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How many "liberals" out there??

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It is clear there is a large number of conservative homeschoolers here. I was just wondering how many of us identify as liberals?


I would classify myself as a way out there, real life, from birth, liberal with extremely liberal religious and political views. My Dh is Hindu, I was raised Christian (dad, granddad, great grand dad all ministers in liberal churches.) We celebrate all the holidays and the kids have been exposed to both religions. We practice tolerance, compassion and understanding as well as respect for all backgrounds and faiths. I personally believe it is the governments responsibility to make sure that the benefits of the society are available to all the citizens - whether they are "productive members of society" or not!


Anyone else out there??


[And please note - not looking to debate if I am right or wrong - just looking for like minded folks - thanks!]

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Is there a group for Reasonables? How about Logicals? That's the one to which I belong. I cannot say I'm entirely conservative (I'm not old enough), and I cannot call myself a liberal (I'm so not young enough). I'm waiting for the right group to come along...my whole life.

(no, I don't think I'm Libertarian, either)

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We celebrate all the holidays and the kids have been exposed to both religions. We practice tolerance, compassion and understanding as well as respect for all backgrounds and faiths.


well, we do this too, but don't identify ourselves as liberals. I'm politically a libertarian, so don't agree on the government thing, but definately believe in the above.. my child is exposed to all religions, (christian (incl. the main ones and the others - jw/mormonism), muslim, jewish, pagan.. all of them) as well as agnostic and aethiest understandings.

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oops - I thought I was responding to the piano lesson thread - how'd I end up here?


Maybe I'm supposed to 'fess up that I'm liberal? (socially - fiscally conservative but since everyone's spending their brains out at the moment...).

Edited by matroyshka
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Well I'll say that I voted for GW in '04..... but was a die hard Obama campaigner this time. I'm driving around in a van with an "Obama Mama" vinyl decal on it... and I live in a VERY VERY conservative west Texas town so it's even a little bit fun to be more liberal. ;)


I consider myself an independent, but since having children, my views on things have changed CONSIDERABLY. I'm a crunchy kind of mama too - cloth diapering, environment-loving, tie dying (seriously, I love the process...it's so relaxing), mellow music-loving, cosleeping, extended breastfeeding, natural homebirthing, stand up for what you really believe kind of mama.



I need to move to Austin or something. LOL

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I dont identify with the term "liberal" much- here in Australia, the two main political parties are called Labour and Liberal, and Liberal are the more conservative of the two. And I'm not that.


But I am a tree hugging, political left (socialist tendencies), non defineably religious (love Hinduism and Buddhism and Non Dualism), hippe type person, far more "liberal" I suspect than most of those who consider themselves "liberal" (although I must admit I don't know the nuances of the term). I'm just a way out there gal married to a way out there guy with two quite conservative teenagers :) Poor things, having us as parents :)


These boards are full of conservative people however I find we often have common thoughts on many issues. And I find it fascinating to read how other people think- people I wouldnt normally come across in my day to day life, and certainly not have rigorous discussions with.


I have been here for 5 or 6 years now and I have never felt anything but welcome.

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I live in one of the most liberal places in the world, but I'm not one, so this board is a bit of a refuge for me :) That said, I'm not totally comfortable labeling myself conservative. For one thing, I'm against abortion and the death penalty. There are other examples I could give of not fitting in with either party, which is probably why I voted for Ron Paul (that, and I didn't like the Republican alternatives, but for completely different reasons than most liberals--see my blog for "Palin Paradox"). I would love to see the two party system abolished and replaced with candidates running on their own platforms. Now that's an individualism I can get behind!


Anyhow, I'm at home with progressive-minded people since I've been surrounded by them my whole life - family, friends, teachers, professors, co-workers, bosses, etc. but I identify most with those who share my Judeo-Christian values. I was born into an liberal atheistic Jewish heritage, but born again as a child (not from being raised that way but through my own personal encounter with Jesus -- sort of like a kid version of Anne LaMott's conversion in Traveling Mercies).

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Absolutely 100% progressive on all matters. A Theory of Justice by Rawls is the" other" book I read annually. And no I am not saying what the other book is .


That book has a place of honor on the shelf around here:001_smile: I suppose I can best be classified as a liberaltarian -- my ideal government provides a large safety net without infringing on personal liberties.

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Is there a group for Reasonables? How about Logicals? That's the one to which I belong. I cannot say I'm entirely conservative (I'm not old enough), and I cannot call myself a liberal (I'm so not young enough). I'm waiting for the right group to come along...my whole life.

(no, I don't think I'm Libertarian, either)


Oh you and me both.


So glad I am not the only one who just doesn't quite fit in....



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Peela's post was interesting. I think we should say "politically left or right" rather than liberal. I am as liberal/progressive as they come, but I've never understood why pacifism is considered "liberal." Or cosleeping. Or cloth diapering. Or, for heaven's sake, trying to reduce carbon emissions. You know? I'm thinking too much tonight.



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I would say that I am pretty much right there with you.


I too am a Christian. I believe in compassion and caring for others. I believe I have a moral responsibility to help my fellow man.


I believe that everyone should have healthcare whether they are rich or poor or whether they "earned" it or not. If someone needs medical care they should get medical care. Period. I believe that everyone should have food as well regardless of the circumstance.


I am willing to put my money where my mouth is too and "share the wealth" in order to ensure that everyone has access to these things.


This is just some of the basic things I believe everyone should have.


It does really feel like we are in the minority here doesn't it? ;)

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I consider myself a progressive libertarian.


Never heard of that? It's because I just made it up. :D


Conservative Libertarian/Moderate Republican... very suspicious of govt, fighter for civil rights, do believe in gun rights, questioning authority, BUT do not agree on Libertarian platform for legalizing drug use. Hubby calls me a tree hugger and it is true my dream is to have a lot of land to build a green mud hut to live in (off the grid). With my gun. LOL He is a moderate republican who watches FOX News non-stop. We have very interesting political discussions. We both are Christians and are pro-life. But even spiritually, we both are oddballs with not fitting into the "evangelical" crowd. Go figure. LOL My Facebook quiz pegged me as a child of the 60's. Oh well.


Raised in a liberal family -- very democratic. As an adult, voted Republican for 20+ years. Finally had it with the last election (held my nose and voted for McCain LOL) as I see where neither Dem nor Repub really meet our country's needs.

Edited by tex-mex
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I'm left-of-center too. :) I think I lean liberatarian, but I'm not ready to go there yet. Progressive is probably a good term for me though. I too believe that if someone needs health care, they get it period. It should be a right. Same with food and basic needs being met. I think the one area where I hit the gray-area as a liberal is education - I think the system needs to implode and start over *and* I still want to preserve the freedom to homeschool without oversight. I've also re-embraced the title "Christian" - though I am so progressive that most mainstream and evangelicals would probably not consider me one. ;)

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Well, COME ON!!!!


I'm a full fledged hippie liberal and I could use some company! :D Actually I live in a small conservative town south of Austin, but I'm still a raging-all-the-way-to-the-left liberal.



Love the t-shirts saying, "Keep Austin Weird". LOL

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Liberal here. I miss Austin so so much. When I hear people talk about how red Texas is, I always think that if they spent a weekend in Austin, they'd change their minds. My grandparents (who go to Hippie Hollow fairly regularly), live in Round Rock and we visit them every other month. It was Austin that shaped me politically. I adore it there.

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I am a Moderate but I am Liberal on some social issues.


Not that there is a word for this, but I can hack it down to a gross generalization: social liberal, fiscal conservative. However, I never vote "against" someone. If there is no one I can vote "for", I abstain. I'm very glad I was not faced with the vote between Edwin Edwards and David Duke. Aside from the twee alliteration, didn't they both end up in the Big House? I did like the bumpersticker: Vote for the Crook, It's Important. I may just have.

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Not that there is a word for this, but I can hack it down to a gross generalization: social liberal, fiscal conservative. However, I never vote "against" someone. If there is no one I can vote "for", I abstain. I'm very glad I was not faced with the vote between Edwin Edwards and David Duke. Aside from the twee alliteration, didn't they both end up in the Big House? I did like the bumpersticker: Vote for the Crook, It's Important. I may just have.


I'm not certain how others see it, but my grandfather says that was the way the republican party used to be. Not that they ignored social issues, or even lacked an opinion, but he says it generally wasn't a platform issue. He's fiscally conservative, socially liberal and votes democrat nationally, but selects locals individually. He says he too old to try a third party.


It's interesting to watch the transformation because he was uh, a LOUD republican while I was growing up.

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my heart is "a little to the left", in the william sloane coffin way.... (ie. really, very a lot to the left, but still within the Christian church)


politically, i identify myself as a trudeau liberal. (nothing south of the border comes close in liberal terms ; ). the democrats seem more like the conservatives in canada (now the reform). the republicans seem like ????

and there really isn't anything quite as pragmatic in a left of centre way as the trudeau liberals were in their/our day. if i were still in canada, i think i'd be having to support bob rae... (but then, i was a pastor in the united church of canada, which is euphemistically called the NDP at prayer....)


We are not alone.... but it sometimes does feel that way!


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On this board, I'd probably be considered "liberal", though I'm more like left-of-center. I have libertarian tendencies, except when it comes to health care. I feel like the government should stay out of (almost) everything else....just give us some decent choices of health care (doesn't have to be free, just affordable.) I'm the opposite of a couple of other posters on this thread, in that I tend to lean toward gun control, but I'm for the legalization of drugs (though I wish they'd been legal all along....I don't really want to be around if they ever decided to legalize them.:tongue_smilie:) BTW, I don't do drugs, (never have), I just feel like people should have the right to do whatever they want to themselves, as long as they aren't hurting or infringing on the rights of other people. I think that's the main problem I have with the republican party. They claim to be for less government, but they try to legislate morality, which doesn't make sense to me.

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Not that there is a word for this, but I can hack it down to a gross generalization: social liberal, fiscal conservative. However, I never vote "against" someone. If there is no one I can vote "for", I abstain. I'm very glad I was not faced with the vote between Edwin Edwards and David Duke. Aside from the twee alliteration, didn't they both end up in the Big House? I did like the bumpersticker: Vote for the Crook, It's Important. I may just have.

Wow, are you down here too??!! LOL Wasn't that a great election?! Vote for the crooked bigot or the bigoted crook! Yeah, I'm pretty sure they both ended up in jail. Edwards still is. Yes, we're a lovely bunch down here. :D

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