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Are your boys circ'd?

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The other post on this board got me thinking. This is NOT intended to start a debate. Please know that! I just worry all the time whether I made the right decision. I had a conversation with my DD17 the other day asking me why I never circumcised my boys. I explained to her all my reasons and why I thought I made the right decision. Many of you know after my other post that she may have to make her own decision in 9 months with regard to this which is what brought up the whole conversation between us.


So, did you circ your boys or not? You don't have to list reasons behind your decision because, again, this is not a debate. I'm just curious how many circ their boys and how many don't.

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I commend you for raising your daughter in a way that she will consider her options. If she will go into most decisions so thoughtfully, she will be a great mom :)


As for us? My situation was like Dana's. I learned towards no, hubby just figured yes. He obviously cared more. And I wasn't in the place, at least regarding THIS issue, of really checking into it. I wouldn't make the same decision again.

Edited by 2J5M9K
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My one boy is not circ'd.


All my children were homebirths..... have never been to doctors..... no vacs. ...... and now homeschooled.


This is so interesting to me. I completely understand the no vacs thing because I stopped vaccinating after the first few with my 2nd DD because of an awful weird coincidence where she would go into seizure shortly after getting vaccinated. I really believe they were linked since it has happened 3 times ( all within a few days of vaccinations).


But, what do you do in an emergency if your little one gets hurt (needs stitches, etc) or has a seizure like my daughter did. Do you handle all this at home? I would love to hear a response on this because I try to keep my kids away from doctors as well. They haven't seen a doctor in probably 3 years now since my Dd had her last seizure and the vaccines just prior to them. I just now have such a "stale" feeling toward docs now.


Look at that! I hijacked my own post! :lol:

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DS is not.


I was working at Microsoft when I was pregnant, the only woman on my team. I remember sending a team email, asking the men what was the norm in their families (most were dads already). They then proceeded to tell me their own actual state! And what they thought about being circ'ed or not .. LOL. Way more than I wanted to know about my team mates! LOL...

And to think this conversation is backed up in archives in Redmond somewhere :)


Anyway, what came out of that email conversation was the the non circ'ed men were happier with their state than the circ'ed ones.

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DS is not.


I was working at Microsoft when I was pregnant, the only woman on my team. I remember sending a team email, asking the men what was the norm in their families (most were dads already). They then proceeded to tell me their own actual state! And what they thought about being circ'ed or not .. LOL. Way more than I wanted to know about my team mates! LOL...

And to think this conversation is backed up in archives in Redmond somewhere :)


Anyway, what came out of that email conversation was the the non circ'ed men were happier with their state than the circ'ed ones.



How funny....and awkward :001_smile:.


I'm glad to hear the intact men were happy. Take from that what you will, OP :001_smile:.

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DS is not.


I was working at Microsoft when I was pregnant, the only woman on my team. I remember sending a team email, asking the men what was the norm in their families (most were dads already). They then proceeded to tell me their own actual state! And what they thought about being circ'ed or not .. LOL. Way more than I wanted to know about my team mates! LOL...

And to think this conversation is backed up in archives in Redmond somewhere :)


Anyway, what came out of that email conversation was the the non circ'ed men were happier with their state than the circ'ed ones.


Great post! Love this! Glad you left out the "details" though. :lol:

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Five uncircumcised boys here.


No comment on their father! :blush:


One comment on vaccinations: I understand the desire to avoid infant vaccinations. Just be aware that certain vaccinations will almost certainly be required in order to enter college.


The religious exemption form doesn't work the same for college as it does for PS?

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One comment on vaccinations: I understand the desire to avoid infant vaccinations. Just be aware that certain vaccinations will almost certainly be required in order to enter college.


Really? Neither myself, DH, or any of my family who have been to college have ever been required to submit health records of any kind, including vac records - all they want to know is if we're insured or not, and if not, they "lovingly" sign you up for the school's health insurance. The only time I would think that they'd need such info is if you're a member of a sports team or if you're studying abroad.

Edited by theAmbitiousHousewife
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Had all girls, but definitely would NOT have circumcised any sons. My four brothers and father are intact with no issues. Dh defaulted to wanting circ because that's what he knows, but after he actually read about the topic he agreed with me. His younger brother is intact.


My sister circ'd her two boys because her dh wanted it. One had adhesions and one was recircumcised at age two.


ETA: Lol about the archives at Microsoft! :-)

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Only one I had to make the choice about is intact.


My stepsons were circ'ed--their dad had to have it done when he was older and wanted his sons done as newborns. FWIW, the one stepson who has had a son did not circ. Said it wasn't his penis, it wasn't his choice to make.

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First DS was circ'd (dh's choice) but at 10mos had to be re-circ'd under anesthesia. Apparently he was an innie and regardless of the meticulous care (and prescribed steroidal creams), he had multiple adhestions -repeatedly.


2nd DS was not circ'd for obvious reasons. We'll see what happens with him. At almost 5 he's not retracting much at all so may have to have some intervention as well.


As my son's first pedi urologist said.. it's some boys' anatomies... that some are extremely prone to issues (he used the term innies).

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My boy is. My grandfather developed some kind of cancer and had to be circ'd at 50. He said the pain was excruciating - much worse than any other surgery he ever had. So when he found out I was having a boy, he asked me to have him circ'd. One of my brothers is, one isn't, and neither of them have had any problems and neither had strong feelings one way or the other.

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The religious exemption form doesn't work the same for college as it does for PS?
I don't know. I will say that DD17 just started at Liberty University, which is a Christian school, and they required immunizations. We did not pursue getting out of it since she was already immunized. Also, we have good friends who are opposed to immunizations and had done NO immunizations on any of their children. When their oldest son went off to a Christian college he was required to get immunizations. So he had ALL of them done at one time about one month before he left for school. Apparently he got so sick that he ended up in the hospital.
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