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After two and a half years, my son finally called.

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He is still in Birmingham, just a few hours away from us. He turned himself in and is out on parole and is paying his fine. He says that he is been very depressed and down for awhile but is doing is much better now. He says he is clean, has a job, a house, a car and a girlfriend. The girl friend is seven months pregnant but if that is the only problem he is dealing with, I can handle that. This will be my second grandchild, a girl due Dec. 30th. It sounds like she has quite a bit of family support so although they are very poor and in rough surroundings, things are much better than I could have hoped for. He has contacted his father and I have contacted my brother and we are all working on contacting everyone else. I am sure the next few months will be very difficult. I am feeling such relief but also trepidation. I hope that we all have the strength to make it through this and welcome a new life into a loving family.

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Woah. I did not know that.


I hope everything works out. I am so sorry; first -borns are so special... they set us on the path of motherhood. I cannot imagine having to worry so. Estrangement is one of my greatest fears. One never nevers knows. You take care, and I am thinking about you. I am so sorry you have to worry. So sorry.

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So happy for you. I had a friend whose son was missing for 2 years and presumed dead. I'm thrilled your son is alive and well. The baby will be a joy and hopefully help heal the family.


My friend's son wasn't dead.....just showed up 3 states away in a Salvation Army.

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Oh Kids, I'm so happy for you! Ever since we "bonded" over our sons' troubles, you have been in my heart. I am so very, very glad you got this news. Will pray for continued healing and recovery, restoration and health, and safety for the new mom and baby. Congratulations on the grandbaby--they are a blessing no matter the circumstance of them getting here.


I'm really so glad for you.:grouphug::D

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Thanks everyone so much. You have no idea how much your support means to me. While there are overwhelming feelings of relief there is a lot to process and it is going to be delicate. Yes, I will be seeing them and spending as much time with them as I can and helping with the baby as much as I can. I will keep all posted on how things go.

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He is still in Birmingham, just a few hours away from us. He turned himself in and is out on parole and is paying his fine. He says that he is been very depressed and down for awhile but is doing is much better now. He says he is clean, has a job, a house, a car and a girlfriend. The girl friend is seven months pregnant but if that is the only problem he is dealing with, I can handle that. This will be my second grandchild, a girl due Dec. 30th. It sounds like she has quite a bit of family support so although they are very poor and in rough surroundings, things are much better than I could have hoped for. He has contacted his father and I have contacted my brother and we are all working on contacting everyone else. I am sure the next few months will be very difficult. I am feeling such relief but also trepidation. I hope that we all have the strength to make it through this and welcome a new life into a loving family.
Wow! My mom just went through simliar. :grouphug: It is so hard.:grouphug::grouphug:
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