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If you have 4 or more kids ...

If you have 4 or more kids and the first 3 went girl, boy, girl which sex was #4?  

  1. 1. If you have 4 or more kids and the first 3 went girl, boy, girl which sex was #4?

    • Girl
    • Boy
    • Other (please explain)

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Not in that order but our # 4 is TBD (will know in July)

We have G,G,B and I am hoping for a boy (I have a feeling my little boy will tire of having to play w/dolls and dance around and play dress up - though he thoroughly enjoys it now...)

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and you went girl, boy, girl, for your first 3, what sex was #4?


I voted for boy, to keep in your pattern. I have the exact same pattern but with genders reversed. My first four were boy, girl, boy, girl. Apparently it takes five to break the pattern, our fifth was a girl. :001_smile: (Our sixth is to be determined.)

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OK, well i know that a few of you are subscribing to this thread to 'find out'. Yes, we are expecting, found out yesterday so very early days. Thanks for all the warm wishes :)


:lol: Wonderful news! Congratulations, Amber :grouphug:

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OK, well i know that a few of you are subscribing to this thread to 'find out'. Yes, we are expecting, found out yesterday so very early days. Thanks for all the warm wishes :)


You betcha. :D


That's awesome news! Congratulations. Wishing you and the wee babe a healthy pregnancy.

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