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What fun thing did you do today?

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I went to visit my pony at the Amish trainer's place, found her gashed open. Gave her a tetnus and antibiotic shot, and then rode in a cart where the pony reared up and kicked the heck out of the cart, right in front of where I was sitting.


My dd got her learner's permit and she drove me around this afternoon. I didn't scream, and felt safer when I was in the afore mentioned pony cart.


Stepped in chicken poo. Refused to clean the kitchen. How about you?


Is it aforementioned or afore-mentioned or afore mentioned?

Edited by Remudamom
I'm anal.
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Worked, after which I got reprimanded for something I wasn't responsible for, had to call the dr, and research yucky medical conditions that start with my symptoms, have had to supervise ds in the washing of his walls (getting ready to paint), which he is making take ALL DAY, and took a nap from which I awoke feeling even more groggy and headachy.


So not a great day, but I haven't killed any back-sassing teens yet, and the Dude is coming home tonight after being gone all week, and I am really looking forward to that. All in all, about average.

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I took the toilet apart, warned all the kids not to pee in it on pain of death - someone still peed in it. I bought enough pizza, chips, soda, and general edible crap for another slumber party. They'll have to learn about good nutrition another day.


Not sure but I think I was road raged by a 90-year old man. I pulled in front of him since there were 6 car lengths between us. He honked his horn madly and then followed me to the grocery store driving no more than 20 mph just so he could give me the evil eye. LOL

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I write it 'aforementioned.'


I cleaned dog poo off my daughter's foot from where she was running around the back yard barefoot. I spent two hours at the pediatrician's office for a sinus infection followup for my daughter where it was determined that, in fact, the sinus infection is not cleared up yet. Sneezed like crazy after being outdoors because ragweed is blooming.


The good side of things was that I did discover that I have passionfruit growing wild in my backyard. :) I can't wait till it's ripe to see how it tastes.

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Not sure but I think I was road raged by a 90-year old man. I pulled in front of him since there were 6 car lengths between us. He honked his horn madly and then followed me to the grocery store driving no more than 20 mph just so he could give me the evil eye. LOL



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I don't know why, but somehow I feel better knowing I'm not the only one who had a not-so-wonderful day.


I got in the car to pick up ds13 from golf camp. It started pouring down rain and I felt great that I got in the car before it started coming down hard. Then I found that the windshield wipers didn't work. Got out and scrambled into the mini-van I haven't driven for a month because it won't get out of first gear and drove the whole way (about ten miles) with my hazards on, pulling over every once in a while to let the train of cars behind me pass. Picked up son and drove home the same way.


Wondering now how I'm going to get him to the tournament tomorrow since it may rain again. Guess it will be in the van with the hazards on. Ack!

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Made "kid" pizza for the kids, and grown up pizza for dh and me! (pesto with artichoke, chopped spinach, red onion, tomato, fresh mozzarella, fresh basil and parmesano!)


Not the first time I've put my foot in my mouth (or fingers on the proverbial keyboard mouth uh....) I TOTALLY didn't read the first post. :glare: I thought this really was a "what fun thing did you do today" thread.


Soooo, how about yesterday's "fun" thing because today was a lot better than yesterday: I locked myself in the office so that I could be away from the screaming/biting/fighting girls and looked at the WTM boards most of the day. They were MEAN yesterday.

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Let's see:


-Realized that the sliding track on the door to the trash containers is broken beyond repair.

-Spent three hours fitting uniforms for 2 choirs. Two more choirs to go.

-Paid nearly a thousand dollars for a household repair -- our fourth major $$$ repair this calendar year! ACK!

-Made gfcf cinnamon rolls (this one *was* fun).

-Learned that ds exploded the soccer ball when reinflating it.


All in alll, it was a good day. :)



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Let's see...today I had school interrupted *again* because of house repairs...they are repairing the collateral damage from replacing our roof. I watched two men spray texture on my skylight, about 18 feet off the ground. Thankfully they covered the furniture! Although I've been finding tiny white splatters all day. At least I was dressed this time when they came with no warning. :glare:


And then I had a vet come to my house! Whee! No, really. It wasn't fun but it was way better than taking the cat in the car to the office--that is fun beyond words! I have learned she isn't as bad off as I thought. Still, the idea that we will lose her eventually, and maybe sooner than later, is hard to take.


I did get to hold my friend's baby, get some local (as in, from the next neighborhood) honey, and have my dh make dinner! Woot!

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Today is Ds's 6th birthday. We had the adventure bus come and the kids spent an hour playing parachute games and doing gymnastics type activities on the bus. Then we had cupcakes with everyone who arrived. The rest of teh day I sent the kids to their friend's homes and had some peace and quiet (had a housefull of kids for 9-10 hours/day every day this week because of all the friends here, I needed the break)


For the other stuff that was not really fun


Ds's friend popped his bike tire after being told repeated not to do skids on his bike. This same child has spent 9-10 hours everyday at my house this week joining us for meals etc, because his parents don't want him having a house key and both work in the day so he gets locked out each morning. THen when I told them it was time for the kids to go to his house last night after dinner because I had a terrible migraine, the parents refused claiming MY kids were at their house all week. Hmm no, The bike was second item this boy broke this week, I fed him everyday and now we are short on food for my own kids(we are having pasta for breakfast today) and they have the nerve to not let thekids play for an hour after dinner there, expecting them to be at my place again. They all ended up at the park because my head was killing me, that is when I got the call that the bike is now broken. Given the fact we don't have grocery money, it is obvious ds will not be getting a new bike tire. Did I mention this boy is 13 and more than old enough to both be home on his own with out me suddenly becoming his babysitter, And old enough to obey when told to stop skidding my ds's bike.


My ex decided to pay me $100 less on child support which means there is no money left for groceries after the rent is paid and the above bus is paid. If he had said something 4 days ago when he was here I would have cancelled the bus, but no he has to pay $100 short without a word until a little email attached saying "sorry, got a pay cut at work have to change amount". Gee thanks for the warning. Screws things up big time when I will have $2 left in my account to pay for 2 weeks worth of food and the cupboards are already almost bare. I can't wait to get the big payment I am expected so this never causes problems again.


I am prefering to focus on the good part of the day since it was ds's birthday. Of course my other ds turns 11 on Tuesday and I can not even afford to buy a cake mix for him thanks to his idiot father.

Edited by swellmomma
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We went to town, bought a sub and took it to the park for lunch. It was nice and quiet because all of the kids were in school. We were the only ones there.


We, then, went to the library and my kids looked up books on Ancient Egypt for next week's history (we start back on Mon.)


We also went to WalMart to look for things to take on our big road trip which will take place in two weeks. The kids and I are going to drive to Ontario, which is about 3600 miles away. This trip is way out of my comfort zone but I am having a blast planning it.

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Not the first time I've put my foot in my mouth (or fingers on the proverbial keyboard mouth uh....) I TOTALLY didn't read the first post. :glare: I thought this really was a "what fun thing did you do today" thread.


Soooo, how about yesterday's "fun" thing because today was a lot better than yesterday: I locked myself in the office so that I could be away from the screaming/biting/fighting girls and looked at the WTM boards most of the day. They were MEAN yesterday.


LOL- I was just glad *someone* had a good day!!

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We had a school workday. We turned our Sanford and Son cluttered loft into a school room. We got rid of 37 grocery sized bags of clutter and 1 large tall kitchen bag of clutter. We rearranged all of the furniture. We moved the school desks from the closet in the boys' room and moved them up to the new school room. Before we decluttered we couldn't fit the desks into the room.

We had fun! We really like the new room. Dh was stunned.

To celebrate, I went for my third run. I'm doing the couch to potato 5K program or better yet it's doing me. lol

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Remudamom..wow! Amish training working okay?? :)


On a similar note, I had an awesome training session with our Tennessee Walker...he came to me as an abuse case (loooooong story)...I've given him a little over a year to build trust again with humans...today, it was like gold sparkles raining down on us! He almost NEVER feels confident or comfortable circling to the right..but today he did flying changes to the left and right and did not overcompensate, he managed it at a walk! It was like YES! YES!! We're speaking the same language!! So happy!!


Hope your day gets better tomorrow!!


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I had to decide between keeping our dog that is killing all dd's baby chicks or taking her to a program to have her rehomed with a chick-less family. (Doggy goes - the chicks will definitely die if she stays and there is a very good chance that she will be "trading up" and go to a swanky town home.)


However, she is still with us for tonight and a hen waltzed up late this afternoon with 5 new babies in tow. I wanted to put Doggy in the crate for the night to keep her from eating the chicks or fighting with Indoor Dog, but dd wanted to put the hen and chicks in the crate to protect them from both Doggy and any wandering predators. So we chased and caught all 5 babies, but even though I stepped in multiple piles of chicken poo, we never did catch the hen. So as I sat there pouring sweat and mad as a...wet hen... I told dd that Doggy was the cause of all this trouble and Doggy could just be the one to stay in the crate tonight. So we let the little peeps out, to a happy reunion with not-so-bright Mama, who couldn't find her way into an open crate containing her babies. And in went Doggy, who was happy as a clam when I pitched in a nice bone.


Tomorrow will be great too. We will have to take Doggy to the rescue and I'm sure I will cry. Dd will cry. Not sure if dh will shed many tears. He has seen dd sobbing about more than one too many chewed up chickies.


It's so hard to let Doggy go, but the eating chicks thing is a self-reinforcing behavior, kind of like me chasing and catching a doughnut truck. I doubt we could ever break her of it completely, or trust her in the barn area, which is where we spend much of our time. The only other option would be to completely isolate her from most of the family activities and that would be even more cruel than rehoming. Sigh. What's a mother to do?

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A nurse informed me a patient was supposed to be drugged to have a breast exam because of a family history of breast cancer. I declined to do this, explaining that if the results of a test will NOT change your course of action, there is NO point to the test....after all, if she is so psychotic you have to dope her to do a breast exam, how are you going to do a mammo, let alone surgery/chemo/rehab? I was just covering this ward for the day, so I declined to "take on" the psychiatrist who thinks this wise.


However, I said that I'd give it a shot un-doped, as I was female, and her regular ward doc was male. The (male) nurse smirked and led me to a small room. The locked door was opened, I stepped in (always a tense moment as patients do attack sometimes) I said, cheerily, are you X?

A thin, whiter than white middleaged woman with a nest of matted black hair, nude, sat up and screamed "NO I'M LuluBell and I will not wear the American flaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag". I could see the tonsils reverberating at the back of the toothless gums. I said "have a nice day" and shut the door.


Really, it was like the back room of a Flannery O'Connor story. The nurse and I walked back through the nurses station, and I said "okay, that was a scene from a movie", and I saw the willing and moved onto the next ward.

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I took my kids out for Mexican after school today. :)


If you want to know the ugly stuff, we would have to back up and talk about the entire week (today wasn't that bad) and it would take about as much space as a small book. :(


Here is a snippet:


We are refinancing our house - that is a LOT of work and it sucks!


The kids suddenly have realized that "I have to pee" gets them out of school work for a good 5 minutes, so now every 15 minutes, I am hearing that phrase from one or the other of them. GRRR


I have been going off Lexapro for 7 weeks now. I feel like crap - my hormones are wacky, my TMJ is killing me, I feel spacy and loopy, and my dr says it is "nothing to worry about." Apparently it is the "worry about it" (anxiety) part that is causing most of it. Yay!


Older ds' dad called this week and told ds10 that he has decided to move to Australia. Neat huh? :( ds is beyond crushed.


And TMI but it appears that my monthly visitor - who reared her ugly head last week - is back again. (can you say stress?)


I decided that HOD Beyond is not as perfect for my younger ds as I thought as far as Bible, History, and Science. I am taking a step back to Little Hearts so I had to buy another $107 worth of curriculum and now I have to try to manage using part of one guide with part of the other guide (left side of Little Hearts, Right side of Beyond).


Ds10 finished school at about 6pm 4 out of 5 days this week (oddly enough, today he finished at 1pm!)

Edited by Tree House Academy
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A nurse informed me a patient was supposed to be drugged to have a breast exam because of a family history of breast cancer. I declined to do this, explaining that if the results of a test will NOT change your course of action, there is NO point to the test....after all, if she is so psychotic you have to dope her to do a breast exam, how are you going to do a mammo, let alone surgery/chemo/rehab? I was just covering this ward for the day, so I declined to "take on" the psychiatrist who thinks this wise.


However, I said that I'd give it a shot un-doped, as I was female, and her regular ward doc was male. The (male) nurse smirked and led me to a small room. The locked door was opened, I stepped in (always a tense moment as patients do attack sometimes) I said, cheerily, are you X?

A thin, whiter than white middleaged woman with a nest of matted black hair, nude, sat up and screamed "NO I'M LuluBell and I will not wear the American flaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag". I could see the tonsils reverberating at the back of the toothless gums. I said "have a nice day" and shut the door.


Really, it was like the back room of a Flannery O'Connor story. The nurse and I walked back through the nurses station, and I said "okay, that was a scene from a movie", and I saw the willing and moved onto the next ward.



I'm sorry, but :lol::lol::lol: WOW! I am so glad I don't have your job!

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My kids and I cooked all day. We cleaned the fridge and cooked zucchini bread, peaches and cream muffins, quiche and a couple of cold salads with all the leftovers we found. We then had to make playdough since they found the food coloring while looking for the cinnamon.


I finished the day by scrapping dried playdough off the table and floor.

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We had a HOT day today 116 deg. Make 4 trips in the hot sun. Cleaned the garage a little bit as it was full of leaves. Now I have a splitting headache, so can't sleep. Cleaned & mopped the floors. Still not feeling well. So have popped 2 pills & waiting for them to work.

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I went to visit my pony at the Amish trainer's place, found her gashed open. Gave her a tetnus and antibiotic shot, and then rode in a cart where the pony reared up and kicked the heck out of the cart, right in front of where I was sitting.


My dd got her learner's permit and she drove me around this afternoon. I didn't scream, and felt safer when I was in the afore mentioned pony cart.


Stepped in chicken poo. Refused to clean the kitchen. How about you?


Is it aforementioned or afore-mentioned or afore mentioned?


Bought a months worth of groceries...cha ching.

Purchased school supplies while on sale...cha ching.

Put in new winter plants and flowers. Got a new flag for our building. Cha ching.

Basically I spent all my extra spending money, so I came home and refused to clean the house. There's always Saturday for that anyway. I need chocolate..which I forgot while shopping. Back to the store to stock up on chocolate and wine. :auto:

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We had the best day, yesterday! We are doing what we call "hands-on Fridays". In the morning we do the science project from Apologia Astronomy. This week we made models of mercury. If we have a quick science project, we also do an art project. We didn't do that today, though. After lunch we started our mini-state co-op. We have 12 kids learning about the states each Friday. We also have 4 little boys running around to make things interesting. This week we made Flat Travelers to send out to as many states as we can. We ended with the kids having a great snack together and then playtime! I love my homeschool friends! I am so happy to finally have a great group of people to do stuff with!

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Yesterday - Went to the hospital and had a uterine ablation. Although it was not fun it is kind of sad that I looked forward to spending the day in bed. Today I am still in my jammies watching "You Got Mail" and trying to make heads or tails about all the school curriculum I have piled. I need to start school someday.

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Yesterday - Went to the hospital and had a uterine ablation. Although it was not fun it is kind of sad that I looked forward to spending the day in bed. Today I am still in my jammies watching "You Got Mail" and trying to make heads or tails about all the school curriculum I have piled. I need to start school someday.
:grouphug: I know that feeling only too well. We have repeatedly dropped things or not started them due to my health. I hope we can be happily cruising through a Winterpromise curriculum package this time next year.
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