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So, do you have a Garth and would you be willing to admit it? :)

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So I was standing around with a friend of mine and the conversation swung towards books and what we were reading right now. I sort of flubbed and stuttered (I'm not fast on my feet with a lie...LOL) and finally said, "Oh, it's just a silly book. I don't think I can even tell you what it is." And she said, "Oh! You have a Garth! What is it?". Maybe you've heard of something being called this but I had no idea what she meant.


Apparently a Garth is something you like but you wouldn't necessarily want anyone else to know about it. Obviously I assume it's named after Garth Brooks, or so she said. :) You like him but don't really want anyone else to know. LOL Who knows!


Anyway, I thought that was fascinating. The conversations of what foods do you eat or let your children eat that someone else would be mortified over. That sort of thing.


What book(s) do you love that you wouldn't necessarily and readily admit here? What TV shows? What movies?


I know. We all read the oldest and most complicated classics every day and all day but just suppose you occasionally read a less than perfect book. ;) Or watched a completely cheesy TV show or movie?


I will admit one time and one time only that my supreme bubble gum reading is many of these vampire, werewolf, etc books that are hot right now. I've read all the Southern Vampire books. All the Mercy Thompson and Alpha and Omega books. Then all of the Patricia Briggs books. Boy, if I had seen those in the bookstore rather than on Kindle, I would never have bought them! The covers are SO cheesy! LOL

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I'm perfectly willing to admit I read "brain candy." I spend my day educating the children, taking them places, keeping track of the house (sort of) and the calendar (the hockey practices alone - :blink: ) - I'm allowed real LEISURE reading.


The main chunk of my book reading is before bed, and I've tried reading weighter stuff then and it just doesn't work: I can't focus, or I lose my place, or it's just more than I want to deal with at that time. So I read fluff. Brain candy. Twaddle. Whatever. That's also what I pick for my audiobooks because then it's not a huge deal if I miss something here and there, and I typically listen to them while doing housework.


If you liked Sookie and you're not adverse to occasional sex scenes, true the Queen Betsy series by MaryJanice Davidson. Betsy Taylor is a Vampire Queen with a love for high end shoes. I liked her Mermaid Fred series, and the Alaskan Royals. She's pretty funny.

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Okay, I find Pinky and the Brain really amusing. I've only seen it a few times when the kids watched it. But I really liked it. Which is surprising because I didn't even particularly like cartoons when I was a kid. In fact, when ds got two goldfish a month ago, I convinced him to name them Pinky and Brain. :D

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Books, TV, Movies? And what about songs/singers?


Books - I am ashamed to say I have not read very much, personally, this year. I am currently checking out several of your blogs to copy your book lists and will be making a "new year resolution" to read a lot more next year!


TV - Okay, this really fits the topic here... As a little girl my dad watched me during the day (pre-school year) and we watched The Price is Right and Let's Make a Deal every day. I still turn it one probably once or twice a week. LOL I am also a Survivor fan, even though we've all seen SO many seasons and it should be old news... I am always amused at the pecking orders and dynamics that come into play on this show.


Movies - Can't wait for the next vampire movie to come out! Other than that, I like sappy movies... and classics... but those I wouldn't get embarrassed over!


Music - I was a little, impressionable girl being raised on Bobby Vinton and Barry Manilow!! LOL I still enjoy some of their music. About 6 years ago the kids and I would sing and dance to "Copa Cabana" while getting ready in the morning! Not that any of us would admit it, though!

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Any movie starring The Rock (Dwayne Johnson). :leaving:


He has Homeschool Cred, though, because he graciously posed for a picture with my kid's Flat Stanley and commented that he thinks homeschooling is cool. :)


My Garth? Those nasty balls of nut-crusted, port-wine infused "cheese food" from Hickory Farms.

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Thanks for the vampire/werewolf book recommendations. :) I've read all the Sookie Stackhouse books. I read some Laurell K. Hamilton, but they finally got too se*ual for me.


On the same theme, I love the Twilight movies. I am eagerly anticipating Eclipse coming out on DVD.


Of course, I loved Buffy and Angel, too.


(I also confess to loving Julia Quinn's historical romances. So much fun!)

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I have lots of dirty little tv indulges- Weeds, Big Love, and Sons of Anarchy to name a few.


I loved Janet Evanovich's earlier books, they crack me up.


I could watch Napoleon Dynamite over and over. :001_smile:


ETA: And I honestly just listened to Friends in Low Places yesterday on my ipod, followed by Shameless.

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I love the Mercy Thompson, and if you like them, read SUNSHINE by Robin McKinley. Lemme, see, what others--have you tried Kate Pearce's Tudor vampires? I love Steampunk, Sherry Thomas's historical romances, Jenny Crusie, Susan Elizabeth Phillips, I could go on. Ohh! Crystal Jordan's were shifters. Have you read SHIVER by Maggie Stiefvater? Freakin awesome. Gina Showalter?


I watch Jersey Shore and Dh and I laugh our rears off, I read pop fiction all the time. I'm not ashamed of it, either. :D

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Vampire erotica. Twilight. Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter. The Black Dagger Brotherhood series. The Sookie Stackhouse books. All of those.


But, I don't know- I'm not really embarrassed to admit it or anything lol.


What else. Hm. Oh, that song "Making Love Out Of Nothing At All" by Air Supply? I've been known to sing that at the top of my lungs in the car.


I've watched plenty of bad reality TV shows- all the Rock Of Love shows for example.


I have something of a crush on Tito Ortiz, the UFC fighter. Even though he has a porn star girlfriend.


ETA: I also have a crush on a fictional book character. That would be Jamie from the Outlander series, by Diana Gabaldon. I love me some Jamie! :D


I get hooked on the Diner Dash type computer games. And The Sims. And some of the Final Fantasy games.


Do those things all count? :)

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I can't get enough of cheesy 80's music.


I love old country music. Think biker bar music.


You won't catch me admitting this in polite company (not that you guys aren't polite company;)), but dh and I LOVE South Park.


I really like the Twilight books. I've seen both movies and plan on seeing the rest.:blush:

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I got TOTALLY made fun of at my serious literature and non-fiction reading book club when I shared that I read the whole Twilight saga when I was laid up with a dislocated knee last year.


About 10 years ago, I was completely devoted to Dawson's Creek and The Real World. Now it's the whole ABC Wednesday line up (i.e. Modern Family, Cougar Town, The Middle) and my new addictions are The Event and Detroit 187---which my book club also teased me about.:D

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David Tennant. I could watch that man do nothing but breathe for hours on end. :001_wub: My husband is mystified, since the guy is not, you, good-looking or well-built or a captain of industry or a genius or anything like that.


I read romance novels, etc. as well, but I'm not embarrassed about those vices because they don't involve another actual person. :D

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I love romance novels and some paranormal stuff, historical, contemporary, doesn't matter, as long as *I* feel they are well written - meaning the style of the writing doesn't annoy me. I don't keep track of authors a lot, because I read these books fast and from the library, but some I can think of are Sandra Hill, Lynn Kurland and Janet Evanovich. I have also been known to get a book home and start reading only to realize 3/4 of the way through it that I've read this before.

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Thanks for the vampire/werewolf book recommendations. :) I've read all the Sookie Stackhouse books. I read some Laurell K. Hamilton, but they finally got too se*ual for me.


On the same theme, I love the Twilight movies. I am eagerly anticipating Eclipse coming out on DVD.


Of course, I loved Buffy and Angel, too.


(I also confess to loving Julia Quinn's historical romances. So much fun!)


Me too. My Garth is Vampire Crap. True Blood, Twilight, Buffy, Interview with a Vampire. No one I know in real life knows I like this stuff.



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TV shows: Keeping Up with the Kardashians...just addicting. I used to watch The Girls Next Door. But, my all time favorite trashy show is Paradise Hotel. It only ran for two seasons, but I loved every minute of it:)


Movies: I admit it, I would watch scary movies every night if my husband would let me. Especially the paranormal types.


Books: Love Patricia Cornwell. My husband thinks they are too graphic. And i'll admit it...I read and liked the last book of the Twilight series.


And what about video games? Because I love to play some guitar on Rockband:tongue_smilie:

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Why, oh why didn't I realize I could ask here for more reads like Southern Vampire and Alpha and Omega?! I guess I would have been too embarrassed to admit enjoying reading them. LOL! It's like a good diet though. I ration it with "quality" reading so I don't personally feel guilty. :)


I really appreciate the book recommendations. I've finished 20,000 Leagues and Great Expectations. It's time for bubble gum! :)


Oh, another Garth for me would be my weird fascination with SyFy Tv shows. I record and watch Ghost Hunters, Ghost Hunters International, Destination Truth and Fact or Fiction. I think it's fascination and the fact I'm not 100% decided on how I feel about the paranormal. :) That or I'm just weird...which is always a possibility!

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Oh, another Garth for me would be my weird fascination with SyFy Tv shows. I record and watch Ghost Hunters, Ghost Hunters International, Destination Truth and Fact or Fiction. I think it's fascination and the fact I'm not 100% decided on how I feel about the paranormal. :) That or I'm just weird...which is always a possibility!


Here's my "Garth." I love these shows, fake or real they are just fun. I know, I'm weird. It all started with Leonard Nimoy and his show in the 70s In Search Of... I'm not saying I believe-I guess this is my favorite brand of sci fy/fantasy?

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Doritos and Diet coke. Doritos and Diet Coke. Doritos and Diet coke.



And really cheesy romance novels set in the mid-west, where everyone in town is in on setting up the hero and heroine. And ones that feature hockey players. In fact, I'm writing one.


For years I didn't admit I loved romance novels.


Then I gave in and opened a romance novel publishing company, LOL. Now I get to listen to them all day, every day.


Oh, and did someone say they liked hot vampire romance? PM me and I'll send you a link....

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Adam Sandler movies. Not all of them, but if I'm late night channel flipping and The Wedding Singer is on.... I'm just like a deer caught in the headlights.


As far as reading? Well, I am embarrassed to admit it but... Clive Cussler novels. They are the most improbable, chauvanistic stories I can think of, but I like 'em.

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Ohhh I love Jerseylicious. I just loathe Tracy and I love Olivia! I have a hard time even admitting to my dh that I watch this show. LOL


I also like the show Teen Mom. I know, many here probably think it glamorizes teen moms or makes them seem "cool" by getting on TV, but I see it totally differently. When you have a young mom losing it and hitting her boyfriend, struggling to get through school, and take care or her daughter....or you have two kids who are really good together deciding to give up their child, even though it KILLS them, because their own childhoods (and parents) were horrible - I don't think that glamorizes anything! None of these young moms have it easy. They are lonely, sad, struggling. The relationships are struggling, the kids are in really grown up situations that some of them really can't handle. I was a teen mom - the struggles are real. I like the show a lot.

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So I was standing around with a friend of mine and the conversation swung towards books and what we were reading right now. I sort of flubbed and stuttered (I'm not fast on my feet with a lie...LOL) and finally said, "Oh, it's just a silly book. I don't think I can even tell you what it is." And she said, "Oh! You have a Garth! What is it?". Maybe you've heard of something being called this but I had no idea what she meant.


Apparently a Garth is something you like but you wouldn't necessarily want anyone else to know about it. Obviously I assume it's named after Garth Brooks, or so she said. :) You like him but don't really want anyone else to know. LOL Who knows!


Anyway, I thought that was fascinating. The conversations of what foods do you eat or let your children eat that someone else would be mortified over. That sort of thing.


What book(s) do you love that you wouldn't necessarily and readily admit here? What TV shows? What movies?


I know. We all read the oldest and most complicated classics every day and all day but just suppose you occasionally read a less than perfect book. ;) Or watched a completely cheesy TV show or movie?


I will admit one time and one time only that my supreme bubble gum reading is many of these vampire, werewolf, etc books that are hot right now. I've read all the Southern Vampire books. All the Mercy Thompson and Alpha and Omega books. Then all of the Patricia Briggs books. Boy, if I had seen those in the bookstore rather than on Kindle, I would never have bought them! The covers are SO cheesy! LOL


Garth books- It's so sad, really, but I don't tell anyone about the theology books I read because they are so far removed from what is taught in my church and the churches of my friends: theistic evolution, modern criticism, comparative religion. I think they'd be less shocked if I told them I read Demons and Angels and The Da Vinci Code.


Garth movies- Barbara Streisand musicals. Lol. I love her singing, I couldn't care less about her public persona.


Garth food- jalapeno cheetos

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Real Housewives..... they're SO stupid. I love them. I record them on my DVR and replay arguments and fights and laugh my butt off. :D I can't STAND drama in my life but it's a stress relief to watch others, some of which most certainly is staged. I laugh through it all.


I *LOVE* a good horror movie. A couple of weeks ago I watched one in bed as dh peacefully slept. At parts I was SO scared that I had to put my head under the blankets.


I love to read true stories about animals. The Good, Good Pig and Rescuing Sprite were my most recent. I don't think I'd consider them Garth worthy, though..... I also love a good romance novel but they all seem so predictable.:glare:

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Well, I own a Garth Brooks box set. I love Garth Brooks. I also own every Stephen King book ever written. He is not exactly considered high brow literature even though you can take college lit classes on his work now and is well renouned for his books on writing. All of the tv shows I watch are way beyond cool, if I don't say so myself. :tongue_smilie:

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