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Ds12 accidentally poured scalding water on me.

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I've taken a cold shower. I have aloe vera smeared all over my legs. The burns aren't too bad - no blisters even.


But 20 some years ago when I was r*ped, I had boiling water poured on me. I'm pretty shaken and trying not to let the dc see. (Ds has apologized and I've assured him it was an accident - I don't want him to feel badly about this.) Talk about a trigger for flashbacks.

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I've taken a cold shower. I have aloe vera smeared all over my legs. The burns aren't too bad - no blisters even.


But 20 some years ago when I was r*ped, I had boiling water poured on me. I'm pretty shaken and trying not to let the dc see. (Ds has apologized and I've assured him it was an accident - I don't want him to feel badly about this.) Talk about a trigger for flashbacks.


Oh Jean! I nearly burst into tears for you. (((((Jean)))))

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Pain on several levels at once...I'm asking God to give you peace and comfort!


BTW, in case you have any lavendar essential oil around, ime that will heal a burn faster than any other thing on the planet! It also helps with the pain if you can keep the moisture content of the skin constant. Aloe or any other ointment drying out creates much pain. (I think that's why people used to put oils or greases on burns, because it felt better if the skin didn't dry out.)



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I've found that sometimes flashbacks give your brain another chance to process what happened. Maybe this will end in more closure for you. I'm so sorry. I'm tearing up for you.





You are right. I've had other flashbacks. The worst was only a month after the attack when the shower malfunctioned - I was a blubbering mess that time. I am sooooo much more calmer this time around.

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Pain on several levels at once...I'm asking God to give you peace and comfort!


BTW, in case you have any lavendar essential oil around, ime that will heal a burn faster than any other thing on the planet! It also helps with the pain if you can keep the moisture content of the skin constant. Aloe or any other ointment drying out creates much pain. (I think that's why people used to put oils or greases on burns, because it felt better if the skin didn't dry out.)




No essential lavender oil. Would lavender bubble bath work? (I will be going out later. Maybe I'll stop by the heath/vitamin store).




Oh Jean I am soo sorry!!


Get those burns checked though. I had second degree burns on my shins from boiling water as a child. The blisters formed overnight.


The original attack left big white blisters all over my front. I wasn't even aware of it until the police officer pointed it out (all physical pain was blocked out at first). I didn't know that blisters could form later. I'll be monitoring this. I don't think this burn is all that bad though. It is more the "psychic" pain than the actual physical pain this time.

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I've taken a cold shower. I have aloe vera smeared all over my legs. The burns aren't too bad - no blisters even.


But 20 some years ago when I was r*ped, I had boiling water poured on me. I'm pretty shaken and trying not to let the dc see. (Ds has apologized and I've assured him it was an accident - I don't want him to feel badly about this.) Talk about a trigger for flashbacks.


So sorry.

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:grouphug: I'm praying for you to feel God's healing grace! :grouphug:


There are salves and ointments you can use to avoid blisters if the burns aren't too deep. Call a pharmacy and see what's available OTC.

Sorry this triggered such awful memories for you.


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Oh Jean, I am so sorry honey. Do you have a family doctor who could give a quick look-over and make sure everything is ok. They could also prescribe a very mild anti-anxiety if you would like. I think that the rest of the day would be perfect for cuddling in front of a good family movie and maybe a comedy. I hope you weather this well. :grouphug:

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:grouphug: I am praying right now for you. I know all about "triggers" and flashbacks. It is NOT fun. Have you ever had flashbacks to the r*pe before? My therapist told me some strategies to help "ground" me when I was having flashbacks. If you'd like some ideas, PM me. I'm so sorry this happened...flashbacks on top of the painful burns.

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Thank you for all the kind words and hugs. It has been about an hour and my heart has stopped pounding now. Tears are no longer threatening to spill out at any moment. I did e-mail dh just to let him know what happened (not that he could actually do anything).
Oh Jean how terrible! :grouphug: If you want to try something www.tapping.com helps me a great deal for flashbacks.
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