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It was not Christmas here. I am whining and venting.....

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I'm sad, scared, worried, anxious, angry and a few other of the emotions on the emotion list they give out in treatment centers.


We had a Christmas morning with no presents.


We are running a fireworks stand to survive, sharing the duties with a homeless guy who made more money today panhandling than I have in my checking account.


I need $1300 by the 31st to keep my house. I don't have it.


It's COLD in this part of Texas right now. Fireworks stands are not heated.


Not only was it not a "real" Christmas, I am at work. I'm sitting here in a bar running 30 people through 2 poker tournaments on Christmas.


Monday I get to go through 4+ hours of psychological testing for a 2 year old, insane, evil custody battle.


My kids leave tomorrow for their Dads.


Our Christmas dinner? Sloppy joes made from off brands, put on discounted rolls served with clearance veggies from a crock pot taken to the cold fireworks stand.


This is not the end of my feelings, but the end of my post.

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Joanne, I am so sorry for what you are going through and you will certainly be in my prayers. I wish I knew you IRL and we were in the same town so I could have your family over to feed you and cheer you up a little.:grouphug:


10fear not, for I am with you;

be not dismayed, for I am your God;

I will strengthen you, I will help you,

I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Isaiah 41:10

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... and just get through it. There are no debtors prisons. You will get through this. And sometime you will find a place and private time to let it all out and cry. But right now you've got to put your game face on and hold it together through the Monday meeting. Of course, this is from the gal who just finished snotting and bawling in the shower -- but oh! I feel so much better now. Then I sat and wrote a diary note of all the ways that all the shi**y things that happened in my life brought me to where I am today -- which is actually a pretty good spot, even with a few rough spots ahead. Just don't write stuff down where someone can do bad things with it.


I wish I could give you a hug and share some leftovers with you... but I can't. But I will smile and toast you... and send you some positive brain waves your way. Sleep, eat, breathe and don't give in to the dark side. Picture it all working out -- imagine it and let it calm you. Keep us posted.

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Joanne, Did you guys apply for that mortgage reduction that was issued under Obama to help out people near foreclosure? If you apply real quick, then we know someone who only paid a minimal amount monthly while their application was porcessing (and they actually just got approval!, yah, so they got a decent reduction in their mortgage for the next five years).


Just a thought.

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:grouphug: I'm sorry you are going through this right now. :grouphug:


How old are your kids and how many kids do you have?


What about food banks, food stamps/welfare and a service like Toys for Tots for kids presents?


We give presents to Toys for Tots every year so families wouldn't have a giftless Christmas.

Edited by Jumping In Puddles
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:grouphug: Oh, Joanne, I'm so sorry! When I need a good cry, I take a shower. No one can see you in there. That way you can keep your game face.

Hang in there. My dad's favorite saying my help: When you feel like you're at the end of your rope, tie a knot and swing awhile.

That's where I am. Hanging on and swinging. I'm getting a little nausious but hey, still hanging.

It'll get better. It just has to.


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Joanne, Did you guys apply for that mortgage reduction that was issued under Obama to help out people near foreclosure? If you apply real quick, then we know someone who only paid a minimal amount monthly while their application was porcessing (and they actually just got approval!, yah, so they got a decent reduction in their mortgage for the next five years).


Just a thought.


I'm in a "pending and consideration" phase of a modification. I can't miss a payment or I will be booted out of the consideration and the foreclosure papers will be executed (they've already been issued).


It's complicated. Very. Short version:


When I divorced, I was supposed to refinance within 3 years into my own name. However, it's been during those 3 years that xh reduced child support by $1700 a month and imposed the costly custody battle. My DH has been un-and under employed. So, the house it still in my and xh's name. When I applied for the modification, I asked if we can start the paperwork for us to assume the mortgage from xh. Originally, I was going to refinance and split the equity but the house has been devalued to where there is no equity and it needs a roof and air conditioning.


Ironically, it would hurt xh far more than me to walk away from this house. I've already declared bankruptcy (going on 3 years ago now). It would destroy his credit and no amount of explaining to anyone would bail him out of a foreclosure being on paper. If I were some of the names he called me, I would have walked months or years ago.

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Ironically, it would hurt xh far more than me to walk away from this house. I've already declared bankruptcy (going on 3 years ago now). It would destroy his credit and no amount of explaining to anyone would bail him out of a foreclosure being on paper. If I were some of the names he called me, I would have walked months or years ago.


Joanne--you're a bigger person than I would be in this situation. I don't know how you do it.:grouphug:

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Here is what St. Francis de Sales has to say about situations like this:



Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow. The same Everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow and every day.

Either he will shield you from suffering or he will give you unfailing strength to bear it.

Be at peace then; put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations, and say continually:

The Lord is my Strength and my Shield

my heart has trusted in Him and I am helped.

He is not only with me but in me and I am in Him.


`Prayer of St. Francis de Sales`




Write this down somewhere and read it over and over and believe.

Times are so hard for many of us and you have added stresses like custody battles, etc.

Let Him hold you up.

Edited by Liz CA
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Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow. The same Everlasting Father who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow and every day.

Either he will shield you from suffering or he will give you unfailing strength to bear it.

Be at peace then; put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations, and say continually:

The Lord is my Strength and my Shield

my heart has trusted in Him and I am helped.

He is not only with me but in me and I am in Him.


`Prayer of St. Francis de Sales`




Write this down somewhere and read it over and over and believe.

Times are so hard for many of us and you have added stresses like custody battles, etc.

Let Him hold you up.



That's beautiful, Liz.

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It would destroy his credit and no amount of explaining to anyone would bail him out of a foreclosure being on paper. If I were some of the names he called me, I would have walked months or years ago.


I'm new 'round here but not new on the planet. One observation:


Sometimes it is OK to fulfill a prophecy. ;)

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:grouphug: Oh, Joanne, I'm so sorry! When I need a good cry, I take a shower. No one can see you in there. That way you can keep your game face.

Hang in there. My dad's favorite saying my help: When you feel like you're at the end of your rope, tie a knot and swing awhile.

That's where I am. Hanging on and swinging. I'm getting a little nausious but hey, still hanging.

It'll get better. It just has to.




We, too, are going through some really rough, scary, and sad stuff. And like Kalah, I'm getting a little naseous from hanging on . . .

:grouphug: and prayers, Joanne.

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