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Pastor put us on a payment plan - Returning to church

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I don't know if this is right, but my family and I have recently returned to church after several years away. We attended this church for several years in the late 90's through 2001 or 2002. At that time we did try to tithe 10% of our income.


Upon returning to the church a couple of months ago, our pastor sat down with us to discuss our reinstatement as members. Much to my surprise he started to discuss payment of tithes between 2001 or 2002 through last month that we missed paying because we had not attended. I was startled and did not know what to say. I do not want to be told we can not attend and I had been taught as a child not to question an authority figure, but now I wish I did.


After discussing our current and past finances with the pastor and him allowing us to pray about it for 48 hours, we agreed to tithe 10% of our current income and add an additional monthly $363.27 as a "back payment" for 60 months!


Should have I agreed to do this and has anyone else heard of this, or been put on a church payment plan like this?

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I am 100% in support of tithing, but I am totally appalled at this! Seriously, jaw-droppingly appalled. I understand the point of a pastor trying to have members take tithing seriously, but this is WAY beyond my comfort level.


I am so sorry. There are many ways in which people interpret Biblical passages on tithing, but this one truly leaves me scratching my head and praying for this church.

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I went to a church very briefly that taught that if you were at some point unable to tithe, you needed to pay interest when you were able. I ran away, and fast. This has nothing to do with the gospel, and I would stay far away from a church that teaches it.

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I don't know if this is right, but my family and I have recently returned to church after several years away. We attended this church for several years in the late 90's through 2001 or 2002. At that time we did try to tithe 10% of our income.


Upon returning to the church a couple of months ago, our pastor sat down with us to discuss our reinstatement as members. Much to my surprise he started to discuss payment of tithes between 2001 or 2002 through last month that we missed paying because we had not attended. I was startled and did not know what to say. I do not want to be told we can not attend and I had been taught as a child not to question an authority figure, but now I wish I did.


After discussing our current and past finances with the pastor and him allowing us to pray about it for 48 hours, we agreed to tithe 10% of our current income and add an additional monthly $363.27 as a "back payment" for 60 months!


Should have I agreed to do this and has anyone else heard of this, or been put on a church payment plan like this?


I would RUN - not walk away from this church. This is WRONG!!!!!!!


I have been attending a church for over 2 years. Not once - NOT ONCE have I been asked to tithe or account for my income. I am welcome there anytime with or without money. With or without good clothes. With or without anything material. I am welcome because it is the house of the Lord.


Please find yourself a church that cares about YOU, not your money!

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If this is a legit post, I can only say: FLEE the church. Find another church. This is completely outlandish. I have never ever heard of something like this.

During this discussion, did the pastor ask any questions about spiritual matters or is it just about the money? :glare:


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Whether or not you decide to agree with this is highly personal.


But since you ask, no, I would personally run like crazy in the opposite direction. What you are being "required" to pay is a brand new car payment. Can you afford that? Am I right to understand that he is charging you "back tithing" for the time you missed? :001_huh:


I remember as a child, we were members of a Catholic church, and my parents received a bill for 10% of their annual income. I have never understood the forced or guilted tithing. (but likely that's another thread)

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I agree with all the pps, but I have a question. What do your friends and pewmates have to say about this? I'd want to take their pulse just for my own info, but I'd still run. What is this pastor's reputation?


Back pay to a church. Goodness me!

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Should have I agreed to do this ?



Not once - NOT ONCE have I been asked to tithe or account for my income. I am welcome there anytime with or without money. With or without good clothes. With or without anything material. I am welcome because it is the house of the Lord.


The only person at your church who should know how much you give is the treasurer, and that's only if you give by check. I don't think a pastor should know how much individual members are giving. I would not return to this church.
:iagree: Edited by Lovedtodeath
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Are you SERIOUS? Tithing is between you and God and a pastor has no right to demand it from you. It is not even a "law" or "commandment" from God so their is no way a human being can make you pay to attend church.


If thats how that church is run he needs to be reported to someone as he is a SCAM ARTIST.

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Obviously your gut is telling you something is wrong. Oprah says "Listen to what your gut says...if it thinks something is wrong, listen to it". You came on here asking because it doesn't sound right. It's not. What you tithe is between you and your God. It is not anyone else's business. If you want to make your tithes with volunteer donations of time because you don't have the money, then volunteer your time rather than your money. The tithing can be interpretated in many ways.


It was wrong of your pastor to ask you to make up your tithing that you missed. Go find another church and tithe what you are comfortable tithing and what you can AFFORD. If you can only afford 1%, then tithe 1%.


My one statement is this: If you are in debt, pay your debts that are due according to your budget and then make your tithing based on whatever you feel comfortable tithing with your money that is left over at the end of the month.


I say RUN FOREST RUN. Go find another church that doesn't quiz you about your tithing. That is personal.

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I agree with all the pps, but I have a question. What do your friends and pewmates have to say about this? I'd want to take their pulse just for my own info, but I'd still run. What is this pastor's reputation?


Back pay to a church. Goodness me!


I haven't had the nerve to ask others in the church if they too are on a payment plan. I do know that on a Sunday a few weeks back, and I have heard this years ago too, that if you can not afford to tithe 10% at this church, you need to find a church you can tithe 10% at! So all my fellowchuch goers feel the pressure I'm sure.

Edited by CarolfromIL
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I agree with all the other posters that this is outrageous. I never heard of such a thing. As some other posters said, I don't believe any of the pastors I have had ever knew how much each parishioner is giving or what their income is (except when we attended military chapel and we all know what a certain rank and year makes:)). TO pay for the times you weren't a member- that strikes me as crazy.

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...RUN! Run as far and fast as you can to a church that does not coerce its members into paying membership fees. A church is not a club that collects dues from its members. Tithes and offerings should not be billed to the unsuspecting, but should be graciously received from members who give them willingly and cheerfully.


My dh has been a pastor for 30 years, and I have NEVER, EVER heard of ANY legitimate church doing this. I wonder if the entire church leadership is in on the scam (yes, scam), or if this is something the pastor and some of his "insiders" cooked up. How do other members feel about this? Do they even know, or is the OP being singled out?

Edited by ereks mom
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...RUN! Run as far and fast as you can to a church that does not coerce its members into paying membership fees. A church is not a club that collects dues from its members. Tithes and offerings should not be billed to the unsuspecting, but should be graciously received from members who give them willingly and cheerfully.


:iagree: Get out fast.

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Agree agree, agree, agree, agree, agree, agree, agree, agree...

with all the others.


I could go into a huge long spiel of disbelief and church teachings and Bible teachings, etc, etc, but I am SO stunned, and basically the summary of: run away

works well.


God tells us to still use WISE judgment, not just blindly trust authority. No one on EARTH has that sort of control, power....what's the word I'm looking for?? Not sure. Haven't thought about this too much at the moment, just sitting here in total disbelief!

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Truly, this is sickening and shameful. My church preaches about tithing every once in awhile from a biblical standpoint but does not even pass an offering plate. Tithing is done privately, and as my pastor preaches and I believe, is to be Spirit led. It sounds like you are almost being bullied. A "pastor" like this is the exact reason that I put all my faith in Him and not in man. Clearly, the will of God is not being carried out by this individual at least not in this circumstance.


I will pray for clarity and discernment from the Lord for you and your family.





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Uh I'd run out the door as fast as I can - make sure that I hadn't signed anything and be sure they had no access to my bank account - auto draft or whatever.


I've never heard of such a thing. My Pastor said he refused to know what people did or did not give because he did not want to look out at the pews and see dollar signs instead of people.

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Wrong in so many ways....


if you didn't go there, for years... why in the WORLD do you owe them a thing? What do they say to new members? Hello, thanks for coming but you need to pay us for all the years you didn't come here... please.


I hope you didn't sign an actual agreement to this amount of money.


Well, good luck. Maybe you need to re-evalute why you left in the first place.


Would a city you lived in, then moved away, charge you city income taxes for the years you didn't live there, if you moved back? That is about the same thing. Totally rude.

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He allowed you time, 48 hours, to pray? Excuse me, but I think this is a free country.

A lot of responders are telling you to run. I personally would go to him, with my husband, and tell him what, you know what. How about "we don't feel this is what the Lord would expect of us." Then walk away and don't go back.

I think this is called greed, but I might be wrong.:glare:

Pray that you will find the right church for your family.:grouphug:

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I haven't had the nerve to ask others in the church if they too are on a payment plan. I do know that on a Sunday a few weeks back, and I have heard this years ago too, that if you can not afford to tithe 10% at this church, you need to find a church you can tithe 10% at! So all my fellowchuch goers feel the pressure I'm sure.


The only thing more SHOCKING than the OP is the statement that I bolded. If this is a church in a denomination that has accountability *outside* of the local church...such as Presbyterian, I would go OVER HIS HEAD and report this!


The tithe is *as unto the Lord*. I hope you didn't sign anything and my feet would never walk on that property again.


Please believe that there are pastors out there who are there to *serve* rather than *be served*.


What a piece of work!! I'm very curious to know what he drives and how big his home is.

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Agree with everyone else. RUN RUN RUN.


Jesus did EVERYTHING for you. That is what your pastor should be teaching you! You can't buy your way to God. He's been there all the time for you, and he doesn't expect payment or back payment for sins or for tithe. This pastor is WAY OFF.


You don't HAVE to tithe (but it's a basic principal even in non-Christian financial circles to give at least 10%). We tithe, but not to keep in God's/or a pastor's good graces. We tithe because we want to give and its a fruit of what He's don in us. Jesus did EVERYTHING. Don't get caught up in this legalism and weird money game.

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I just had to reply again, because if this is for real, it makes me so angry!


Tithing is NOT necessary -- sorry for those who believe it to be important, but God does not want 10% of anything if it causes hatred in your heart because you HAVE to give. God wants us to give cheerfully. If that means you "cheerfully" give 5%, 2%, or less, then great. If you give "cheerfully" by paying 10%, 20%, or more, then great.


What about the widow who gave only 2 mites - which was 100% of what she had. She gave it "cheerfully" ... it was what was in her heart to give.


Also, do you think that heaven rejoices after a "lost" sinner is found only after they pay their back thithes!!!! :glare: SHEESH! The nerve of that man. I would NEVER step foot in that building again! UMPH!

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I just had to reply again, because if this is for real, it makes me so angry!


Tithing is NOT necessary -- sorry for those who believe it to be important, but God does not want 10% of anything if it causes hatred in your heart because you HAVE to give. God wants us to give cheerfully. If that means you "cheerfully" give 5%, 2%, or less, then great. If you give "cheerfully" by paying 10%, 20%, or more, then great.


What about the widow who gave only 2 mites - which was 100% of what she had. She gave it "cheerfully" ... it was what was in her heart to give.


Also, do you think that heaven rejoices after a "lost" sinner is found only after they pay their back thithes!!!! :glare: SHEESH! The nerve of that man. I would NEVER step foot in that building again! UMPH!


:iagree: We have attended Mass and not given anything, because we simply can not. If God wants to punish me for not tithing, than that is not a God I want in my life.

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Well I am almost feeling embarassed from asking the question, as I can clearly see that this is NOT something others have experienced. As for the pastor, we haven't seen his house but the church did look in at one point of establishing a home for the pastor---but that never materialized. I believe now the Pastor receives an allowance for his home in addition to the salary/benefits.


Thanks for all your replies and kindness!

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Guest janainaz

I'm disgusted. I can't even respond to that.


Oh my goodness.... wake up! That's true and pure evil.

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The only person at your church who should know how much you give is the treasurer, and that's only if you give by check. I don't think a pastor should know how much individual members are giving. I would not return to this church.



:iagree:A pastor should shepherd his flock without looking at the people in the pews with dollar signs on their foreheads.


I wonder if this practice is even legal for an entity with legal church status?

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