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What have you used for multiple years and don't plan to change?

Karen in CO

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I have next year mostly planned and was looking at my long-term plans for both of my younger kids. Other than handwriting, math and SOTW, there is nothing I am using next year that I used this year. I am using many of the same methods, but few of the same products. I hope in the future to have more products that I will re-use so that I don't constantly feel like I am re-inventing the proverbial wheel every year during planning time.


What have you used for a year or more that you will continue to use? For me, it is Getty-Dubay Italics and SOTW (used YR1 for two years now and will use YR2 next year with TOG). They are the only products I have used for more than a year that I will continue to use. I have a few that I have used with my ds that I will use when my girls get ready- IEW and LL.

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Singapore Math, Easy Grammar (well, dd has been done with that for most of a year, but ds will start it next year--I already own them and have to buy high school stuff for dd, etc. Plus, I like it for what it is.)




R&S English (older 2, someday ds)


Can't think of anything else off the top of my head, but that doesn't mean there aren't more. It depends on the child! When dd starts high school, little will remain the same.

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I hope in the future to have more products that I will re-use so that I don't constantly feel like I am re-inventing the proverbial wheel every year during planning time.


Amen sister! I've been thinking that I want to have more of the same things every year as well. Starting over and questioning everything every year is getting a little old. Here is what I know for sure I will use for several years:


Right Start Math

Spell to Write and Read

Story of the World - in the form of Biblioplan

Cursive First handwriting

Rod and Staff Readers for Bible


That is it! I'm questioning or trying for the first time Rod and Staff Grammar, Writing Tales, Latina Christiana, Trail Guide to World Geography, RS4K pre-level 1 Chemistry, ummmm, I think everything new. No wonder I've been spending so much time trying to figure everything out this year!

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What have you used for a year or more that you will continue to use?

Singapore Math,

Singapore Science (MPH and now Interactive),

Story of the World,

History of US,

and I'm coming up on a year with Lightning Lit and planning on continuing!


We juggle a lot of "extras" but our core is pretty stable.

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I have a 12yo 6th grader. I am sticking with the following programs that I've used for repeated yeats:


R&S Grammar

Saxon Math

I would use R&S Spelling but I like the switch to Vocab... have been using R&S Spelling and Handwrting for years


One year in use and will continue:

Latin in the Christian Trivum (wth online class)

BJU Science

Vocabulary for Achievement

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Programs I will not change:


R&S Math Grades 1-8

R&S Grammar Grades 2-8

R&S Reading/Bible Grades 1-4

R&S Bible Grades 5-6

R&S Art Grades 1-8

R&S Music Grades 1-6

CW series starting at Aesop

Apologia Elementary-all books

Elementary Greek Vol I-III

Latin: PL, LCI, LCII, Wheelock's



Peterson Directed Handwriting


Programs still up in the air and/& that change from year to year or even month to month:

History for logic and rhetoric stages

Science from 7th grade and up

Math from 8th grade and up

Logic progression

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Before I started my youngest dd, I would have said Miquon Math for 1st-3rd grades, but it didn't work at all for my youngest.


Singapore Math (until my youngest couldn't deal with it any more and we tried a whole bunch of different things and then came back to it)


Jacobs Algebra and Jacobs Geometry (but I added Kinetic books algebra as well for my 12yo because she thought Jacobs looked intimidating when she started)


Sonlight - I've used it since 1997.


Prentice Hall Science Explorer for 6th-8th or 5th-8th


Flashkids Language Arts - my middle dd has used it for 5th-7th and my youngest has used it for 2nd-3rd (she's working one grade level below her age)

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Classical Writing - used w/o workbks, Aesop A & Aesop B-last year, Aesop B & Homer A this year... hope to use Poetry and Homer B (&A) next year.


FLL - use for 2 years with one ds, and this is our 2nd year with next ds. will hold for youngest dd who is only 3yrs old right now.


Mastering Mathematics- all the books with 3 kiddos. Oldest has switched to Lial's BCM, will continue with it next year to finnish.


Handwriting Skills Simplified


How to Spell / How to Teach Spelling (for all kids, oldest recently switched)

Apples Daily Spelling Drills (for 13yo dd)


Typing Instructor Deluxe (all kids till done)


Mind Benders A1/A2 & B1/B2 CD (used for oldest two, storing for next two)


Alpha Phonics (used with two kids, saving for last one)

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SOTW -- not broke here, don't fix it


Latin Primer -- must get my money's worth (3 dc divided by original cost equals a great bargain:lol:)


Shiller Math -- for 2nd and 3rd dc; I still can't believe they "ask" to do Math


Wish there was more. (((sigh)))



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I wish there was some continuity to my hs'ing :P curriculum. I see trends in curriculum that I will use again w. dd & have gone back to w. ds. If I had a crystal ball I would guess:


MUS (w. Singapore to supplement- I love them both)

FLL (I love the way it's all laid out for you *so* easy to use!)

HWOT (I really see us using this for cursive w. ds & print for dd)



I will start BFIAR w. dd this coming year, and we did it w. ds, too.

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R&S Grammar

Mystery of History



We've only been hsing for 2 years now, didn't use the same things this past year as last year in any subject. LOL Even though this year is the first year we've begun them (read: started since Christmas) I expect that we will also continue to use:


Spelling Power

Christian Liberty Press Bible for mid-grades

Creation science books by Felice Gerwitz and Jill Whitlock


And, I've just realized this week that I need to get some sort of tentative long-term plan in place, to control spending each year. *blush*

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In nearly 8 years of homeschooling, I've not often switched curriculum. A lot of what we use, we've used for years. I was fortunate to hit on programs which suited my oldest son and me well from the beginning ~ and continue to serve all my guys well. I did make two significant changes before starting the current school year. I replaced R&S English, which we'd used for 4 or 5 years, with Galore Park's English series; and I went with Galore Park Latin in lieu of the program (Latina Christiana) we had going for a couple of years. I do still plan on using Prima Latina with my younger set before they head into GP Latin.


Here are some of our tried-and-true resources:


Singapore Math (Primary Math series) ~ 8 years


Sonlight history ~ 7 years


Spelling Workout ~ 6 years


Getty-Dubay Italic ~ 6 years


Others that we've used for at least a couple of years and will continue with include Apologia science, Mindbenders, Typing Instructor Deluxe, & Rosetta Stone.

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We have used and will continue to use:


SWR--2 1/2 years now, at K-2nd we just concentrate on the sounds of the phonograms, and when we see words or they want to spell a word we sound them out. Once they are comfortable reading I will start the lists.


Singapore Math--4 years, my second is going through earlybird and my oldest is doing 3a/b.


Story of the World--2 1/2 years, we are doing number 2 and will take to the end of the year to finish it.


Progymnasmata--this is our framework for composition but I am writing my own curriculum for this based upon my notes from Composition in the Classical Tradition by D'Angelo.


My Pals are Here Science--2 years. My oldest just loves it.


I guess we are pretty happy.:001_smile:

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Singapore Math (including NEM) - This is our 7th year in this curriculum.


Classical Writing - We have used Aesop, Homer, and are now in Diogenes, and we'll likely continue with this for all dc as long as Lene keeps writing books.


TOG - We haven't used this for very long, but I envision we'll continue it all the way through high school.

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We've only been hsing 2 years, so my picks will be winners for K, 1 and what we'll use for 2:


ETC: We've tried MCP and the Pathway phonics, but ETC wins hands down. Those goofy pictures make phonics phun!


Singapore Earlybird Math: My kids are polar opposites as far as learning speed, but these worked with both. Both kids have also done SF Exploring Math K but I'd pick EB if I was going to do just one. Otherwise, SF K fits well between 1B and 2A.


LLATL Blue (and Red): This is another resource that works for both my learners. It's simple, but it gets the job done.


R&S Math: We'll stick with this for 2nd and up.


FIAR: This works so well if you want to combine a K/1st with a younger sibling. We've learned a lot and we'll finish all 3 volumes by September or October. We've liked it so much we'll do Vol. 4 next year.

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Abeka Phonics (used with 3/4 of our children), also with spelling and Letters & sounds for K-2

Abeka Math (K5-2nd) great for young children (used with 2/4)

Sadlier-Oxford Progress in Mathematics -- (will begin with my 2nd this fall)

K12 Lit, History, Science, Art & Music (using with 3/4)

This will be my first year with FLL for my younger two... so if that goes well I expect to use it with my 4th. Otherwise, it will be back to Abeka.

Oral Language Exercises (oldest 3)

Latin for Children (oldest 3)

VP Bible (all 4)

Leading Little Ones to God (all 4)

Character Sketches (all 4)

And, we will listen to SOTW in the car on CD.

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BIBLE – Christian Liberty until 8th grade

MATH – Saxon (54 to Advanced)

HISTORY – Streams of Civ, ABEKA

SCIENCE – Apologia General, Physical, Bio, Chem, Physics

LANGUAGE ARTS – LLATL, English From the Roots Up

FOREIGN LANGUAGE— Rosetta Stone Spanish, Artes Latinae

Art – Lambs book 1 & 2, How Great Thou Art

Typing - Mavis Beacon

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Getty-Dubay and SOTW for me, too. I guess I'm a stick in the mud, LOL, because I have a lot:


Abeka for grammar, beginning in the A,B,C series and going through the I-IV for upper level work.


Spelling Workout all the way through.


Vocab from Classical Roots - been through it all once and plan to go again.


Singapore through 6B.


Latin Primer - been through it once and I guess I'm getting ready to go again. I was interested in Lively Latin, but I can't access the folks who write it, for some reason, so I don't feel comfortable attempting to do business with them.


For science, things I've used before and am using again include the Reader's Digest books; the Visual Factfinder books; lots of DK books like the Eyewitness and Visual Dictionaries, etc.; Elements for chemistry and her follow-up on organic chemistry; Kym Wright's botany study; Science in a Nutshell kits; maybe Friendly Chemistry if I can get a handle on the mistakes in it (I'm going to ask a chem professor friend for help); Fun with Atoms and Molecules (or whatever those chem experiment books are called - I call them the wrong thing about half the time, LOL).



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I feel very comfortable with the resources that I'll use again and again.


Singapore math for 1 - 6 (we've been using this with different kids for over 7 years)


Classical Writing (3 years)


TOG years 1 and 2 (two years), I'll likely use year 4 as well.


SOTW (5 years)


Apologia elementary science (2 years)

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Guest Lorna

We have been using

Singapore Maths - for the whole four years of home -schooling (now doing 5B and NEM 1)

Spelling Workout - for two years with younger son.

Galore Park English for two/three years with older daughter.

I know we will stick with the Galore Park books and Lightning Literature too.




These are all thing we have enjoyed and I am glad we stuck with. There have been other successes like the Michel Thomas French course, Our Island Story, SOTW, and the How ... Works series but we have completed them.

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Singapore Math

ETC (mommy loves the pictures as much as the dc!)

SWO (so far all of my dc have been natural spellers)

R&S Grammar

HWT (love(!) this program for our 4 boys)



Just beginning Prima Latina and like it, starting TOG (Yr2) next year, Aplogia Elementary Science series, and Classical Writing (Aesop). Pretty sure that these will be winners!


Kim in TN (used to be in NV)

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