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Can you help me find a girl's name that goes well with Lyla?

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I'm pregnant and we found out last week that we're expecting a girl. My one and only daughter is named Lyla. Can you help me think of a girl's name that goes well with Lyla? I'm most drawn to girl's names that are pretty, unpopular, feminine and timeless.


Could you *please* help me out here? The names on our short list are (not all of them meet my exact criteria, but...):








and possibly Eleanor (if we chose this, I'd want a nickname)


I am *totally* open to suggestion as well, especially if they're pretty, unpopular, feminine, timeless and go well with Lyla.



Edited by mama2cntrykids
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I'm pregnant and we found out last week that we're expecting a girl. My one and only daughter is named Lyla. Can you help me think of a girl's name that goes well with Lyla? I'm most drawn to girl's names that are pretty, feminine and timeless.


Could you *please* help me out here? The names on our short list are (not all of them meet my exact criteria, but...):







and possibly Eleanor (if we chose this, I'd want a nickname)


I am *totally* open to suggestion as well, especially if they're pretty, feminine, timeless and go well with Lyla.






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Of the names you listed, I like Eleanor best. Possible nicknames include Ellie, Ella, and Nora.


I vote for Eleanor (Ellie, Ella) ... so pretty!


Congratulations on your new little girl :001_wub:

Thank you! It's funny because my dh suggested Eleanor and right away I said, "NO WAY!" To me, it sounded way too upperclass lol. But, you know, it's kind of growing on me :tongue_smilie:.


I'm open to suggestions too!

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We have three girls. Their names are:


Anna Kathryn

Emma Caroline

Cora Elizabeth



If we had had a 4th girl, her name would have been Lila (pronounced the same as your spelling, I assume) Margaret. So I think Anna, Emma, and Cora go well with Lyla. I also really like Eleanor!

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Wow, I would have not thought Eleanor would be so well liked ;).


Yes, Nakia, our Lyla is pronounced just as you would have. I spelled it like I did because my wonderful grandma was Lyla.


I think it's so hard coming up with a girl's name because, to me, nothing compares to the name Lyla because my grandma was/is SO special to my heart!


I do really like Ellory too. My mom made a face right away and said, "It sounds like a boys name!!". Which, I don't think so at.all.

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I went over to Nymbler.com and typed in "Lyla" plus the names on your short list. Here are the suggestions I got:























































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Of the names you posted, I like Elise and Eleanor the best. I like Emily too. I know an Elise and an Eleanor, but not an Emily- so I don't think of it as too popular.


Since you stated you want a feminine name, I'll mention that Ellory and Ellis don't sound feminine to me. Ellory is very close to Ellery, as in Ellery Queen. I could see them being boy or girl names.


Congratulations on your new little girl. :grouphug:

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On your list Adelie caught my eye--mostly because I was wondering if you'd pronounce it like the penguin's name. :tongue_smilie:


But it made me think of Adelaide. And I just met a young girl named Adeline.

Another that might fit your category is Tess.

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From your list, I like Elise the best. I love Eleanor, but I do think it doesn't really "go" with Lyla w/o a nickname, and I think the obvious nickname, Ellie, makes for too many Ls w/ two few other letters.


For some reason, Rose sprang immediately to mind.







Margaret/Maggie or Daisy or Maisie

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Or Camille?

I tend to like 'old fashioned' names also. My daughters have the names Ella and Camille. If we had another it would be Miriam. Love the name Miriam.


How about Esther? Every Esther I know is beautiful and feminine!




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How about Grace? I think Lyla and Grace sound lovely together.




That's funny because Lyla's middle name is Grace lol. So, yes, I agree, they go well together!


Thanks for all the suggestions. Many good ones out there. I think my top two (for now lol...it's subject to change) are Elise and Eleanor. Eleanor has really grown on me. We'd probably call her Ellie though.


Any more are welcome!

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What about Zara? Some of the meanings of Lyla are "dark princess" and "night" and meanings of Zara include "shining" and "princess" so there is some relationship between the two.


I know someone who used the letters of her son's name to make her daughter's name. So, how about Ally?


I also like Elena (which I would pronounce similar to Eleanor, just with a softer end sound).


If you go with Eleanor, I like Nora as a short form. Actually, it's a nice name on it's own.

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I'm sorry if it's already been mentioned, but I think the name Lily is a beautiful, timeless name that goes beautifully with Lyla. I love the names you listed, but 'El' names aren't rolling off my tongue when I pair them with Lyla out loud...of course, this could just be my goofy tongue. :tongue_smilie:


Lyla and Lily, Lyla and Maggie, Lyla and Charlotte, Lyla and Madeline.


I love the name Lyla, btw. I don't think I've ever met a Lyla before.

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Congratulations on your wonderful news! My dear elderly mother's name is Lila (pronounced the same as Lyla), and my own granddaughter is named after her. Mom's middle name is Elaine, and I have always thought that sounded pretty with her first name. My little granddaughter's name is Lila Rose-Marie, and I think that is pretty too. I know you aren't asking for middle name choices, but I'm throwing these names out because they do sound pretty together.




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Oh, I love Evangeline!


I love the name Lila! (Or Lyla; my great-grandmother's name was Lila.) :001_wub: I wanted to name my second daughter Lila, but dh just cannot reconcile himself to that name. He *really* doesn't like it and I cannot fathom why. It's a good thing Schmooey was a boy, I guess. :D


I was going to name her Lila Ruth, because my grandmother, her daughter, was named Ruth. (Instead I have Abigail Ruth.) I think Ruth goes nicely with Lila, but it could be just because it's been in my head like that for about 10 years now.


I like Eleanor too. My mom has a cousin named Eleanor. We are so NOT upper class that it never seemed that way to me! :lol:


I adore the name Evelyn, too. My sister and I both wanted to name daughters Evelyn. Of course, I already had Emma and wasn't interested in alliteration names, and she didn't choose Evelyn when she had the chance, but it's still one of my favorite names.

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I like Elise the best!


Ava, Charlotte, Noelle, Jade, Claire, Corinne

Noelle **was** number one on my list, until dh nixed it. He said it sounded too Christmas-y:glare:.



I also like Elena (which I would pronounce similar to Eleanor, just with a softer end sound).


If you go with Eleanor, I like Nora as a short form. Actually, it's a nice name on it's own.

How would you pronounced Elena (like Ellen-a?).


I like Evangeline :) You can do "Ayva" spelled... Eva... :)
I really like Evangeline, but it's seems like a lot of sylabuls (sp?) for a little girl:tongue_smilie:. The name is a consideration...


Just out of curiosity, what was your beloved grandmother's middle name? Would it go well with the name Lyla?

Her middle name was Mae. Mae would be a nice first name too, but I can't think of a middle name to go with it.


Congratulations on your wonderful news! My dear elderly mother's name is Lila (pronounced the same as Lyla), and my own granddaughter is named after her. Mom's middle name is Elaine, and I have always thought that sounded pretty with her first name. My little granddaughter's name is Lila Rose-Marie, and I think that is pretty too. I know you aren't asking for middle name choices, but I'm throwing these names out because they do sound pretty together.




Elaine is a pretty name too!


My favorites are Lydia, Elise, and Eleanor.


I especially like first name Lydia, middle name Elise.


Lyla Grace

Lydia Elise



I really like Lydia, but I have a cousin who has a Lydia and we're trying to steer away from names that are already in the family. Lydia Elise is beautiful though!


What about Annelise.

Annelise is pretty!


My dh said that he we shouldn't name her Elise because she might grow up and not like it:001_huh::001_huh:. I told him she could grow up and not like ANY name that we pick for her, no matter **what** it is:tongue_smilie:.

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I love the nickname Nellie for Eleanor.


What about Paige?

My dh just suggested Nellie as a nn for Eleanor:). Funny! Eleanor is definitely on the top of the list.



I like Grace, too.


The first name that popped into my head, though, was Rose.

Lyla's middle name is Grace;). I don't mind Rose, but it's dh's sister's name. We're trying to stay away from names that are already in the family (from ppl that are still alive lol).


I'm trying to talk dh back into Elise because I REALLY like it!

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How about Kate (or Katie, as PP suggested). IMO, having two names that start with the same letters, such as Lyla and Lydia, is an open invitation for them to be forever mixed up. I'm sure others have had the experience of being called a siblings name by someone who knows the family well enough to know the names of the dc, but not well enough to have immediate differentiation. "I'm NOT Lydia."

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