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Scary movies. Yes or no?

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I hate being scared. I really do. I generally stay away from horror movies. But I'm drawn to them in some twisted kind of way. I watched a countdown of the top 13 scary movies for the past 10 years. Some scared me, and one was absolutely repulsive (Hostel). I'm really drawn to watching Paranormal Activity but I know if I do, I'll have nightmares. So I'll resist.


Do you like them? Am I wimp? :)

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No way! I have always had difficulty with scary movies. I can't just take it as it is; rather, my mind wanders and makes it worse than it is. I saw Poltergeist when I was 12, and for YEARS, I slept with a towel covering the TV in my room - at hotels, sleepovers, etc. I think I was in my mid-late twenties before I could sleep without one because I couldn't get the images of the staticy TV out of my head and what that meant in the movie.



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I'm a big wimp. I hate scary movies but will watch them when I'm interested in their story line enough. I was so excited with LOTR first came out. DH and I went to see the first one in the theater but it was so terrifying, I felt panicked through the whole thing. I didn't think I could sit through the other two but, in the end, forced myself to because I really really really like the books and felt the movies were well done even if they were scary. Three or four viewings later (bought the DVDs), I was still screaming and panicking while watching them.


I also screamed at one scene in the 3rd Pirates of the Caribbean movie. My kids laugh at me.


Legend just about killed me. I was interested in the storyline and it ended up being way more horror than I expected.

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I don't like horror movies. I know they are "just a movie", but I can't suspend disbelief unless I turn off the sound -- which negates the purpose of watching a movie.



i have done this before :lol:


dh loves scary movies. The images can stay with me and he works nights, so I try to avoid things that would freak me out later.

i prefer suspense. screen after screen of senseless blood and gore is not my cup of tea...unless it's campy:).

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For me it has be to an "absolutely not!". I don't know why I am but I'm just too sensitive for all of it. I was having this conversation with my husband a few days ago and he said, "But you don't mean the silly Freddy or Jason stuff, do you? That's so ridiculous that it's funny." Yes, I do mean even that. Absolutely.

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I'm a big wimp. I hate scary movies but will watch them when I'm interested in their story line enough. I was so excited with LOTR first came out. DH and I went to see the first one in the theater but it was so terrifying, I felt panicked through the whole thing. I didn't think I could sit through the other two but, in the end, forced myself to because I really really really like the books and felt the movies were well done even if they were scary. Three or four viewings later (bought the DVDs), I was still screaming and panicking while watching them.


I also screamed at one scene in the 3rd Pirates of the Caribbean movie. My kids laugh at me.


Legend just about killed me. I was interested in the storyline and it ended up being way more horror than I expected.


Oh, very interesting! I hate horror movies, but I didn't think of LOTR or Pirates of the C. as being horror. (But I guess they can be considered "scary.") I can handle those fine. But I couldn't handle the 6th Sense at all, even though MANY people told me it wasn't scary (lies! all lies!). And some of the new Doctor Who episodes used to completely freak me out (the empty child, blink). But when I re-watched them just a couple of years later, they didn't freak me out anymore.

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I can't do horror movies. I don't like suspenseful movies and anything with lots of violence just stresses.me.out. Dh loves movies of that nature (well, not so much horror, but suspenseful, action flicks where people are beating the stew out of each other) and I can't stand to watch them with him. There is this Zombie show on...I can't think of the name of it-cannot watch it. I stick to cheesy romances, musicals and Bollywood fluff. I'm such a wimp. ;)

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I love, love, love watching horror movies! That being said, I absolutely cover my eyes everytime.:tongue_smilie: Oh and I have to cover my ears too because the creepy music doesn't help much. I still haven't seen the ending of Paranormal Activity and hubby wouldn't tell me exactly what happened. He just said I shouldn't have covered my eyes. :glare: Not sure why but I do like being scared when I watch horror movies. Most don't bother me as far as dreaming of them unless I feel like it's something that could possibly happen in real life. Serial killers freak me out and I was creeped out for weeks after Copycat. I have dreamed about Hannibal Lechter but that was while I was reading Hannibal.

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Oh, very interesting! I hate horror movies, but I didn't think of LOTR or Pirates of the C. as being horror. (But I guess they can be considered "scary.") I can handle those fine. But I couldn't handle the 6th Sense at all, even though MANY people told me it wasn't scary (lies! all lies!). QUOTE]


Me too. I like Lord of the Rings but 6th Sense is at the top of my most scariest movie ever list. It didn't help that dh went on night shift right after we watched it and I was left home with an under 2yo kid.

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Love, love, love! There is nothing I love more than a good ghost story, something like The Others or The Orphanage. Hate the gore, love the scare.


Depends on the quality... No teen slasher crud, but good ones like the


The Orphanage, Let the Right One In, Delicatessen, Shaun of the Dead, Rosemary's Baby, The Innocents, Altered States, Se7en, Alien, Kwaidan, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Shinning, Pan's Labyrinth, 28 Days Later, Night of the Hunter, The Sixth Sense, The Birds, American Werewolf in London, Diabolique, and even Zombieland :D

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I used to be able to watch them easily before I had kids. But once I had kids, my "dream life" completely went crazy and I dream every.single.time I fall asleep. Every night. So now if I watch a scary movie, chances are I will have a scary dream that night. Therefore, I tend to stay away from them now. Additionally, I stay away from any R movies in general...and even PG-13 is getting way too questionable for my taste.


On a side note, I watched "Red Dragon" when it came out and had nightmares for a week after watching that.

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I think I have an overactive imagination and a bit of OCD- that doesn't make a good horror movie fan IMO. I generally hate them- they are either deeply disturbing or just a gore fest with a really lame story/plot. I can handle lame anime (watch it with the kids, and it's funny/corny lame- not pathetic lame) but not something that is supposed to be for adults. KWIM?

So- either I'll be disturbed for a long time (some movies that aren't even supposed to be scary disturb me greatly) and I'll have an OCD type train of thoughts causing me extreme anxiety to the point where I can't sleep and I have to get up to check to make sure everyone is safe every time I hear any tiny sound (heater kicks on, but what IF one of the kids got up to use the bathroom right at that time and just got hurt for whatever reason and if I don't get up and check on them right now then I'll wake up in the morning to find them dead from their injuries/etc.) Or I'm bored out of my mind and they put me in a foul mood.

Horror just isn't a good genre for me.

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The Orphanage, Let the Right One In, Delicatessen, Shaun of the Dead, Rosemary's Baby, The Innocents, Altered States, Se7en, Alien, Kwaidan, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Shinning, Pan's Labyrinth, 28 Days Later, Night of the Hunter, The Sixth Sense, The Birds, American Werewolf in London, Diabolique, and even Zombieland :D


I love all of these! I agree with the others about the slasher movies being a bit much...can't stand anything along the lines of Saw. Love, love, love anything by Hitchcock.


One of the scariest movies I ever saw though was an old black and white movie with no special effects at all except for this cool thing they did to make the door look like it was breathing. It was the 1963 version of The Haunting with Claire Bloom. Scared the willies out of me!:tongue_smilie:I loved what they did with camera angels, sound and of coarse the performance of the actors.

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I hate being scared. I really do. I generally stay away from horror movies. But I'm drawn to them in some twisted kind of way. I watched a countdown of the top 13 scary movies for the past 10 years. Some scared me, and one was absolutely repulsive (Hostel). I'm really drawn to watching Paranormal Activity but I know if I do, I'll have nightmares. So I'll resist.


Do you like them? Am I wimp? :)


That's the exact one I have in my netflix instant watch, and have for a long time, because I want to watch it, but at the same time, I don't! :blush:


Scary movies really *do* scare me, and my DH works nights, so after I watch one I am usually wound up for a few nights after, and hear noises, and jump at everything....


But - I still sort of like to watch them too.


I do NOT like gory movies, or slasher films, tho.

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Good. I am not alone in my wimpiness. :tongue_smilie:


I generally avoid very intense things. I'm too sensitive. I'm reading LoTR aloud for ds14's english program but I'm not going to watch all the movies. I stopped reading Harry Potter in book 4 and only saw the 1st movie. And there were many Dr. Who episodes I had to miss. I hated that the writers went so dark in nature.


I'm going to skip paranormal activity. I just know it would be a very bad idea.

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My husband really loves horror (and all movies). Me, not so much. It's not that they freak me out, either (although I'm not a fan of gore...I think it's unnecessary and kind of a cop-out for movies that have no real scare factor).


My problem (as with most other genres, but horror's the worst) is plot. So many movies are SO badly written, and I can't get into them. I guess I've spent too many years immersed in stories, from all perspectives (reading, writing, editing, and reviewing). I always know what's going to happen. There are so often huge plot holes or things that don't make sense that prevent me from suspending disbelief. And terrible dialogue just makes me rant and rave and throw things at the screen.


No, nobody likes watching movies with me. How did you guess? ;)


A movie that truly sucks me in is a treasure I'll re-watch for years.


And back to horror specifically - it also really bothers me the way women are portrayed in the majority of modern horror films.

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I do not like graphic or slasher movies but I do like suspensful ones.


I find a ball rolling down the stairs MUCH scarier than some guy with a chainsaw. That's probably just me though.


:iagree: rubber balls are scary.


I like campy scary (American Werewolf in London) or suspenseful scary (The Changeling), but I don't like slasher movies or SCARY movies (The Ring).

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I like scary movies, but ones about hauntings or paranormal or ones with eerie voices (esp deep, distorted voices) scare the c out of me!


The most scared I've ever been due to a movie was a few years ago, when I went to see Blair Witch Project by myself. There was a theatre full of people, mostly younger than me, and a fair amount of "oh brother, this is dumb" going on...until the very last part, where the childrens' handprints are shown on the wall. All of the sudden, all joking in the cinema stopped, and EVERYone was so into it! It was SCARY!


On top of that, I went on the internet to the BW site after the movie and read a bunch of information about it--all bogus, but still! I could barely move thru the darkened office to my bed afterward! And, when I got to bed, I looked up and THERE WAS THE BLAIR WITCH SIGN over my bed!!!!


It was the 5 paddle fan. :lol::lol:

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:iagree: rubber balls are scary.


SCARY movies (The Ring).


Oh goodness, I rented The Ring when hubby was out of town, I thought it would be ok because it was PG13 and not R. It scared me to death! Definitely thought it should have been an R.


And Blair Witch I refused to watch, but my 20-something niece watched and that was the end of horror movies for her. Also for camping.

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I hate being scared. I really do. I generally stay away from horror movies. But I'm drawn to them in some twisted kind of way. I watched a countdown of the top 13 scary movies for the past 10 years. Some scared me, and one was absolutely repulsive (Hostel). I'm really drawn to watching Paranormal Activity but I know if I do, I'll have nightmares. So I'll resist.


Do you like them? Am I wimp? :)


When it comes to horror flicks-we are two peas in a pod:tongue_smilie:

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Depends on the quality... No teen slasher crud, but good ones like the


The Orphanage, Let the Right One In, Delicatessen, Shaun of the Dead, Rosemary's Baby, The Innocents, Altered States, Se7en, Alien, Kwaidan, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, The Shinning, Pan's Labyrinth, 28 Days Later, Night of the Hunter, The Sixth Sense, The Birds, American Werewolf in London, Diabolique, and even Zombieland :D

Oh, now see, I do like The Orphanage, Let the Right One In, Pan's Labyrinth, 28 Days Later and the sequel, and even a couple of Asian movies that were a bit freaky that dd wanted me to watch.

BUT, (spoiler alert for those who haven't seen it)


The Orphanage caused me to be more worried about the kids and I was/am terrified of the thought of ignoring some sound or misunderstanding a sound and that resulting in great harm or death to one or more of my children.


I had the same issue with A Tale of Two Sisters (Korean movie I watched with dd). The death scene disturbed me greatly, it was horribly sad and gut wrenching for me.


The murder scene in Heavenly Creatures was just WAY TOO MUCH for me. That movie left me deeply bothered for a long time. I still feel squicky when I think about it.


I guess I don't think of movies like The Orphanage as 'scary' or 'horror', though there are things about them that are horrific to me. I think of Friday the Thirteenth, Amityville, the House on Haunted Hill, Halloween and such as being 'scary horror' movies. But I do like the new Halloween movies.


Anyway, I don't enjoy movies that are a horror for me to watch :lol:

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Oh heck no. Way back when, before DVR machines, and when I used to watch commercials, I got completely freaked out even just by commercials that had scary music. One in particular used to freak me out - it was about mildew in a shower and they played the music from Psycho. I couldn't get that channel changed quickly enough!

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LOVE scary movies. I don't get scared at slasher movies, blood and gore are boring. I love the ones that creep you out. I loved both Paranormal Activity movies (even waited on a huge line to see the first one opening night) and Paranormal Entity was good, too (same concept). The Saw movies were pretty good. Love ones like The Omen and The Exorcist. The Jasons, Freddys, and Mike Myers ones are too boring as well. Quarantine was good. 28 Days Later was good. Many Japanese remakes are good too: The Ring, The Grudge, Black Water (or was it Dark Water?). Loved Jaws, Open Water, and I even saw Piranha in 3D with dd (Richard Dreyfuss, Elizabeth Shue, and Jerry O'Connell were in it). I also loved The Others, The Changeling (w/George C Scott from the 80s), Amityville Horror (I even went to that house and walked on the lawn).


I just love being scared.

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I absolutely HATE horror movies. When I watch a movie, I want to feel good inside.....not like I want to throw up. I am an extremely sensitive person and I can't stand to watch people get hurt. I definitely don't see how anyone in their right mind wants to watch a human being get eaten/chopped up/massacred, etc. for pleasure???

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Love, love, love them:). I don't like slasher movies...find them too boring and predictable. But I love paranormal stuff and creepy stuff (The Grudge,Tbe Ring...that type). Oh, and I love a good zombie movie:). I grew up watching them. I remember watching American Werewolf in London with my grandpa when I was 4 or so. I don't get scared easily.....it's just a movie to me. Dh doesn't share my love for scary movies. Makes it difficult to pick out a movie to watch together....that's all I really want to see!!

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