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OK, How about a thread with pictures of our kids?

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Here's my little guy at his 1st birthday party last month. I sewed the shorts to match the outer space theme and appliqued a 1 on the shirt.


I brought out a dishpan of water to clean him off after the cake, and he loves water so much he decided to climb right in!







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Here's my little guy at his 1st birthday party last month. I sewed the shorts to match the outer space theme and appliqued a 1 on the shirt.


I brought out a dishpan of water to clean him off after the cake, and he loves water so much he decided to climb right in!


Wow. Has it been a year already? I remember responding to your thread when you shared pregnancy pictures! Your little man is adorable, BTW. I just can't believe how time has flown!

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This is over 2 years old but still one of my favorite pics ever.


LOVE it!!!!




Pure happiness!!!


This is the most recent picture I have of all kids together. Guess it is time for a more recent group photo!




Beautiful shot! That's quite a crew!


Kimberly, my 18yo (pic about 1.5 years old)



Johnathan (who used to be Tyler), my 15yo (pic also about 1.5 years old - he NEVER looks so sleepy anymore thanks to CPAP):



I could've guessed these kids were yours!!! They look like you!

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I know some people aren't comfortable doing that but if you are please show the little darlin' off. Here's my girls this past Christmas:


Here is a pic of all of us...including gramma and Grampa


Below are the 4 still homeschooling....This was the morniing of achampionship...so 5 am!





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Guest CarolineUK
How did you get it big? Mine posted so small!!!


It just turned out that way, I didn't do anything! In fact, I rather struggled to attach it at all, I'd never tried before, but now I know :001_smile:.

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Ok this one's going to be harder. It's rather difficult to catch all mine in a presentable group shot. LOL


Oh my goodness...the last time I smooshed them together for a group shot seems forever ago...the 2 yr old looks like such a baby. *sniff*


We may have to go with individual shots here for better accuracy LOL



Warrior - 2yr



Boo - 4



Doodles - 6



Nugget - 9 (my hardest to capture!)



Yo - 11 (he's my next hardest to capture)



Eldest - 13 (it appears this is the best/most recent shot I have of him, this is over a year old and his hair is longer now)

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Our camera is HORRIBLE and we are saving up for a new one, but for now our pictures are sub par.


Here is one of the three older kids when we went back to Lawrence, KS for a visit with g-ma (in the background): http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_62JwNPhlrx0/TE3FKrStGmI/AAAAAAAABQY/R_i1zTBsIyY/s1600/PICT0468.JPG


Here is one of my DD1 with her little friend at a b-day party: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_62JwNPhlrx0/TGFCe8Bds_I/AAAAAAAABRQ/RubmaFy2MCQ/s1600/039.JPG


They are from my DH's blog - feel free to browse it for more pics of the kiddos



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Our camera is HORRIBLE and we are saving up for a new one, but for now our pictures are sub par.


Here is one of the three older kids when we went back to Lawrence, KS for a visit with g-ma (in the background): http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_62JwNPhlrx0/TE3FKrStGmI/AAAAAAAABQY/R_i1zTBsIyY/s1600/PICT0468.JPG


Here is one of my DD1 with her little friend at a b-day party: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_62JwNPhlrx0/TGFCe8Bds_I/AAAAAAAABRQ/RubmaFy2MCQ/s1600/039.JPG


They are from my DH's blog - feel free to browse it for more pics of the kiddos




Your kids are lovely. They really are. Why would anyone with such lovely children let them pose with a Jayhawk?


Meriwether - who met Mr. Meriwether while attending K-State

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