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Paisley Hedgehog

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I might have to say Classical Conversations! I think I'm going to do it, and in a way I get the value there, but :001_huh:. I still have all this other curriculum to buy for 2 kids!


I was shocked to see how much SSWR costs too!!! Oh, and some Spanish programs. I'm sitting here thinking that I can't spend $100 on each component of their curriculum and honestly I don't know what to do!!!:confused:

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Write at Home. I hope it is worth it because I just purchased it. I have IEW and other writing components but writing is just not my forte. I have no idea how to teach it, grade it, etc.


Fortunately, I cleaned out my whole house and my mom, who is an Ebay nut, sold a bunch of things for me and I made over $800 :D. It made the purchase a bit easier.

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I'm reeling from sticker shock! I just finished a rough budget for our 2010-11 school year and yikes!! :eek: Dh asked me for three figures: 1) my ultimate wish list, 2) one that was more conservative but still included some of the things I want, and 3) bare bones needs. Maybe I'm showing my age here, but I remember when I complained about spending $125 for TOG new, or $200 for a Sonlight Core.


Anyone else in curriculum sticker shock? What are you surprised to see folks spending their money on? Fill in the blank: "I can't believe someone pays that much for ______ !"


I guess I missed the point of this post because I was going to say...


I can't believe someone pays that much for shoes, school clothes, backpacks & school fees.


My school budget $1500 for 3 children seems high to me, which is less then my Sister-in-law's school budget for her one son who will be in 7th grade PS.

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Five figure? K12 independent isn't five figures for one child, is it?



NO , it is not five figures. It is four, if that makes a difference. Five figures in my head is 10,000 and up. Four figures is 1000.00 and up.


K12 Indepent is in the high four figure.


I will give my opinion on it when dd grads.

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It seems like this thread could end up hurting some feelings. For some the $ will be worth it, whatever the price. Some people have a huge budget for hs, others not.


I don't think that's what the OP had in mind at all. Here's an analogy of what I mean:


After my twins were born, they had some health issues, I had some health issues, and so while I dealt with these, my husband picked up all the grocery shopping. I lost touch with the prices of things at the stores. I had been a very knowledgeable and frugal shopper -- thought I was savvy, KWIM -- but I got out of the loop for a bit. When I came back to it, BOY was I shocked at the prices!


That's "sticker shock." I think the OP is simply saying, "Wow! I can't believe the prices keep going up and up and up and up. What surprises you?" HTH.

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Five figure? K12 independent isn't five figures for one child, is it?


I think I was paying $80 a month, plus a few hundred for the materials. I didn't think it was so bad at the time - we paid $7000 for pre-k, and over $8000 for K in a private school. First and second grade were only $4000. (were we insane???:confused:) I wish I had heard of homeschooling earlier! Nowadays I cringe when I have to buy a bunch of books for TOG at once, and I'm saving for IEW.

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Everytime I start to gulp, I think how much private school would be for my kids...and then I don't feeeeel.....soooo bad...


(raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens,

homeschool curriculum, oh no I'm smitten...)


Merry :-)


Merry, you truly are merry! Thanks for the laugh! :001_smile:

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Luckily for us we use K12 through a virtual but I did give up my "soul" that way.

I agree independently its insanely priced. But you do get a high quality curriculum.

Calvert is terribly overpriced. You can get a much better curriculum through K12 and they are roughly around the same price. You also get more supplies through K12 that are not generic like Calvert's either.


I can't believe I spent $80 on Ebay for a preschool Touch Math program for my preschooler. But she is my baby so she is so well worth it. Touch Math also works well for my 6yr old and I was fortunate to get some of the program from our local school that uses it. But its not the whole program. Granted now that I have some of it I want the rest. Especially the multiplication and division for my older girls since the technique works REALLY well for them. But new price for Touch Math is beyond insane.


I don't spend much on Latin. I just get the DVD's use for the LC series and teacher manual and just type out the workbook pages on Microsoft and print them out.

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Everytime I start to gulp, I think how much private school would be for my kids...and then I don't feeeeel.....soooo bad...


(raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens,

homeschool curriculum, oh no I'm smitten...)


Merry :-)



Brown paper packages tied up with strings;

These are a few of my favorite things.


Cream-colored covers and crisp flashcards--oodles;

Doorbells and stepvans and artbooks with doodles;

Wild geese chases on google's broad wings;

These are a few of my favorite things.


Singapore threads with fierce Saxon bashes;

Reading glasses that stay on my nose and eyelashes;

Comfortable couches with indefatigable springs;

These are a few of my favorite things.


When the dog bites,--get the microscope

When the bee stings,--get the magnifying glass

When I'm feeling sad, (whose got time)

I simply remember my favorite things,

And then I don't feel so bad.

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I think it's all rather pricey myself. I feel like the older the kids get the less I spend. I don't really track it, so maybe I'm wrong, but the shiny Sonlight Catalog doesn't get to me like it used to.


But, my situation is my own, and I can see that if things were different I would easily lay out the cash for some of the pricier stuff and not blink an eye. When I owned a business, I appreciated that Sonlight was laid out so nicely and I had all the books at my fingertips. Now that I have more time, browsing the libary catalog and the library itself is a pleasure.


So my opinion is that it's not too expensive if it is the right thing for a particular family and you don't have to mortgage the first born to get it.


How's that for dodgy?

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Brown paper packages tied up with strings;

These are a few of my favorite things.


Cream-colored covers and crisp flashcards--oodles;

Doorbells and stepvans and artbooks with doodles;

Wild geese chases on google's broad wings;

These are a few of my favorite things.


Singapore threads with fierce Saxon bashes;

Reading glasses that stay on my nose and eyelashes;

Comfortable couches with indefatigable springs;

These are a few of my favorite things.


When the dog bites,--get the microscope

When the bee stings,--get the magnifying glass

When I'm feeling sad, (whose got time)

I simply remember my favorite things,

And then I don't feel so bad.





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Brown paper packages tied up with strings;

These are a few of my favorite things.


Cream-colored covers and crisp flashcards--oodles;

Doorbells and stepvans and artbooks with doodles;

Wild geese chases on google's broad wings;

These are a few of my favorite things.


Singapore threads with fierce Saxon bashes;

Reading glasses that stay on my nose and eyelashes;

Comfortable couches with indefatigable springs;

These are a few of my favorite things.


When the dog bites,--get the microscope

When the bee stings,--get the magnifying glass

When I'm feeling sad, (whose got time)

I simply remember my favorite things,

And then I don't feel so bad.


LOVE IT! :lol:

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Fill in the blank: "I can't believe someone pays that much for ______ !"


Public school! I was recently lamenting the cost of IEW and MUS to my sil whose 2 dd attend public school. She tried to console me with the fact that their schooling cost nearly as much. I didn't understand, so she filled me in.


In Ohio, with our limited state funding, public school children are having to pay for more and more school fees and expenses. Sil told me that while her younger dd (9th grade) only had to pay around $75 per trimester, the older one (11th grade) who was taking some AP classes, lab classes, etc. had to pay $125 per trimester. I was shocked!!! I had no idea that fees had increased that much.


I have noticed that the curriculum we need has increased in cost as dd has increased in grade level. And also I have noticed that I tend to keep many more of the books I buy as reference books instead of reselling them. I try to buy some things used, but am not finding the availability of the used materials I want like in the lower grades. I am very relieved that we now own all 4 years of TOG, but can see that advanced science will likely suck up any savings there might have been.


Oh well, nothing to do but the doing. We will keep on as long as we can afford it, and if money becomes a deal breaker, then I will round up some antiques to sell. My dd's education is more important than my home decor any time.

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I went with MCT and Mosdos for English this year. Both are brilliant, and I have no regrets, but I still can't believe the cost of just that one subject. Now try adding international postage to that ... Thanks goodness I already had Spell to Write and Read, or I might have keeled over from shock! I was interested in IEW, but there was no way - I went with one of the theme books and am very happy with that.

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well im sure its nothing compared to some but i just spent $30 on a used OPGTR kit, with flashcards letter tiles, the book, ect, and i still have to make up for that money by the end of the month cause i used the kids health insurance money. big mistake but i sooo wanted/needed the kit....(i guess i dont need to explain myself ,lol)


but it will be used for the next one.....


also, i REALLY would like to get AAS, but i know thats not happening anytime soon :(

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Guest mrs. logic

"$3,000 to start home educating their preschoolers."

Professor Logic and I know of a family who has invested approximately $3,000 to begin home educating their preschoolers. The parents purchased an expensive curriculum plus all of the essentials to set up a school room within their home.

I think I spent $30.00 on the Little Saints Preschool Curriculum from Emmanuel Books and another $20.00 to make copies at Kinkos for the hands on cut/paste activities.

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Sports. 4 months, here and gone and a few hundred bucks for 1 dc! CRAZY!



Honestly, everything I LOVE is high priced, but I have come to believe I often get what I pay for. The "stuff" I buy generally covers more than one subject area, so if I broke it down, it wouldn't seem so bad.


I guess, the thing that shocks me most, only b/c I have such a fantastic library system, is how much people spend on TOG. I admit that if I had the funds, I'd probably buy all the books too, but WOW when I see the one time bill, I shudder!


My greatest gasp, though, comes when I see people buy product, after product, after product, and NEVER USE THEM! Wasted on dusty and stagnant materials! It's painful to watch!

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It is the combination of things for us. High school aged dd with biology and what goes with it this year, plus Rosetta Stone Spanish, plus her history/bible/literature program, plus her Geometry...wow!! While all my dc use the spanish program, I still didn't expect to shell out $1200 for one kid!! At least some of that stuff will be bought and paid for for the future dc.


Next year will be bad but not as bad. Add to that $600 per year for club soccer and $1600 per year for both older kids to take music lessons. I haven't even started lessons, sports, etc. for the younger two!!:blink:

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It seems like this thread could end up hurting some feelings. For some the $ will be worth it, whatever the price. Some people have a huge budget for hs, others not.



I agree to an extent.... Feelings shouldn't be hurt though. Think of it this way..... Say you and I had the same budget, and we both wanted SL... You may thinks it's too much money but here (where I just moved to) there is an awful (and do I mean awful!:D) library! so I may want to spend the money and you might want to spend it on another high priced item (say IEW) b/c your weakness is writing.... KWIM? I don't think we try to hurt feelings its just ... to each his own.... ;)


Also, yes I do think some programs are a bit expensive (okay some are outragous:lol:) but most our created by our fellow homeschool moms and they are just trying to make $ for their family and do it with what they know best.... so they should deserve to get paid for all the hard work! If it is too expensive I just try to get it used or create it myself (that solution is in everyones buget :D)....


oh and NO! we do not have a crazy buget that we can afford everything:tongue_smilie:....We are on one small income and are paycheck to paycheck like most others here....


Just my 2 cents


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Everytime I start to gulp, I think how much private school would be for my kids...and then I don't feeeeel.....soooo bad...


(raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens,

homeschool curriculum, oh no I'm smitten...)


Merry :-)



:iagree::iagree: I looked at my HS budget and thought: "I have too many kids!!" :tongue_smilie: (A joke, please don't take offense!) And I am a bargain shopper too--it's painful. But, compared to what the cost of any private school would be for 5 and then 6 kids, this is SUCH A DEAL!! :lol:

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There are a lot of Online Libraries that carry Rosetta Stone for FREE. You just have to sign up for membership. I am not sure which ones are out there now, but I am sure someone here knows.





I thought they stopped doing that? If i'm wrong... someone PLEASE chime in with a link! :lol:

Momma wants rosetta stone! :D



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I feel for you hockey moms. I can't think of many sports that cost more. Maybe horses? Skiing? And if you're on a travel team....




Ummmm.......how about figure skating (x 4 girls!!) :tongue_smilie:


Honestly, the only thing that really shocks me is how much people are willing to pay for pre-school and primary grade materials......and just how many subjects they spend that $$ on.


If budget is an issue, saving the $$ for the higher grades would be a better priority b/c the broader topics and skill level materials are more vital. If budget isn't a concern......have fun spending the $$. ;)

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NO , it is not five figures. It is four, if that makes a difference. Five figures in my head is 10,000 and up. Four figures is 1000.00 and up.


Duh! I totally meant four not five figures. (We need a smacking one's head smiley!)


Still very pricey from my budget standpoint.

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Yes, there are expensive curriculum, but it all pales in comparison to a year of tuition at a secular or religious private school. In my area it ranges from $6,000 to $12,000 and up. Makes any homeschool curriculum seem like a real bargain to me (I always think about this when I'm feeling bad about money I've spent).

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We were at dd's orchestra concert today. The tickets were free, and a family member exclaimed that it wasn't really free for us. :D I figured it up, and we are just under $4000 into that concert, if you don't count the Kindermsuik lessons for four years before she started the flute and gas to drive to lessons and rehearsals. By the time she graduates, we will have spent over $10,000 on her musical training. And then there's her younger sister, who is getting ready to take up her second instrument.

Edited by angela in ohio
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