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What Is Happening In Your House Right Now?

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Nate, age 5, is blasting Girls Just Want To Have Fun and dancing and singing along. :lol:


Nik is pretending to be a knight and using his new Latin words to complete the effect. "Salve good sir! Where are you going this fine day?" :lol:


Guinea pigs are popcorning all over the place. I guess they like Cyndi Lauper, too! :tongue_smilie:


I just finished a late lunch and am getting ready to go work on my filing system. But first I'm sitting here enjoying the hilarity around me. My kids make me so happy. :D


What's happening in your house?

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Mine are playing video games b/c 1- it's ds's birthday, and 2- they finally got their bedrooms cleaned.


We just got back from my prenatal appointment, had lunch, and are getting ready for ds's chosen b-day snack (cheese doodles and cream soda, blech!) before I scrub the bathroom in preparation for my sister and bil to arrive. We haven't seen them in about 18 months!

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Oldest is practicing flute for her seating auditions tonight.


Middle is doing a grammar book for fun (Geeks rule! :D)


Youngest is reading the second LOTR book in a tree. He's taking a break from building with the brick and mortar kit thingy (I think it's supposed to be the White House?)


I just finished cleaning out my inbox, because my new phone isn't happy to just get new email, it was trying to pull all the old 14,000+ emails in my inbox, too. It took two days to get everything cleaned out and sorted. Now I'm having a lunch break and getting ready to get back to HST+.


The cat is in the sun beside the sliding glass door.

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I am trying to recover from another sleepless night while trying ignore the nausea. The younger two are at school. The 17 is in town for yearly dr. & dentist appts. The dogs are sleeping and the cats are on the prowl. It is pretty quiet here right now. Once dd is done with appts. I will need to take her to get prescriptions filled, and put gas in her tank for the trip home. Then off to Volleyball practice with the 13 year old.

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Ds13 - doing history while sitting in his favorite armchair in the living room.


Dd8 - contemplating her new temporary "tattoo" from the Humane Society.


Nevermind - both are now filling backpacks with stuff because apparently sitting in a waiting room for an hour while I have a medical appointment is much more exciting than staying home with dad. . .


Me - getting ready to hit the showers after my morning exercise. Then scurrying to get out the door for my appointment.


Dh - studying on his laptop in the bedroom.


Cat- somewhere taking a cat nap.


Dogs - frolicking outside in the much cooler weather today.

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Cute thread!


We just finished lunch.


My 9 y/o daughter is sitting on the recliner watching a show on Nick


My 4 y/o son is playing in the backyard with his 4 y/o cousin, who lives a few houses away.


Hubby's at work, and my oldest daughter is enjoying her last few days in NY with her dad and his family, she's coming home on Monday.

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Dd17-out of the house/at work with Dad

dd15a-working on her biology

dd15b-should have cracked open her Alg. 2 book by now...

ds14-working on his Alg1 assignment

dog-asleep behind my chair

cats-probably napping somewhere in the sun...

fil-I really don't have a clue!!!

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10yo is playing dance dance revolution

8yo is sorting through her bin of misplaced items (random things that were found stuffed throughout her room, must get put away)

7yo is crying, because he isn't winning at dance dance revolution.

4yo is attempting to play dance dance revolution in her pink princess dress and crown

18mo old is crying...time for her nap.

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Mine are on "recess break" and running like mad-men around the house (we have a "loop" that goes kitchen-den-living room-entry way-dining room-back to kitchen. I think they must be spinning a bit too because I keep hearing things about gravity and being dizzy! :lol: Dh is sitting on the couch giving them what seems to be "obstacle" type instructions or just encouraging the behavior. Or, maybe he's doing reading with ds#3. I can't tell completely because I'm hiding in my bedroom on the computer. ;)

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My girls are sitting on the LR floor with a big bowel of popcorn watching a Batman movie from the old series with Adam West etc. It is almost finished and they will go upstairs to play when it is done.


I am sitting in my chair with my laptop living in denial. Tomorrow I find out if I lose my job or not so I am choosing to live in ignorance for one last day.

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I'll play.


Dh and 14yo are out of town.

12yo is on x-box.

8yo is listening to music and playing with a doll.

6yo is counting his silly bandz.

I'm wasting time for 15 more minutes until it's time to put the little ones to bed. It's almost 8pm. Then I get to watch An Affair to Remember (got the video for 33p at a charity shop!) while I fold laundry.

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The dog is sitting just outside the room the kids are in, watching us and barking every ten minutes, just a little bark, to say, "We have not romped outside yet today."


The four-year-old is sitting under the dining room table with an annoyed but tolerant black short-haired cat, whispering sweet nothings to the cat.


The ten-year-old is standing at the table piecing Legos together.


The seven-year-old is assembling a stack of papers collected from all over, doing the daily sorting out of child-produced "paperwork."


We are listening to Barenaked Ladies cover of a Sesame Street song about words that start with the letter L, in which Bert says to Ernie, "Oh, oh, I've got a great one! Listen to this! La la la LINOLEUM!"


The twelve-year-old is at work with the daddio, or more likely in the car on the way there. Their current audiobook is Superfreakonomics.

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Little Kelly just passed out in my lap after nursing.

Owen is preparing to watch Dinosaur.

Bailey is helping Owen get his movie started.

Fionn is pretending to do his math work, but not really doing it.

I am about to put little Kelly into bed and then go to tell Fionn he's not fooling anybody, get busy!

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So far today, I've been hacking teaching materials apart to create a binder of each for each kid. I've had enough of hunting down little answer key booklets & sorting through piles. Even the parent book for Apologia Physical science did not escape being razored off it's binding, 3 hole punched and put into a binder right next to the TT Algebra 1 answer key.


I'm also tossing stuff. Ruthlessly. My dining room table is a mess right now, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. :001_smile:


I took a break and read another chapter of Deconstructing Penguins while watching kiddos swim (mine and a neighbor kid). I discussed our plan for literature for the year with my 13 yo at the same time (which means I wasn't reading very fast...).


Oh, and the kids discovered that one of our 4 month old hens has laid her second egg--in the nest box this time. :hurray:


Right now, I'm taking a moment of peace while it lasts (kids have gone to play at the neighbors) and will soon have to clear off the table.

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Ds age 12 is watching an episode of Bones on Netflixs, I have a canner full of green beans just finishing, dd 13 is in the shower after volleyball clinic, and dd 15 is helping daddy at the coffee shop. We major cleaned the house this morning so it's a peaceful and relaxing afternoon.

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DD11 came home early from camp because she had a headache. She is now rolled up in a blanket, has been puking for an hour, and is heading off to sleep I hope. :( (3rd kid in 10days w/ the stomach flu)


Ds15 is at his class at the college. When he gets home he will do one of three things 1. do his homework like a responsible boy (unlikely) 2. study for the SAT like he knows he needs to do but can put off just one more day (more unlikely) 3. work on painting some Warhammer figures....ummm yep, that is what I expect to see. :)


DD3 is at daycare as I was supposed to be getting ready for work and heading out the door when ds got home.


I am sitting, trying to be quiet, and hoping that dd feels better when she wakes up. DD3 puked for parts of 3 days. :(

Edited by Tap, tap, tap
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DD is watching "Max and Ruby" (DVR'd). She stayed home from preschool sick and I'm trying to keep her calm so she can recover. Running slight fever.


Now she's playing with a stuffed cat, tickling it and it's saying back "Don't tickle me! Don't tickle me!"


The real cats are asleep under her bed. They know what's good for them and what's good for them is to hide. ;)


I'm wasting time, err, being productive, on here.:D

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Right this minute,


DD11 is upstairs listening to books on CD because she threw up yesterday and today, so I've banished her to her room.


DS7 & friend 8 are playing some kind of Lego Bionicle thing where they pretend to be some kind of creature and make all kinds of sound effects, adding to the drama.


DD6 is attempting to play with the boys, adding her girly touches.


DS2 & friend are eating carrots.


Doggie is sitting by my side on the floor.


I am attempting to draft a post on my blog about our school room setup, and I have writer's block.

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DS11 is in the middle of a wood carving lesson in the neighbors garage.


DS7 is riding a tricycle through the living room...? Now he's showing me how to parallel park (you know, because I avoid it al *all* costs).


DS4 is marching enthusiastically behind the tricycle.


DS2 is taking a nap!


I just finished packing lunches for tomorrow and preparing an apple crisp, which I just slid into the oven. I'm taking a little break before tackling math with ds7 and then we'll be done with school for the day!

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dd 14 is working on her first research paper of the year

dd 10 is playing with her playmobil jet - loading penguins for transporting


All 3 dogs are laying as flat as possible on the tile floor under the ceiling fan (it is heat index 100 at the moment)


I'm going for a walk so I can sort out high school biology

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2 year old is napping HALLELUJAH!!!


4 and 7 year old are watching their 1/2 hour of TV because we are all tired from schooling, bike riding, swimming, and then catching baby turkeys that mysteriously got out of their pen.


I also just got done chasing a little bitty fawn all over my front yard :lol: I dont know what is up with these escapees today. We like to think we have a pretty nice farm going here....ungrateful lol

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Ds is playing with his "parachute bear" which was his prize at his oceanography class earlier, in his room.


Older dd is reading Where's Spot? to younger dd upstairs in the playroom/sunroom. I hear screeching, which isn't a good sign.


Dh is working from home today, on the couch next to me.


The new dog is lying in front of the front door.


The cat is hiding from said new dog.


I am sitting in my favorite chair, trying to convince myself to get going and go to Publix.

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We just finished some ultra nutritious top ramen for lunch. I just finished cleaning the house for company tonight. Oldest dd 15 is getting her binders ready for her private english and history classes that start in a couple weeks. dd 13 is drawing as usual and ds 8 is playing mario kart on the wii. We will start with Math and lots of reading on monday and then work our way into our routine until all of our co-op classes and private classes start in September. Less tv and getting up at a reasonable time will be an adjustment after doing whatever we darn well pleased all summer. Cats are outside stalking the quail. Dh is working (thank God).

:001_smile: Ruby

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4yo - napping (and why am I NOT napping too???)


5yo - wandering from legos to dolls to books to...hey, Daddy's home let's see what he's up to...oh, now she's raiding my Momma Cave looking for something to copy (she likes wasting my ink:tongue_smilie:)


7yo - on his top bunk with books & paper & colored pencils & lego's...idk...but he might show me later

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My daughter and I just got back from exchanging a pair of shoes at the mall. We dwaddled around to give us a break from the older brothers (who seriously need to get back to the structure of school). They're off to worship band practice, she's practicing flute, and I'm on here avoiding the laundry and dish piles. ;)

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The baby is napping (thank goodness).


7 y/o is decorating a big cardboard box, getting ready for adventure.


4 y/o is talking with her stuffed animals( I think they are having a fight and not sharing, so she explains how important is to get along with each other.)


I'm trying to stop eating Cashew Clusters from Costco, get out of computer chair and do something productive.

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My 15 & 13 yo girls are concocting a dehydrator "cookie" recipe.


My 10, 8 & 5 yo boys are having computer time.


My 8 mo baby girl is searching the carpet for (in)edible bits.


I'm on the couch with the laptop...contemplating the what and how and when of the new school year. Not doing anything about it, just contemplating!

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The kids are eating dinner in front of the television because I was that desperate for a few minutes of quiet to myself. :blushing:


I am eating dinner at my laptop. The plan was to look over my budget, but I'm avoiding it because we've been hemorrhaging money this summer (or at least it feels like it) and I don't really want to know how off track we are...


So I'm here instead!

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