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Frivolous poll for the day...do you use the toilet in the presence of your dh/dw?

Do you use the toilet in the presence of your dh/dw?  

  1. 1. Do you use the toilet in the presence of your dh/dw?

    • Yes.
    • No.
    • Other ('cause there's always an "other")

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Just wondering..:leaving:


I have steadfastly refused for over 20 years. My dh has teased me about being way too uptight about the issue.

We watched the movie "Killers" this weekend, and it came up in the movie. The dh is waiting in the bathroom with his wife for her to take a pregnancy test. She can't "produce" while he's there watching, and he refers to the fact that she's done this like a hundred times before, what's her problem now? Made me wonder if I was being overly-modest!

Edited by Julie in CA
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:lol: I voted yes. When I was pregnant with older dd I spent a lot of time in the hospital. I had to use a bedpan (because I refused to spend that whole time with a catheter) and I could only use it alone or with dh. The nurses thought it was funny and cute. I definitely have no problem using the bathroom in front of dh now.:lol:

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No. (I suppose we might if there was a medical emergency is involved. So far we have not face a medical emergency. My DH did have to help me into the bathroom when my back went out, but left quickly once I was safety seated).


We don't have the same schedule so we aren't competing for the bathroom in the morning. I'm sure that helps.

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I can pee in front of cats, dogs, kids, grandkids, hubby, and any medical practitioners of any kind and well, pretty much anyone who works at a hospital in any capacity. I prefer to keep everything else kind of private. Luckily, we have a small stall in the master bath and I can close and lock the door. That does not prevent people from trying to have a conversation through the locked door though.

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I have been with this man for 23 years and to keep the :blushing: the intimate things more passionate. I do not want to acknowledge the bodies basic functions. Its a total turn off. TMI :lol:


He pretty much doesn't care after watching me give birth. He just laughs but respects my wishes.

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How funny. Just this morning I needed to use the bathroom while dh was in the shower, so I said, "Close your eyes." Then I joked, "You've seen me give birth to a baby but I don't want you watching me pee." He said, "I've seen you give birth to THREE babies."


I don't know why it matters, but it does.:tongue_smilie:

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Nope. I'm sure the bathroom door has been left open a time or two in Labor & Delivery rooms, but that's about it.


After my surgery 2 years ago, I got so sick (vomiting and diarrhea) that they brought a potty seat next to my bed so I wouldn't have to walk all the way to the bathroom. I asked dh to go to work and leave me alone. :tongue_smilie:

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LOL, I voted other before I read all the replies. I will te te but not number 2, NO WAY. Yes, he has seen me have 3 of the 4 children but those were c/s lol no reason we can't have some secrets . lol. Enjoy the day.:001_smile::001_smile:


Heck, I think he has only heard me toot less than 10 times our entire marriage which will be 19 yrs in Jan. lol.

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