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S/O Do you own a denim jumper?

Do You Own A Denim Jumper  

  1. 1. Do You Own A Denim Jumper

    • Yes, and I wear it often and I wear it with sneakers
    • Yes, and I wear it often
    • Yes, and I wear it sometimes
    • Yes, but I rarely wear it
    • Yes, but I never wear it
    • No, I don't, but I would like to
    • No, I don't and never will
    • Other

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OK- so maybe your DH finds denim jumpers provocative- I don't know, but I am curious how many of us fit that oh so great stereo type! No shame!


I don't own a denim jumper. I have a corduroy one that was a hand me down and I've never worn. I picked other. I will however, at home, pair my sneakers with my skirt (which I never thought I'd ever do.)

Edited by Macrina
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I voted other because I don't know what will happen in the future. Some day we might all be on a space station wearing super tight multi-functional denim jumpers, not the dress kind, but the star trek kind. Dh swears we'll go and I will want to look like a space age gal ya know.


Seriously,I have been homeschooling since 98 and I have never known anyone that wore denim jumpers. Was it a regional thing? There was one woman who sewed her own beautiful jumpers in soft, flowing, gorgeous jewel tones. She had 8 daughters and every one was as gorgeous and kind as she was. If I'd looked like her I might've started wearing them!

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When I was a home schooled kiddo in the 80s, I not only had denim jumpers, but I wore 'em with white Keds and bobby socks! ;) I *did* have a denim maternity jumper that I inherited and wore while I was pregnant with at least one of the kids, but I do not currently own, nor do I ever expect to own a denim jumper again. ;)

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Yes. I bought it from Motherwear when my older son was a baby, with a matching short stretchy top that compliments it well. It's a nursing outfit, but you'd never know to see it.


I need some Keds to wear with it -- those and sandals are the only shoes that work. Regular sneakers look awful. If I wear it with regular sneakers I look as if I've handed in my femininity card. ;) But sandals, a silver cuff and dangling silver earrings, and I think I look pretty good for a middle-aged homeschool mom. :D

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I used to have a couple, long before I heard that it was a certain type of homeschooling uniform. I bought them because they were fairly cute, nursing accessible, and the cut helped hide the remnants of a baby belly. Now, they weren't they style I associate in my head with "the denim jumper" - at least not the ones I saw in certain circles. I got rid of them after my last child weaned. Only then did I learn that I had tossed an iconic garment:)

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I voted other because I don't know what will happen in the future. Some day we might all be on a space station wearing super tight multi-functional denim jumpers, not the dress kind, but the star trek kind. Dh swears we'll go and I will want to look like a space age gal ya know.


Seriously,I have been homeschooling since 98 and I have never known anyone that wore denim jumpers. Was it a regional thing? There was one woman who sewed her own beautiful jumpers in soft, flowing, gorgeous jewel tones. She had 8 daughters and every one was as gorgeous and kind as she was. If I'd looked like her I might've started wearing them!


Same here-voted "other" because I don't, but who knows what the future will hold? Also, I don't believe I know anyone who has one, but perhaps I just haven't noticed?:001_huh:

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Hell to the NO!





And furthermore, I resent all implications of any stereotypes of what homeschooling moms are supposed to look like, act like, think like, feel like or be like.


I am a homeschooling mom, but I am not THAT homeschooling mom! :glare:

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Yes, I have one - have *had* several (they're cute and comfy) -and yes, I wear/have worn them with sneakers (and crocs)...mainly because those (sneakers and crocs) are the only things (aside from my fuzzy snowboots) that I wear on my feet. Ever. I don't do dress shoes and I most especially don't do heels. :)

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I have seen cute jumpers like this one...http://www.chadwicks.com/clothing/Denim-Jumper.aspx?PfId=142743&DeptId=8408&producttypeid=1&pref=ps&PurchaseType=G#ReviewHeader


I'm even thinking of ordering it because of the good price and c'mon, you guys have to admit that it's super cute!!

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And furthermore, I resent all implications of any stereotypes of what homeschooling moms are supposed to look like, act like, think like, feel like or be like.


I am a homeschooling mom, but I am not THAT homeschooling mom! :glare:

I was a soccer coach for a few years, some time ago. At that point I drove a Geo Prism, and hated the stereotype of 'soccer mom.' I promised myself I would NEVER own a minivan.


Flash forward to now, I drive a stinkin Lincoln, without enough seats, and find myself begging for a minivan.



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Same here. Jumpers and even cotton skirts were (believe it or not) somewhat fashionable in the late 80's. (at least in the South!) Well, at my Southern Baptist-affiliated college, anyway!


Seriously, I loved my denim nursing jumper from MotherWear. Though, that would have been '95, and pushing it "fashion-wise". (Actually, I still have two fleece-y outfits from MotherWear's '95 catalog that I will never part with -even tho' I had a hysterectomy last year! LOL)

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I don't currently have one, but I confess that I had one in the past (long before I homeschooled, though!! :-)) I voted "other" because although I don't PLAN on ever getting one, there is just no telling what fashion might do in the future and if (or when) denim jumpers are ALL THE RAGE I just can't promise I won't buy one at that point in time. ;)

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I have seen cute jumpers like this one...http://www.chadwicks.com/clothing/Denim-Jumper.aspx?PfId=142743&DeptId=8408&producttypeid=1&pref=ps&PurchaseType=G#ReviewHeader


I'm even thinking of ordering it because of the good price and c'mon, you guys have to admit that it's super cute!!


I love that ensemble! I couldn't pull off the high heeled boots, but I'd pair it with boots I wouldn't fall down in. Very nice.

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My answer was other: No, not anymore but I used to! I loved wearing my jumpers and with Keds too. I gave them to Good Will the day after a woman at church asked me my baby's due date. I wasn't pregnant. :(


OMG! This would be me as well. Too funny of a coincidence.

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I think I'd look pretty silly in a denim jumper. ;) What's the dad equivalent? Overalls? Utilikilt? :D


No, utilikilts are the epitome of cool, and overalls imply ignorance. A denim jumper with sneakers says that a woman never gives a thought to what the world thinks of her, but wants to do what her religion or value system dictates (the skirt) in the most practical way possible (the sneakers). I think the homeschool dad equivalent would be a VeggieTales tie.

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I used to wear denim jumpers in the late '80s, early '90s when I taught elementary school before my own children were born. I usually wore mine with socks that matched my shirt and bucks. This was seen as an elementary teachers uniform in our area - that or a denim circle skirt.


Fun poll.

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Yes, I do. I'm a preschool teacher, and I dress like one. I wore a khaki jumper to church today, with a white T.


I'm also a large woman, and I can't wear pantyhose because they itch.


I like loafers.


I'd like to bake my own bread.


I wear Keds, too.


I am the epitome of cool.




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Hell to the NO!




I don't own a jumper of any fabric, nor have I since pre-pubescence. I can't imagine a garment that would flatter my body type less - it's not that they don't flatter some people, just not my figure. I need to wear things that show that I do, indeed, have a waist...


I do however own a number of skirts, including a few denim ones. :D

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I have a couple jumpers in kahki, and a denim dress, and a mulitude of fabric to make some other dresses, skirts and jumpers. I will day that while they are not th emost fashionable outfit, they are very practical. I LOVE to wear dresses and skirts but don't want to ruin my nice ones with baking, cleaning and school projects. SHort of wearing an apron everyday, I find the jumpers to be a more practical option. The larger pockets are also handy. I find dresses, skirts and jumpers WAY more comfortable than most pants, and when I wear my jeans I look like a very frumpy fat chick. Yes I am fat, but I hate looking like I don't care about how I look wearing jeans, but also don't want to be dressed to the nines in my good dresses/skirts. A jumper(in any fabric) helps me feel good and is a happy medium.

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