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Status Update...Where are you in your yearly school schedule?


In general, we are...  

  1. 1. In general, we are...

    • behind
    • on time
    • ahead
    • "other"

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I'm tempted to vote 'other' because although it looks like we are 'behind' but it's just where we are. I've had two weeks of family visiting from out-of town in Oct. then a week off for Thanksgiving .........

I have stopped our regular studies to do a CHRISTmas unit study. Because, we are taking a month of from our math workbooks and doing this unit studies, technically we are behind but I'm not looking at it that way. Does that make sense? :ack2:

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Well, I voted ahead, because we're where we should be, for the number of days completed, but we've finished more days than I had anticipated finishing by now! We'll actually hit day #105 before we break for Christmas. (!!) Because of that, we will be (legally) finished by the end of April. I am NOT going to stop school a month before anyone else gets done, though. We'll do something Different or Get Ahead on next year or or..., at least until summer camps start up in June!

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My older two are ahead in math. They will finish early and work on other things then. They are about a week behind in literature. Everything else is right on schedule. :001_smile:


My little guy doesn't really have a chance to be ahead or behind. We just do the next thing in most of his subjects. History is tied to his sisters' studies, so he is one week behind, too.

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I am in my groove! I use CLE for math and LA, and we are consistent about doing those daily so we are right on track. I use flexible programs for social studies and science, and we are where I want to be in those but it is easy to work faster at any given time.


I'm actually alternating between focusing on SS and then focusing on science, not on a schedule (like 1 week SS, 1 week science) but more on unit. We started out with states & capitals and local landscape, and then did MPH Diversity. Then we did a big Native American research project and we are now working through the MPH Energy book. We still have 3 more MPH books and state history, pioneers & Oregon Trail.


Last year when I used highly structured programs for History/SS and science we fell behind and it was nearly impossible to catch up.

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farther behind than I planned for History/Science/Latin/Spelling b/c we took a trip for a week, holiday turned into a week visit, and now we had a funeral mid week. It's life and it's ok.


We aren't where I had hoped for Math and LA stuff either but farther than in previous years, so that is good!


We will work until we are crazy next early summer and then take off and pick back up in the fall when ready. No more worries about if we are done or not!

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I have to say other because I don't write/use a schedule. I do feel we are plugging along at a good pace though.


:iagree: We use a variety of curricula and each week I decide how much we will cover that week - all depending on illness, holidays, etc...I feel we are plugging along at a good pace and I'm not stressed out about what "week" we are on. I'm drawing from SL this year and last year tried some ToG but I don't like the feeling of having to follow someone else's pace - so, "Other" it is!

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Behind in some places, ahead in others. Just like every other year.



We're ahead in Math, Grammar, Spelling, Mapwork...right on target in cursive, WWE ...and a wee bit behind in Science, History and Latin. That figures, however, as we went to Italy for a month and didn't bring all of our subjects with us. However, we homeschool almost year round (take off in August only) so I am not worried. :)

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We're pretty much on track. We've got one more week to finish up before breaking for Christmas, but I've got some flexibility built into that so we could do more or less, as we feel like. I've got a huge WWI book that I was planning to read all of to the dc, but it's getting too detailed, & I think we're getting bogged down, so I'll probably just pick some highlights & call it good. History is like that, though.


Everything else is right where the files tell me to be. :001_smile:

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Depends on the kid and the subject here . . . :001_smile: Decided to delay the start of first grade for my DS6 as he's struggled and is on the young side for first. That helps! When he "begins" first grade again he'll be a little ahead which is good for him (he's going to start again in Jan./Feb.).


We have flex in the content areas and we're ahead there.


Moving a little slower in skill subjects but we're working on staying consistent. That's all I can ask of myself and the kids at this stage in the game.


An adorable, teething, mischievous toddler is wreaking havoc these days . . . today he bit a hole through his tongue and bled non stop for two hours! :lol:

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I selected other as...


I am WAY ahead in math. I am about on target with grammar, spelling, writing, history, WAY behind on science, and a few things that are totally wonked out (like, I lost our logic book somewhere in the house).


so, if I were to average it, we are on schedule.





That figures, however, as we went to Italy for a month and didn't bring all of our subjects with us. However, we homeschool almost year round (take off in August only) so I am not worried. :)


We went to Italy for a month 2 years ago. It was awesome!!! We must chat...:D

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Woefully behind. We are in our 10th week of school and probably won't finish that until after the holidays. We had a late start due to the "chaos of life" and we've been in transition since late August with a pending move. By January we should be back into operational mode and skipping a few of the breaks we had planned for spring. :glare:


This is our seventh year of schooling and we've never been this far behind. I can't wait to get back into some semblance of a routine.

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I voted other because we are where we are. I always used to think I was "behind" but could never figure out behind what? We have been diligently working and moving ahead in our studies. We have covered lots of ground, but I never really planned out this year. We are on break now until New Years, but we will still be doing history and science because we like to continue those subjects.


Of course we will also be reading.



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I voted "on time" - I am filing this year and we were able to finish what I wanted finished before going on maternity "leave". Right now the boys are doing mostly independent work so they don't forget how to read or do math, and we'll start week 17 when we resume after New Years. This is the first year I feel like we are consistently making progress and not just "getting things done" but actually learning and enjoying, especially subjects that would normally be pushed aside (history, art, science). ;) For us, filing has been the reason why ... otherwise I'd probably be quite "behind" right now.

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We are ahead. I use homeschool tracker and if I feel like we might be getting behind, I redo the lesson plan schedule to up it a bit and then once we are ahead again, I redo the lesson plan schedule to slow it down so that we will finish on time. I love being able to see exactly when we'll finish and change things around if needed.

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While I wouldn't go so far as to say wherever we are is where we're supposed to be, I do feel like where we are is where we are. I will say if we're going to finish this round of history by summer we are a bit behind. But we can skip some things if we like and catch up with them later.

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I guess I'm a few weeks behind my projected schedule, but I don't really see it as far behind. We seem to need time off here or there on many weeks. So, I probably will not use the extra time off I scheduled in. I also am seeing the wisdom in not taking the entire summer off. It is so hard to get us all back on track, that I may continue on through with shorter time off here or there. So, to sum up, I'm rethinking how I schedule our school anyway.:)


Forgot to mention, I voted "other."

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We finished day 90 today. We are at the mid-term break and we have finished half of our required school days, so we are right where we should be as far as day count.


According to the schedule that I wrote for this year, we are also right where we should be in our history, science, and LA.


However, I don't schedule math. I just keep swimming at the pace the children's abilities allow. Our schedule just says to do math, so, as long as we are doing some math, I guess we are always on schedule.



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We're behind this year, exactly 14 days from where I planned to be. BUT, not as far behind as I thought we were going to be.


I was putting off counting it out (with an old fashioned calendar) and comparing it from where we planned to be. We started late because we had a missions group come down for 2 weeks and we moved in August. Then I unexpectedly came up with a womanly illness that ended up with hospitalization and surgery--that's taken a good 6 weeks out of me. My husband's pitched in though, doing school as often as he can and when I was feeling up to it, I did some school with them. I just tried to concentrate on the 3 R's and keep those as consistent as possible.


So I thought we'd be way further behind that we really truly are. Not so bad with LA/Math/Bible, a little worse with Science, and non-existent in history. I've decided to start something fresh in History while we're in the States.


Now we leave for the States to visit churches until March--so school is going to be only when we have the opportunity. I'm disappointed because I had a real strict schedule to follow this fall so we wouldn't be schooling all the way until we start school next fall, but I know God had other plans. I'm just going to concentrate on doing it as often as we possibly can, even if it means a Saturday if we took off days during the week, and not sweat it on the days we miss. I just pray they'll be able to handle all the inconsistency and still progress in their learning! But again, it's God's plan, not mine and so I'll trust Him. I always say, "That's the beauty of Homeschooling".

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I voted on time, but I year round so we can never really get "behind." If we are comparing skill level to ps, then they are ahead in most areas.


If my 4yo learns nothing else before fall, he'll be in good shape for kindy.


My 5yo is doing great! She's reading well, writing well (copies out of storybooks for FUN:D) and is working through MM 1A and Miquon Orange.


ds7 is ahead in math and right on track for LA. His reading is really improving in visible leaps. I'm having him read to me atleast 3x per day morning, afternoon, and evening. This is going well. (and I can breath now:lol:)


I'm feeling good about where we are. I'm just trying to get better at juggling 3 dc who all need mommy-intensive lessons.

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I am on time but I have been doing this quite a few years now and I have figured out how to lay out our curriculum over the year for my family. Our learning cycles go like this:


January--slow take-off

February-March--working hard

April--slowing down

May--we take summer break

Jun-August--working hard

September--doing OK

October--slowing down

November--finishing up

December--brains on vacation so I call off school work


Once I figured it out and adjusted things accordingly, I didn't get frustrated anymore about being behind and hitting all sorts of walls in Oct-Dec.



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I voted other because we are only behind by a couple of weeks. I don't consider that significantly behind because it's only behind where I want to be on the calendar, not in their learning levels. I did the filing system this past summer (LOVE, LOVE, LOVE IT!!!), so I have all 36 weeks already planned out. We are behind a couple of weeks because of a few situations. My grandmother died early on in our year and we had several family decide to come in the month of October, so we had to take some time off.


My dh teaches school, so I'm very motivated to be done by the end of May when he is done. I plan to do a little work over our Christmas break to make up one of the weeks. I will be doing the minimum to feel that week is finished. I will also be doing something similar to get the other week finished somewhere down the line.

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