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How much does the Tooth Fairy pay....

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The tooth fairy hasn't had to visit us yet, but she'll pay $1 per tooth, probably.


I have a friend who pays $10 for the first tooth, and $5 for each tooth after that. I told her that her daughter is not allowed to talk to my son about his teeth! I can't even imagine paying that much :eek:

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I should have included in my original post the story behind this question.....



DD 6 lost her first tooth the other night. She is the oldest so this is all new to us. I was holding the tooth in my hand and I dropped it.......down it went, right down the heating vent! :lol: DD did not find it as funny as the rest of us did. DH went to bed early and I was left to play tooth fairy. I paid $3.00. When hubby found out the next day he had a cow! Looking back I think I was feeling bad that I lost it and I guess since she was the first one......well I can see now that that might be a bit over the top since we have 4 kids and how many more teeth to go......


So I was just on the phone with DH and I mentioned something I heard on the forum and he suggested I ask about the tooth fairy.


Thanks for all your answers in advance


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A gold dollar for the first one...The next one, well, we lost the tooth, he forgot so I decided not to do it again...I wish he was all into the tooth fairy but seeing as we don't do the Easter bunny or Santa, I should have known he wouldn't take to a tooth fairy...Although I would love a magical fairy leaving me money...Oh yea, sign me up...As long as she doesn't take my teeth this late in the game...:D

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When my oldest lost her first tooth I polled my irl friends and they were all paying $5 for the first tooth. WHA??? I thought that was way too much, but dh thought that was fine. After that, $1 per tooth. Our tooth fairy also leaves notes. The notes are by far the favorite. :)

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The first tooth is always worth extra. :D One dollar here except when ds's tooth came out in Northern Ireland and the exchange rate got us. The kids we were visiting told all of us how much they got from the Tooth Fairy but the dollar wasn't doing so well.

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Guest Cindie2dds
How much does the Tooth Fairy pay at your house? Husband and I could not agree on a price =).




Here's a link from a couple of months ago. Some people pay a lot of money for those cute teeth! :)

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in this house. She runs behind schedule you know :lol: Depending on how long it is before she gets to our house, $1-$3. The tooth fairly is HUGE deal here and by now the kids know that the tooth fairy is behind and actually get excited when she doesn't make it cause they know they will get more for having to wait.


*sigh* This is what happens when I can't write myself a note where I can see it (if I did then the kids would read it and they still really think the tooth fairy is coming). Ah well, it is fun for them. :tongue_smilie:

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$1 per tooth.


Once, I forgot to put the money under DD's pillow and she came into the kitchen the next morning crying because the tooth fairy forgot her. I felt horrible and was trying to think of an excuse. I barely noticed DS (then about 9 years old) slip quietly out of the kitchen. A few minutes later I heard him shout from her room "Hey, c'mere, she didn't forget you! It was in the crack of your mattress!" DD went running into her room, with me following (looking puzzled), and there on her bed was a $1 bill, with a tiny folded note from the "Tuth Ferry" written with glitter crayon in a 9 year old's dyslexic scrawl.


(The dollar came from his own pocket money.)

I just love that boy. :001_wub:



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$1 per tooth.


Once, I forgot to put the money under DD's pillow and she came into the kitchen the next morning crying because the tooth fairy forgot her. I felt horrible and was trying to think of an excuse. I barely noticed DS (then about 9 years old) slip quietly out of the kitchen. A few minutes later I heard him shout from her room "Hey, c'mere, she didn't forget you! It was in the crack of your mattress!" DD went running into her room, with me following (looking puzzled), and there on her bed was a $1 bill, with a tiny folded note from the "Tuth Ferry" written with glitter crayon in a 9 year old's dyslexic scrawl.


(The dollar came from his own pocket money.)

I just love that boy. :001_wub:




Aww, that made me a little teary. My kids don't believe anymore (they were suspicious even before an older friend clued them in about Santa...as soon as he was out of the bag the rest wasn't far behind), but they still want the cash :001_huh: We're at $1 per tooth. DS sometimes refers to his mouth as his gold mine. A friend was recently back here visiting her Mom and her DD (almost 6) lost her very first tooth and they forgot and had to stage a rescue of the situation like your DDs (I think Grandpa may have done the rescue).

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How much does the Tooth Fairy pay at your house? Husband and I could not agree on a price =).




A toonie for regular teeth. $5 for a molar. The Tooth Fairy also leaves a teeny-tiny card with a note, in a teeny-tiny envelope, and tucks the money inside.

Edited by Audrey
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Guest janainaz

My older son understood money at a very young age and we gave him $5.00 a tooth. Insane.


I gave my five year old a $5.00 for his first tooth and he repeatedly called it a "dollar". So, it's $1.00 per tooth from here on out. It got really expensive to have my older son losing teeth all at once. He's almost ten and his tooth fairy has retired.

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$1 for fronts, $2 for molars around my house. However, one of dd's friend's tooth fairy pays a whopping $25 per tooth. I nearly dropped over when I heard that. At first I thought it was just juvenile exaggeration, but then the mother confirmed it. I told dd that the difference between there in town and out here was to cover the travel differential!:D

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At my house, the tooth fairy paid $1 for teeth that fell out, but $5 for teeth that had to be pulled. My youngest made a mint off of this. She has had 9 teeth pulled so far and could have as many as 3 more pulled (2 adult and 1 baby). The other orthos I talked to wanted to do at least 4 more baby teeth and 4-6 adult teeth, so we're getting off easier than it would have been with one of the other orthos.

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At my house, the tooth fairy paid $1 for teeth that fell out, but $5 for teeth that had to be pulled.




Oooo. I like this idea. My ds has to have four teeth pulled (all baby). He doesn't really believe in the tooth fairy, but he'll play along when I tell him that I "heard the tooth fairy pays more for extracted teeth." :)

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$2 for the first tooth, $1 for each tooth after that. However, if the dentist needs to pull it out they get $3 because of the extra trauma. This has cost me lots of money, dd got $15 in 1 night after having surgery to pull 5 teeth in preparation of her braces. DS has had 3 teeth pulled in the last 2 weeks and cost me $9. Over all though it sticks with $1 per tooth.

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The first one to lose a tooth in our house was the dog, so dd put the tooth under her pillow and the TF left a dog treat.:001_smile:


It didn't take long for dc to figure out the TF wasn't real ;), and I'm old and forgetful, so I just give dc a quarter when the tooth falls out.

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$1 and a note per tooth, although I think I did more for first teeth which varied by child...maybe it was a small gift? The next tooth that will fall out here is my 6yo's "double tooth" - two teeth that came up fused together. She'll get at least $2 for that one. :D One child had teeth pulled and we did do more for that.

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Tallulah, our Tooth Fairy, doesn't bring money; she brings treasures! Fairy dust and instructions for making a wish, pretty crystals, beads, flower seeds, etc. She leaves these treats with a hand-written note, written in gold pen with itty bitty writing.


Jackie, that story about your son is the sweetest thing ever! What a lovely young man you're raising! :love:

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Jackie, your son is very special!


My nephew lost his teeth before my kids, and my sister gave him $5.00 for the first tooth and $2.00 for subsequent teeth. I had a cow because, of course, my nephew called here to tell his cousins what he got. My son just lost his first tooth last week, and fortunately he didn't remember the amount his cousing got, so he received $2.00 for his first tooth, and it will probably be $1.50 for subsequent teeth. I gave my sister an earful for setting such a high precedent!! LOL!

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My dd is too young yet but when I was loosing teeth, the tooth fairy once left me 100.00, yup it was new year's eve and tooth fairy dad thought it was a 1.00, didn't help though that he was also completely blind in one eye, color blind and had some other issues requiring bifocals for the "good" eye.

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We give $2 per tooth - but we only have one now who is losing teeth. My 10 year old only has a few more to lose and they are being slow to come out.


Now, when my ds6 was about 4, he had to have a molar pulled at the dentist. It was TRAUMATIC for him. He got $10 for that tooth...and a $30 transformer for the guilt I had from the whole experience (because I chose not to let them anesthetize him for the procedure). It was BAD.

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$1 per tooth.


Once, I forgot to put the money under DD's pillow and she came into the kitchen the next morning crying because the tooth fairy forgot her. I felt horrible and was trying to think of an excuse. I barely noticed DS (then about 9 years old) slip quietly out of the kitchen. A few minutes later I heard him shout from her room "Hey, c'mere, she didn't forget you! It was in the crack of your mattress!" DD went running into her room, with me following (looking puzzled), and there on her bed was a $1 bill, with a tiny folded note from the "Tuth Ferry" written with glitter crayon in a 9 year old's dyslexic scrawl.


(The dollar came from his own pocket money.)

I just love that boy. :001_wub:




:001_wub: What a sweet and thoughtful brother!!!!

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My dd is too young yet but when I was loosing teeth, the tooth fairy once left me 100.00, yup it was new year's eve and tooth fairy dad thought it was a 1.00, didn't help though that he was also completely blind in one eye, color blind and had some other issues requiring bifocals for the "good" eye.


WOW!!! What a great story! So, did your parents make you save it all?

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