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Weekly Report 11-19-2010


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We're working through this list of Thanksgiving resources. I added a few pics. The girls are loving the craft projects (who wouldn't?) and I'm enjoying a break from the usual suspects. We'll work on more crafts next week.


We did math this week -- but the rest was all Thanksgiving-related. Yay, homeschooling! :001_smile:


Happy Thanksgiving!!!

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while i don't comment on many posts, i do read them! I appreciate this forum and being part of a community that in some way holds me accountable to two things: 1) getting things accomplished each week with my kids, even in tough times, and 2) blogging about it! :001_smile: I have come to rely on the blog as a kind of journal of our homeschooling journey, and I enjoy sharing it with y'all!


have a happy thanksgiving. we're taking the week off, THANKfully! ;)

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