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What are your kids doing today?

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My son has already been in here (the office) three times saying he's bored. So far today, he has watched a bit of TV while eating breakfast (a treat that happens only when we're on break), perused the samurai book he got for Christmas, played the recorder and sewn and stuffed a pillow using his new sewing machine. In a little while, we're going out to the grocery store and craft store, and he has a tap lesson this afternoon.



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One is playing with some her old toys, one of the toy cars her cousin got for Christmas and some pots and pans. The other is wrapping tiny presents she made for her Calico Critters from polimer clay. They are getting presents from the Calico Critters Santa on New Year's Day.



I'm drinking coffee and avoiding doing laundry for my ds who is supposed to start packing for college - if I don't wash the clothes, he can't leave me. ;)

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My ds has a little school to do. Both are working on memory verses (ds- ps 37:10-11 and dd-KJV of Ps 23).


We have a 6yo friend with us today and been playing Wii, Game of Life, took a walk, played with dogs, wrestled, the basics :)


Oh, and we're making water, tea, lemonade from ice cubes because some ditz (me) forgot to pay the water bill and I don't have a vehicle to do so until about 4:30 this afternoon.


I'm ready for a nap!

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The younger two are outside sledding on their new saucers. The oldest is reading a new book of hockey facts in front of the wood stove. I am in my jammies getting ready to stop hanging out on the WTM and start folding laundry and washing dishes like the good mom I should be, lol.

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we've been bored since Christmas too.

So I made all them go grocery shopping with me. :D We got some yummy stuff for NYE and then we came home, ate lunch and now I'm taking them up to the tennis courts. It's beautiful out here in FL.

I'm taking Valley of the Dolls, which I'm almost done with. Later I'll read aloud some more of Prince Caspian. Then I'll turn them loose to play video games and/or watch TV for a while. Dinner is sandwiches tonight so I don't have to cook!

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My oldest (17yo) helped me to take down the Christmas tree and all the decorations; so it's all put away for next year! She's now off to play X-box.


My 14yo and 9yo have been playing Candyland and Chutes and Ladders with the 6yo for at least an hour! -- How sweet is that?? :)


I'm just about to fix lunch. Then I'll put the 6yo on the computer and the boys are going to play out in the woods, since it's such a nice day out!!


I think they're enjoying the break!! We're homeschooling again on Monday and my oldest goes back to the community college on the 12th.

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My 3 oldest boys went to work with my Mom:


The 15yo has been at a music store near her work playing the bass.


My 10yo had his first ever guitar lesson.


My 7yo has been playing computer games and hanging out with his brothers.


Then, the other three (here with me):


The 6yo was swimming in the hot tub.


The 4yo has been coloring and playing with new Christmas toys, but is now taking a nap.


The 2yo has been driving my dh and I NUTS because she is so whiny.

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17 yo DS has gone snowboarding with a friend. 13 yo DS did some snow shovelling and has gone out with his father to buy some jeans at Winners (TJ Maxx subsidiary here in Canada). He will likely spend a good part of the rest of the day playing his new video-games until his brother comes home. Then they will play Rock Band together (or as they like to say, go to the basement for band practice, LOL!)

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Becca went to her volunteer job.

Ben is on playstation

Jon is reading

Katie and Ana are watching a movie: Nemo

Tom is now being made to work on his Black Death Lapbook...I want this done!!! He's been on playstation so much he needs a break. I also read to him some science; about constellations and the sun. Also read from a Christmas book which we have not finished yet.

The two oldest are working.

Me: walking around thinking how much I'd love to clean right now but can't get myself moving.

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This morning, we went for a walk and played at the neighborhood park for a little while. The girls played their new video game and played with Emma's doctor set while I talked with my mom and got ready for the day. Now we're having lunch and heading to the book store to get my book on knitting socks. :) Hopefully while the Snort has his afternoon nap we will do something productive.

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They're doing schoolwork at the moment. Later they will help me set the table and start dinner for guests we will be having this evening. They also have a number of books they received as Christmas gifts that they'd like to get to.


If they tell me they are bored, they'll find themselves with toilet brushes in hand. :D

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We watched the sunrise on the beach this morning, and are now on our 600 mile trek back home. Oldest two are reading, 4yo dd is playing a phonics thing on her vtech thing, and 2yo ds is playing with matchbox cars. I think we have finally crossed back into Georgia. One of these trips I would like to stop in Silver Springs and ride the glass bottom boats. I remember a kid (I even remember his name) writing about it in first grade (like a hundred years ago) and I have wanted to do it since then.

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They have


played with legos & Imaginext

gotten bit by the hamster

made a bunch of closed circuits and other electricity experiments with Dad.

written a couple of thank you cards


We have the week off from school so we are just fooling around.

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We did a half day of school, went to the post office to renew a passport, ran two miles together, then ate lunch. In a few minutes I'm going to the drug store to pick up a Rx and the grocery store to get some chicken breasts for dinner (chicken piccata). The boys are doing their own thing right now, watching animal planet and playing with legos. It's likely they'll get a call from the neighbor kids to play later this afternoon.


That's about it. Pretty standard stuff.

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5 year old dd spent the morning creating a "store" in the playroom, changing outfits multiple times, and watching a Disney movie. She did some oral reading, and now she's hanging out with DH. 3 year old ds slept very late and woke up whiny. I think he's coming down with something -- he usually has at least two or three projects strewn about by this point in the day, and so far he hasn't really done much aside from eating two large plates of food.

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Dd had a four-hour gymnastics practice this morning, during which ds and I ran an errand, visited the library to exchange books, and hiked and played at a park. Now ds is napping (very unusual for him) because he got up too early today, and dd is using a scrapbooking kit she received from her grandparents for Christmas to start a scrapbook about her friends.

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My kids have been alternating between riding the bicycles they got for Christmas, taking apart the old (non-running) lawnmower the neighbor gave them... using the old lawnmower as a sibling-powered go-cart in the backyard, and looking at their new books.


My oldest DD taught herself how to knit... I'm going to have to have her show ME how. :lol:

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oldest ds went to the dentist this morning and is now resting getting over the numbness. DD is cutting binding for her quilt and prepping the edges to put it on. Younger ds is chopping firewood in order to try out the firestarters he made yesterday for Scout campouts.

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We just finished taking down the Christmas decorations, and had a little lunch. Now ds is playing on the computer, dd is creating something crafty in her room, and 2yo is dinking on the piano.


As soon as I finish my "work" (that's what I call it when I check in on the boards", we're going to finish watching the DVD on Islam that we started yesterday, and read from our read-aloud.

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Mine were given 2 weeks worth of school work to complete any time between December 1 and January 5. They didn't get it done yet so I'm back in charge to make sure it gets done in time. So, they have some school work to do today.


We're also cleaning up the house that hasn't yet fully recovered from Christmas so that we can have my son's birthday tomorrow (we have 4 kids spending the night tomorrow). We have a birthday cake to bake and decorate today as well.


In between school, cleaning, and baking, we'll take breaks and play on the Wii. The kids can also just play regularly (not video games) together.

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Ds10 is enjoying his total freedom with his new video games, I told them that for this week only I was lifting my limit on them so I can spend my time cleaning.


dd9 and ds5 are playing with ds's new treehouse playset he got for xmas in the toyroom, last I heard they were pulling out the dollhouse and castle too to make a whole set.


dd1 is following me around while I clean, her newest activity is climbing in and out of every box/basket etc she can get her hands on.

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Mine is doing schoolwork. No break here.



We did a little school today as well.


They had lots of time off earlier this month due to my SAD, so we chugg along when we can. We also have a trip planned in January.


They complained a bit but not as much as you would have expected. I find that they reach a limit to free time, so I fill it when I need to.

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11 yo is off with a friend catching the 2 wild dogs left from a litter we have been after for about 2 months (in the past year my boys have caught 12 pups) I wish people would take the darn things to a pound. We get the job.


15 yo off with husband shooting their rifles

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Well, my high school son is attending a lengthy mock trial training session/sleepover. It sounds like fun! We'll see him tomorrow. My 11-year-old daughter went to Day 2 of a week-long sewing camp today. She's making a polar fleece jacket and hat for a little neighbor boy. She also did a BJU Science 6 lesson, a Bible lesson (we use the Precept series for kids), and piano practice. She and my husband are eating dinner (vegetable pasta) right now and watching "The Life of Birds."



(Jenny, I was so impressed with your daughter's singing video. She has a beautiful voice and is very poised.)

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