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Small things that make you happy today.


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It's wonderfully cool and brisk, no nasty heat and humidity.

The longer, cool/cold nights are wonderful--for a few months I actually get restful sleep.

I've already walked the dogs, done a load of laundry, and ran a few errands. Now I can mostly piddle for the rest of the day.

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1 hour ago, MercyA said:

It's DD's first finals week in public school and I am so proud of how well she has adjusted.


I'm so happy for her and you too!  🙂 


11 minutes ago, Indigo Blue said:


Ds had the foundation checked on the house is trying to buy. Everything is ok, and so it’s official he just bought a house. He is so excited, and I’m so happy for him. He’ll be moving very soon! Probably before Thanksgiving. 

Wow, that is huge and so exciting!  🙂

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Rosalind Franklin was awarded her degree posthumously.

The woman was shot down doing so much in her life, that when I went down the rabbit trail of her college's history I was glad to see that Cambridge awarded all women who were subjected to their crap practices the degrees they actually earned.

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DH and I are both working from home today.

I was belting out the Ghostbuster’s song in the bathroom today, “I ain’t afraid of no ghost!” I opened the bathroom door, and DH was standing there and yelled out “Boo!” and made me scream. 

Which doesn’t seem like a happy thing, but it was just so funny and he was so tickled with himself that, “You are afraid a ghost after all! Tee hee!”

I’m happy that we are still goofy with each other.

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A person in my life who’s having a rough time went with me to an event where they could do something helpful for others and for their own mental health.  

A friend from another country is in town and we’re going to dinner.  The last few weeks have been unbelievably challenging for him because of his very unique relationship to current events in the world, so the conversation will often be hard, but it will be so good to see him again.

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6 hours ago, dsmith said:

My quiet house in the morning before everyone gets up. My morning tea followed by my morning espresso. Crisp autumn air, the leaves on the ground. Why is everyone so quick to rake them up? I love the way they look blanketing the ground in fall colors!

I was hiking through the leaves like a kid this morning.  Hearing the leaves crunch when you walk is just something you need to do every fall.

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