite video, by far--but am I upset by it? Not particularly. :glare:

Edited by Abigail4476
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Don't bother. Not everyone is that up tight. *I* say stuff sucks too. :D


Because life isn't all roses, sometimes the truth isn't nice. And 8 year olds tend to be more blunt, especially with parents.


I suppose saying Justine Beiber sings like a girl and is unattractive sounds better. But it amounts to the same thing. Especially coming from an 8 year old.;)



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Other than making the video in the first place or sharing it on youtube, I think the mom did fine with the way she calmly handled her dd's meltdown. The larger issue of the dd being affected by the "fan-ism" of her teen sisters? Hey, it happens. How many of us liked David Cassidy, (wow, dating myself here) or some other movie/tv/music star? Doesn't mean you are warped or unhealthy, or whatever else.

I had absolutely no problem with JB picking her up on the Jimmy Kimmel video--it was a natural and sweet reaction from a teen boy with sisters. I don't know much of anything about JB, but I don't see him as evil.


I'm sure it made the mom re-evaluate a little--it's out of hand a bit at her house.

That's ok, she sounds like she can readjust. Maybe this whole thing will affect the bigger girls, too, b/c surely they can see how silly (but not "bad," just human/silly/overly dramatic) crushes on celebrities can get. It's just magnified by the 3 yo.

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Typo or sly humour? :D


Ha! A very fitting typo!


And, no, I'm not saying that a kid would have been molested right on the show. It's just not the way to keep your kids' boundries as sacred. Teach her about her Hula Hoop, mom!



Hula hoop? Yeah, like the kid even knows what that is.:tongue_smilie:


I didn't think of the whole boundaries thing.


I was thinking it was just stupid. The kid has an irrational over reaction to the guy, so let's feed that problem and ramp it up to what? Stalker mode?


Again, if my kid acted like that over anything so trivial, the item or whatever would be banned from my home. I sure wouldn't feed the problem or reward the behavior.


Well, ftr, if my teenaged dds taught their little sister to act in such an asinine way, they'd 1) be in huge trouble with me and 2) be in imminent danger of having their heads examined or maybe 3) sent to a convent.


Indeed. I can say with honesty I never acted like that as a teen. Even over dh, who I was engaged to at 16. I knew of a very few girls in my school who did and they weren't very well respected for it either. Most thought they were being ridiculous and going a bit mental. I've seen on tv girls act like that about the beatles, Elvis, or whatever and thought the same thing - not healthy behavior I'd ever encourage.


I just don't get it, much less see it as healthy or silly cute.:confused:

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I couldn't get past the first 45 seconds. Ridiculous. My oldest thinks Justin Bieber is way over rated, and my 5 and 7 year olds don't know he exists.


Yeah. There's Bieber crap all over WalMart and my 9 year old asked me who he was. I told her he was some kid that sings and he's really popular with girls her age right now. She said, "Why? Lots of people can sing, so what? And anyway, he looks like a girl." :lol:


And ftr, I was totally in love with Joey McIntyre when I was a kid. As in, 9 or 10. But 3? I mean...wow.

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Other than making the video in the first place or sharing it on youtube, I think the mom did fine with the way she calmly handled her dd's meltdown. The larger issue of the dd being affected by the "fan-ism" of her teen sisters? Hey, it happens. How many of us liked David Cassidy, (wow, dating myself here) or some other movie/tv/music star? Doesn't mean you are warped or unhealthy, or whatever else.

I had absolutely no problem with JB picking her up on the Jimmy Kimmel video--it was a natural and sweet reaction from a teen boy with sisters. I don't know much of anything about JB, but I don't see him as evil.


I'm sure it made the mom re-evaluate a little--it's out of hand a bit at her house.

That's ok, she sounds like she can readjust. Maybe this whole thing will affect the bigger girls, too, b/c surely they can see how silly (but not "bad," just human/silly/overly dramatic) crushes on celebrities can get. It's just magnified by the 3 yo.


:iagree:Like I said earlier, one of my 4 year old twins has a bit of a crush on her own 15 year old cousin. We do NOT encourage this! :lol: :scared: It's just the immaturity of a four year old, combined with the sweetness and cuteness :001_wub: of my nephew. He has the nicest blue eyes.


FWIW, my twins had ONE absolute meltdown about three months ago... together. It was mind-boggling. They had never gone that far before. They went on and on and on. There was something about it that was different, somehow. As if they wanted to see how much energy I would put into getting them to stop. I didn't.


I let them go. I'd never done that before, either. :glare: They went on for 35 minutes. Yes, I timed it. My oldest daughter was given permission to go into my bedroom, put on headphones, and listen to math fact songs (she loves this, honestly). :D


I ignored those stinking, naughty twins. When they stopped, they were exhausted, but I was not (not much, anyway). They haven't done that again.


Perhaps the family on the video had a different strategy. I can understand them video recording the little girl's tantrum to show her later (and perhaps embarrass her out of doing it again?). I don't understand posting it to Youtube. But the 3-4 year old tantrum thing? I get it. The 3-4 year old crush (with older sisters in the home), I get that, too.

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I get that preschoolers have tantrums.


No one is arguing otherwise.


It's the concept that it is cute or let's play it up with video and coddling and giving her what caused the tantrum that mist dint get.


My preschoolers have had tantrums. But I send them to their room, or to sit on the sofa. I don't coo and hug over it, laugh, or give them what they are throwing a fit for. THAT's the part I don't get.

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I watched it months ago and didn't watch it again now, but I know at the time I didn't interpret it as a tantrum at all! She just seemed like an overly tired little girl who was overdue for a badly needed nap. She was exhausted and therefore emotional, leading to the tears. And as pps said was emulating what she had picked up from her older sisters about Justin Bieber. I don't think that was her regular behavior because her behavior was very different when she actually met JB. I think the family taped it because it WAS so crazy and emotional that it was funny. It was not like the little girl was demanding or screaming for something. she was crying because she was overwhelmed by her emotions. Her sister held her and her mom talked to her calmly about why she was upset. I thought her older sister was very sweet with her. And when the phone rang at the end and she stopped crying and said, "I bet that's Justin Bieber" it was hilarious!


My dds (20 and 16) have never been crazed about any pop idol, but it didn't seem to me that there was anything to be critical of the mom for, except maybe putting it on YouTube, but that's just a personal choice. It seems like ANYTHING parents put on YouTube will be picked apart and criticised.



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I watched it months ago and didn't watch it again now, but I know at the time I didn't interpret it as a tantrum at all! She just seemed like an overly tired little girl who was overdue for a badly needed nap. She was exhausted and therefore emotional, leading to the tears. And as pps said was emulating what she had picked up from her older sisters about Justin Bieber. I don't think that was her regular behavior because her behavior was very different when she actually met JB. I think the family taped it because it WAS so crazy and emotional that it was funny. It was not like the little girl was demanding or screaming for something. Her sister held her and her mom talked to her calmly about why she was upset. I thought her older sister was very sweet with her. And when the phone rang at the end and she stopped crying and said, "I bet that's Justin Bieber" it was hilarious!


My dds (20 and 16) have never been crazed about any pop idol, but it didn't seem to me that there was anything to be critical of the mom for, except maybe putting it on YouTube, but that's just a personal choice.





My first thought as well. It wasn't too hard to see that she was exhausted. I'm sure the mom put it on you tube because the punchline made it pretty funny. We are living in the age of viral videos- seems like the thing to do (i'm being facetious- thought i'd clarify to extinguish the flames).

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Is it just me or does this seem like a strange thing to become a multi-page controversy thread? It's just an overtired kid who likes Justin Bieber. I think he ended up meeting her after that video went around - which is sweet. Although she's so young she probably won't remember it. :laugh:


My dd14 likes some of his songs and thinks he's cute. No big deal. I was head over heels in love with Jordan Knight of NKOTB when I was a little younger than her - who remembers them? :D

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