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Spending money on nail salons!

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In the money threads, people are always posting something along the lines of:


"People get in debt, but if they'd just stop having their nails done all the time, they wouldn't be in such debt!"


I always thought the "getting your nails done" thing was just a made up example of irresponsible spending. I didn't think that people really meant literally "getting their nails done."


But!!! At T-giving dinner last night, SIL (who is tens of thousands of dollars in debt and has asked me for advice about money in the past) was talking about her nails. She said that it costs $65 every 3 weeks to get her fingers, toes and brows done. She was pleased as punch that she'd found a cheaper salon, because the last salon she used charged $80.


And the whole time she showed me pictures on her phone I had to stare at those nails. This was the type of phone where you can take pictures and use your finger to "move" the pictures around. (You know--you just swipe your finger across the screen and the images on the screen move around.)


No wonder she's in debt. Fancy phones, $1100 a year on nails (nails!! for crying out loud!)


You all knew what you were talking about after all!!!


And I absolutely don't mind if people have their nails done and buy fun phones, but not when they're tens of thousands of dollars in debt. Egads.

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For some jobs, it is just all part of a 'work wardrobe'.


Maybe, but it doesn't have to cost $1100 a year. If someone has to have them done and they can't afford it, then learn to do them yourself.


I admit, though, that I did some REALLY stupid things when we were running up debt that I thought were "necessary" (they just didn't happen to have anything to do with my nails.)

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I guess next time she asks for financial advice you have a great jumping off point! Introduce her to the finer points of a bottle of Sally Hansen and a pair of tweezers. ;) I have a nice phone and once every three months get my nails done, but I'm not in debt. I guess it's just a matter of priorities.

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Have and love an iPhone, but have NEVER in my life spent money on getting nails done. Ever. ; )


Coincidentally, I just got my nails done today, for the first time EVER, because we're going to our high school reunion tomorrow night. And despite living in expensive Connecticut, I was shocked to learn that it was only $10 to have my nails done. Really, I was expecting much more. So I don't know what $65 will get you, probably fake nails and a spa treatment.


Astrid (who shaped her own brows, but often has them waxed at the hair salon for $5)

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Coincidentally, I just got my nails done today, for the first time EVER, because we're going to our high school reunion tomorrow night. And despite living in expensive Connecticut, I was shocked to learn that it was only $10 to have my nails done.


The $10 price is just to get you hooked....once you're hooked the price goes up. :lol:

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Coincidentally, I just got my nails done today, for the first time EVER, because we're going to our high school reunion tomorrow night. And despite living in expensive Connecticut, I was shocked to learn that it was only $10 to have my nails done. Really, I was expecting much more. So I don't know what $65 will get you, probably fake nails and a spa treatment.


Astrid (who shaped her own brows, but often has them waxed at the hair salon for $5)


I am moving to your place, than I could afford it. Its 150 for hair, 35 for nails every two wks and 15 for brows in SD. That all does not include tips.

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Well, being 'well groomed', sure...but not $80 on nails and brows! Shaping your own nails and polish can be done at home way cheaper!


Sure you can do it at home, but it never looks as good as when it's done. And you can't do acrylics at home that look anything like they do at the salon. And having them look home-done looks almost as bad. It's like guys that wear expensive suits, but don't get their shoes polished.


Things like that can play a big part in business. People really do look at things like that. If she can't keep her nail appointments, do I want her working on this account?

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I get my nails doe every two weeks (gel) -- it costs $25.00 where I go - I've been going there 6 years -- it would be easy as anything to find a place that charges $95. for a gel fill -- not necessary, and the woman who does them does a fantastic job -- I've become an expert at who is good and who isn't the few times I've been unfaithful to her.


Every month, I get a pedicure - $25.00


I don't have a fancy phone - in fact, I went 6 months without a cell phone just because.


There are folks who buy into the 'necessity' of these accessories, and they do not have the discipline to deny themselves and they have a sense of entitlement -- That lack of discipline and sense of entitlement are, IMO, two of the issues behind the mountain of debt that many find themselves buried under.


'Irresponsible spending' and 'Lack of Savings' are also closely intertwined with that lack of discipline and sense of entitlement.


It's a lesson that has to be learned -- some learn it the HARD way.

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Sure you can do it at home, but it never looks as good as when it's done. And you can't do acrylics at home that look anything like they do at the salon. And having them look home-done looks almost as bad. It's like guys that wear expensive suits, but don't get their shoes polished.


Things like that can play a big part in business. People really do look at things like that. If she can't keep her nail appointments, do I want her working on this account?

Seriously? Basing on someone's capability on her nail appointments? I'd think it was based on their sales results, professional rep, more than their manicure. Someone that's too busy working on their accounts, getting results, to get their nails done would be preferable, I'd think.


Interesting. My dh was very successful in sales before giving it up, and his wardrobe was definitely not the most expensive. Neat, but not expensive! :lol:

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Yeah, I never understood spending the big bucks for nails...:001_huh:


My MIL goes every 2 weeks for her fingernails...and once a month for her toes. (and this doesn't include the extra trips for a polish touch-up or a repair if she breaks a nail) It's scary to think about the $$ she blows...:w00t:

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Seriously? Basing on someone's capability on her nail appointments? I'd think it was based on their sales results, professional rep, more than their manicure. Someone that's too busy working on their accounts, getting results, to get their nails done would be preferable, I'd think.




Someone that can keep on top of her accounts AND still have time enough to get her nails done ;)


The business world doesn't always run parallel to the non-business world. You may not like the game, but if you choose certain professions or industries it's still imperative (or in one's best interests) to play the game regardless. It's all about recognizing how things ARE rather than how they maybe SHOULD be -- especially for a female in a primarily male profession or industry.

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But if you start to get in debt, this is the first kind of thing that should go. We're not talking someone who is frugal and is able to live within their budget but treats themselves to some pampering once in a while, as many of you do. We're talking about someone who is getting further and further in debt and doesn't see the relationship between their spending habits and their financial situation.

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I have a friend who is in debt TO ME, and she gets her nails done. She struggles terribly with her finances and I have never been able to ask her to pay me back (we're talking $5k). She's had serious medical issues, personal issues, financial issues, etc. Yet when she talks about her nails or her lunches out (while taking her dd to get her WIC items for her granddaughter), it's hard for me not to say anything, esp. since this debt is now 4 years old. I don't go out for lunch nor do I get my nails done--too much $$.

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The $10 price is just to get you hooked....once you're hooked the price goes up. :lol:


No, the price on their wall chart said $10 for manicure and polish. It went up from there. But yeah...I'm pretty hooked now. :D They look great, if I do say so myself, and dh said he was so glad I was doing something for ME instead of for the zillions of others I deal with every day between my jobs and dog club responsibilities. ;-)



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I had my nails done once, for my wedding day. I promptly smeared them while shifting into drive on the way home.:glare: I'm just not a nail salon kind of girl.


HA that is so me. I get my hair done every four months, IF I'm lucky, and nails = never. I do have my iPhone, but that's only because my husband has one that his company pays for, so we only pay for mine. I know there are some jobs out there that require you to have the perfect 'look,' though, and I'm thankful every day that I don't have one!

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But if you start to get in debt, this is the first kind of thing that should go. We're not talking someone who is frugal and is able to live within their budget but treats themselves to some pampering once in a while, as many of you do. We're talking about someone who is getting further and further in debt and doesn't see the relationship between their spending habits and their financial situation.


This is probably a bit of a spin-off, ...


I think this is symptomatic of our larger social issues -- the Feeling Culture, wherein FEELINGS are counted or blamed as much (or more!) than are NEEDS in the overall scheme of how we behave (in this case, spend). As a national culture, our values have evolved. And we now value FEELINGS more than we have in generations past. It's evident in so many social outlets, including finances - particularly, debt.


But I think that is different than someone choosing to eat ramen for a month so she can have nicer nails. I totally share the expressed opinion that certain debt is acceptable, but that social desires do not fall within that camp.

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are indeed a mystery to me. Nails and fancy hair has never interested me. I wore fancy clothes during my pre-children days, but budget and practicality took over. My neighbors say we never have money for vacations because we spend so much money on books, and that I don't have "a life" and that I won't know what to do when my kids graduate.


Oh well...

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Someone that can keep on top of her accounts AND still have time enough to get her nails done ;)


The business world doesn't always run parallel to the non-business world. You may not like the game, but if you choose certain professions or industries it's still imperative (or in one's best interests) to play the game regardless. It's all about recognizing how things ARE rather than how they maybe SHOULD be -- especially for a female in a primarily male profession or industry.

No, I get what you're saying. I used to work in a real estate office. I can tell you, from that experience, that when it comes time for us to buy a house, I *will not* go with the one that's perfectly manicured. I'll go with the one that has been in the business a while, an older woman, no nonsense, whose idea of a manicure is a clear coat of polish. The nastiest pieces of work I've ever met in real estate were two: the perfectly groomed lady shark, and the top selling male in the city. Both manicured, both coiffed with in an inch of their lives, both treated those lesser in power than them as absolute garbage. They were also out of the office 'coiffing' instead of getting back to their clients (had ill treated underlings do that).

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I don't understand why we're not rolling in extra money when everyone else seems to spend so much on this kind of thing, and I've never once had my nails done, not even for my wedding, I get my hair cut once or twice a year for $10 and don't color, perm or anything else it, I don't wax anything, or get facials... how do people have the money for this??? Although honestly I don't even want to get any of that done - I don't like people pampering me.

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Well, being 'well groomed', sure...but not $80 on nails and brows! Shaping your own nails and polish can be done at home way cheaper!



For me, it is part of my off-farm work wardrobe, but I only spend $20 once a month. I have real nails, not gross fake ones (JMHO, I think those are icky), and I never get them painted, just buffed. I get someone else to do them mainly because I can never get my cuticles nice by myself, and working around the farm get my hands a little umm... grubby looking, which is not attractive.


But then.... I'm also not in debt up to my eyeballs and spending like I was the Queen of France either. If that were the case, the nails would be the last thing that gets my money.

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$150 for hair?! :svengo:


Geez! I guess I'll have to show my gratitude and double tip my small town salon for the $45 hair (which includes shampoo, cut, AND colour with highlights AND styling) and the $20 nail & culticle trim, hand massage and choice of polish or buff.

Edited by Audrey
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Ah, that just doesn't make sense if you ask me. But then, I don't work in the corporate world so....? Do people really think stuff like that??


And how do you know that is what they think? I am just baffled, but then I wouldn't work well in the corporate world. It seems that if you were in one of those high -power careers that you would have enough money to get your nails done *without* putting it on a credit card.

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I used to have one of those high-powered corporate jobs. I got promoted 4 times in 5 years, the last time over a colleague with 15 years' more experience.


I NEVER spent money on manicures for my job. I would occasionally get one done for a big social event like attending a wedding. Otherwise, I would just keep my nails clean & neat. Nobody blinked an eye at that. In fact, flashy nails colors and/or acrylics were considered tacky, something the 19 year old receptionist would do.


(running and ducking)

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It is a standard budget cost. EVERYONE - even the cashiers at the grocery store - get their nails/hair done. We probably have more salons per capita than any other city in the union. That said, you can get your mani/pedi for $25 (including tip) and the same for hair because there is a lot of competition. That does not mean that there are not people who INVEST in their grooming. I have one friend who spends $100-300 a month on those perfect hightlights and nails and does not bat an eye-lash.

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are indeed a mystery to me. Nails and fancy hair has never interested me. I wore fancy clothes during my pre-children days, but budget and practicality took over. My neighbors say we never have money for vacations because we spend so much money on books, and that I don't have "a life" and that I won't know what to do when my kids graduate.


Oh well...


I don't understand why we're not rolling in extra money when everyone else seems to spend so much on this kind of thing, and I've never once had my nails done, not even for my wedding, I get my hair cut once or twice a year for $10 and don't color, perm or anything else it, I don't wax anything, or get facials... how do people have the money for this??? Although honestly I don't even want to get any of that done - I don't like people pampering me.




I do have some debt, though, so that's one reason I'm usually broke. :(

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I'm so not a nail person, so I'd never spend that on nails. But I'd be really irritated with someone who was having financial difficulties and spent $65 every 3 weeks on nails.


I've found that with every luxury I have, I can find a less-expensive alternative (except internet access. That's the one thing I won't change) or I can make whatever I have last a little longer. I once knew a woman who was so frugal, she was still wearing the same suits/outfits from the 1970's. I am NOT kidding, either. Her clothes still looked brand new, too. She wasn't fashionable, but she wasn't broke. LOL

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In fact, flashy nails colors and/or acrylics were considered tacky, something the 19 year old receptionist would do.


(running and ducking)



I was thinking the same thing. Normal, natural nails are tasteful looking.

No one can tell if someone had their nails professionally cut and filed or not. I don't see how nail appointments help a women's career.

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I would love love love to have my hair highlighted by a particular person in a particular salon. She does a lovely, lovely job. Natural, but with a fresh kick. I know it would cost about $200 (i've asked) for her to foil my hair. It's pretty thick , and they charge by the foil. As soon as my kid graduates from college, I am going to go 4 times a year. Maybe 6. I just love the extra kick of light it gives to my freind. Really pleasant.


I think grooming is a very 'natural' & human trait. I might not eat the bugs out of your mane, but I would still like you to foil mine. I also love the look of short nails with that french tip. It's so pretty.


Not that you should go into debt for it, but I don't think prety nails and hair is the devil's work.

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I just got my nails done this summer - first time in my entire life. It was for my dd's wedding. My dd, her mil to be and I went into a salon and had a blast. I babied those nails for as long as I could, but they didn't mix well with gardening.


It won't happen again until another dd gets married.

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Hmm...that is why they are called luxuries lol. I don't do the nail/hair thing, but I would love a fancy phone. One day we will be able to afford it, and then I will get one with all the bells and whistles, but I would not go into debt for it. Of course my priority right now is cute kids clothes; I spend waaaaay too much on them. Again, I would never go in debt though just for cute clothes.

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I love having pretty nails. I sometimes worry that people might judge me "oh she wastes so much money on her nails" without asking, but I do my own nails. After spending a lot of time reading a nail board, I can do my own nails better than a salon can, without having to worry about unsanitary conditions in a salon. That said, I have natural nails, not fake (fake = eew), and you should see the size of my nail polish collection, but that's another story... I've still spent less than I would if I had been going to a salon.

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I think grooming is a very 'natural' & human trait. I might not eat the bugs out of your mane, but I would still like you to foil mine. I also love the look of short nails with that french tip. It's so pretty.


Not that you should go into debt for it, but I don't think pretty nails and hair is the devil's work.



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I NEVER In fact, flashy nails colors and/or acrylics were considered tacky, something the 19 year old receptionist would do.


(running and ducking)


Exactly. I guess I grew up in the "Dress for Success" era. Successful women separated themselves from the clerical staff by dressing more professionally and grooming themselves in a less flashy manner. Power suits didn't go with flashy nails.


Even my friend who was a flight attendant rarely had a professional manicures, even though nail grooming was repeatedly emphasized. Her home manicures were good enough to pass muster as a newbie with no seniority at American Airlines.


Now, if one was a professional hand model, I could see it as a legitimate business reason;).

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Her husband works at a junkyard and she works at the GameStop. You know: the store in the mall where you buy video games? She hardly needs the nails for her job.


If you're not in debt, then I personally don't care at all whether or not you get your nails done. I think done nails are really pretty and if you can swing it, then go for it!


Please don't think I'm bashing getting nails done. I'm was only bashing paying for luxuries at the expense of being so deep in debt. She's told me in the past that their bills are more than they earn each month, so I was shocked on T-giving to hear that she's still getting nails done. I guess that's one of the "bills."

Edited by Garga
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And the whole time she showed me pictures on her phone I had to stare at those nails.


Just curious what you thought of them?


I'd love to have beautiful nails all the time but it's toxic, time consuming to get them done and expensive.


Does she have her teeth whitened too? :tongue_smilie:

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Coincidentally, I just got my nails done today, for the first time EVER, because we're going to our high school reunion tomorrow night. And despite living in expensive Connecticut, I was shocked to learn that it was only $10 to have my nails done. Really, I was expecting much more. So I don't know what $65 will get you, probably fake nails and a spa treatment.


Astrid (who shaped her own brows, but often has them waxed at the hair salon for $5)


That a French manicure was only $17. I thought nails cost a lot and then I found out it's the acrylics & such that cost so much. I have always done my own nails. I REALLY liked the prof. French manicure but it only lasted ONE week - NOT worth $17 unless for a special occasion.


I do have a pedicure at least one/summer and think that it's WORTH it!

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For some jobs, it is just all part of a 'work wardrobe'.


I'd have to find another job! Science & Tech. fields are screaming for women to work in their fields & by and large, you get to dress how you want to 'cause they are hiring you for your brains!

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Just curious what you thought of them?


I'd love to have beautiful nails all the time but it's toxic, time consuming to get them done and expensive.


Does she have her teeth whitened too? :tongue_smilie:



They looked really pretty. They were a muted red with leaves painted on in white, with a little shiny diamond thing in the middle of the leaves.


I was just feeling sorry for her because she says she stays awake a night crying and worrying over her bills.

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I get my nails done every 2 - 3 weeks, $20 per pop plus a tip. I don't feel guilty about it AT ALL and it's nice to have nails. Mine are too thin and I look like I have man hands without them.


I also get my hair done every 6 weeks. I have it colored and cut. I used to cut and color my own hair but my resistant grays stopped holding the color so now I go to a salon. Again, I do this guilt free. AT $65 per visit, I'm not happy about it. IF I found a color my hair would hold, I'd do it at home again.


If we were in debt, I wouldn't do it. but I live to take care of my family and like to look nice. I treat myself to my nails, I look at my hair appt. as a necessity. I used to cut everyone's hair, including my own. Now oldest ds and I get mine done outside the house. I've saved us THOUSANDS of dollars over the years. I deserve it.



I tend to be frugal. I have nice clothes and don't need more, so I don't buy more. I have plenty of everything I need, I don't shop. I don't like to shop.


If we had financial issues, though, I'd try to do my nails on my own and do my own hair.

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I have a friend who is in debt TO ME, and she gets her nails done. She struggles terribly with her finances and I have never been able to ask her to pay me back (we're talking $5k). She's had serious medical issues, personal issues, financial issues, etc. Yet when she talks about her nails or her lunches out (while taking her dd to get her WIC items for her granddaughter), it's hard for me not to say anything, esp. since this debt is now 4 years old. I don't go out for lunch nor do I get my nails done--too much $$.


things like this can ruin a friendship. Also, your friend is being terribly unfair to you. She should stop the nail appts. and make payments to you instead. I think you should be fair to yourself and tell your friend that it bothers you that she has the money to spend on her nails but doesn't repay you. Say hers were on the cheaper side like mine, and it's $20 per pop plus a tip. She could be paying you $500 per year to pay off her debt. She's not being fair to you.

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