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Modest Swimwear -- are these too modest?

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Please don't assume that the extremely modest = wrong thinking about intimacy...for many, that would be completely wrong.


I know MANY outside of myself that dress anywhere from cute/modern/but modest to Little House on the Prairie modest and they have healthy sexual relationships, recognising sex as something that is to be enjoyable within a certain context, and have no problem discussing it with their spouse, children, and as peers.

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When I dressed "modestly" as a child and teen, it was definitely modest. It was definitely weird, too. And that attracted attention. Definitely didn't attract anyone to love and good works, I'll tell you that. And I so alternated between mortification and self-righteousness that I couldn't figure out the attitude thing. (Or rather, when I had "attitude," it certainly wasn't the right kind.) And I know that was wrong -- I was just a kid and didn't have it all figured out then, lol.


I remember meeting a missionary kid whose family our [very conservative, KJV-only, dresses wearing, premillennial, fundamental, etc] church supported. They were home of furlough, and she rode my bus to school. She wore jeans and nice t-shirts to school, and definitely did not stand out in that regard. You know how she did stand out, though? She was very kind. She had a smile and a good word for everyone. She went out of her way to speak to the dirty little kid on the bus who didn't smell so good that everyone else kinda shunned or snickered about.


SHE *dressed* in a "worldly" way, from my point of view at the time. (Looking back, she was quite modest in her dress. I was just a judgmental little freak back then and looked down my nose at the outward appearance.) But she *acted* in a way that gave credit to her profession of faith. She was both salt and light, but she didn't stand out in any way because of her dress. She was both modest (because no one thought twice about what she wore or [i would suppose] about her body underneath) and "light," though she didn't follow the "rules." She drew attention with her kindness, her "light" in a dark place. But the light was easy to look at and didn't cause one to avert one's eyes in order to avoid a migraine.


I came to consider how I dressed as a young person as immodest. Even though I was quite covered. I drew attention to myself, and sometimes I even liked that attention -- negative though it was.


Ok, further proof that I'm completely screwy. :001_huh: But there you have it. :D


This doesn't seem "screwy" to me....it seems like a grace message. Thanks for articulating your position so well.

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When I dressed "modestly" as a child and teen, it was definitely modest. It was definitely weird, too. And that attracted attention. Definitely didn't attract anyone to love and good works, I'll tell you that. And I so alternated between mortification and self-righteousness that I couldn't figure out the attitude thing. (Or rather, when I had "attitude," it certainly wasn't the right kind.) And I know that was wrong -- I was just a kid and didn't have it all figured out then, lol.


I remember meeting a missionary kid whose family our [very conservative, KJV-only, dresses wearing, premillennial, fundamental, etc] church supported. They were home of furlough, and she rode my bus to school. She wore jeans and nice t-shirts to school, and definitely did not stand out in that regard. You know how she did stand out, though? She was very kind. She had a smile and a good word for everyone. She went out of her way to speak to the dirty little kid on the bus who didn't smell so good that everyone else kinda shunned or snickered about.


SHE *dressed* in a "worldly" way, from my point of view at the time. (Looking back, she was quite modest in her dress. I was just a judgmental little freak back then and looked down my nose at the outward appearance.) But she *acted* in a way that gave credit to her profession of faith. She was both salt and light, but she didn't stand out in any way because of her dress. She was both modest (because no one thought twice about what she wore or [i would suppose] about her body underneath) and "light," though she didn't follow the "rules." She drew attention with her kindness, her "light" in a dark place. But the light was easy to look at and didn't cause one to avert one's eyes in order to avoid a migraine.


I came to consider how I dressed as a young person as immodest. Even though I was quite covered. I drew attention to myself, and sometimes I even liked that attention -- negative though it was.


Ok, further proof that I'm completely screwy. :001_huh: But there you have it. :D


I like the point that you made about being a light being an expression from the heart more than an outward appearance. I have met a few people who dress modestly (as in long dresses, high neckline, etc.) who are OGRES and would likely turn some people off to Christianity.

With that being said, I certainly do not think that a modest dress (even the dresses-wearing variety) and being a light are necessarily exclusive of each other. I was also raised to wear dresses and dress modestly for much of my childhood and it was a burden to me then (I went to ps and kids can be so cruel). But now, I wear dresses and skirts all the time out of my own decision and it is not a burden to me at all. I am very fashion conscious and I like to wear trendy clothes (but they are dresses and skirts and they are very modest), and I get compliments all the time on the way I dress. I have worn dresses and dressed modestly from my own conviction since I was 17 (10 years ago) and it has never been a bad experience for me like it was when I was a child. God has been gracious and I have had the opportunity to learn that many people have admired very much that I have stood for my convictions in this way. I have not intentionally sought out to be different from other people, but I am content to be different if that is where my convictions lead me. Kind of like with homeschooling. A lot of people would look at all of us and think that we stood out and were maybe even "wierd" because we homeschool, but we are doing a tremendous thing. It makes me feel so free to be blessed with the grace to follow my heart in these things and not fear what others think.:)

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I have been following this thread, and I have to say that I am surprised at the number of people who seem to be concerned or bothered by women dressing in a fashion that is more modest than the norm.


Some are concerned that those women won't be able to lead normal sex lives, some are concerned that those women might be looked upon as strange or made fun of, some are concerned that the ladies may have rotten hearts, but look spiritual on the outside.


Am I to believe, then, that all women who dress the norm have healthy sex lives, that people never find them odd or strange and there's nothing about them to be made fun of, and their hearts are pure?


The statements made here remind me of comments people give to those convinved that homeschooling is the best path for them. They quickly point out a child they knew who wasn't very social, or the are so concerned that the homeschooled child may be teased, or perhaps they are concerned that the homeschooled child may deem himself better than others and end up with a heart full of pride.


Why is it so difficult to understand that some people just feel convinced that certain things are best for them and their family? Should we really only do that which goes with the mainstream? The women I know (including myself) who dress in a manner more modest than mainstream do so because they are convinced that the styles have become entirely too revealing. I could ellaborate on the reasons, but I don't think it is necessary. I just wonder why people's convictions about modesty result in the same sorts of scrutiny as other convictions, such as homeschooling.

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... some are concerned that those women might be looked upon as strange or made fun of, some are concerned that the ladies may have rotten hearts, but look spiritual on the outside.




I hope you understand that this is not *remotely* what my post was about. I was addressing idea of light and my OWN experience with my own rotten, judgmental heart.


Just clarifying.

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much more of a discussion than I realized, but I have to say one thing about modesty and that is that I do not understand why there are some who believe that wearing only dresses is modest. I mean I can PROMISE you that in the winter, when I have on my HUGE sweatpants and sweatshirts that I am dressed more modestly than most. I also find that a looser-fitting pair of jeans can be much more modest than many dresses and skirts (I see a lot of pentecostal ladies in tight-fitting skirts).


Modesty is about so much more than dress. I will admit to being fairly immodest as a whole. I tend to run around the house in a t-shirt and panties a lot of the time, but I know a lot of women who are modest and very conservative that wear pants, and I know many women who wear only skirts that aren't.


I certainly DO NOT look down on those who wear only dresses, and have several friends that I have the utmost respect for who do so, but I do have issue with saying that one can't be modest unless one is wearing only dresses, or only 3/4 length sleeves, etc. It just isn't that plain and simple.

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but I have to say one thing about modesty and that is that I do not understand why there are some who believe that wearing only dresses is modest. I mean I can PROMISE you that in the winter, when I have on my HUGE sweatpants and sweatshirts that I am dressed more modestly than most. I also find that a looser-fitting pair of jeans can be much more modest than many dresses and skirts (I see a lot of pentecostal ladies in tight-fitting skirts).


Modesty is about so much more than dress. I will admit to being fairly immodest as a whole. I tend to run around the house in a t-shirt and panties a lot of the time, but I know a lot of women who are modest and very conservative that wear pants, and I know many women who wear only skirts that aren't.


I do not believe you cannot be modest in pants, and I certainly believe you can be immodest in skirts and dresses. I have never met a single person who wears dresses/skirts only who would say thet ALL skirts and ALL dresses are modest, so I'm not really sure where this comparison is going. Have you heard someone say that all dresses and skirts are modest and all pants are immodest?


I personally find that the skirts I wear ARE more preferable to any pants I could wear. I wear sweats when I garden and sweats to bed. I prefer skirts to pants because I find them more comfortable and because for me, I like my appearance better in skirts that flow and don't cling over pants that are loose.


Many women wear dresses only because they feel more feminine.

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We dress totally for sun protection. I'll be wear this during summer vacation on the beach in Florida. http://www.coolibar.com/03209f.html


Mine will be the chocolate/tahiti mix with the chocolate stretch pants and the matching floral saron skirt http://www.coolibar.com/01236f.html


I'm getting the hat too. :)


My kids will be wearing long sleeve shirts and matching swim shorts with the hats, http://www.coolibar.com/boysclothing2-8.html


My dh wears all of this and gloves too. http://www.coolibar.com/men-s-swimwear.html


We're a little over the top on swim wear. My dh and his siblings grew up on the beach in South America and have major skin damage done to their fair skin. My dh and his 2 siblings have had chunks of skin removed and my dh has had a cancerous area removed. So we are more concerned about sun protection than modesty.


But because of it, we've got modesty covered.

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I have been following this thread, and I have to say that I am surprised at the number of people who seem to be concerned or bothered by women dressing in a fashion that is more modest than the norm.


Some are concerned that those women won't be able to lead normal sex lives, some are concerned that those women might be looked upon as strange or made fun of, some are concerned that the ladies may have rotten hearts, but look spiritual on the outside.


Am I to believe, then, that all women who dress the norm have healthy sex lives, that people never find them odd or strange and there's nothing about them to be made fun of, and their hearts are pure?


The statements made here remind me of comments people give to those convinved that homeschooling is the best path for them. They quickly point out a child they knew who wasn't very social, or the are so concerned that the homeschooled child may be teased, or perhaps they are concerned that the homeschooled child may deem himself better than others and end up with a heart full of pride.


Why is it so difficult to understand that some people just feel convinced that certain things are best for them and their family? Should we really only do that which goes with the mainstream? The women I know (including myself) who dress in a manner more modest than mainstream do so because they are convinced that the styles have become entirely too revealing. I could ellaborate on the reasons, but I don't think it is necessary. I just wonder why people's convictions about modesty result in the same sorts of scrutiny as other convictions, such as homeschooling.

The system says I can't rep you again yet....but I thought I'd tell you how much I agree with your post.

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I just purchased a suit for myself at www.Stitchintimes.com . It was a bit expensive and I have not received it yet..i should get it sometime next week. it looked good on their website and i have my fingures crossed!



My new bathing suit arrived just the other day and I love it! I got the one that looks most like a dress, with the shoulder sleeves etc...it is adorable! And, as someone who can really swim and swims long distances almost daily in the summertime it will be very easy to swim in....I'm doing a little happy dance:party:over here because it has been awhile since i have had a bathing suit I like.

I'm enjoying this thread...really interseting!


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I love the suits from Lands End. They are modest, yet look nice and they last really well. They are worth the price. I have one that is in its third year now, and it still looks good. You can go to Sears and try them on, and even order them there if you need something that is not in the store, and pay no shipping.

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This is in response to some of the "dresses only" posts. I would quote, but I dont' know how to do it. If someone wants to enlighten me, that would be great. :)


Dh and I were recently in Ukraine. The trip was AMAZING on so many levels, but one thing that was very interesting to me was the women's view of modesty. We were doing marriage conferences in Baptist churches. All the married women wore some sort of head covering - mostly kerchief type of things. Some of the women wore fabric type of headbands. These were considered to be "okay." The women and I had GREAT conversations about this, but all of the younger women said that it wasn't really a personal conviction, but a tradition. Quite a few of the younger women wore head coverings and then work knee length skirts with fishnet stockings and high heel ankle boots. Not that I have anything against fishnet stockings and high heel boots. It was just a rather interesting combination of jumping through the hoop of wearing a head covering and wearing what I would consider s*xy clothes. One of the younger women confided in me that she wore the head covering simply so that the older women wouldn't fuss at her.


To me, it seems like a blind spot, but I extend a TON of grace b/c I know that I have blind spots too! BTW, I LOVED these women and can't wait to go back and be with them again.


:) Cindy

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  • 3 months later...

Those swimsuits are like these, but made in modern fabrics. I don’t find that level of modesty necessary, but actually somewhat odd. (I understand some people require it.) Maybe it comes from being on a swim team where everybody wears racing suits. I’m a practical sort of person anyway. I don’t think bikinis are appropriate though, especially on little girls, where they are disturbing. But if very little kids, boys or girls too small to know what modesty is, have nothing on on top, that’s not important. So girls older than that and women should have at least all the skin covered by a racing suit like this one, however they like. If men or boys wear brief swimsuits, I guess it’s OK, because that’s what they wore on my swim team, so it’s normal to me. I like the old-fashioned unisex tank suits best (and unisex modesty standards) though (the one on the woman diving here).

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  • 1 year later...

I put my kids in rashguards from LLBean and I have one from Lands' end that is not form fitting. That sort of thing is so common and would draw less attention IMO. We use them not for modesty, but just so we can use less sunscreen. Plus we stay cooler in them when they are wet.

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Not too modest in my opinion, but we are pretty conservative on these things. We don't mix swim, and regular bathing suits are, in our opinion, nothing more than underwear. I don't wear shorts or skirts shorter than my calf, though.


Same here. :)


Aw man, got caught by a two year old thread!

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Are you and your girls going to be doing "splash around" swimming or actual lap swimming for exercise or competition? (I haven't read through all 15 or so pages of posts...


When it comes to lap or exercise swimming, I'm all about practicality and comfort. I recently bought a new Speedo exercise suit. For the first time ever, I bought board shorts to go over my suit...I was frankly quite self-conscious at the splash-around pool as I have reached a certain age now, and while not out of shape, I'm just not as, well, not the same as I used to be. (When it comes to going to the lap pool swimming, I wouldn't care, I'd just wear the suit.)


I completely understand your personal convictions about modesty. And while I wouldn't wear a suit such as this for quite a few reasons, I think it would more than likely draw much more attention to yourself and your girls, which, as I understand, is antithetical to true modesty. To me, it just stands out much too much. There are so many pretty and athletic choices nowadays that are also modest.


I've held off on these bathing suit and modesty posts of the past few days, but I just felt the need to add my two cents to this one...

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Didn't read the replies, but our pool wouldn't let you swim in them because the shirt is too long - even if it is considered a "swim" shirt. They may have issues with the pants too. They look cute to me - not swimwear looking - more like a workout outfit, but not frumpy.


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I think they look dorky....and I wouldn't want my kids wearing something like that!




I agree, they're a little much for us. They don't look too comfy, but I've seen worse. If you want something modest they have board shorts for girls and rashgaurds. That's what I wore when I used to surf, they cover quite a bit and they are not uncomfortable at all. To each there own though.

Edited by OleanderRain
I did notice this was an old thread....lol.
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Haven't read the whole thread (it's long!) My personal concern with suits like that is that there is loose fabric. Loose fabric is dangerous in water in my opinion. There is a reason that swimwear is snug. We wear one piece suits and I wear boy shorts with mine and sometimes a rash guard.


There is always this:



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I burn super-easily, so I wear a short-sleeved rashguard (could be long sleeved but I don't like having the fabric down to my wrists in hot weather) and board shorts. It covers everything I don't care to show off (really... no one wants to see me in a skimpy suit!) and it minimizes the amount of sunscreen I have to put on. :)



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I'm all about function, take little to no notice of fashion/style....we swim for exercise, not to flaunt cute little bodies...so as long as the suit stays on and allows you to get a decent extended stroke in...I'm all for it...you just can't swim in bikinis...when you dive in a top comes off, bottoms pull down...one piece speedo's without the high cut thigh and we're good.



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I haven't read all the comments, but those seem a bit too modest for my tastes. I buy my and my daughter's swimsuits from Land's End. She has a skirted bottom, and a rash guard t-shirt for the top. I wear a supportive (DD) tankini top, and with my short torso, my middle is never exposed, no matter how I bend or stretch and my girls stay in place. My skirted bottom is adjustable in length via ties on the side. I can cinch it up fairly high (I don't), or if we're at the beach and I need to run a quick errand, I can let the ties out to make it hit just above my knee-caps.


And I fiind their suits are fairly high quality. The pieces I've bought from Land's End have lasted longer than suits I've bought at department stores, so the higher prices are worth it to me.

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I haven't read all the comments posted, but I can imagine most think the swimsuits from the original post have too much fabric. Funny thing, because we use (dd and I) swimsuits that have even more fabric than those swimsuits! We haven't had a problem swimming - no constriction around the legs. Granted, we are not swimming races. Dd took swimming lessons with such a suit and kept up with laps with the other girls who were in the one piece suits where they had to stop every once in a while to pull their bottoms down because they were getting wedgies. Our suits are made with four-way nylon spandex (swim suit fabric), have three-quarter length sleeves tops, swim bra, and the skorts are similar to the ones in the original post. When visiting relatives who live near beach areas, I like the fact that (when dried off) I can walk comfortably into a restaurant or store "dressed" with the swimsuit. It's just my personal preference; I'm not comfortable with a robe or towel on top.

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I think the streamlined/sporty look of something like the "burqini" is a bit more stylish than one with a gathered skirt. There is a picture of a lifeguard wearing one in this Time article. However, all of them are pricey!


Those are nice although I would never wear one unless I was swimming in Oman. They look like a sweatbox and all that fabric looks hazardous. However, given the choice between a prairie dress and a burqini, I vote burqini.


ETA: Yes, I know it's an old thread.

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I'm not going to read the other responses. I'm just going to jump in and say, NO! I actually really like some of these! Some of them are perfect for a day at the beach where you don't have time or want to change afterwords. I really like some of them. Thanks for sharing!



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Yes, I, too, know it's an old thread.


I'm surprised people think the Simply Modest suits are weird looking -- I think they're pretty cute for the super-modest style. My girls actually want the WholesomeWear suits, which I think are a bit ..... let's say, less stylish. But if they prefer them over the SM ones, that's fine with me.

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I realize this is an old thread, and I haven't read all of the responses so maybe this has already been mentioned. I'm not even sure if those suits are allowed or would be safe in a public swimming pool due to the suction of the drains in the sides/bottom of the pool.


I realize that pools are supposed to be retrofitted with new drain covers to prevent accidental drownings due to hair/clothing being caught in them, but I'd still be concerned.

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Here in Australia the harsh sun- and gorgeous beaches- warrant full cover during the day (although I tend to swim in the early morning). I really like some of these suits for that reason, although I tend to wear the rash protection suits (called rashies here) for sun protection. There are full cover rashies - long arms and legs- and I have seen people wear them.

Really, it would be far more practical for people to have any of these to wear during the day swimming, than a bikini. It only takes 5-10 minutes to burn here in the middle of the day in summer.

I dont have a problem with nudity..but as a more mature woman, I would rather be reasonably modest in public nowadays and like to wear shorts and a rash vest.

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I think they are absolutely adorable. I've never seen a so-called "modest" swim-suit before but they didn't look cute in my imagination. I think these are cute and I definitely want one! The average swimsuit in the store shows off waaayyyy more of my body than I am comfortable with. We have a pool in our back yard and I don't swim when there are mixed couples (even family) or my boys' friends. Ick!


I didn't see any sleeveless options. That would be my only complaint.

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Guest Fabion

Just a suggestion, have you ever thought about getting a surf suit? They cover what you're looking for, and although they're skin-tight you can always wear a big tshirt or even a light cotton dress over one.

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My swimsuit looks very much like the ones on the site you linked. So I vote no, not too modest.


And btw, I have no problem swimming in my suit. It's made of swimsuit material, so it's lightweight and dries quickly, and it doesn't drag or weigh me down in the water. I also don't notice that I receive a lot of attention or stares in my suit. I think people are too busy looking at the 16 year old girls who have on pasties and a thong. :D But I don't wear my suit out of any desire to appear modest, I just like to be covered.


I guess, to everyone who says how uncomfortable the suit looks, don't knock it till you try it. ;)



Edited by TaraTheLiberator
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They are pretty... I don't think they're too modest... but we came up with a simpler cheaper solution... We bought my daughter a one-piece bathing suit- V-neck. She sewed a piece of fabric to make it a round neck.. We also for like $5.00-$7.00 picked up some swimming skorts at Walmart... in navy blue to match the suit... She is modest, but does not standout... in anyway... She's comfortable and we are comfortable bringing her to the beach like that.

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Those are so cute! We bought our daughter some roxy board shorts that are real cute - knee length - at the beach this year. Then she has some rash guards that match nicely... We are very modest and try to instill that in the kids. Our son also wears a rash guard with his long swim shorts.

This year at the pool several people have asked us where to get these swim suits :) So, you may think that it is being too modest and some may not like the 'restrictions' you are putting on your kids, but you may find that after they have time to digest your example they will actually want to follow in your footsteps :)

Don't worry if it is too modest or not - Just wear what you are comfortable with :)

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Boys wear shorts like this all the time :) They do not seem to have difficulty in swimming. This is something that I just do not understand. Women/girls must have shorter shorts (at least mid thigh) and no sleeves in order to be able to swim??? At the ocean you see guys walking with a girl - He is dressed in a short sleeve rash guard and knee shorts, baggy at that... She is dressed in a string bikini (maybe a rash guard, but it is a skimpy one that is so tight as to reveal her curves). Am I the only one who sees this as so ironic? :001_huh:

I do think that those were a little too modest. I feel like you could get the coverage you are looking for and still find something modern and cute. I like tank or racer back tops and then you could pair it with a bottom that has either the attached skirt or shorts. Or you could find a one piece with the attached fuller coverage skirt. Lands End would be a great place to start looking.I just feel that the ones in the link would be difficult to move or swim in, which is sort of the point of wearing swim clothes. :)
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I usually try to stay away from these modesty threads, since they often turn ugly, but this one keeps popping up so fine, I'll post :).


No, I do not find these suits "too modest". I can't even imagine what "too modest" would mean. How can one be "too modest"? Strange concept.


Anyway, this is the type of suit my dd10 wears. I would wear one also, if I had the opportunity to swim in a private area with only my immediately family or other women. Since it doesn't completely cover the arms, legs and hair, I would not be wearing this suit in public.


BTW, I have had many women ask about my dd's suit, where I got it, etc. Their reasons range from being large ladies who want more coverage, to having a skin condition that precludes wearing a typical suit. Everyone thinks it's adorable, and no one has accused her of being "too modest."


My ds (and many boys/men) wear swimming trunks down to their knees, so there is no logical reason why girls/women have to expose their behinds and/or thighs in order to swim. Never got that :001_huh:.

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