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How often do you take your kids to the movies?

How often do you take your kids to the movies?  

  1. 1. How often do you take your kids to the movies?

    • Never
    • 1 - 2 times a year
    • 3 - 5 times a year
    • 5- 10 times a year
    • We love the movies, over 10 times a year

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I feel like such a sell-out. I brought my kids to see Shrek this weekend and I'm having a hard time with it; it's the first movie I've taken them to see in theater. I don't think it was too bad, but the worst were the previews. They're still young and don't get the innuendo in some, but I find some of the popular movie messaging just appalling. At least with Shrek there was a friendship and familial love being modeled.


My son has been bugging me to watch Star Wars so I've put that on the Netflix list. I don't want to keep it from them, but I do want to be very selective with the bones I throw.

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We have gone anywhere between once a year and up to 5 or more times a year. We have a local drive in and it makes it a lot easier, cheaper, and fun. We have only been to an in-door theater, to see a newly released film, with all the kids twice in their lives. It is just too expensive. We go to see the free summer movies as much as we can though.

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I voted 1-2 times a year but many years, we don't go at all.


1. I like to preview a movie before allowing my children to see it.

2. It is insanely expensive.

3. I've walked out of far too many movies because my son was scared. I get tired of wasting my money. We had to walk out of UP because he was afraid of the dogs. Sigh.

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3-5 times a year, but some of those times are at the dollar movie (well, I think it's actually 1.75 now). I love going to the movies and wish we could do it more. I worked at a movie theater in college (that's where I met DH!) so for a couple of years I saw nearly every movie that came out. I still haven't gotten used to actually paying for movies.

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For dd, just 1-2 times a year. There isn't much I want her to see.

For ds, who is 20 and a film major--well, we take each other to the movies; sometimes he pays, and sometimes I do. Often. Esp in May! (That's when many blockbusters/long awaited films come out.)

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We don't go to theater because of the prices. We wait for Netflix. I don't like all the innuendo in the Shrek movies even though it goes over my son's head. I like the first one, completely disliked the 2nd and I haven't seen any others. We love Pixar around here and will go to theater when they have a new movie out.


I agree about the previews, they used to be of the same genre as the movie, but that is changing. I'm also frustrated with the commercials they show during "family hour". My 8-year old is a big fan of American Idol and the commercials are crossing the line during that show. Horror movies, bra ads...ect

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I take the older one 1-2 times a year. Younger one has been terrified of movie theaters, so he won't go. We tried to take him to Charlotte's Web when he was 2 and he screamed bloody murder when the lights went out and the "noise" began. Tried to take him again to see Space Chimps or whatever that Space Monkey movie was, and he refused to go into the theater. He did go to the drive in movies with us last summer to see Ice Age 3, but we could control the environment and volume level, so he was okay.

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I voted over 10 because we frequent the dollar theatre. They screen movies a few months after they have been released. We saw Alice in Wonderland this weekend.


We rarely go to the full price theatre - probably 2-3 times a year.

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We took the kids to a movie in the theater once about 4 years ago. It's expensive to go to the theater, we like to preview the movies before the kids see them, and Bailey seems to need to spend a great deal of time visiting the potty. I swear it's her goal to use every public restroom in the tri-county area.


We have a better time if we check out a movie from the library and make pizzas or munchies and all snuggle up on the couch.


I'm sure we will take them to a few movies now that they are getting older, but honestly, we have more fun watching movies in the comfort of our own home.

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Not sure I understand your underlying question... Is it about the movies themselves or the price?


If you mean the price, then my answer is that we rarely go out anymore, thanks to Netflix. But, if you mean the content of movies, then I would answer that we watch a ton of movies, at least 3 to 4 a week (most are not the standard popular blockbusters). We also have a great $1 theater near us, and if we feel the need to see a flix on the big screen, then we just a little, and they usually get it (if it is a blockbuster).

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Less than once a year.


I've taken ds alone a couple of time over the years, and so has dh. He goes often with his father's family.


We took all of the kids to see a movie (I don't even remember what it was... something about hamsters, maybe?) before #4 was born. We took them to see Alvin and the Chipmunks (a theme? lol) with a Christmas gc from my parents. We plan to go see The Last Airbender since we're all big fans.


Dh and I probably go by ourselves (together) with the same frequency (less than once/yr.)


Movies get to Netflix and On Demand so quickly, it really doesn't make much sense to spend $70 a few months earlier.


We MIGHT do the drive-in thing soon. It's a bit cheaper than the regular theater, and is more of a novelty experience.

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We go as a family maybe once or twice a year, with the kids going to various movies with friends occasionally.


Sometimes we do it as a gift. I asked for tickets for the family to see Prince Caspian as my Mother's Day gift one year, which worked great because I didn't need to store or dust anything.;) The boys took their dad to see a movie for his birthday last summer, which worked great for him because we can't afford to buy the power tools he'd really like.


I always checked Screenit.com and Focus on the Family Plugged in before deciding to see a film at the theater.

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I voted 5-10, it's usually the price that keeps us away. We've movie fans here and now use Netflix a lot. We were more picky when he was younger, but he's interested in the art of making movies. We get into great discussions about film making, even over the bad movies.

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As often as I can... I'd go every week if I could. Unfortunately, not many films are released that I can/will take them to see. So far this year we've seen Fantastic Mr Fox (multiple times... it was here for a *long* time), A Town Called Panic (twice, and we would have gone again), How to Train Your Dragon, and Babies. My eldest and I went to see The Secret of Kells.

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The theaters here are just dismal. Sound is too loud, too many people talking through the movie and texting or talking on phones. We bought a DVD player back when they were first coming out just to stop going to the theater.


I miss the movie experience - when it was a good experience. I haven't had a good movie experience in years. I think Return of the King was the last movie I saw in a theater.


The Arlington in Santa Barbara was a great theater. I'd probably still go there. It's an old theater from the 20s. We saw all 3 Star Wars movies there. Long day, but great fun. And Jurassic Park on opening night was just amazing.

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Once or twice a year at regular price-however, one of the local theaters does children's movies (usually several years old) every week during the summer in the morning, as a fundraiser for the local children's hospital, so we usually see 2-3 of those over the course of the summer.

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I voted 5-10, it's usually the price that keeps us away. We've movie fans here and now use Netflix a lot. We were more picky when he was younger, but he's interested in the art of making movies. We get into great discussions about film making, even over the bad movies.


I'm starting my kids with older movies with the newest movies watched on rarer occasions. I think one of the unfortunate consequences of modern movies is the loss of dialogue and story and character development. There are certainly many current films that have these qualities, but very few I know about that I feel comfortable showing to my young kids.

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We sometimes go to the movies as a family at Christmas, as a present for the whole family. The last two movies we've seen in the theater were The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and Bedtime Stories. But usually there's nothing playing that interests us enough to pay so much for tickets.

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I voted 3 to 5 times a year. Sometimes 2, sometimes 3. If there were more good movies without language issues, vulgar behavior, etc... I would go to the movies more. Mostly I cave and regret going later. Big regret last year...

Where the Wild Things Are. uugh!

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I voted over 10 times but feel I must explain. Both Regal and Century theaters have summer programs. Regal has 2 movies each week and they are free. Century has 10 movies throughout the summer and you can buy a "Season Pass" for $5. The movies are second showings at best, but it is "going to the movies."


We also have an outdoor theater about 15 minutes from here that shows double features during the summer and one night each week its $10/carload. Last weekend we loaded up the Suburban with DH, me, the 3 kids and my inlaws and watched "How to Train Your Dragon" and "Ironman 2."


As for the "regular" theater at full price, the teenager sees 10 or more movies, the 8 yo sees 5-6, and the 4 yo will be seeing "Toy Story 3" as her first full price feature.

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I voted 1-2 times a year. We only take the whole family when it's something we are all really excited to see.

My oldest now works at the theater so when something comes out that someone wants to see she takes them on her free passes. She can only take one guest at a time, but she enjoys being able to treat us to the movies now and then.

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We LOVE going to movies. We go to ALL the kid's ones (Unless we are morally opposed to it for some reason, the likes of which there are many :( ) I go to the movies by myself at least once a month and often more then that. It's my favorite little escape. I will admit that our tiny town only charges $5 for matinees but we ALWAYS get soda and popcorn. It's just so dang fun! We all love it and think the money is worth it!

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Well, with the boys we can take them to movies and they will (for the most part) sit and watch them. They get to go with DH on their B-days and also sometimes as a treat with one of us. However, we will only go to the dollar theatre because we will NOT pay full price for the movies. They are young enough that they don't care that they have to wait. The girls are impossible to bring to movies - our 3 yo is up and prancing around and needing to pee constantly, and now that little DD is 15months, she is not content to nurse through a movie, so they stay home.

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Not often. The last time it was because a friend was paying for me to take my DD and her kids into the theater while she shopped for baby stuff--we saw How to Train Your Dragon. Before that it was...I don't remember! If I'm going to spend the money, I'd as soon go to the theater out here with the drop in child care. No interruptions for boredom or potty trips, etc.--DD likes the play area better than the movie. We've done that once I think.


Mostly we just get them from Blockbuster through the mail and watch on our flatscreen plasma TV with surround sound and a PAUSE button if desired. Couch is more comfy, too! The movies I think are really worth it to actually go see on the big screen are few and far between--and usually not kid movies.

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I voted never, but I have taken Zee before; to some cartoon movie I can't remember the name of. It's just not something we encourage our kids to do. There's so few movies that come to theaters that we would watch. We use this as our guide for entertainment:



Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. - Philippians 4:8

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I voted 5-10 bit it does depend on which child. For example, I have seen 3 movies in the last 30 days. My middle child saw all three. My youngest saw one. I don't take my youngest to R rated movies but do take my almost 17 yo depending on the subject matter. Actually almost all the ones I wouldn't take her to I wouldn't go to anyway. THe entire family went to see Robin Hood. We avoid most children's movies since I think a lot of them have bad attitudes and others are stupid. Now my youngest is 13.5 so YMMV,

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I voted 5 - 10 but that's a bit misleading. We have a great drive-in nearby that runs a double feature for ten dollars per car..... so we go there a couple times a month in season. We pack a cooler and have a picnic dinner, and it's really a lot of fun. We go to the discount cinema (a buck a seat) once or twice a year.

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We only go once a year or so. Although we enjoy movies, we can't stand the inappropriate previews. We also don't like when movie producers "slip" an inappropriate scene in an otherwise family-friendly movie.


We've been very pleased with Clearplay. It's a DVD player that plays regular DVDs and edits out the scenes/language based on how you set the filter. It's been great for our Star Wars and Indiana Jones viewing! ;)

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I voted 1-2 times a year, but it's probably more like once, when it's something we know we'll like, like a new Pixar movie.


But most kids' movies I think are junk, and even for adult movies, I prefer to wait and watch on dvd in my own home, where I can take a potty break whenever I want and make yummy snacks, better than greasy popcorn and candy. I don't enjoy going to the movies much. And I'm in agreement about the previews in the kids' movies and the way everything is commercialized.


So we usually take them once a year, always in the summer because it's so very hot here and we get tired of swimming and going to the air conditioned science museum after awhile.


ETA: That's for my 9, 7, and 6 yr olds. My teen goes a little more often, but he's almost 16 and goes with friends. Still only 3 or 4 times a year for him. None of my kids are that into movies or really ask to go to the movies.

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I voted 1-2 times per year. We love movies, but do not love the price. It $9 with our military discount and the matinees are only $1-2 off that price. It is so not worth it except when on vacation. The previews are not great even though the are supposed to be G rated. And don't even get me started on the refreshments. I love movie popcorn but it's not worth the price either. We just wait for new releases to come out at Netflix.

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There aren't many movies I'm willing to pay theater prices for. Mostly we wait until they come out on dvd and rent them at Blockbuster. I go see maybe 1-3 movies/year with some combination of the kids (oldest usually isn't interested). I go to maybe 1-2 movies/year with my dh. My dh goes to see at least 10 movies/year with a friend. He loves awful movies. I'm glad he has a friend to go see them with, because I sure don't want to see them.

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