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So Who's Planning Next Year Already?

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With this year in full swing, I've begun looking ahead to next year. It's looking like I'll be enrolling DD in the enrichment program she currently attends weekly for the Tu/Th 2 day schedule so that I can attend law school. If the class offerings are similar to this year's, it will take care of several subjects, including science, geography, and possibly history. I'll need to devise a 3 day/wk schedule for home subjects, which will include writing, Latin, math, and spelling...


Anyone else planning ahead?

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Me! I'm a compulsive planner, and a perfectionist to boot. I'm working on these qualities in myself, but, really, I need a plan to feel calm, even when I know things will change (inevitably). So, YES, our third grade plan of what we'll be using for what subjects is almost entirely planned; though, of course, I reserve the right to completely change my mind before July (when we begin).


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Well, I am. My dd with be in 9th grade next year, so I'm really researching big time. She will be my first to be in high school, so I don't want to "mess her up".


I'm also busy searching for what to do with ds. I can't help it! I love to plan! I think it's half, no wait, three-fourths of why I homeschool.


I hope to attend the convention with SWB in SC and cement my ideas then.

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We will do most of our switching in April & May since we go year round so yes I'm planning! I have all of 3rd grade worked out and will be buying everything in Dec/Jan. I just turned in 22,500 points to get Amazon GC for books tonight! Ds will also be starting official Kindy in Jan, but only have to order his math program.

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Guest mrsjamiesouth

I am planning. I know that ds10 will do CTC by HOD next year with Saxon for Math. I will add in Foreign Language. I was thinking for ds6 to do Beyond by HOD next year, but I don't think it is enough of a challenge for him. So, do I do BLHFHG and add in curriculum or do I switch him up to a more classical program?? Currently reviewing Easy Classical for 2nd Grade and/or Memoria Press's new 2nd grade program.

I also have a very bright 2yo who is doing PP right now. I think next year I will start her in a K math program, since those are mainly play anyways.

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We're almost halfway through with this year so I have already decided what I want to change and what I want to keep. I haven't started researching yet though. We have picked our extra activities and they're looking forward to those. Too bad my bank account isn't thrilled about our choices!

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Yep! But our year starts at the end of January, so I ought to be planning, though I'm a bit like Melanie and did most of this planning a few years ago. I'm just finalising exactly what I want to buy, which thanks to our wonderful toy library, isn't much. Of course it's only 4 year old kinder, so I'm still not qualified to join in threads like these with all you proper homeschoolers, but I rarely let that stop me :D 4 year old kinder seems so advanced around here ;)


~We've just ramped up our reading in the past fortnight. Dd has grown past the three words per page books, unless they are particularly amusing; and they generally aren't. Plus I hope to buy a couple of the UNICEF books and introduce more J non-fic.


~We've just started working on number recognition, so we'll continue with that and perhaps the Nurtured By Love kinder book if I can buy some rods.


~Continued artistic mess, of course :)


~We'll continue with our music playgroup (which bores me to death, but she loves it) and I'm hoping to introduce more music related props at home. We can't afford instruments, of course, but I have a few posters of instruments and would like to buy this dvd just because it is so cute!


~Maybe later in the year we'll start working on letters, but I'll have to wait and see. She still isn't talking much, so that and her Auslan are the focus. We're working on more Auslan resources now, featuring The Dad Guy, which she's going to love. :)




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I haven't started planning officially. Just taking mental notes, I guess:) This year is going well for DD, so far. If that continues, then we'll just continue on the the next grade level of each. I'll just have to decide what science to use. DS will start Kindergarten next year, but what we do with that depends somewhat on this year - what he'll be ready for and what I learn about how he learns.


Just thinking casually about it!:)

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I am hoping to do Adventures in My Father's World with a 3rd grader and 1st grader. We use LLATL and Singapore Math. I am looking forward to a break from HOD- including this year I have done LHFHG (twice), Beyond and Bigger.


I hope Adventures with be a good fit so I can get DS and DD together. I will have an advanced 3rd grader, and a 1st grader next fall.

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Part of the reason I'm planning so far ahead is to make sure I can buy the curriculum. We had to make several compromises this year because it just wasn't in the budget.


Next year's plan:


Math: Continue with Practical Arithmetics

Spelling: Continue with Webster's

Writing: Classical Writing: Aesop (just need to buy the workbook, have the text and TM for A because I found a REALLY good deal on them)

History: Continue/resume (depending on whether I decide to drop it this year, which I'm considering) GuestHollow American History

Geography: 50 states theme unit (I already have all the materials I need for this)

Latin: Lively Latin

Spanish: Maybe Rosetta Stone (we will be starting it soon), definitely enrichment program class

Science, Music, P.E., computers, art: Enrichment program

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We change curriculum in January so I spent the summer planning time working on 2011. I have our books, our lesson plans, and our file folders are about 1/2 done. I have some work to do on that over the next couple of months but I wanted to make sure that the system would work for us.


So yes, I have 2011 planned and almost done. I have ideas for 2012 but don't ask me now.:001_smile:

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Part of the reason I'm planning so far ahead is to make sure I can buy the curriculum. We had to make several compromises this year because it just wasn't in the budget.


Next year's plan:


Math: Continue with Practical Arithmetics

Spelling: Continue with Webster's

Writing: Classical Writing: Aesop (just need to buy the workbook, have the text and TM for A because I found a REALLY good deal on them)

History: Continue/resume (depending on whether I decide to drop it this year, which I'm considering) GuestHollow American History

Geography: 50 states theme unit (I already have all the materials I need for this)

Latin: Lively Latin

Spanish: Maybe Rosetta Stone (we will be starting it soon), definitely enrichment program class

Science, Music, P.E., computers, art: Enrichment program


If you don't already own Rosetta Stone, you might look into live Mocha. These are free online language studies. Certainly cheaper than Rosetta Stone.

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Yes and no.


I realized that I needed to look at the BIG future of our homeschooling. You now, what year they are supposed to graduate, stuff like that. ;)


As my boys are now middle school.... and I have to get a bit more serious, I thought, maybe I should plot this all out a bit, science and history rotation, etc.


I am glad I did, as I had forgotten Chemistry. Whoops. I am also able to figure out when we might do certain Lit. subjects. I also realized that I should have everything covered by 10th grade anyway, so we can have fun with "electives", and I can have some breathing room.


So, "planning"? in the general sense. When it comes to specific, I only schedule 4 weeks at a time.


Oh, and I need to figure out what to budget/buy at the convention in April. :D

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I am...kinda...DS will begin public high school next year and I am already thinking about what we need to do for placement testing, etc so he is in classes that will challenge him. I need to make appointments with the tennis coach and the guidance counselor (who is not my favorite person - he has dropped the ball for my daughter many times). DS is set for the ACT again this Spring so at least I will have those scores as support for my requests for placement in some subjects.


I wish I could homeschool high school but DH says no and I don't think I could dedicate the time necessary to provide a good learning environment for DS and work.


I am very sad that my two and a half years will be over in the Spring.

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If you don't already own Rosetta Stone, you might look into live Mocha. These are free online language studies. Certainly cheaper than Rosetta Stone.


We already have Rosetta Stone, which is why I'm using it. There are also a lot of resources available from my public library, which we've been using, but I've slacked off on Spanish the last couple of weeks...

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